Is this game great?

Is this game great?

I'm a huge fan of System Shock/Deus Ex/Thief and people say it's comparable, but is that true? I'm NOT looking for ''it's alright and it'll scratch that System Shock itch''; is it truly GREAT?

Attached: Prey.jpg (1200x480, 72K)

maybe play it. its bioshock in space. the mooncrash dlc is honestly more interesting but you'll get your dollars worth from the base game.

It's really, really good. I think it's great, but I'm a sucker for anything Arkane puts out. It is to System Shock what Dishonored is for Thief. That means it's as close to that classic Looking Glass gameplay as you can get in 2017, but a bit simplified but still gives you a huge amount of options.

>its bioshock in space.


It's better than d2

Best game released in 2017.

>It is to System Shock what Dishonored is for Thief
that's unfortunately not very encouraging. I thought Dishonored sucked ass

blow off, choffer

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The Dishonored games are the most 6/10 games I've ever played. Extremely average. Not even close to Thief.

Attached: you taffin' me.jpg (150x150, 14K)

no its not that good, its pretty boring, repetitive and has shit enemies
worth a pirate tho

>Is this game great?
yes it is
>its bioshock in space
no it isn't