What's the GOTY so far Yea Forums?

What's the GOTY so far Yea Forums?

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The one with actual gameplay (DMC5)

>only western contestant is an eye bleeding indie puzzle shit

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western games are dead but indie games still try

They should try to ask themselves "how will this game play", instead of putting all the focus on looks and story. Obra Dinn is not an exception to the western developing style, it still putted all it's effort into unimportant shit while keeping the gameplay, the real important aspect, as an afterthought.

Also, I'm not joking about the eye bleeding part, that game unironically hurts to play.

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Official GOTY for the decade so far:
Pathologic 2

La-Mulana 2



Sunless Sea

LISA: The Painful

Kentucky Route Zero

Crusader Kings II


Victoria II

>all this indie shit
whatever dude

You have bad taste and you should feel bad.

for me, it's Devil May Cry 5

wait you played it? I thought it was just a puzzle solving walking sim like Myst

Absolute onions tastes.

Outer Wilds

>if people have heard of it that makes it bad
Stop using games as escapism

It's called Outer Worlds you dumb

Uber pleb

The game no one bought.

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DMC for me

did I fall for the bait?

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>people are actually shitting on this post
Yea Forums really has been invaded by normalfags who only play AAA garbage.

>Yakuza trash

all four of those have gameplay you dingus. But for me its also dmc5

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no actual GOTY for 2019 unfortunately since we know Death Stranding is releasing this year

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Anyone with taste can tell you the top 5 games of 2019 will be

Pathologic 2
Touhou 17
Death Stranding
Baba is You

Travis Strikes Again

I thought obra dinn was 2018?

Sekiro is the clear winner and only console war fags and butthurt racist germanoids deny it

Yeah, ur right.

RE2 > DMC5 > Bloodstained > Sekiro

Was going to call you a pleb... but having EDF in there shows that you are my nigga.

>Obra Dinn

with that second half? you must be mad.

I took it from google :3

How would I buy if it is not on Steam or Switch?

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I'm waiting on Fire Emblem for my personal GotY.

I also personally like Ace Combat 7 more than re2/dmc5, though Sekiro is about as good in a totally different way.

this post best post. Get that indie garbage out. RE2 is definitely goty.

>Babies first strategy game

Obra Dinn, with Sekiro as close second.

Based steam/switch anime poster.

for me it's Sekiro

Sekiro is my game of the year but DMC5 is my game of the decade. Just thinking about the Dual Shock going crazy as I Ex-Act every part of combo B makes me salivate.

DMC5 and sekiro change depending on how i'm feelin but re2 is runner up

I feel the stronger contenders for this year are RE2R, DMC5, Sekiro and Bloodstained

Pathologic 2

Pokemon Sword and Shield :3

>posts the game with the most cutscenes besides maybe the indieshit because i havent played that


Odd, Return of the Obra Dinn did not even release close to the other ones

Yea Forums's official GOTY's, according to their latest top 100 game list
> 1990 - Super Mario World
> 1991 - A Link To The Past
> 1992 - Street Fighter II
> 1993 - Doom
> 1994 - Super Metroid
> 1995 - Chrono Trigger
> 1996 - Super Mario 64
> 1997 - Castlevania SOTN
> 1998 - Ocarina of Time
> 1999 - Pokemon Gen 2
> GOTD - Ocarina of Time
> 2000 - Majora's Mask
> 2001 - Metal Gear Solid 2
> 2002 - Metroid Prime
> 2003 - The Wind Waker
> 2004 - Metal Gear Solid 3
> 2005 - Resident Evil 4
> 2006 - Okami
> 2007 - Super Mario Galaxy
> 2008 - Dead Space
> 2009 - Demon Souls
> GOTD - Resident Evil 4
> 2010 - Super Mario Galaxy 2
> 2011 - Dark Souls
> 2012 - Persona 4 Golden
> 2013 - A Link Between Worlds
> 2014 - Bayonetta 2
> 2015 - Bloodborne
> 2016 - Persona 5
> 2017 - NieR: Automata
> 2018 - Super Smash Bros Ultimate
> GOTD - NieR: Automata

>muh labels
>muh budget

was 2012 that bad lmao

Wasn't it made by Russians or something?

Yes, 2012 was the year when Mass Effect 3 absolutely broke Yea Forums & TorTanic came out the year before

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Projected and idealized by Lucas Pope, an american.

Nier wasn't that great what is wrong with you people?

>Resident Evil 2
>Devil May Cry 5
Are these the videogame equivalent of hollywood/capeshit? Imagine calling Avengers: Endgame or Toy Story 4 your film of the year. That's you right now. Fucking cringe bro.

Japan, director is Lucas Pope

BOTW is boring for people that aren't a fan of open world exploration sandbox games, NieR: Automata is the best story driven game of the decade so far

Yea Forums has the taste of a perpetual 10 year old

most people here don't even play video games, what do you expect?

The first two are but definitely not Sekiro. Zoomers and journalists ragequit that game cuz it was too difficult for them. It’s not really a mainstream audience game

remakes can't be GOTY

that means no RE2 and no Pathologic 2

/fit/ Jannies already stated this year that the average age of Yea Forums is 20 years old

DMC and RE were cornerstones of their genres, not really comparable to typical blockbuster movies

>BOTW is boring for people that aren't a fan of open world exploration sandbox games
I'm a fan of those kinds of games but BOTW is objectively just a shitty open world game by any metric you want to look at it.

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Ace Combat 7

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Videogame equivalent of capeshit would be moreso stuff like NU-God of War/ Last of us

capeshit movies are cornerstones of their shitty genre. Crap argument.

This guy knows

T. Snoy, it's easily the best open world game ever. But i still find it boring compared to other Zelda's

that's been common knowledge for like a decade

>NieR: Automata is the best story driven game of the decade so far
Imagine being this much of a zoomer

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>look at how right I am, these three anonymous posters feel the same way as me!

don't be a numpty

> 2012 - Persona 4 Golden
> 2013 - A Link Between Worlds
> 2014 - Bayonetta 2
While some of these picks are very contestable this sequence here is absolute bullshit, even Bayo fans admit that Bayo 2 wasn't a great game


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>all these zoom zooms who couldn't handle slav kino

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As a DMC fan I found myself impulse purchasing Sekiro and then dumping all my hours into it while DMC5 just sat there, but the problem is that once you get the hang of Sekiro it becomes pretty stale, while once your master DMC5 you can start pulling off CUHRAZEE combos which is where the fun of the game really lies. A genuine easy to learn hard to master combat mechanic.
Also helps that the game doesn't take itself very seriously.

DMC5 wins, but Sekiro is a close second.

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>capeshit movies are cornerstones of their shitty genre. Crap argument.
okay, how about cornerstone of gaming in general?
besides, capeshit ruined itself with shitty movies, I recall The Dark Knight being critically acclaimed, but no other capeshit came close

>it's easily the best open world game ever.
Such obvious bait.

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You’re dealing with vague retard goalposts to justify not having your mainstream games shat on. Try harder zoomer. DMC and RE are mainstream crap.

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>the problem is that once you get the hang of Sekiro it becomes pretty stale
This, once you get the hang of Sekiro you just start aggroing on everything that isn't a boss

but they deserved their success, their contribution to gaming was far bigger than what capeshit contributed to movies

Sekiro was nowhere near anti-journalist enough. It's still pretty accessible and entertaining for the mainstream critics. Look to Pathologic and Rain World for games that thoroughly exposed journalism.

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Dare I ask...can you actually finish it?

How are people disagreeing with this when its 90% objectively correct.

Sunless Sea is a bit overrated. Its a really nice setting but honestly the decision making in gameplay doesnt hold up

>it's a journalist has to bring up "it's the dark souls of ______" so you know the game is hard episode

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yes, there's one endgame step that's hard to figure out, but I believe the devs patched in better hints

Days Gone. PS4 always wins

Wrong, this is the Official GOTY for the decade so far

Kingdom Hearts 3

No game worthy of the GOTY title release in 2018.

Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue

Kingdom Hearts Union χ

Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ

Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX

Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

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Not a bad list desu

My friend Pedro

I think its mine as well.
Driving feels great, guns feels good and hordes are fun
Story was super hit and super miss for me, but great compared to most games

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>Kingdom Hearts 3

Not RE2 for me. Too much compromises and cut shit from the original.

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>sold more than all the trash games in OP's pic combined
>is infinitely more fun to play on critical than all of those games too

KH3 is the best game of 2019

>Sold more so it's better
Dumb zoomer.

97, cope more

sold more and it's better is what i said, learn to read, dumb zoomer who likes to pretend he is a boomer

Why would I address the lie in your post?

Obra Dinn

DMC5 was lackluster to put it nicely
Sekiro was derivative
RE2 was good no complaints there but Obra Dinn was much more engaging

because it's the truth

>Soulshit VI
>Not normalfag fotm
Fromdrones really are absolutely deluded aren't they.

go back to /m/

second post right post

Either DMC 5 or REmake2
both are very good games

second half is fine. The fuck you talking about?

>still lying

>a fucking walking simulator puzzle with visuals so bad it feels like it is physically harming your eyes
I wonder if you are trolling, or have a legitimate awful taste. I wish it was the first option.

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>no arguments

death stranding

>still going

>keeps using lol and lel unironically
underage tards don't have the right to shit talk Kingdom Hearts, kiddo.

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Sorry but "guy with sword" and "guy with gun" games are pretty much overdone these days unless there's a special hook.

I had the most fun with KH3 and Ace Combat 7

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Battlefront II 2017, it has droidekas, all games you listed have jackshit.

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Walking simulator is up there on my steam filters, along with "RPG Maker" and "Isometric camera".

This shit is not fun, and I wouldn't download it even for free. The only reason I even tried Obra Dinn was because I went to piratebay first, and there there's no warning about the content I filtered.

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Remake 2

Besides the nintendoshit this is a pretty decent list

I will be honest, so far my GotY has to be Bloodstained

then again I have not bought much games this year, I got:
Kingdom Hearts 3 (it was okay but felt rushed as fuck, then again my disappointment with Square fucking up XV lowered my expecations of KH3 being good)
Death End re:Quest (have not beaten it)
God Eater 3 (okay for a MH clone)
Citizens of Space (has some issues)

I was going to get Extella Link but Attack on Titan 2 DLC (season 3 of the anime) changed my priories.

For me it's a Sekiro so far but im expecting either Astral Chain, luigi's Mansion 3 or Borderlands 3 to beat it

>ll these sekiro replies
DarkSoulsfags have ruined the industry with their taint

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DMCV for me. I'm a CHURAZY fag and action fag in general. A quality release in a pretty much dead genre is an A+ damn near automatically for me.


>I can't like Sekiro

Go fuck yourself

For me, it's Sekiro.

What's wrong with liking Sekiro?


>no Pathologic 2
Joke's on you, P2 is as much of a remake as it is a sequel.

The fuck are doing? Obra Dinn was from 2018

>t. someone who never even touched it and has the mental capacity of a fish

ITT: seethe hard whenever someone mentions an indie game


It was made by the guy who made Papers Please, which takes place in (not) Soviet Russia. Maybe that's how you got it mixed up?

>Even Bayo fans admit that Bayo 2 wasn't a great game

Like hell I do faggot

Not him but Bayo 1 is my favourite action game ever and I didn't care much for 2

Sekiro easily for me.

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