FFXIV Shadowbringers

>dnc ends being the worst class in the game
>whm end being OP
T-they are going to buff dnc, r-right?

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Other urls found in this thread:


as long as Viera dancers jiggle their butts for my amusement they can just stand there and do 0 dps and I'll be fine with it.

Reposting from last thread:

When does MCH get fun? Right now it's just 1-2-3 and an occasional ogcd. Also do I get any flashy stuff ever? I'm mentally 6 years old and miss being an attention whore with my BLM

Stop playing tank right now

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>WoLs first instinct after waking up after beating last light warden and turning into a sin eater was to go on a cowboy bebop-style suicide mission after Solus
I was under an impression that we spent all of our coolness on 3.3 walk, what the hell.

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I've been avoiding these threads. What makes dnc shit? Haven't seen one yet at max level

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>the most braindead class
>all skills are just chance
>has no fun tools
>dps is shit
Wait till 90 cap until they add something unique to the class.

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I bet all the budget went into making sure the hand doesn't clip

Green Mendor

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>whm end being OP
hol' up, what? Did they make Lilly heals not take up a GCD?


Be real with me here, Yea Forums: I'm interested in starting FFXIV but have no friends to play this with and I know very little about the game itself. Would it be worth the $20 for the starter bundle even if everyone is seemingly waiting for this new expansion to drop?

brainlets that are only doing dungeons. AST/SCH will still be the meta with WHM in the shed once savage is out ;_;

It’s the same until 80

The writing this expansion is an actual 15/10

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should I even bother playing this game or convincing my friends to?

>tfw only 74
>still at raktika greatwood
I'm not THAT far behind everyone, am I..?


Is there anything special about Innocence to know or is he straight forward like Titania?

Please tell me this is a hyperbole, only job I have any interest in currently besides maybe DRG or SMN

just play the free trial
the expansion comes with all the previous expansions, you'll be able to get it on July 2nd if you like the game
you won't feel scammed if you don't

Im confused about dnc
Should I use the 1 min buff dance every time is up or until the buff is close to wear off? I mean is a 1k potency hit

I'm 76 at fairy kingdom.



This guy's right, it's 1-2-3 until unga bunga heat burst spam and then back to 1-2-3

He's easy, just don't stand directly in the middle during the 2nd phase and you'll dodge half of his attacks without even trying.

is the amazon promo still going on

At 80 you just summon a robot. Everything else is the same.

I think it's up until the 1st.

God fucking dammit. Which DPS is currently "fun" then

Ninja is the most fun.

>running a dungeon
>party is 3 same face raens and me
>l-l-lots of s-stutter talk and owo shit from them
>get annoyed and tell them that they are grown men and should act like it
>total meltdown from all 3 of them, one insists it's a girl, tell them no real woman talks like that, only people that watch to much anime think that's what girls act like
>another just raging about how you shouldn't assume peoples gender
>one breaking down, crying about how people still know what they are in games no matter how hard they try to be the "real" them
Fucking christ, you guys told me this doesn't happen on primal

Alright Yoshi, I apologize.

DRK is now really fun to play and I love the changes. I tried GNB and nu-DRK shits all over it for me.

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>WAR lost most of its shit but kept 15 secs of FELL CLEAVE
>WAR and DRK are 123 spam now
>PLD feels barebones but Im lv60

GNB is so much more fun to play than the other tanks right now that I think its intentional. I'm thinking they might use it as a template for the other classes and give the other tanks more abilities to just make them all feel like DPS.

Holy shit I'm stunned that both post story dungeons are the best endgame dungeons we've gotten yet
The final boss of the Twinning is amazing
And their music is god tier, I can't believe Gubal isn't the best jazz track anymore

Guess the metacritic score for ShB PC version which will be available in 24h.


>only a total of 8 two available for expert roulette
>no job quest once you beat SHB

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Show chatlogs or you're full of shit.

why is DRK fun now?

What are the trial mounts?

Is dnc actually shit?
Don’t come with the “the buffs”
Is actually shit to play?

>no job quest once you beat SHB
There is a job quest at your original job trainer.

There were 2 new grades of materia at the start of others expansions too?

Dancer unironically


Aren't the job quests those at the Crystarium?

It's literally 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 hoping for procs so you can press 3 or 4. And then a chance at a shitty oGCD that has another chance to proc another shitty oGCD.

What's the big brain job Yea Forums ?

Why is Emet-selch so fucking funny

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Doing SAM 50-60
First quest is arresting loan sharks in a desert merchant city
Second quest is killing a lala weeb with a katana collection
Third quest should let me effortlessly slice an imperial reaper in half
Fourth quest better let me btfo an Ishgardian knight with a long sword and full plate in and honorable duel

I like the new OCD darkside buff attacks. Keeping the buff up constantly is trivial, but I enjoy the option of burning through all my MP if I want to just burst shit down.


Yes, but there's also a job-exclusive quest.


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Had one, really didn't like the aesthetic at all and hated the Naruto run but I'm willing to try it again
That's my current main
No real interest and didn't buy the expansion yet anyway
Wasn't it also just 1-2-3 melee edition



It's not on the job quest tab, under current MSQ tab. Do you actually have to go to where they hung out in SB?

SMN, I literally can now play a piano

Monk was the only melee to get 2 full combo early.

It's such a fucking shame that this is an MMO. Imagine if Shadowbringers was a single player Final Fantasy, with all the perks single player games come with.

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NIN or BLM, but really you're not going to like any job in Shadowbringers.

Anyone try SMN at 80 yet? Is it fun or does it wind up being clunky with how many things you need to be hitting?

It's usually where you originally get the job. Raya-o for WHM, Ul'dah for PLD, Ishgard for Ishgard jobs and so on.

I wish the game had made me care even half as much about anyone in Stormblood. That final area was just too cool.

He is also based and redpilled.

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BLM. You'd think it's braindead then you try it and you're planning everything six steps ahead to avoid moving

Amarout has successfully unseated ARF as my favorite dungeon in the game. Absolute ludo.

He is literally a conniving rat and a /pol/tard.

is it me or are there no samurai's at level 80, I see a ton of bard and red mage but can hardly find samurai at these upper levels.

So we kill the jesters during the eulmore raid?


Yes if they weren't mind controlled they would've been knocked out

Oh I see, thanks.


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These lvl 76 quests are boring af. Fuck this desert.

I'm still amazed at how much damage Afflatus Misery does. This shouldn't be allowed.

I havent tried tanking before, I usually play healer, is it a good idea to check a guide and start with GNB?

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This faggot here, still reading replies, just responding to everyone is getting exhausting but I appreciate the input
is SMN fun now

DRG as usual.

>when you chain slidecast two fire 4s and swiftcast a third to slide out of a half room AOE and nobody notices

True, weakest part of the expansion going around with the mining subplot. But it gets better in this very map still.

That's literally the whole game.
As much as I like it, rotations are nothing out of this world, and nothing changes on different battles.
You will press a rotation during a filler boss, and you will do the same rotation on the final boss.

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>1500 in queue
fuck OFF wagies dont you have to rest for your long day of waging for mr noseberg FUCK OFF AND FUCK YOUR MOTORCYCLES WAGIE PAYPIGS MAKE ME SICK

When's Alisaie finally gonna admit she's thirsty for the WoL?

And not dropping enochian*
I'd practice with DRK both to not be overwhelmed with abilities and because 60+ tank queues will be eternal

>TFW you reach the Tempest
>TFW you hear its music

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Yea just give logs because on the 1% chance its true, I'd love to see.

Fuck off matt


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It's comfy.

I feel like BRD and BLM at least broke the formula a bit, maybe SMN but I'm basing that off SCH

>mfw talos king

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You fucking idiots. Whoever denied he wasn't him. I'm glad you lost.

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I haven't played since 1.0 and just bought 60 days of game time and shadowbringers.

What job should I start with? Server? Yea Forums LS?

How did his eyes turn red and why does some of his body get covered in the blue crystal?

So how do you guys feel about the role changes? Healers having to worry about their own mp management, tanks aggro, and dps just to dps? It's nice never having to tell someone to use diversion because they want to be retarded

>check a guide
Just play and read your tooltips

>can't download game without subscription
>don't get get time when you buy expansion
I want to play the game but the slimyness really turns me off. What do I do guys?


Still stuck on Stormblood because its boring AF and im a cheapskate to buy a story skip.

Spoonfed me what are the big reveals of Shadowbringers.


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>tanks having to worry about aggro in 5.0
You what, nigba? I just as much as glance at the mob and it never goes off me.

I'm glad physical AoE is no longer hamstrung by TP running out 20 seconds into the pull
Hopefully that means they'll add some real AoE DPS checks to raids this time around.

Skip the dialogue and just play it, the zones are nice and worth going through.

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No skip through everything in SB and play shadowbringers

Didnt mean to imply its not braindead. I just mean in general
There are retards who still mess up grabbing shit properly

Everyone knew it was him but that faggot Ethys.

what did he mean by this

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I'm seriously regretting going SAM for MSQ. Is HoH exp nerfed at 70+? I'd like to get a level or two on another class and pick things up from where I am now.

Buffs when?

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thanks doc

I assumed all the other minifilias he's raised.

>That full version of the trailer song
it’s good
also anti-g’rahafags blown the fuck out


>imagine being one of the people saying this was going to be the DRK expansion
>imagine being one of the people actually playing DRK this expansion
>imagine not playing ShB as a warriorbro together with /OURGUY/ Ardbert

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>balancetrannies screamed it was OP
>lost 50 potency off every gcd on release
>doesn't do any damage now
Ahahahaha oh no no no no no

I really want to know if they made a different scene for people that didn't do the crystal tower

>Stormblood was *clenches fist*
>Shadowbringers is *pats head*

>the endgame hub is Eulmore and not the Crystarium
Oh thank fucking god, the Crystarium is pretty and all that but navigating the place is a complete bitch. Eulmore is 10x better as a hub.

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Where does the story rank among ffxiv expansions? Is it kino enough to surpass heavensward?

>That scene when he talks through you
>The scene in the credits where he finally reunites with his party

There's a dialogue option where you can call for his name, there's also another right at the start where you can ask if he's g'raha tia.
Pretty sure those are options for people with CT storyline complete.

>When you stare down Solus in the cutscene before the final fight
Fuck me, why did I ever worry about the story not living up to heavensward

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Idc I'll still play it while wearing slutglam being the party's cumdump

>preferred servers
>can't make characters on them

0/10 launch

>dnc worst job
>literally brings essential buffs and does very high personal DPS

Nigga what

>suddenly total eclipse feels good to use now because it has the other attack to follow it up with
Thank nep, PLD AoE is saved.

When you party gets summoned for the fight instead of just being ignored like nearly every other fight.

>40k CDH Confiteor with no falloff
PLD went from grinding balls on gravel to big dick energy

>want to try dancer as a male Miqo'te to see how it fares in both playstyle and just general fun vs my main
>hear that dancers are shit
feels bad man guess i'll just play SAM since it got buffed

Do any of the other role questlines explain this elf girl?

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SMN vs DRG vs MCH vs BRD if I like pressings lots of buttons and flashy visuals? On a controller so preferably would be less than 16 actions that need regular access

Assuming FFXIV had been a single player rpg, would you rather have had a set main character, or stick with WoL being a silent customizable MC with dialogue choices? Also for fairness' sake, action scenes won't be sabotaged by Lala body size

I'm so happy I decided to stay pld over changing to drk for this expansion

What's there to admit when she's blatantly showing it?

I'd rather have a set main character so they could have a voice in cutscenes and combat.

>it's another "hey guys hold on I need to change my hotbars" at the start of a dungeon episode
>it's a dancer making the tank their partner
>it's a dancer in general
>it's a gunblade doing single pulls and making a million excuses for not knowing how to press the aoe button or use defense cool downs
>it's a gun blade in general
>it's a healer not being able to keep anyone alive even after heals are buffed and they won't ever touch a dps button
What the fuck, the expansion just caused all the absolute worst people to resub

Are lalas the Jews of Eorzea?

Don't give a fuck I just wanna know ShB spoilers cause fuck having to wait days to daily quests when I just don't have the time anymore.

Why would he give me the Bravura Atma? I already have one!

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multiple characters.

>essential buffs and does very high personal DPS
Citation needed

>I challenge you, Emet-Selch.

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How is MCH doing after it's total rework?


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>That After Credits scene with Zenos

What a fucking madman

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Barely competes with BRD while doing less and requiring highest APM while ALSO having the least buttons of any job. It's alright if you want a simple and flashy job but SE has no idea where they were trying to take it.

>Graveyard shift
>Tfw never have to queue
Normal wagies and basement neets btfo


I only just finished the 1st dungeon but DESU playing as paladin seems to make more sense so far thematically. That could still change but so far it seems like paladin fits this expansion more than dark

i wanna fug this jew

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Funnily enough he isn't. He is literally 100% honest about his intentions.

>that cutscene in the greatwood dungeon with Y'Shtola

Fuck bros, I just want to find a way to restore her vision.
Fuck the First. Find a way to restore my wives vision already.

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I have considered tempering to be one of the worst fates possible since I started this game those years ago

but that fucking sin eater transformation, man

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Your wife is taking 10" Hrothgar cock on the regular

Funnest job in the game right now.

Give us the current player options but give us just one male and one female voice.

I remember that pasta desu.

Why, as new player, I have to be forced to play in these low populations servers? Fuck this

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>When you call him by name after the final trial
>Let's out a weak "O-Ohayou..." and starts to cry

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Can you do the NPC parties from the get go?

I want to start playing, but I don't want huge queues doing MSQ dungeons while everyone plays 70+ content.

So wait is the WoL an ascian or one of those people who summoned Hydalen which was split?

I feel so squishy running dungeons without TBN desu.

Not even that guy but you niggers did this same contradictory shit when I asked before

Set mc
I never minded the silent voice either. Its obviously implied that we talk which works

I believe it's only for story content in ShB. I can't even access the Trusts menu yet.

Well, do you want to min-max or have fun?

they learned their lesson in ffxi from having to merge worlds due to low population on a lot of them.

It kicks in once you hit the first dungeon.

Trusts are only for main storyline dungeons, they don't work for previous dungeons or non main storyline dungeons it seems

So what is the point of the Job Quest at level 80? Does it unlock anything or just for lore?

Fuck off Bethesda, thats a dog shit idea
You may only queue for dungeons til shb. Find yourself a friend to help you through queues

The wol is 7/13th ascian.


>People who didnt do the Crystal Tower Scenario can't do this.

XIV thankfully isn't nearly as autistic as WoW with eschewing half the classes for content

Why is GNB so /fa/?

>Minfilia is back
>but it's okay, each Minfilia was a "different" person, with no memories, including the new one
>be okay with the new Minfilia
>find out that the old Minfilia is still inside the new one
Please fucking tell me that we keep the new one and the old one gives up her rebirth powers.

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Yes, she also gets new hair/eyes and a new name.

There is no excuse not to do Crystal Tower, shit's always being run, and is generally filled with people who know the mechanics, unlike say Coils

So if I'm forced to do a dungeon for the MSQ in the base game I still have to play with players?

Holy fuck Hades.

I am a Hrothgar though.

There are no really low pop servers anymore.


Whats the verdict lads, does it top HWs base story or no? And remember, BASE story, so no Nidhogg trial or any of that, only up to Thordan normal.

Im learning how to tank effectively. When is a good time to use superbollide? Or any of those other extreme damage mitigation skills?

How do you find total potency of skills that are dots? What's total potency of biolysis for example

Someone told me that aether it would be the best to play

Why do I never see whm's spamming holy? I've been doing that and I can wipe trash mobs faster than anyone.

XIV is in its best right now

Right after WHM uses Benediction

Depends on what he meant by best and what you're after.

Dragons and their hordes invading Ishgard?

Warrior of Light just casually walks to toward Nidhogg, zero fucks given whilst Ishgard's soldiers either tremble, lay dead or run for their lives.

The more the WoL gets presented as this ultimate badass character, the more incredible the moment is.

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at the beginning of a big pull, but use all cds after

>Reduces HP to 1 and renders you impervious to most attacks.

How to ensure no healers group with GNB

Great thread, I remember it like it was earlier today.

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1 tick is 3 seconds, so if a dot is 30 seconds with 50 potency per tick it's 500 potency total

Only use Superbolide when you're going to take a tankbuster or combo of moves that would otherwise kill you. Dont be that guy who hits it at 80% health like its a cooldown in trash packs or against weak ass dungeon bosses.

Can we aggre that the bara lions are the best race so far? They are really expressive.

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I use it kind of like a weakass living dead when I play with a friend. I just tell him to not heal me at all and then ill use it when im low health and he can time Bene.

there are any major differences between them or am I just being autistic?

Cheers. I guess I to sort what I want to use for my aoe rotations better then.

>have to beat Ravana and Bismarck extreme to unlock Warring Triad
Well then guess that's content I'll just have to live with never seeing

Still better than Living Dead.

ravage me

Realistically speaking; how likely is it making a new character on aether?should i wait or just create on crystal?

Where is the official petition to rename it kino bringers?
The First freeing/light purging was ok, but the whole Ascian thing was so fucking godlike, last boss and dungeons are my favourite fights in the game. Can't wait for Hades ex.

they are both stupidly easy to do

>2 days until the normie newbie shitstorm

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No you don't

So do we get to bring Ryne back to the Source or no?


I hope so. I really liked her and not only sexually wise

>When Ryne is worried about you but you tell her some familiar words

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>point out that Combust 3 is literally a downgrade from Combust 2 (it was 50 potency in SB, Combust 3's potency is 45)
>people tell me wahh d-damage formulas changed!
>doesn't change the fact that Biolysis and Dia are both 60 potency dots (not counting the actual 120 potency attack for Dia)
>and they all cost the same

It feels like another case of Yoshi overselling raid buff utility so AST is undertuned

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I dont get why people say this. Anyone remotely interested in the game would have bought it now. The launch is nothing but a name.

DNC's color on the meter is gay as fuck.

>use superbolide
>use aurora
Wow 10 int

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i don't know how the class PLAYS, but by 80 you have a giga drill break, a robot with a piston pile driver arm, a flame thrower, an automatic crossbow, a giant laser HUD, plasma missile launchers, and an acid shooter

it gets flashy

You can unsync that shit and even before unsync you could do them in like 2 minutes each

if you actually want to do end-game content
don't even try it, it's shit if you have no friends and making them is hard since the raiding scene is even smaller than any other mmo

anything else, is fine

They put a lot of dialogue choices in this expansion. I mean they don't influence or mean a shit but they're a nice.
>I challenge you, Emet-selch.

He was the obvious candidate but there were quite a few ironworks red herrings that I was trying to think which semi-important catboy was involved with Cid besides Graha in the ARR aliance raid

bruh im not good right now nigga how the FUCK do i make a new character if all the servers aint taking new characters

If WHM isn't allowed raid buffs, AST isn't allowed personal dps either.

That's how balance works.


What the fuck is even the point of being AST, SCH when WHM exists?

That shit made me cry and I never even thought about this character much until BLUfever leaks

What is the big brained tank?

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im almost 100% sure that they are going to nerf WHM instead of buffing AST and SCH
feels fucking bad since im having a blast on WHM right now

how kino was this expansion Yea Forums


There's nothing to nerf on WHM, holy being spammable barely affects the endgame where jobs actually matter.

>wol showed up three years too late for lolifilia and now we have to settle with teenfilia

it's not fair bros

what to spend poetics on now? maxed out and not sure what to blow em on

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I need a couple more patches to decide.

30/10 and nothing will top it, sadly.
>Dungeons are actually fun
>Story is spectacular (expect the classic series of fetch quests)
>areas, music and everything artistic related was godlike
Can't say gameplay wise, my class is fun to play so I might be biased, but I hear a lot of people being happy with their classes.

Are you not on the Balance discord? Go look at the charts.

WHM will be meta if AST gets no buffs.

True Strike literally for single target only, Demo is for 3 mobs or less, Twin Snakes is only once for AoE and then always during single. wtf is with mnk


Absolutely 200% confirmed now. Not a lookalike, not a first clone, it's him.

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It is kino.

>Feo Ul telling you she'll always be at your side, even when she becomes Titania
>that glare of jealousy from Alisaie
She can't contain herself anymore. How long until she decides to take the WoL/D by force?

Post these charts you speak of. Everyone else is saying they have low personal damage.

Why nobody talks about DRGs? are they fun?. Going through HW right now and Estinien looks pretty cool.

>implying there's anything wrong with Teenfilia

Who is Feo Ul's japanese va? She sounds so familiar.

nu drk is 2 slow, does putting slotting skill speed help with this

Yes they are and Estinien gets some scenes in this new expansion too

Friendships are transient, but elezen cocklust and friendship are eternal.

I never bothered with the crystal tower alliance raids, should I bother grabbing them before I do the ShB MSQ because it seems like they're related somehow? I heard they're really boring though and I don't want to fuck up my alliance raid roulette forever by having them unlocked, but I guess they are "new" content to me.

Just do them you clown.

Yes, you faggot

she is still cute but we could've had better

>best mana economy
>highest pdps
>best aoe skill for healers
>shits out more raw healing than even needed
idk you tell me
theres no reason to bring a SCH / AST over a WHM now and after doing 20 runs of titania ex im almost certain that we will see WHM solo healing this fight when the new tomestone gear gets released or even sooner

Do them you faggot.
Not for the cat boy, but for Nero

Do them, also having them unlocked is the opposite of fucking your raid roulette because they're the quickest by FAR.

its like you are wanking and looking for so good material
and then you edge and edge and edge into the biggest cumblast you ever shot

someone spoil me
who is hades


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>tfw you receive ranged melee DPS deepgold hat and instantly know what you're going to be now.

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>The dead stare WoL gives Nashmeira

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>Thancred/Minfilia storyline is literally the plot of 50 First Dates
so this is the power............... of JRPG writing...............

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>Rewatching the post-trial cutscene in the inn
>Doesn't let you call G'raha by his real name on rewatches
wtf man

>DNC was in the shed this entire time

What a twist. Sorry to those who fell for the meme

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Solus / Emet-selch

They actually did it the fucking madmen.

10 shekels boyi

does he actually die or does he escape

He's dead.

>highest pdps
WHM always had the highest personal dps. That didn't change at all from ARR to HW to SB or ShB.

The question is, can WHM really use that dps on real fights to make a difference vs SCH personal dps and AST personal + raid buffs?
Because nerfing WHM because it has good mp economy, good personal dps, best aoe despite endgame never having aoe requirements and on a hps metric that was always considered useless is how you put a job on the cuckshed for life.

>Y'Shtola is going to spank the WOL

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hit the reflect quest progression button

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>"Yes, mother."

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>None of the quests leading up to the 79 dungeon are called I Need A Hero
Way to drop the ball, Koji

You yeet a literal worlds worth of aether through his chest

At least he did one thing right

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Oh, thats what that option means, figured that was for NG+ or something.

We need a century to build this 4000 foot tall golem. Or we just need 15 people and 45 minutes.

it btfos heavensward

It's hands down the best. Heavensward doesn't even compare

Remember...that we once lived...

Absolutely fantastic. The buildup in the end and the final boss are absolutely perfect.

>tfw like the samurai aesthetic
>tfw also want to be useful in endgame content
whats a fella to do

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so this... is the power... of dancers....... whoah....

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nah, without it on it doesn't count any other quest you did.

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How the fuck are you level 80 already, fucking poopsocking nolifers I swear

Primal is kinda gay.
Same dude started asking for advice dating his tutor. I don't have the chat log for that.

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Reminder the Ascians did everything wrong

I am on Goblin and still had a login queue dude all servers are teeming right now. You can always transfer later on when it starts to settle down.

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Realize the minuscule difference between classes and play SAM anyways



I think there is a 'sizable' portion of newbies who are waiting on their Stormblood unlock to continue leveling after getting it with ShB



>Trying to make me feel bad for Ascians

It worked


Small dragons.

Do you need to wait inside the instance to get loot? I rolled a 99 in a piece of gear, left the dungeon and didnt recieve shit, didnt even saw anyone rolling.

At least his theme is catchy

wow. I'm glad i'm on the one real NA datacenter that actually plays the game LMAO

How it couldn't? I almost wanted to stop attacking him when he goes "Your hopes, your dreams, I shall bear them all." It just felt like fighting the good guy. But we had to. Because we have our goal too. Because we're the villains. Now I get it, the japanese name for the expansion is just perfect.


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So I've never played FF14 but why are so many people talking about Shadowbringers? What changed in the game that's seemingly got everyone talking?

You'll love the last quest.
Honestly I'm surprised people didn't like the SAM quests. It was almost exactly like all the classic federal era samurai movies. It's fucking great.

Yes, if you don't wait for the timer or for everyone to pick their lot, then you get shit if you leave

>going to cull everyone for their own bullshit
>we're the villains
Fuck off

Yes we are, Hydalyen faggot

they added in-game dilation stations

Really hype trailer, and actual expansion being good

>tfw just beat SHADOWNIGGERS
unironically the GOAT MMO expansion, if not the GOAT of RPG expacs

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It's the expansion. We're all enjoying the new storyline.

Unlike WoW or other MMOs, this one focuses extensively on its story, and Shadowbringers is EXTREMELY good.

Fuck me, thats so dumb.

>get to the tightrope part in the 2nd dungeon
I actually did fall. :(

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>Expansion doesn't have Lyse
>its 10/10

Really makes u think

is really that good?

Last area:

how did you feel in the first half vs second half

The best comparison I can give you is that this is what Muv Luv Alternative is to the Muv Luv trilogy.

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To them, are we not? Neither side is morally just compared to the other, our goals are simply incompatible. We want to save our people, which means the Ascians people will die (or remain dead, rather); Ascians want to save their people, which mean our people will die.

so when will I get the option to make my Chocobo do fetch quests for me
at this point he's probably a better fighter than me and faster too

What are the colors? Blue for Titania and White for innocence?

>Waits around for you to get back
>stops everything threatening your rematch

What a good son.

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>there are people right now who fail glorified dungeon boss Innocence EX
How do you not comprehend such a simple game
Are you failing on purpose

I loved the 2nd half. The first half could have used a few more quests. It was huge and almost immediately gated you behind level 80.

Record-high amount of players with a hyped-up expansion launch that is living up to it while being the only MMO that isn't dying. On top of that it's Final Fantasy.

>got stuck with tanks that are only single pulling Castrum
Oh god

Aurora isnt even strong enough to offset an auto attack

>Stands right behind the tank for no reason and gets one shot by a cone tank buster

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>9 side quest pop at the same time
I'm getting tired of this

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You fuckers only have yourselves to blame for this.

>Enjoying the MSQ
>Abruptly have to stop and go do meaningless side quests because "BRO you need to gain 1/4th of a level to level up lol"

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>no nighttime
>no daytime

get your breakfast in before FF16

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A BLM tried to cheese it and manipulate. He also fell

Yeah it sucks. People defend it and I dont know why

>varis face when he realized who he was

>not doing side quests and fates as you go
Why indeed

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play samurai anyways because the amount of autism surrounding utility in this game doesn't at all counter that by dealing damage you are properly doing your role

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>get the person who wrote the dark knight and azim steppe quests to do story for shadowbringers
>turns out to be the best one yet
Who could have guessed?

Elidibus is a fucking retard.
Haha I'm going to flip the cards on you and send warriors of light because it worked so well the last time
What the fuck is his problem

That's fair because the Trust NPCs cheat and Thancred and Urianger just use their movement skills to bypass the whole thing.

What's back there?

That's why whenever you get a dungeon. You level up twice in there so you can continue on without getting cockblocked. I think it's a bit better pacing if you do that. It does suck though

Wish we got to fight kungfu man as a boss

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Alphinaud panics and goes slow during it
Alisaie just fucking bolts through the section

That's my girl

I thought we'd get to fight him in a dungeon instead of just offing him in a solo duty.

I wonder what we get from the role quest finale that pops up after doing all 4 questlines.


confirmed retard

>I get my info from Discord

be ashamed of yourself

She will be covered by the role quests for the role introduced in the next expansion.

I'm leveling Monk, and my God is it boring.

>Eden is in the middle of the nothingness were the Flood of Light destroyed everything
Coincidence? Is Eden related to what caused the Flood of Light in the first place?

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I was expecting the boss at the end of the 79 dungeon to be Vauthry's mom.

Why would your mother be in a videogame?

I haven't played since Heavensward; always liked warrior, is either it or gunbreaker any fun?

>tfw found comfy fc were people greet and play with you everytime you log on even after you were inactive for almost a year.
is there a better feeling?

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Probably, probably some ancient beast in the first that got "sin eater"ized.

GNB is probably the busiest tank out of the group imo. Fun is up to you from there.

Are you ready for Koji to add a new title called The Ryne ends here when she kicks the bucket?

Did the WAR changes end up being good? I knwo it's still considered to be the big chungus DPS among the Tanks, but does it still feel fun to play?

>want to join an FC
>know that social obligations will result in me becoming hopelessly addicted

I don't get it.

once I have access to GL4 I never change out of wind? What's the opener for GL4?


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Is it just me or is anyone else scared as fuck of the fae?

Even the part where they help you against the Eulmorans was terrifying.

>Play Healer
>Tell Tank to make me suffer
>"hahahaha xD"
>They still only single pull
Come on what the fuck? Why are gamer girls such trash?

What is the comfiest Primal world?

Did Y'shtola get HROTHED?

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You think that's bad? I got pushed into crystal and i didnt know there were free world transfers, because I wasn't playing at the time.

>Is it just me or is anyone else scared as fuck of the fae?
If you're asking if I would fuck them, yes I would


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All miqote/mystel belong to the BHC (Big Hroth Cock)

I do not like the battle music that plays when fighting random mobs in the new zones.

Majority of people are 72-73, you're fine.

Unfortunately the Balance jews are the only ones with enough concentrated autism to map out rotations proper and streamline info.

user, no... They'll turn your dick into a bush or something.


More like ultrash.

>Join FC
>They're all faggots
Well back to rolling for a new one

why did they do it bros

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I agree, literally the only ugly as fuck soundtrack in the game. I instantly disabled it to enjoy the areas music which is miles better


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By one letter.

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I actually love it.
I'm probably the only person that loves it.

How did SAM and SMN turn out? Those are the classes I'm looking at.

Exodus bros WW@

Where the FUCK are Scissorjaws at?

>its a "your job is gutted until it gets its most crucial 3 skills at 76/78/80" episode
fucking MNK
i hate reruns



Good taste.

Healers who sell healer queues are lalafell jewish scumbags and should be eradicated.

how can lalas be so terrible but dwarves be so based


Anyone know where can I trade in for some lv 70 weapons? please help

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>I'm probably the only person that loves it.
That's where you're fucking wrong, you absolute shadownigger.

Nu Mou and Amora are good and deserve pets.

Pixies and Fauth scare the FUCK out of me.

How did the Warriors of Darkness from the first die? (Ardbert and his friends)

Because the former are basically anime gnome kikes while the latter are tried-and-true DORFS

>Tfw you're first across the bridge in Dohn Mheg like a true chad

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Didn't the Nu Mou also entertain the idea of keeping you there forever like the pixies?

Rhalgr's Reach

It's weird, I see people liking the stormsblood boss theme better than ShB theme while I just thought it was generic as fuck. ShB theme has that hint of sadness in it that makes every boss feel desperate. I'm not a fucking critique so I don't know how to explain it.

I started playing like a month or so ago and I’ve got a lvl 50 SMN. The changes to it make it much more fun as currently there is less down time for me to use my moves. Previously there would be considerable down time waiting for aetherflow to come back up which is required for your nukes. Also you would usually just set your summon egi to automatically do its thing. Now you pretty much have to control when it uses its moves which sounds like a pain but it’s a lot of fun

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Just play Samurai

Ah yes... let me just go on mogstation and buy those ugly koream angel demon wings

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anyone got a webm of her transformation

rhalgr's if you've already used up the free one you get for starting the story

I don't think so.
>Give Nu Mou one leg instead of two
>He loses his shit saying that he's gonna FUCK YOUR SHIT UP because you think his work is cheap.

lmao no Nu Mou's are autistic as fuck.

Only because they want you to pet them and have them do stuff for you.

I can't be scared of Nu Mou. They're too cute. And they nice in the Ivalice games, too.

IS MCH FUN OR NOT. If no I'm going back to leveling my BRD

>trying to stiff him on the bill

You had it coming, nerd. He does the same thing if you give him three, from what I heard.

Good thing I gave him two.

Choose my Elezen.

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Is DNC really that bad? I’m almost lvl 70 with mine and don’t want to waste my time with a horrible job.

>not being the last and rescuing the first unto the abyss
One job.

A story as good as this one has been doesn't deserve to be trapped in a MMORPG.

not him, but there's a reason why everyone and their mother is fellating it. The entire ending train starting at the 79 quests is kino after kino.

>No nighttime

>off of university for summer
>sleep schedule is beyond fucked since launch
>been playing all day every day
>take nap
>wake up
>pic related
it started at 2200 im surprised theres still a queue this big to play

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How are my healers dealing with wall to wall pulls, especially as SCH?

I'm managing but the fact that I have to burn Dissipation sometimes just to keep the tank alive if him or the DPS aren't up to snuff is mildly concerning.

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I know I personally don't have stormblood and havent played since heavensward. So I won't get to touch this until the 2nd when heavensward becomes included for free.

He ends up "finding" that you gave him two anyway.
It was funny how much he loses his fucking shit though. He literally just looks at the one leg you gave him and goes
"Wait a minute...this isn't what we promsied...Weren't you suppose to give me two?"

Jesus fuck, what server are you even on? At the busiest time of day I get maybe 20 in a queue.

I'm bad at describing shit like that too but I get the same feeling.

>act like a filthy kike
>be surprised someone gets mad

>leveling GNB from Lv60-70
>start getting nervous when my HP drops below 10k
Should I be getting nervous? I tend to die when I drop so low, and not without putting out some buffs. Even with all my self-sustain, the healer always gets pissy with me.


Samurais are fucking busted, literal nippon steel folded a billion times over.

As a whm I started using medica II on the spot left open from aero III, i need a gcd there so the stun doesn't clip anyways and the extra hot helps.

After the hot and the stun goes away then, I have to do what I can do.

SCH is the strongest in all content right now
WHM feels good when you bust a fat Misery though

Why would I use NPCs to do these dungeons instead of queueing like normal? What is the benefit?

I think I happened to talk to Urianger before handing in the legs and he told me how autistic they were about this kind of stuff, so I didn't want to fuck with them and gave him two. Payment HAS to be equivalent to services rendered, or they fucking lose it. Haggling is absolutely verboten.

Does anyone here have terminal stage of autism? I can't progress through ShB MSQ because I can't pick main job
>spending 7 hours cycling between 4 jobs while thinking or hitting mobs

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Anyone else swap to a Hrothgar and instantly realize exactly why they were in development for a long time but only with limited options like, the second they enter a cutscene?

The animation and expression these guys despite being a beast race with a lion head is honestly above and beyond any other race in the game until now.

No queue time
Possibly better players
That's it

between tanks just outright taking more damage now and healers getting cucked ive had to stop doing wall to wall if i dont have a bunch of cds to burn as a tank. ill usually just double pull or triple pull if i know the healer can keep up.

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Is you love going 123 and sometimes summon a robot then yes

she has that look like she wants to be taken seriously, not as a pet animal.

he'll be killed in his sleep eventually.


Isn't that basically every job

thats beyond autism, dude

just pick one DPS, healer and a tank to level all together.

All their facial animations are great. They look cute as fuck on any weird situations

>we bullshit our way into "paradise" posing as artists
>they finally make us work after the fat cat is tired of dressing up her new elezen fuck toy
>see this
yo alphinaud is a pretty good artist actually

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>just pick one DPS
I play only DPS

>Zenos rolls right up and picks a fight with Elidibus
What a fucking chad

This was established in Stormblood already.

Nope. Just keep slashing shit and rotating cooldowns. If the healer is pissy then ask them what you could do better. Alternatively just ignore them. You'll learn your limits one way or the other.

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>out of town until today, was afraid because I kept hearing people scream that my main DRK was boring over and over
>finally get to play
>having way more fun than with old DRK by a country mile

Dumping all my MP into high damage OGCD moves rather than fucking dark arts feels so much better, and with the huge Unleash buff I finally feel like I'm actually doing meaningful AoE damage pre-70.

were you asleep through previous story he's always been a good artfag

NPC dialogue, possibly less retarded party members

Wall to walls seem to be fine, but I really think double pulls might be faster now, just because it allows the healer to actually contribute DPS.

I'm GCD healing after maybe a few AoEs at the start of the pull if the tank wall to walls.

it comes up in heavensward too

What happens with them and with Varis? I'm not 80 yet.

I vaguely recalled something about his pastimes in the academy but I knew for certain that it was showcased in SB.

>Still don't know what DPS job to level
>Just keep CTRL Fing job acronyms in these threads to gauge general opinions
This is exhausting

Just finished the MSQ and god damn that entire last zone, dungeon and trial were absolute god tier. The writing and and art direction surpass so many modern games it's unreal, I had a better time than I did in most mainline FF games

Better players, dialogues, immersion, no waiting time.

Holy fuck Amaurot is suck a kino zone.

Okay what do you want to know?

>go to log in
>2300 in the fucking queue
Every day the queue gets longer

They got Silver Chariot Requiem'd. Zenos is in a different body talking to an Ascian in his body.

My main complaint with monk is half your skills want you to the side or back of the enemy, so they are useless anytime you are solo.

I'm this faggot

Committed suicide so their spirits could travel to the Source

help me Yea Forums, how do I get to the red flag? I've been at this for 30 minutes now.

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I'm in that Discord where do I find these charts?

Would you trust Zenos with the Garleans empire?

But WoWchads said this was a dead game! What about the twitch stream viewer count!

Go underground from one of the sahagin town exists. There's basically two levels to that map.

>he uses discord
fuck off

I got that much from SB. Does Zenos get his body back? Does Varis get killed?


Nah you have 2 charges now for true north. And positionals for monk barely matters compared to every other job

>would I trust the battle hungry psychopath with control of eorzea's powerful and dangerous empire

Wait what they added npc you can do dungeons with instead of players?

If you give him three, he asks if you're insulting his integrity and then says he's going to fuck up all of your shit.

MCH is full of flashy shit, it's just not big dick DPS or elaborate rotations. You pull out a fucking drill and a mini Big O for christ's sake.

>instant queue
>better players

Literally a net positive.

I havent played them since heavensward I just remember them being "half these buttons are pointless unless you are standing on the correct side"./

This is my wife, say something nice about her

Attached: My wife.webm (1806x974, 2.86M)

Same on EU. I forgot to world visit empty server before nap
They were already here. You squadrons. But squadrons were stupid and some dungeons can be savage tier. Trusts are like NPC in action JRPGs. You can't command them but they're not retarded.

How are their running/walking animations? Are they stiff? I like beast races and was contemplating a change.



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Is there anyway to hide the xhotbar using a text macro? I'd like a little faster way to toggle it

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this is a good video game

I'm still 70 since I was busy waiting on 20+ minutes queues leveling GNB

she pleases old fat guys for free


nice toes
wouldn't mind getting my tongue all over them

thanks user

round yourself out user. it'll make you a better player since you'll have an idea of what other roles are trying to do, and you'll be spared twiddling your thumbs helplessly waiting for a healer or tank.

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some of the female sin eaters are turbo mommy tier

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>XHB transparency when not in use

/crosshotbar display off

Alright maybe I'll go get my BRD to 70/80 and worry about it later when there's more information

That only makes the other side of the hotbar be transparent when you're holding one side

>Get to 80 as MCH and parse myself in an expert
>7.1k while the rdm was 8.5-9k

That's a miqo'te by the way.

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Just bought shadowbringers. Time to go dancer and fulfill the prophecy.

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