Bird Up!

Bird Up!

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MHW is just boring.
I went back to MHGU and it's just more fun.
I still prefer MH4U over all of them but if i had to pick, i'd play GU over W any day of the week.
Just such a boring ass game.

Eric Andre isn't funny. It's white trash culture on the same level as people who listen to Death Grips and rap from untalented trash that can't even break 60 words per minute

"bird up" was a thing way before Andre, zoomer.

(up up!)


Where was it originally from?

It's a variation of "word up" wich was a thing from the '80 to the '90, and around the '90 "bird up" as a variation popped up.
Probably no specific origin, but just a slang branching off from what was already a slang term.


Fine, then MHFU on the PSP if you want to be anal about it, it's still good.
I don't care, i've played them all since the PS2 era.


It's the exact same game it's always been since the start with minor changes and you fucking "purists" are always up in arms about the dumbest shit.

>b-but muh MHW
It's just boring.
Face it, zoom zoom.

I am almost seriously considering buying the fucking save wizard and using it on this game. Decoration grind is infinitely worse than charm farming. 700 hours in and I’ve yet to see half of the decos I actually want and need

fucking what? Listen, EVERY single MonHun since charms has had ways to manipulate the RNG. If you are buying shit then I'm assuming you are on console. Let me help you out.

You can manipulate RNG for decorations by backing up your save (Playstation Plus, I'm assuming you are on PS4). You can check your seed with the melder

Oh I’ve done that shit for hours too and I’ve never seen a single one of the decorations I’ve actually wanted

Imagine saying this but this then implying FU is any better lmao
stop pretending, you've only played GenU kid

>white trash culture


what's the correlation between rapping fast and talent? kill yourself

Nah he's quite right.

World has MASSIVE gaps in it's playtime and then falls of a cliff endgame.

At least even in FU you ramp up the fights more and more.

Or are you forgetting the amazing track collecting for Pink Rathian/Nergigante?

Not the same guy, I love World and think it is one of the better games but nothing touches FU. The simple fact that G1 monsters will still take chunks off of you is never replicated in any game after it, no content bloat or absolute feature creep trash like styles and HA can ever touch where FU stands.


and that is how the games are going to more than likely stand for the next decade

Just give me a fucking Rathian plate already before I actually die

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You’re trying way too hard. Also
>content bloat
>im-fucking-plying that 80% of FU was just fucking recolors and nothing but fucking bloat

>You’re trying way too hard
The only one trying hard (and defending MHW because you don't know any better) is you.
You've got shit taste and everyone else is telling you that such is the case.
Take this L and go home.

>take this L
I have no dog in this fight but you have to go back

>white trash culture
>black comedian

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"take this L" has been a thing since the '90.
This is just like the "bird up" shit, it's not new.
What's with all the zoomers in this thread?

I just finished playing MHFU and found it a nice way to get back to basics

>user didn't mention consoles, just games
Dumb console warrior