*saves majora's mask*

*saves majora's mask*

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Other urls found in this thread:


Isn't that the guy who shilled for motion controls and said that most PC users prefer them? Fuck him.



Majora's Mask is my favorite game, who the fuck is this faggot?

>btfos nintendobabbies by criticizing the MM remake
>btfos basedniggers by defending motion controls
>btfos zoomers by defending RE2's fixed camera
>btfos accusations that he's just a nostalgiafag by praising the OoT remake
>legitimately good as a texture artist
How can one man be so based?

Motion controls are great grandpa stop living in the past.

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What exactly is the problem here? Motion control aiming in Goldeneye/Black Ops Wii was a massive advantage and worked great. It's a shame the latter ran so shit and didn't have split screen because it's way more fun blasting people's heads off online with a shotgun via motion controls than it is on a 360 controller.

Stop playing console games, cretin

Refute it retard

I genuinely enjoyed motion controls in Twilight Princess when I was younger. Swinging my sword like that was a ton of fun.

Waggling the controller to perform an action doesn't add anything to a game; and you should be playing shooters on PC.
Also, the need for a sensor bar is a massive inconvenience depending on how your television is set up. It's absolute hell for me in particular because I like to run on a treadmill while playing games.

meant to also include

He is 100% correct.

No he isn't. Wagglan is imprecise as fuck compared to button presses.

Are zoomers mad that we got to experience vidya during its best years and that's why they praise remakes? Imagine knowing that there are people who grew up playing games like Ocarina of Time and Half Life, while you look around you and your defining games are Fortnite and Chinese phone games.

good job literally not watching the video for more than 0.000005 seconds, retard

>Waggling the controller to perform an action doesn't add anything to a game
The video agrees with you.

I watched the whole thing. I'm ignoring any part of it where he talks about aiming in shooters because you should be playing shooters on PC.

You did not watch the video.
Here's his second one made just to btfo retards like you youtube.com/watch?v=RZ0xDRkC8LI

oh, so you ignore anything that refutes your "argument" gotcha

Then what else is there? Pointing at the screen? A mouse is better, then.

No, it doesn't refute anything. Because I'm right. Shooters are for PC. Shooters are for mouse and keyboard. Mouse and keyboard is more precise than a vague feedback-lacking pointer that requires regular calibration.

>literally admits to being extremely biased
not watching
there's no way he presents dissenting opinions fairly in this video

>Run on a treadmill while playing games

I commend you for staying active but

>Complains about motion controls when not playing games with them in the intended manner

i think you may have autism, as you seem incapable of seeing things from a viewpoint not your own

>Waggling the controller to perform an action doesn't add anything to a game
You can't blame motion controls for some developers poor or unnecessary implementation of it. In shooters in particular, it's a massive advantage.

>and you should be playing shooters on PC.
Why is having more options to play them on consoles and PC bad? Even PC lards can benefit from using motion controls because you can play shooter games in bed or on the couch and it's a more fun way to play when you get used to it.

Sorry, nobody else can enjoy motion controls or have the option to because the sensor bar inconveniences all 3 people in the world who play vidya on a treadmill.

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>>Complains about motion controls when not playing games with them in the intended manner
Wii games always shoehorn in pointing when it's not needed. For example, you can play 99% of, say, super paper mario with your remote not pointing at the screen. But there are 1 or 2 moments where you need to point, and that means I need to reposition myself entirely just to do that one thing. Mario Galaxy has a similar issue, but it's more prevalent.

Yes. Pointing at the screen gives you far more precise control than analog sticks, which is why many console games have auto-aim for analog control.

Best way I can put it is he's right, but also autistic as fuck. I can go back and play MM on the N64 while also appreciating the remake which looks way better in most cases besides a few glaring examples. It's still pretty much the same game barring one or two silly things like Zora swimming, the Ice arrows and some textures. His HD remake's pretty good
But also fuck him for making me look at that stupid fucking moon in my recommended for like two years now.

>Sorry, nobody else can enjoy motion controls or have the option to because the sensor bar inconveniences all 3 people in the world who play vidya on a treadmill.
vs no one being inconvenienced by just having regular non-gimmickshit controls.
Again, you should not ever play a shooter game on a console. Are you listening to me? FPS on console = bad. Understand?

Do you really expect PC lards to get into motion controls when they can barely lift up their own arms

Why do you try to dictate how other people play their games?

>"How dare someone like something I dont!"

Fuck off

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because he's autistic

>Yea Forums shits on steam controller and it's gyro aim
>Yea Forums creams their pants when nintendo does it and some eceleb tells them it's good

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Because I don't want to be forced to play with motion controls. I want games that control like normal.
>"How dare someone dislike something I do!"
Eviscerate yourself

He defended gyro. Watch the whole fucking video retard you literally don't know what you're talking about. BOTW with gyro is the smoothest shit on the god damn planet and lets you aim perfectly and quickly

the best motion controls, including the one you have fucking posted, are supplements to normal controls, botw does this too, you do big aiming with a stick, you make fine adjustments with your regular ergonomic controllers gyro, rather than some stupid infrared motion control.

If it's anything like the wii u or 3ds gyro it fucking sucks. I didn't buy the switch so I can't say anything about that.

Hey now, a lot of people on PC have figured out that motion controls are worthwhile by now.
I personally play almost anything on my Steam Controller nowadays.

No one is trying to force you. Watch the fucking videos you're trying to criticize. The guy literally adresses this point.

>vs no one being inconvenienced by just having regular non-gimmickshit controls.
That's why I said
>>have the option

It was forced during the Wii era because it was a new technology and a lot of developers felt inclined to use it, or simply do it because the Wiimote didn't have enough buttons so they had to map certain actions to it. Nowadays it's pretty much optional in all games it's in. Even Nintendo, who were absolutely keen on shoving waggle down your through with the Wii, now give players the option of using it. It works great for aiming in Splatoon and BoTW but you aren't forced to use them in either game.

>and said that most PC users prefer them?
Anyone who's used it prefers it. If you honestly prefer joysticks only you're fucking retarded

>No one is trying to force you.
Nintendo is by putting forced motion control segments in their games

ESL retard learn English, lurk 7 years and then post

I played botw on wii u and the gyro was perfect. After using gyro I can't imagine playing that game with stick. It's not even a big deal. You barely have to move the game pad and I was subconsciously using it within 30 minutes of playing. The wii u was a bit heavy though.

you guys are derailing this shit, op is probably meaning that this guy is a, trying to publish that modders found the code for the 3DS MM remake to fix the zora swimming and deku jumping and at the same time trying to make an hd mod for the n64 version of MM

Who said anything about FPS games, retard? Gyro is nice for a few different genres

Nice strawman faggot.

Who is this? Bluepill me on him.

>Motion controls can be used to improve stick aiming
>Therefore, motion controls are bad and should never be utilized
I don't get it. How is this argument bad for motion controls?

How could you possibly say it sucks. Compare doing the shooting gallery in OoT3D to OoT. It becomes absolutely trivial with gyro.

Mixing up its and it's is one of the most common "intentional typos" in English. It's really fucking dumb and I make fun of everyone who does it, but it's definitely not the mark of an ESL.

My main platform is a PC, I play my FPS' there. The video says that PC players have great control with their keyboard and mouse as well, but also that they like the gyro control that the Steam Controller provides, which is also motion controls. The point of the video is that the stigma against motion controls stemmed from a fear of "casuals" and their (being dual analog users) refusal to adjust to better controls has held games back.

>Nintendo is by putting forced motion control segments in their games
is nearly every game they release that has motion controls there are options to disable it.

>HD texture mods
>for n64 games

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So you didn't actually watch the video?

It's not a strawman, the video where he does it is literally in this thread.

Mistaking the possessive with the conjugation for "it is" is much more common and less severe error than the grammatical hack job of your post.

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I did, and I dismissed it as regular nintendo dicksucking until he started to claim that most pc players (as if he personally interviewed every pc user) like gyro controls.

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>most pc players
He never does this.

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>>btfos nintendobabbies by criticizing the MM remake
but "nintendobabbies" agree that the MM remake was an abomination

I don't know if mine is fucked up somehow, but I can't do any gyro shit on the 3ds.

Except it isn't, the video (that you didn't actually watch) never said anything you are claiming. It claimed pc players prefer motion controllers to regular controllers BUT prefer mouse and keyboard to both.
You would know this if you actually watched the video.

He even made a follow up video for retards like you

>but it's definitely not the mark of an ESL
It's one of THE marks of an ESL

You don't have to use sticks for aiming on console if you use gyro controls. The technology has matured enough to the point where you can get nearly the same speed and precision as using a mouse/keyboard. Hell, a mouse is a fucking motion control too for God's sake.

I use mouse/keyboard but I use the steam controller too on games that aren't strictly competitive ones like whatever garbage espurts shit you play simply because it's more fun and I can lay in bed or on the sofa.

I can understad a consolefag being so adamant about not having motion controls because they're afraid their dual stick aim assist controls would be raped by motionchads but I don't understand why a PC player would be so upset over the mere option of having another fun and very functional way to play the game.

>>btfos basedniggers by defending motion controls
What is the correlation between bean-drinkers and hating motion controls?

I think this is the guy that fixed zora swimming and deku water hopping in the 3ds remake?
which had been badly nerfed from the original.

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Please give the timestamp for that quote, because it doesn't exist. You heard what you wanted to hear.

Nobody I know makes that mistake. Nobody. Lurk 200 years before posting again. Don't waste my precious time with your shit English

Ok, but what does this have to do with Smash Bros?

wheres the downvote button this is pissing me off

>and said that most PC users prefer them?
Over twin sticks? For damn sure. Fuck twin sticks.

The funny thing is all the contrarian faggots defending the new deku hopping when it was a literal 1 line change to fix it, because it was actually bugged.

He didn't make those fixes, just a video advertising them. He makes HD textures for MM.

I'm not going to watch a video that's clearly biased against my viewpoint and will not treat it fairly. Do you think that I'm a masochist?
>Hell, a mouse is a fucking motion control too for God's sake.
I was waiting for this response. You don't have to calibrate a mouse. You don't need a sensor bar for a mouse. You know exactly where your mouse is even without looking at the screen. You can adjust the sensitivity of a mouse. A mouse is the pinnacle of precision.

Do you actually know anybody?

You're such a faggot lol

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Someone who has spread the good word that the OG version is better then the 3DS version. Also manages to have a god awful thumbnail for an otherwise good video

saves the youtube gaming community

You don't have to calibrate or need a censor bar for gyroscopic controllers either.

Are we actually comparing swiveling your entire body around like a moron to slightly moving your hand now?

You shouldn't be playing shooter games on a console in the first place.

Just because the mouse exists, why shouldn't motion control also exist? Does it's mere existence trigger you into outer orbit? Just because muscle cars exist and are faster than any other road vehicle doesn't mean electric vehicles shouldn't exist

fuck your bait you're acting oblivious and ignoring information

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Yeah, aiming is pretty good. Unfortunately Nintendo seems to be focusing more on gyro.

>muh precision
Again, the technology has matured enough to the point where you have the same speed as a mouse and almost the same amount of precision. Then again, if you need an extreme amount of precision you're probably playing some esports garbage anyway. You can keep playing Overwatch or CSGO, I won't stop you.

>Just because muscle cars exist and are faster than any other road vehicle doesn't mean electric vehicles shouldn't exist
They don't make muscle car-only roads.

In most gyro games you can disable it and use stick

Keep it up, you're just wasting your life and you know it

Both Metroid Prime 1/2 and Pikmin 1/2/3 are better played on the Wii/Wii U with motion controls, especially Pikmin

No, the new fan patch for the 3ds version that fixes Zora swimming, deku scrub hopping and eventually boss fights did.

>You can keep playing Overwatch or CSGO, I won't stop you.
Strawman. I've never touched overwatch and the only CS game I've played is 1.6.
>Again, the technology has matured enough to the point where you have the same speed as a mouse and almost the same amount of precision.
I don't believe you.
I'm not talking about shooter games.

>I'm not going to watch a video that's clearly biased against my viewpoint and will not treat it fairly.
Strange you can know all of that without watching the video, you just want to shitpost on what you THINK these videos are about, when everyone has constantly been showing you how wrong you are everytime you try to """quote""" the video then fumble when proof is asked.

You don't have to swivel your entire body around to use gyro aiming you moron. It's a matter of moving your wrists. It requires less movement of your muscles than moving a mouse across a foot long gaming mouse pad. And if you care about precision you must be using a high DPI mouse and have a relatively large area in which to move it, right?

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>Strange you can know all of that without watching the video
I read the description and saw the thumbnail.

>I'm not talking about shooter games
Neither is anyone else, they are talking about modern motion which doesn't use a motion senser or gesture controls.
Because guess what? Even things like the switch don't do that shit anymore.

>I'm not talking about shooter games.
neither am I retard
fucking neck yourself you fucking bottom feeder

Okay please show me how to disable screen-pointing in all wii games that use it


Nobody is talking about gesture controls but you.
Even the videos you have falsely quoted talk specifically about gyro, not wii style arm waving.

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Nerrel is the perfect example of "NINTENDO HIRE THIS MAN" except unironically

You do realize there are games that require hamfisted motion controls like Skyward sword and those that don't. The video highlights and states compulsory motion controls are a bad thing

Who gives a shit about wii games?
We are talking about modern systems, go to the retro board if you want to talk about old retired consoles.

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So you want every console from now on to be a mongrel half-handheld like the wii u and switch? Fuck that. I want video games to be normal again.
Tv. Console. Controller (without a fucking screen).

the problem in my opinion is the wiimote is fucking awkward.
i think had they stuck with it and created a dual analogue controller with gyro that also has a remote like sensor in the superior region between the L and R buttons, it would have worked out

No one wants that. You're the only one that's said that. You dumbass you.

You want gyro controls. You can only get gyro controls if your screen is attached to your controller. No one makes handhelds anymore. You know what that leaves.

Because the modern Switch motion controls are the updated versions of the Wii controls you fucking retard. It’s just more accurate and dynamic instead of needing shit like Wii Motion Plus and instead of just move left it can do more complicated shit.

So this counts at trolling at this point right?
The video specifically states OPTIONAL gyro controls, do you know what the word optional means? It means not required.
Meaning he is advocating for OPTINAL gyro as opposed to REQUIRED motion.

Except he harshly criticized Nintendo in his emulation video

>played DS2 for the first time recently
>get to Shrine of Amana, apparently one of the worst areas
>becomes a walk in the park as I snipe enemies with my gyro-aimed bow
Gyro is awesome and I hope we see more native support of it in the future. Setting it up as a mouse input is fine and dandy but requires a bit much fiddling around to get it just right.

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you didn't refute anything anyone said and ignoring the fact that developers dont shoehorn forced waggle controls into the games anymore despite having the means to do so

why are options bad?

The steam controller doesn't have a screen. You don't need a screen for gyro controls.

>Because the modern Switch motion controls are the updated versions of the Wii controls you fucking retard
False, the wii uses gesture controls while the switch uses gyro.
You literally have no clue what you are talking about and I'm convinced you are just trolling at this point.

Mouse is technically a motion control...you control the mouse using your motions on a surface

oh shit, nevermind. he criticized nintendo. send him to the gulag.

> You can only get gyro controls if your screen is attached to your controller
Wrong again, see steam controller and SURPRISE the ps4 controller has gyro too.

I have no idea who this is and I'm going to go ahead and assume he's an absolute faggot, but have a bump anyway.


surely bait?

>why are options bad?
Because they aren't options. You have to buy motion controllers. You can't own a switch or a wii u without the gimmick controllers.

I don't understand how that would work. What if your feedback, then?
I already addressed this.

Look at all his replies, he ignores everyone else and deflects everytime he gets caught in a lie.
He is intentionally trolling.

I'm not. I fucking hate motion controls. Just let me hate them, fuck you.

>What is your feed back then?

The television screen. The thing you look at while you play the game. You slightly tilt the controller and the view on the tv moves too. That's gyro motion controls

>I don't understand how that would work. What if your feedback, then?
You seriously need to sit down and GOOGLE the different types of motion control then.
You are clearly stuck on one outdated no longer used form (wii) when everyone else is talking about the NEW type of gyro controls.
Stop responding to people assuming they are talking about the huge arm waving wii shit when you don't even know how the new motion controls work.

Why the fuck would you use that and not a mouse?

Actually just started watching that video.
I never played the original version of MM but enjoyed the remake enough, can see the flaws people have with it compared to the original though

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>You are clearly stuck on one outdated no longer used form (wii) when everyone else is talking about the NEW type of gyro controls.
I haven't bought a console since the wii solely because of motion controls being included

It's comfy.

Fucking based
I guess he did what nintendon't

gut yourself cretin

Why not both with motion being optional?

>being this mad that other people enjoy input methods you don't

That's fine, but for consoles it's not optional. You don't need a steam controller to play pc games. You need joy-cons and the screen thing to play the switch.

I don't care you stupid faggot, stop responding and lying about videos then.

>this thread
go jump off a bridge with your eceleb

>False, the wii uses gesture controls while the switch uses gyro.
Not him but "gyro" is a type of motion control, "gesture controls" is just a name Nerrel came up with to describe how motion controls can be used.
The switch and the Wiimote both have gyroscope and accelerometer, and while they both have an IR sensor they use it differently, the Switch uses it a bit like a radar and the Wiimote calculates the position relative to a sensor bar to aim.

Wasn't his Majora's Mask video almost exclusively just him saying "Well, Majora's Mask wasn't very good in the first place, so this weird tech was the best part"

I did fucking watch it
Stop saying that I didn't watch it
I watched it and it pissed me off so much that I made that first post ITT

The original wiimote actually didn't have a gyro sensor. That came with the motion plus thingy.

The real casuals are the ones that don't want gyro aim on their consoles. They're better than sticks, not as good as mouse.

>That's fine, but for consoles it's not optional
Yes IT IS, maybe not for the wii but for the switch you can play games like BOTW, DOOM and odyssey with or WITHOUT the motion.
Stop fucking talking about things you don't understand Jesus Christ man.

gyro is shit

Not at all, he's a massive MM fanboy. He's working on his own HD texture pack

Nice opinion

Yeah and the first post is a LIE, he never said that shit, it literally said PC users should be able to use both because some PC users like this.
You got tangled up in your stupid outdated bias that you heard what you wanted to.

>Yes IT IS, maybe not for the wii but for the switch you can play games like BOTW, DOOM and odyssey with or WITHOUT the motion.
You need the motion controller. It comes with the motion controller. If I threw away the joy-cons, I wouldn't be able to operate the console.

He was definitely spot on about MM, but his other videos are mostly him being nitpicky just for the sake of it.

sure seems like it.

>stupid outdated bias
>hating gimmickshit is an outdated bias
I just want normal video games
No fucking swiveling around
No fucking waggling your hands
No fucking touching the screen
No yelling at the game or blowing on the mic
No pointing
Just buttons, or a mouse.

Why do you complain about the hardware having additional features when those additional features make the controllers no more expensive than say an xbone controller?

The joycons function as normal controllers too, not sure if you knew that

It worked fine. Only real issue were the dead zones.

>If I threw away the controllers I couldn't play the console
No shit dude, throw away ALL of your ps1 controllers and watch the same exact thing happen.

Did you watch the video at all? He loves the original and isn't happy with the changes they did to the remake.

You do realize that a bog standard controller could support gyro controls fairly easily right, if they're optional it wouldn't effect you if you dont want to use them

Looks like you're right, I'm surprised. I guess they must have used the accelerometer for all the things I thought they used the gyroscope for somehow.

Literally no modern console has any of the things you described, if you waved your hands around with the switch your camera would spin around like a dreidel.
These motion controls you keep referencing do not exist anymore.

PS1 controllers don't have motion controls.
Aren't joycons inordinately expensive? If not, then they should be still cheaper, because the motion technology hikes up the price.
Not my point.

A lot of the problematic enemies in that game have shit defense so you can cheese the worst areas with a bow of you're patient enough. Shouldn't even be that way but hey B team and level design don't mix.

One word in and you're already wrong, impressive.

dude, all the N64/playstation AAA games are remastered.
what's zoomers will never have is hidden gems, like video games adaptations of movies.

>PS1 controllers don't have motion controls.
Neither do switch joycons if you press the "OFF" button.

>because the motion technology hikes up the price
It doesn't seem to. The Steam Controller, Dualshock 4 and Xbone Controller all cost roughly the same. Two of those have motion controls. The reasons Nintendo's current controllers are more expensive are different ones, likely NFC.

This is the best bait I've seen in sometime man.

Good job. For a second I legit thought you were retarded.

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And it would cost more, then. If the controls are optional, then I should have the option to buy controllers without the motion capability.
So why can't I buy them without the extra motion shit at a cheaper price? It's bloat.

>Shrine of Amana, apparently one of the worst areas
Keep in mind it was nerfed heavily shortly after release because people complained so goddamn much about it, so unless you were playing a pirated vanilla version of the game it really wasn't even the worst area it once was

So do you refuse to use ps4 controllers? They have gyro built into them.

low poly graphics mods are terrible

It's not fucking bait. if it was bait then I would be smiling and giggling. I'm fucking red-faced and pissed off that all of you are such fucking obsequious dicksuckers for awful gimmicks
I haven't bought a console since the wii.

>So why can't I buy them without the extra motion shit at a cheaper price? It's bloat.
The same reason you can't buy a ps4 controller without the same exact motion controls?

You do realize that even though you don't like gyro controls and don't want to use joycons normally, because of the hiked up price with gyro, you're in the minority because most people who have tried splatoon prefer playing it with optional gyro control.

>>Yea Forums shits on steam controller and it's gyro aim
Who and when? I'm fairly sure most criticism moved against the Steam controller was about the quality of the buttons.
Also it's possible it was just not implemented properly. If you calibrate it poorly and don't supplement it with sticks it can be awful, and the Steam controller definitely wasn't taken into account by any developer.

>so you can cheese the worst areas with a bow of you're patient enough
Which is precisely what I did. I guess my point is that doing that would have been a lot more annoying and time consuming without a good aiming method.

Yes, why not? I should be able to do that. Why not?

Most people are stupid and don't know what's good. That's why the switch is successful, despite having the same flaws as the wii u.

You only want to be able to do that. You can't unless the manufacturer gives you the ability to buy it without that or Homebrew it yourself. That's economics

Yes, and that's bullshit. I don't want to pay extra for what I don't want.

Swap the y and n to get a word that basedniggers got banned

>Most people are stupid and don't know what's good
Like all those people still using dual analogs to aim shit in games?

Or maybe it's a better way to control

Because they would charge you the same price either way idiot.
Xbox doesn't have motion but guess what their controllers new cost just as much as a new ps4 controller.
Controller prices are some "fair" approximation of what all is in the controller, it's a base price every manufacture arbirtarily sets.
I hate to tell you this but they would still charge you just as much for the gyro less option as the regular.

Stop using this argument. I'm not defending stick aiming.

Yes, and that's why I don't own any modern consoles.

Too bad, welcome to the real world.
Literally nothing you find in a store like walmart is priced 'fairly" or measured out, it's whatever price the owner wants it to be.


Then why are you in a thread about them?
Your opinion is pointless because it's painfully obvious you have no frame of reference.
And no the video didn't advocate that PC players should move to motion, it advocated it should be a personal option that people can opt into if they want to pay more.
Which shouldn't bother you unless you think them paying more for motion gives them an advantage?

>Then why are you in a thread about them?
Because I would like to buy a new console but they keep fucking them up
I want to see consoles improve so that I can buy them again

He was right about Majora's Mask, but overrates motion controls and deliberates obfuscates that he's actually just talking about gyro aim adjustment mechanics included in traditional game controler for 3rd person action game control schemes rather than the actual motion control that the Wii had, which did blow and was never good.

Oh you're serious
Well the reason people consider are such "obsequious dicksuckers for awful gimmicks" is because compared to twinsticks, motion feels better to aim with

>But you're not supposed to play shooters on consoles!
And yet many do and this the conclusion many come to after comparing the two control options.

That isn't to say motion is perfect. As you have mentioned, waggle was very prevalent in the Wii era. Even fans of motion wern't too keen on that. But they simply took the bad with the good and came to this conclusion.

Gyro still falls under "motion"

>And yet many do
Because they're stupid



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So you agree that motion controls are the lesser evil?

No modern console has motion if you don't want it.
There is an option menu that turns it off, if you want to complain about the switch's weak hardware and poor frame rate that's fair because those things can't be fixed.
You are instead lying about videos and complaining about things a single button toggle can turn off.

I don't think in such a way. I don't care about which evil is "lesser", only that they are both evils.

>I want to see consoles improve so that I can buy them again
Clearly you don't as you advocate against one of the greatest advancements in console controls.

>There is an option menu that turns it off,
The games are still built around it.
neck yourself you mindless drone

>deliberates obfuscates that he's actually just talking about gyro aim adjustment mechanics included in traditional game controler for 3rd person action game control schemes rather than the actual motion control that the Wii had
Except he doesn't, there is a whole section in that video talking about why the wii controls are bad and failed.

It's just modified stick aiming with an internal compass, which isn't the same as a game where you move your controller in some manner to perform actions. In any PC game that supports gyro, all primary actions are still performed with buttons. He's saying "motion Control" like "Wii wagglestick" because you can suck up more e-drama that way than the actually benign thing that he is saying.

He "obfuscates" it by painstakingly explaining it in detail over two whole videos?
The whole first video was about how the Wiimote's IR pointing method was ditched in favor of the gyroscope, and how it's used to supplement sticks, not replace them.

Stay mad.
I'll be over here enjoying my shooters using motion controls, all of them, because I can.

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I think the ever so slightly clunky gamecube controls add to the experience and atmosphere of Pikmin 1, but u right.

>The games are still built around it.
Good luck proving that, there is no proof mario odyssey is played better with motion as opposed to button only input.

Enjoy gimping yourself by not using a mouse, I suppose

I don't even know what motion controls there are in mario odyssey. I was thinking of shit like aiming in zelda or splatoon.

Switch doesn't have mouse support.
Two replies ago the topic was specifically about consoles.
>I want to see consoles improve so that I can buy them again
>I want to see consoles

Stop trying to change it back to PC and Wii shit everytime somebody corners you.

Why do you think aiming is built around the motion? It can be done just using the sticks.

I don't understand. I want new consoles to just be regular consoles again, without the gimmicks.

>Great Bay wasn't very good in the first place, so dolphin jumping made it all fun!
>The Swamp wasn't very good in the first place, so hopping made it all fun!

>without the gimmicks
Like analog sticks or buttons other than A and B?

No it can't.

The gimmicks can be disabled. This isn't the wii era anymore. Forced motion control is dead,

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Are you someone who only pays attention to Nintendo consoles, the only company that puts gimmicks in their system and even then have been cutting back on it? And before you start, portability is the only gimmick that is on the switch

*eyes bulge open*
Y..You never played the original Majora's Mask ?!

Any argument you might make about gyro aiming can be just as well applied to those and you know it.

>pointing out flaws in a game you like is hating it
Well guess that means you can’t play anything since Yea Forums hates everything right? Name your favorite game and I can give an actual flaw besides just calling it shit.

Yes it LITERALLY CAN, stop lying.

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>Are you someone who only pays attention to Nintendo consoles
Back when I bought consoles, yes. I was a huge nintendo drone as a kid/teen. And let's not kid ourselves, there's no reason to buy a ps4 or xbox one. But those are bad for other reasons not relevant to this current discussion.

When you literally end up saying every area of the game sucks, you probably don't like the game.

Way to selectively choose my post and not give real feedback or answers.

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In Odyssey, you can shake the controller to perform some actions or perform actions faster

Are nintenkiddos seriously this delusional?

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I'm speaking in viability.
You can't control a shooter game with sticks.

>gimping the core navigation mechanic of a level makes it less fun
No shit sherlock, you probably thought that was a clever sarcastic retort. Most level design of any game is built to facilitate the actions of the player character. If you gimp that, the level is rarely interesting without them.

You said 2 as an example. I hate Chapter 2 and the General White section in TTYD but it’s still one of my favorites. I usually hate the beginning in all 3D Zelda games because it’s a slog, but it picks up. I can keep going.

The motion controls make the aiming better in those games

He's refuting a video that claims rejecting motion controls was rejecting "progress". He's not saying you can only play fps games on PC, he's saying that will always be the superior way to control them and motion controls cannot hold a candle to them.

and yet it's still worse than a mouse so it shouldn't be there at all

Yes you can, the option is literally right there, what do you think "aim with motion controls ON/OFF" means?

Then who saves Ocarina of Time?

This whole thread is stupid. If motion controls are stupid, why do most people opt for kb+m on PC games? You play controllers with shooters?

>He's not saying you can only play fps games on PC
Yeah I am

There's only four fucking areas in the game.

Unfortunately no.
I was mostly deprived of game systems as a kid and didn't really get anything until I got a DSi as a gift for Christmas a decade ago

Do me a favor...get even madder.

>and yet it's still worse than a mouse so it shouldn't be there at all
What kind of stupid ass logic is this?
No consoles should even exist then.
The n64 didn't support mouses yet windows 94 computers at the time did.
Should every single console just be thrown out then?

Can't use a mouse on a switch and KBM is dogshit for 3D action games so no. It's objectively better.

Mouse isn't the same thing as motion controls.
It's more precise.
No. I'm saying that consoles shouldn't have shooter games.

wow, look, an entire thread of people shilling an e-celeb's stupid opinion because they play splatoon for 40 hours a week

This may surprise you but there are these things called "consoles" you fucking retard.

Motion controls are absolutely a step up from standard analog controls in a 3d space you absolute chode

You're on the cusp of understanding my argument. Games should only be on the platform that complements them.

But it's still bad. Both are bad.

Well gyro controls complement shooters.
Also what about things like Zelda or Dark Souls that are generally better controlled with a gamepad but occasionally may require aiming?

>No. I'm saying that consoles shouldn't have shooter games.
Zelda isn't a shooter, neither is the new odyssey. Yet they both have OPTIONAL motion support.

BOTW isn't a shooting game only you utter fucking retard

>Well gyro controls complement shooters.
I disagree
>Also what about things like Zelda or Dark Souls that are generally better controlled with a gamepad but occasionally may require aiming?
I don't know. I don't have an answer to that.

The last refuge is "well you must be bad at games if you hate it". No,you fanniggers. I know how to use the fucking MM3D Deku skipping. It's just annoying and completely unnecessary when the old hopping worked great and allowed you to keep moving with little care.

Since it was a simple and singular line of code that determined the skipping, I gotta wonder if it was indeed a fuckup, or if it was intentional like the Zora swimming nerf.

You know what's bad? Character control with a keyboard. Gyro aiming bridges the gap between having to sacrifice between either precise character movement or precise camera movement. If you are against this then you're a gatekeeping elitist with no substance behind your argument.

Ok well I think there are third person action/adventure games that are best played on controller such as dark souls, zelda, and gta games (when driving). Would you agree that gyro improves joystick aiming in these scenarios?

From my experience, only barely.

>Why don't you like motion?
>Okay cool, that motion is dead and gone
>That's fine, it's optional
>But why?
repeat forever, because there is no real counter argument to optional motion besides "I don't like it, things I don't like shouldn't exist even if I don't have to use them"

>but motion controls are the future, it's progress
Why not just let consoles fucking use mice?

nice strawman, nigger

go play more splatoon and let the woomies drain the few brain cells you have left

Here's my argument against motion controls: it's worse than a mouse. Refute that.

Here's an idea:

The Majora Remake on 3DS makes a bad game into a pretty good game.

Why not both?

Funny because it's true

Because you don't need gyro when you have a mouse. Because it's worse.

His video on emulation and ROMs was based too.

That would be you retard since you can't handle his different opinion. And motion controls suck

Why shouldn't people have the choice? It literally doesn't affect you as you can still use your precious mouse.

I liked the Skyward Sword/Breath of the Wild one a lot

Consoles don't have a mouse, ggwp.

Mouse and Keyboard are shit with 3D action games

>still failing to provide a counter argument
Way to prove a point.

a counter argument against what, retard? i never said gyro controls shouldn't exist you fuckwit, i said this e-celeb is a dumbass and his video is bad.

One example of motion controls I hated recently was Super Mario Odyssey. While you can indeed beat the game without them, it's still obnoxious that motion controls are needed for superior actions (e.g. max speed rolling) or exclusive actions (e.g. a crap ton of transformation abilities). This is also baffling to me because SMO wastes its button economy by making fucking four of the eight major buttons just secondary duplicate buttons.

But why is the video bad user

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>His opinion is stupid
>Lol mate, I don't actually disagree with it though!
Based schizo user.


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You're arguing hypotheticals now because you can't use a mouse

the video is retarded because it frames the discomfort of leaving behind dual analog in favor of gyro controls as "rejecting progress" when it's actually just a fucking preference. they're video games, you just use what's comfortable. he's trying way too fucking hard

if you get this wrapped up in the advancement of technology that anyone who doesn't immediately adopt a new idea is "holding us back from progress" then you're a fuckwit


You are such a retard. He is saying that the levels are only fun because they are built properly around your skillset, and as such are good areas. They fall apart in the remakes because they no longer fit in with your skillset.

Well if you asked me people should be able do use mice as well.

Stop dodging the question.

How is it not progress if it's so clearly better at the task at hand (aiming)?

t. Egoraptor

If consoles are so bad and terrible why do you care what's on them?
Why should anyone cater to what you like?

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Yes. But instead they're trying to reinvent the wheel with motion controls.
>hmm we need a more precise way to aim in games
>fuck I guess we just have to invent a whole new thing because there's definitely no existing way to achieve superior precision
I'm avoiding the question because it's a nonsense question based in fiction. I don't have the option to use a mouse.

>If consoles are so bad and terrible why do you care what's on them?
Because I want them to be better so that I can buy them again.

>hmm we need a more precise way to aim in games
You're missing an important aspect here
let me fix it for you:
>hmm we need a more precise way to aim in games while not giving up any of the comfort of a gamepad and staying compatible with the current gamepad layout

i'm not arguing that it isn't progress, learn how to read. i'm saying that he's being overdramatic as fuck by pulling up random gaming articles and forum posts from 2008 that are like "Oh I don't like the motion controls, they suck" as examples of people holding back progress. they're not holding back anything, they just didn't like motion controls.

gyro controls have not been held back, motion controls have been enormously successful, people wanting to stick to dual analog are not preventing the future of gaming from being achieved. calm the fuck down

>while not giving up any of the comfort of a gamepad
subjective, I will not argue about this
>and staying compatible with the current gamepad layout
No, no, that's the problem. The shitty stuff has to be thrown away, not kept.

They aren't "worse" right now, consoles have always been this way.
You are a hypocrite if you've ever bought an old console and still try to rationalize this idea.

I bought old consoles when I was a fool with shit taste
My tastes have refined since then

but this very thread with how people are responding to the video are only proving his point, a lot of people are still bringing up waggle

> motion controls have been enormously successful
False, they have done "okay" on nintendos consoles, look at the ps4, it has built in gyro but do you know how many big games include it as an optional feature? None, not even DOOM which has the optional motion on switch.
Do you want to know why? Because people on ps4 have been very adamant they DONT want motion, the same for Xbox.
He didn't show polls from yesterday because these opinions haven't changed, if they had DOOM would have launched with optional motion controls, but it didn't.

>360 zoomers still think motion controls = early Wii wagglan
Grow up

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they aren't proving anything user. they're just demonstrating that some people simply don't like motion/gyro controls, and that's fine. some dudes on Yea Forums who don't like motion/gyro controls aren't holding it back from developing and growing in terms of accessibility/accuracy, and nor are they holding back the increasing popularity of the control scheme
to reiterate, for the dozenth time, this isn't holding back the future of motion controls. people don't have to bandwagon onto the latest evolution of technology for it to become enormously successful. early adopters don't have to look at the general populace who approach an entirely new idea with reticence or hesitation and think "you fucking troglodytes are holding all of us back!"

the tone of the video is just some dipstick turning his nose up at the dual analog plebs who are blind to the glory that is gyro controls, it's retarded. just present your (totally valid and accurate) argument for the control scheme to persuade your viewers into appreciate its qualities, no need to get all haughty about it.

People choosing not to use motion controls isn't the problem. People actively shitting on them and asking for then not to be included are.

>People actively shitting on them and asking for then not to be included are.
He literally cherry picked a single poll of like 160 people (the smallest fucking sample size) of people saying they don't prefer gyro. That's literally it.

Also note that he supposes there is no reason not to implement gyro controls at all, or rather posits that the sole reason for not wanting them in a game would be because people just really hated the Wii or whatever. It's not like implementing gyro control schemes adds to development costs/time, right? You just press the "add gyro controls pls" button and, boom, it's right there in your game, easy peasy.

Wow. Never seen Yea Forums vehemently defend an e-celeb. Jinkies, scoob.

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I like how every single piece of shit argument against Gyro that he pointed out in his response video are appearing in this thread
>immediately compare it waggling cause they clearly have never used Gyro and are stuck in the 360 days
>>b-but mouse is better so this option shouldnt exist

The only one people here havent mentioned is disabilities.

they're defending gyro, not the celeb.

Adding additional controls really isn't complicated. I'm sure the consoles that support gyro have convenient API functions for it just like for any other input.
On PC it's a little more complicated as the games would need to use SIAPI but thankfully that's not really required anyway as we can just have the gyro act as a mouse and have it work on most games.

ah. pardon my retardation then.

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360 zoomers are very predictable.

Can we talk about Majora's Mask now?

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but that video changed nothing
>if you don’t like motion controls you’re a stubborn asshole

What was your favorite side quest in MM?

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>but that video changed nothing
>mods to fix MM3D's problems are now starting to come out
Based brainlet

Thanks user. My favorite quest was that one you "save" the Ikana skeleton soldiers.

>nerrel’s MM video invented mods

>If I threw away my controllers I can't use my console
Holy fuck I'm dying lmao

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Based retard

Mine was helping Gorman remember why he got into show business to begin with.

My favorite was saving Romani and her sister from the aliens. When I was smaller that quest scared the shit out of me because the music and just how spooky those shits looked, and I was bad at shooting with the bow while on Epona so I was worried about failing the girls

But there's already something that suits your needs: PC

eat a bullet

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Real question: how much views can shilling on Yea Forums actually give?

A few thousand at best