Why is Link so sexy?
Why is Link so sexy?
To appeal to all the women in hyrule
Because he's a gay twink. Gay twinks are peak performance and aesthetics.
It's weird ,but link actually has more porn than zelda on gellbooru
It's just normal Link. It says more about you than it says about him to be quite honest.
There's nothing gay about wanting to pound Link's boipussy
Who is this character?
It's 100% gay to be attracted to Link.
You right, I'm gay then
Not weird at all
Zelda is probably too generic
read that takatsu hentai and tell me that's gay
i dare you
Can you please die in a fire, tranny? Thanks
why did he stop with the story
Kaname is the fucking best
You don't know what that word means
A trap is a tranny who hasn't cut his genitals yet. Same garbage.
Now get out
literally too powerful.
I think you might be legit retarded
You're a tranny trying to push your agenda. Traps are nothing like trannies and should never be equated because traps are based while trannies are disgusting trash.
A trap is a crossdressing man who never takes hormones and never thinks of himself as a girl. He just happens to look good in dresses. Traps crossdress because they like their gender and appreciate male beauty. Trannies do what they do because they hate men and hate themselves and want to ruin themselves trying to become women. Traps and trannies are polar opposites in this sense, they are nothing alike.
At the end of the day there's a dick. If you also have a dick then it's gay. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.
I'm not gay, cute boys make me horny and I just want to fuck them that's all.
He's got a nice feminine body.
>A trap is a crossdressing man who never takes hormones and never thinks of himself as a girl.
No a trap is a guy that looks like a girl simple as
They are just as fucking disgusting so I don't really care if there's a any minor differences. Traps obviously want the same things a tranny would want. Tranny just went one step further. Stupid faggots
cause you're a faggot
This. You can show me pics of naked dudes and I will feel nothing. Maybe a little disgusted. But show me a fem twink with a plump ass and my dick is ready to go.
No they don't. You obviously don't know jack shit
>to the women
hehe, good one.
are you retarded? you're trying to have a completely different discussion than the one already on the table. everybody knows liking traps is gay, but traps are crossdressing men. they are not anything like trannies, because trannies are all disgustingly bad people with mutilated ugly bodies and shit personalities. only literal discord tranny disinfo pushers claim that traps have anything to do with trannies, because it plays into their agenda and lets them bank off the fact that traps are generally accepted and well liked. but we don't fall for it, because we know that beautiful boys are superior to disgusting mutant frankenstein creatures that destroy their bodies with needless surgeries and hormones and delude themselves into thinking their bimbofication fetish is a legitimate lifestyle.
traps might as well be trannies
they're all overdramatic stuckup bitches
You're either genuinely stupid, or a tranny agenda pusher read this post.
It's weird; I never thought of Link sexually before this game. But stripping him down to his shorts or putting some of the more attractive clothing like the Gerudo or Stealth outfits on makes me want to rail him so hard.
>because we know that beautiful boys are superior to disgusting mutant frankenstein creatures that destroy their bodies with needless surgeries and hormones
This. Traps >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disgusting trannies.
Is he our guy?
t. tranny
No one is falling for your shit, you disgusting freak. Trannies are hideous unlovable monsters. Traps are just beautiful males.
>dresses and tries to look like the opposite gender
>You all telling me there's absolutely, under no circumstances any similarities
I smell trannies in denial
Shut the fuck up
Ok since this dumbass thread is still up, which do you like more.
only trannies claim that traps are trannies in denial, because it's their disgusting gaslighting technique they've been pushing for the past year. you're definitely a tranny trying to peddle your bullshit.
Post traps or get the fuck out of my thread retard.
For supposedly being to accepting of all sex/gender differences, you trannies sure are quick to seethe at the idea of a feminine man that still identifies as a man
Guess that's to be expected of the mentally ill though
I like braids
Though I love bangs the most
They are cute when done right
The majority of female characters want Link's cock though
that's gay
Trannies seethe because they suffer from eternal regret after falling for the estrogen meme. All it did was make them uglier, fattier and balder. Meanwhile based natural crossdressers stay cute and don't have to delude themselves into thinking they're something they're not.
It's funny. I'm telling you that I hate traps and trannies, you're still trying to twist it into me being a tranny
Dumb faggots, I guess
it's obvious to everyone here that you're a mentally ill tranny.
it had to be intentional when they made the game right?
I tug it to twinks and dickgirls all the time, that is some HARD cope right there my friend.
What are some good places to find lewd/semi-lewd Link stuff?
Fact: only good trannies are the ones drawn by Katou Jun that have MAGIC (this is important) tiddies
Why do actual manly gays gross me out but the idea of pounding a sissy twink get me going?
Because your a fucking homo.
Based and redpilled.
goddamn elves are all cock holsters.
Because you're a top.
Its hard toimagine topping a manly gay man
Though it can be fun if you find one willing.
Because you have a specific type you like. Same reason most people like slim women but don't like fatties or butch bitches.
except he's 100% right. only one coping and seething here is the tranny in this thread.
Look up the Kinsey scale
I fucking hate fatty and butch bitches and do love me some slim short qts. So you're pretty much right.
Isn't that Link 15 years old?
Then fucking tell me, what are traps trying to achieve by doing what they are? Trannies want to change who they are because they don't """feel""" like they fit with their gender, traps are DOING THIS EXACT THING except they don't go with the procedures of finalizing it into "reality".
He's 117, no problem there at all.
>what are traps trying to achieve by doing what they are
Trying to achieve cuteness?
Thats what I used to do.
Traps wanna put on girl clothes and jerk it, how hard is this to grasp?
Some of them are just fucked up from constant rape by their families so they hate their own dicks.
Even if he was, what's the problem? Don't tell me you fell for (((first wave feminist))) propaganda.
if he lost weight sure
They get off to it. It makes their dicks hard to dress up like girls and get fucked, but they're fine with living life as a man beyond that. It's a fucking fetish, not a lifestyle.
>tfw cute boys aren't a thing IRL
If you're not a tranny yourself then you're certainly obsessed with them, which is just as bad.
>the virgin traptranny
>the based tomboychad
The real question is why /vpol/ has a fit all the fucking time?
Nope, you're wrong. Traps are just cute men who appreciate male beauty, and understand that men look good in lingerie and stuff. That's literally all it's about. Clothes and hairstyles don't have a gender. Traps realize this, so they just gravitate towards what they think looks good without turning it into some weird complex. Trannies, on the other hand, are obsessed with becoming female to the point where they ruin their bodies and personalities and become caricatures of women. Their motives aren't genuine at all, and it's usually fueled by a desire for attention or higher status. Crossdressing is a legitimate fetish for men who want to look beautiful, and trannyism is just a fad that will die out when people stop giving them more attention than they deserve.
They are, just not in burger.
Look to the sunnier countries where they're all nice and tan.
There are, but just like women irl they won't fuck you
Being a tranny isn't a lifestyle either, it's just a plea for attention and affection. Only failed men who weren't capable or attractive enough to live as men become trannies.
And pretend they are girls? So they can suck of men pretending to be girls? How is this any different to a tranny? A traps power fantasy is to be a tranny. They are both equally drowned in their disgusting pervertion.
this reads like pasta
This is very true, its hard, I just want a rent boy
>tfw cute boys are very common IRL
He likes to impress the girls
Why are you gay?
All I want is to have a threesome with sexy girl & fem twink bf. Is that too much to ask??
my main issue is, I like links hairstyle and eyes a lot more.
Put that on zelda, and it would be perfect.
I dressed up as Jasminka for halloween last year.
It was fun.
Honestly though I should have packed a pillow. I guess I overestimated my own belly.
Crossdressing doesn't mean you're pretending to be a girl. Traps and crossdressers know they're men. They just like the way men look in girly clothes. You sound like you're kind of mentally ill though, so the other posters were probably right. You're a delusional tranny trying to latch onto the success of traps parasitically and failing.
yes, because girls are shit. just get a boy instead.
I want less shittalks from you and more Link arts
>They ruined this design
Fuck SJWs.
Link is very manly and strong and definitely NOT GAY stop this right now
Ren from Indivisible
You're retarded. A trap is just a male that looks like a female. None of your made up qualifiers matter.
>Not making both wear matching sexy outfits
>Not making both suck you off/worship you to see who gets the dick first.
>Not watching them fuck each other.
>Not having one eat you out or eating them out while you pound out the other.
>Not DPing the female.
Bros why are so many qt boys racist?