>Canada day weekend
What are my fellow canadian anons playing?
>Canada day weekend
What are my fellow canadian anons playing?
Spending the weekend in Ontario. Probably will play Luigi's Mansion on 3DS tonight. What about you OP?
>Game abandoned by the devs
fucking Torontonians
>live in canada
>not fishing and hunting and camping whenever you can when it isn't freezing
Winter is for being a shut in drunk gamer, not now!
where you fags @?
dont know was hoping to get at least one game on sale but nothing really interests me. im waiting for MCC, COD:MW, borderlands 3 on steam
mabye i will finally start max payne 1 again
No I take being a shut in gamer very seriously and do it year-round.
your mom
yall boys raked or not raked
Hitman(tm) 2
>fireworks all night when I have to work the next morning
Can't wait
Started Lobotomy Corp the other day, it's pretty cool.
>where you fags @?
Medium raked
is brampton really that bad? like even worse than Toronto or Scarborough
it's not even autumn
at least you are principled
>can’t sleep through fireworks
take 10-15mg of melatonin
Danganronpa 2!
>he didn't get a holiday
I was sorta just memeing but I don't really go out much so Idunno how bad it really is here.
Well, ya know my wifes son is out of the house ya know so I got the dog all to myself so we're ya know, doing it in the living room. Gotta clean up before my wife gets back with her boyfriend.
theHunter: Call of the Wild
New Yukon map came out, and you can bet your ass I'm all over that shit.
>All this taste
You guys are alright, don't go to the house of parliament tomorrow.