Was star fox a mistake?

was star fox a mistake?

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Furries were

more like furries were inevitable

Humans have anthropomorphized things since the dawn of civilization. So yes, they were a long time coming.

Only after 64 or maybe Assault. Command was boring and Zero referenced 64 too much and tried too hard to be innovative.

No. Glad star link is also around on switch with them in it

Macbeth is the best mission. You can't prove me wrong.

what's wrong with furries?

I like assault

Not giving it to Retro was.

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- ault

The problem is that Nintendo has no fucking clue what to do with Star Fox besides just remaking 64 over and over again

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64 > Assault > Star Fox 2 > Adventures > Command >>>>>> Star Fox 0 > Star Fox 1

I think you mean Namco since Assault actually tried to move the series forward and they make Ace Combat.

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but without them we wouldn't had all that anthro lewds

64 > Adventures > SF1 > Assault > SF2 > Command > 0

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Yup. Like it or not furries are here to stay.

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Still have that game with everything unlocked for Versus Mode

Was this really necessary on Wolf's new model? What was nintendo thinking?

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No, not having Kamiya on Zero was the mistake.

They decided to make the same game every time with the same story.

They honestly don't know what to do with it and I can't blame them.
Zero was a mess but at least it respected its roots, but a lot of people want it to be like Zelda like that gamecube game which is fucking stupid.

They could be smart and make a game that plays like StarFox 2 now, throwing some new things in there, future proofing it for further sequels, but I think they're going to kill it for an extra 15 years, and then make a StarFox Begins, a third attempt at a reboot, telling the same story again.

That's clearly a photoshop

>but a lot of people want it to be like Zelda like that gamecube game which is fucking stupid.
Never heard that.
Alot of people want it to be like Ace Combat, Adventures was great but I wouldn't want another one.

Star Link was what Star Fox Zero should have been. Explore the outskirts of the Lylat System and fight Bandits and Pirates.

*Not killing every furry was

Just checked.
It's real.


Straight ingame screenshot.

I find that hard to believe.

I cannt believe iwata approved this

We need to stop the furries that work on this game before it's too late

sucks how nintendo went full pander mode after he died. no morals or integrity left whatsoever and that causes shit like this.

Star Fox for SNES was probably an impressive little tech demo when it was new but it’s fucking garbage as far as gameplay goes (in my humble opinion)

Star Fox 64 is an all time classic, no matter what route you take it’s the perfect length, just pure arcade-y bliss. Such an easy game to pick up and play, I can and do still enjoy it to this day. 3DS version is good too

Every Star Fox game since then also sucks

You seriously missed the controversy surrounded this? Do you live under a rock?

Am I the only one who remembers #bulgegate?

Christ, you guys are new.

Macbeth on both the SNES and N64 had good music. Just listen to these remixes made to pay tribute to them.



Honestly, Star Fox trying to become Ace Combat would be better than recycling 64 yet again.

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but what if...
we hire more furries, and blame our player base?

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Star Fox 64 is still one of the best games ever made, so no. The problem is that Nintendo refuses to just take that formula and iterate on it just enough to be fresh without fucking with it too much. SF0 was a "retelling" but it started as Miyamoto's idea to have a gyro-controlled spaceship shooter which he later decided would be a Star Fox game.

This is a completely valid route though, especially since an arcade rail shooter wouldn't really fly as well these days.

>Fox, can you hear me?

The content of this post added with the reddit spacing made this almost hurt to read

How is spacing text like that reddit? It makes it easier to read for me

Not sure what I'd want more. A combined arms game that succeeds Assault and by virtue SWBF, or an in-depth space-battles only to make it more in-depth.

reddit spacing is a fucking stupid meme but his spacing is honestly pretty weird

Is he fucking blushing?


miyamoto was a mistake

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Man that's kinda strange.

I don't know I just find spacing like this weird.

I makes weird pauses in my mind when reading.

Anyone remember the Star Fox Community College Play? The guy who played Slippy stole the show.

I don't think there's anything more "reddit" than enforcing stylization guidelines on how to post. Go ahead and downvote me for not obeying 4chaniquette.


>"Inforcing" guidelines
I just said it was annoying to read. I'll add that it's also pretty obnoxious, but you can continue to make post like that of you want to.

>Taking it this personal
Looks like I was right on the money.

>He thinks Adventures is the 2nd best Star Fox game
Found the furfag Krystalfag

He is only part of the problem user.
>out sourced command and assault
>only assault was good
>personally oversaw adventure and zero
>both are bad for different reasons
Also Bamco will never get the starfox IP again because the first stage in assault is a massive fuck you to miyamoto. Shiggy wanted Andross to be the main bad guy so they killed his son in the first stage and added a whole new enemy race.

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We got 4 good games, 2 okay ones, and a fun Zelda clone, so I'd say it was worth it.

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It was long and I like long.

>Bamco will never get the starfox IP again because the first stage in assault is a massive fuck you to miyamoto
Absolutely based

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Ironic since the furry community is the one filled with degenerate trannies and faggots.


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Not making any actual Starfox games in over 15 years was a mistake.
Starfox Assault was the last non-remake Starfox game that was actually in the same genre was SF64. Which itself was a remake.
Literally two real Starfox games.
If we hadn't had Adventures, and instead had had Assault but better, a real new game on the Wii, and a real new game on the Wii U, Starfox would be a respectable series, even despite furfags.

tfw you realize zero probably actually killed starfox for good

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better than coming from a family of Trump voters


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No, it's just that the first two games are still the best in the series, Assault was good, but the linear aspect and on foot missions hurt it, less said about Command and Adventures the better, and Zero needs a Switch port so we don't have the stupid controls, that's people's biggest problem with that game.

Star Fox is fine as long as Miyamoto is still around. This guy is totally autistic about making Star Fox a popular brand name despite all his failed attempts.
When he'll be gone tho, that when things will get rough for the future of the franchise.

If Star Fox doesn't get a massive revival like FE with Awakening, before Miyamoto is gone, then we're doomed.
Star fox is the lowest selling Nintendo IP, now that F-Zero is dead, and what's left about the fan-base are mostly furries. Star Fox would be long dead is its main cast wasn't full on anthros.

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64 is just too good of a game, having the perfect blend of gameplay and cinematics, while also having an CHOA element in which route you took. It's a lightning in a bottle game that will probably never be replicated again, and Nintendo will probably never make another one that's as good as 64.

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>starfox 2 snes rom re-release sells 5million +
>more than 64 ever did
>6x more sales than zero
How about this retarded company just makes a game people want rather than trying to sell waggle bing bing wahoo gimmicks?

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Someone link the HIV chart

Star Fox has had it rough since the 90's, after arcades died no one wanted to play those types of games anymore, and no one besides Star Fox fans will pay $60 dollars for a 2-4 hour game.

>This guy is totally autistic about making Star Fox a popular brand name

yet he paradoxically does not fucking understand the appeal of the series at all.

>F-Zero is dead

Honestly starting to believe that's a good thing, can you imagine how current nintendo would fuck it up, they'd probably annihilate the skill ceiling to make it possible for babies to play.

most of them are gay and gays are mentally ill

>1 that low

garbage taste

I just want more Krystal.

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that's just homophobia

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Everyone can get sexual diseases and easily transmit it. Why do you insist on targeting only to furries?

oh ho ho

This isnt true at all, everything goes in cycles, a new arcade just opened near me and another is planning to open down the street.

Retro is always cool, 90s kids will be in their 30s/40s now and want that era of gaming back.

oh ho ho

>peddle bigotry
>call it science
I'm on to your conservative tricks...

Because they are the ones who fuck and think like wild animals.

That's cool, but that's only a couple, now when we start seeing them pop up more overtime then maybe Star Fox can be popular again.

and what values do you base this on?

With each passing year games are getting more casual. The main appeal to F-Zero is the competitive aspect. Best to stay content with GX and X

Star Fox is a one trick pony. You'll see the series make a comeback in every few years only to be stuffed back in the box and promptly ignored.

Still better than F-Zero



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>Star Fox Zero was hyped up during E3 as the game that will SAVE THE WII U
>it bombed because Miyamoto needed to push gimmicks
Is Star Fox officially dead?

I think its worse than F-Zero. At least that franchise died on the mountain in peace. Star Fox keep being reanimated when nobody wants it. I'm still fucking mad that Platinum wasted so much time creating Zero's assets for nothing.

The Germans were doing this shit literally 40,000 years ago, it's pretty much part of the human condition.

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shut the fuck up faggot
t. furry

Were people really expecting Starfox to save the Wii U when not even Mario and Smash could?

They just got to evolve the gameplay in non-retarded ways, Assault despite its flaws was a step in the right direction

shut up bigot

Everything after Starfox 64 was a mistake. You could argue 64 was a mistake, too.

not my shield, get deroofed sjw

>You could argue 64 was a mistake, too.

you really can't

>in my thirties
>being a furry was a bad thing when I was a kiddo (except MUCKs/Furcadia obviously)
>Being a furry is mainstream
>Only people 10+ years younger than me are furries now
>somehow even worse

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furfags are mentally ill and should be treated as such

>using bigot unironically

To the gas chamber with you

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i LOVE Wolf!

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Star Fox Battle Royale would print millions. Change my mind.

The dating on that carving has to be wrong. It's tens of thousands of years before the oldest civilization (that we're aware of)

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They really haven't changed

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because nu furries dont have muds/furcadia equivalents. they infest modern f2p skinner boxes and jerk each other off over how many subs they get on twitch

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being elitist over when you started being a furfag is probably one of the most irredeemably autistic things i've ever fucking seen. please commit suicide.

Artistic intent wasn't something that civilisation magically created. People have been creating carvings and paintings pretty much for as long as we've had tools to do it with.

Starlink is one of the best Starfox games we've had

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>only conservatives hate fags
You will never be a proletarian

Makes me wonder why Starlink is multiplat. Would anyone actually play the versions without the Nintendo Star Fox stuff?

>tfw you can't make any of us stop

go join the proud boys and hold in your semen forever or w/e they do

Nope. sold 80% on switch, 10% ps4 10% xbone

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are german lion men as slutty and submissive like their japanese counterparts

it's not a phobia if its rational

while the exaggerated bulge is, he still has a bulge and tight ass in-game

Assault is the best theme/setting-wise.

Furries, yes.
StarFox, eh... Nah.

he's cute when he acts like a puppy in smash

Star Fox Space Opera RPG when?

What happened to Star Fox?

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Starlink was garbo.

Tell me why does he ware the bandana?

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What ISN'T wrong? If you're into bestiality, then say so, but this anthropomorphic hybrid shit that makes the human body look more gross than it kinda already is like some loophole in the eyes of furfags. As if, this somehow makes them normal, which, btw, most if not all furfags have industrial strength autism.
Can't tell if you're baiting, or you really want a gallon of HIV

>Wolf isn't buff!

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I'm all but certain +99% of her votes for the official smash ballot were from degenerate weebs.
Thank [deity] that sakurai had the good sense to see through it.

You were probably excited for Isabelle in barafagmon in smash, weren't you?


>anthros make the human body look more gross

Real animals are disgusting and smelly

You're right user, every female should have 4 sets of tits. That's practical for a biped.
It does bring me com for to know you'll never manage to reproduce, and if by some chance you do, they're predestined for failure.


Christ you have some problems, go see a therapist.

>4 sets
All you need is one pair of hyper tits my man

>Marrying and reproducing
Get that normalfag shit out of here

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>It does bring me com
Bring me more com, im still thirsty

ubisoft twatter i think, its from ubisoft anyway. they ended the toy line because sales were so bad

Yes. The games were always shit for consolebabbies who never played a real space shooter..

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t. mod breaking rules

It was already deleted by the time posted


what did nintendo mean by this?

Shit tier taste

>only assault was good
Assault was mediocre at best

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Go back to /trash/

Is the 3ds rmake of 64 good?

Yes, but get the mod that replaces the new voices with the originals.

I think it is. There are some visual and voice acting stuff that may not be as preferable to those that played the original but I would recommend it for it being portable and the fact that you can play any mission anytime.

It's alright, but the controls can be a bit awkward and they changed the voice lines.

>Literally two real Starfox games
Imagine being this retarded

>The average person considers Star Fox a bunch of furry games
>Mfw blasting through multiple ways with Star Fox 64 back in 99
Star Fox Adventure fags BTFO

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t. mod continuing to break rules

can't handle the bulge

they typical zoomer thinks starfox is just some obscure jap cameo in smash bros when mineycrafta or doom guy should be in it.

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>yet he paradoxically does not fucking understand the appeal of the series at all.

Do you?

Wolf's turgid, bulbous knot.

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No. It just needs some love and to cut down gimmicks in exchange for fun. Perhaps a game like Starfox 64 but where you can create squads with different characters from the franchise.

I don't give a shit about Smash Bros reps anymore.
Just that I still got myself a damn good Starfox game for 3DS. Even though not as good, still got that Starfox fix.

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Touch screen shit
Motion controls shit

I wouldn't mind another SF64 if it were just done like a normal game.

If by "Mistake" you mean "accidental success," yes. Miyamoto clearly doesn't understand shit about why the series got popular and he keeps falling back on his boomer memes like Thunderbirds as his source of inspiration when he should be looking at Star Wars, Swat Kats and Bucky O'Hare.

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Keep in mind, that's 3 Star Fox games in 7 years with 643DS, Zero, and 2.

You're close but this may shed some more light on 64, this is from the power guide.

Attached: Starfox 64 Nintendo Power Official Strategy Guide_0117.jpg (594x767, 102K)

Attached: Starfox 64 Nintendo Power Official Strategy Guide_0118.jpg (594x767, 108K)

Yes, flashy arcade setpieces interspersed with a breakneck story reminiscent of a saturday morning action cartoon.

It is NOT about gimmicks, SF64, the best liked game in the series, was incredibly traditional for the time. There were a LOT of on rails space shooters around. What made it distinct was the relentless energy, mirror polish and upbeat but serious tone.

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I like it.

It's good, you really only get it for stage select and saving your game.

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Not counting remakes or Adventures and Command, which aren't even railshooters.

starfox has always been a glorified tech demo for miyamoto to push the hardware. A lot of the stuff in early 64 games isn't actually in 3d but starfox 64 is an exception.
Theres a reason why 2 was never released until recently and why starfox games that aren't early releases tend to be trash. It was never intended to be fleshed out into what it became.
Technology changed - something whimsical like an anthropomorphic space fox can't compete with full cinematic naughty dog garbage anymore.

>the only Starfox game ive played is the bad platforming dinosaur one

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What about star fox 2?

Hell in the interview he said that only 10% of 64 was new. Add the Yoshi series to being a demo, but they just play with different aesthetics.

>something whimsical like an anthropomorphic space fox can't compete with full cinematic naughty dog garbage anymore.
So why did Ratchet and Clank survive so long, compared to Star Fox? I love to see how you'll spin this.


Because Insomniac kept making Ratchet games. They've stopped ever since the reboot but I'm hoping they'll be back after Spider-Man and that the shit movie nobody asked for didn't just kill the R&C franchise.


Im gonna fap to Wolf to remind myself how much I hate furries

I have been saying this since fucking Assault, let Project Aces make an Ace Combat-style Star Fox. The sci-fi settings lends itself perfectly to creating some sort of batshit insane superweapon to take down.

And yet people were super fucking eager for Star Fox Zero until the Miyamoto gimmick shit ruined it. And Assault wasn't pushing technology by any means besides hectic battle scenes at 60 FPS.

Once the gimmick-peddling horseshit finally runs its course someone needs to get in there and start making some goddamn USE of these IPs that have been abandoned for so long solely because Miyamoto and those that follow him can't imagine how to fit a gimmick in. Fuck, the reason why Ocarina of Time 3D exists is basically to push the gyroscope and 3D screen.

Loving Wolf is NOT furry! It's just natural!!!

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You're supposed to treat mentally ill people with kindness.

the ps2 ratchet & clank games push the hardware to the limit and are packed full of 90s kid references.

it also help ratchet had a distinct personality before they white washed him to be generic hero guy. starfox only got character development in assault.

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>can't compete with full cinematic naughty dog garbage anymore.

It's amazing how even the most generic of this cinematic "realistic" garbage like what was it? Days Gone has sold very well to the point it earned a sequel game. Infuriating.

This web series single-handedly made Wolf one of my favorite characters in the series.

I want to boop his snoot!

I prefer the term good taste over natural

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>he thinks star fox didn't have furry smut back then

A Fox in Space is ugly as fuck, boring, and sounds like shit

Only good depictions of Chad O'Donnell please.

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>literally blasting through not-borg space invaders with a proven veteran team

only if it's not star link wolf

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Every video game was a mistake.

Except Dark Souls 2.


Yes, a sexy one.

I want an HD render of PS2 Ratchet.

I think zero is getting more hate than it should deserve. The gyrowing and aquarosa suck major ass but I do like the motion controls. It's the second screen that gave me a hard time but I adapted and genuinely like zero a lot, more so than 64 at times but 64 I still think is the better game since it doesn't have as bad low points as zero does.

Hi, Fredryk Phox, your e-name is stupid

Fox McCloud is beautiful.

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The aparoids are pretty underwhelming for being not borg/zerg/whatever. They felt less of a threat than andross was since he was attacking pretty much the entire lylat system while the aparoids were not really attacking that many locations for a massive swarm we saw after mission 1 boss.

I am not he, but F.P. was literally first furry I ever found out about

It was 2003-2005 and he was on,uhhh… I think AlbinoBlackSheep I think?

She still got upgraded to assist trophy from regular trophy.

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>the human body
Maybe in whatever backwater shithole you come from.

That series is great. I wish the creator didn't have a huge hateboner for Krystal though.

You're not fooling anyone Matthew

world would be best if all non furries died rn

just saiyajin

They have Second which drops all pretenses of being a "game" and they can dive face first into the degeneracy.

I want to quit but I am in too deep.

Always wondered myself why they never made another starfox that was simply about spaceships.

>thinking being an assist trophy nowadays gives a character any better chance of becoming a fighter

The real question is would I erase Star Fox if I also had to lose 64, aka, the only good thing to come from this shitty series, and it's a very good thing.

...And that is a hard question to answer.

Not gimmicky enough.

>that ratio of england to scotland/ireland

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The human body is not "gross," it is beautiful. The appeal of Anthro is taking the beauty of the human body and combining it with what is beautiful from nature.

It doesn't, but it's still a status upgrade. She is more relevant now than she was in SM4SH. All the never ever trophies have remained stagnant.

Smash Ultimate doensn't even have regular trophies which means Nintendo made the active choice to upgrade her to an assist trophy when they could have just made her a spirit that would have cost them nothing.

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uh no I can confirm that fleshy meatbags are indeed disgusting

not sure where people get off thinking it's normal to like hyooman bodies

Absolutely based for all eternity

Fox and Wolf are ___friends.

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>you will never fight in the furry uprising

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And he's mine. Back off.

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This, anthros are the ideal form.


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Per capita still gives them better margins.


What was your reaction to Wolf's return to Smash? What was your reaction when he got in Brawl over Krystal?

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Blair actually genocided an entire furry planet and he regretted it. His best friend was a tiger and he defected because he found out what the military was planning to do to his people in order to win the war.

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I don't know WHAT the fuck is going on with this post

For both.

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You never played Wing Commander.

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Meant for

You like your knots both turgid and bulbous, huh?

"Damn, he looks so much better now than he did in Brawl. People are going to go crazy over the gay-ass colors."

And they did.

I fucking lost it

200% happy. I literally only main Fox and Wolf. In these matching colors.

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Hey most people who played WC are dead now bro. I know i am inside.

The cats came back for a cameo in prophecy but got raped by the bug bois

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>Hey most people who played WC are dead now bro. I know i am inside.

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Can I post fanart or is that report-happy faggot stalking this thread?

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Imagine some melodrama music piece like Megalith or ZERO playing in the background while Fox and Wolf go at it to the death while asteroids rain down from above, they shoot each other down respectively and take the battle on foot, both barely hanging on by a thread

I'm afraid this thread is only just beginning

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Admit it. Star Fox would do better as an animated television series. Not even saying A Fox in Space is necessarily good, but it certainly proves we love the series for it's theme and character design more than anything else. Nintendo's Sonic Boom when?

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I still have nightmares about blinking missiles

Wait, why did my gif stop being a gif. Ive posted it countless times.

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where the fuck is episode 2?

>Not even saying A Fox in Space is necessarily good
I'm inclined to not believe you when you're posting a screenshot of this shitty series

Why does he dress so gay?

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Sakurai is secretly a Biker Mice from Mars fan.

This franchise is fucked. Rail shooters are dead. The genre is now too niche for 60 dollars. The fanbase is too divided and cancerous than metroid. And nintendo doesn't know what to do anymore. Why bother ehen there's KI uprising that beats starfox at its own game

Anthros were pretty cool until furries had to fag it up.

Eat it

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Nintendo should try taking it in a different direction again.

oooh you said bigot

what next, call me a nazi?


look at that flexibility. top tier bottom

>The fanbase is too divided
I'm pretty sure everyone one agrees we just want a good Star Fox game.

Only foe nostalgiafags ro complain again and lose their minds? We'd be right baxk where as started.

And what counts as a "good game"? Because some want another 64 and some want another assault. Those two groups are always fighting and claim thats the direction they want the series to go in


Fox is into human women like Samus

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all the better to fuck you with

You can have elements of 64 and Assault, what is this divide you're talking about? Because that's only a few saying this, we just want a good game that isn't gimmick heavy.



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It's just him without a shirt user

Both Assault and 64 are great, people just don't want gimmicks. Assault is actually not that different from 64. It just has TPS missions, which weren't all that bad tbqh.

the bulk of this is so obviously traced from 3dpd porn. furry artists are such hacks

The addition of a level select single-handedly makes it a good version.

tfw no space mercenary bf

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>tfw no open world star fox game were you can visit cities/towns of different planets

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I prefer Wolf at this point

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people will say this was done in bad taste but furries always love doing these kind of responses to anyone specially when they want to piss someone off but when applied to them then is no longer funny

congratulations on your taste

nigga what

they practically have a successful attack in certian planets and Dinosaur Planet was practically obliterated

benefiting friends

Nah that looks like a faggot.

>pigma gets infected
>dino pals get infected
>Pepper gets infected
>Peppy gets infected
>everyone is getting infected
>it's getting so serious Wolf and his team start helping out

How do stop myself bros I need to stop looking at this degenerate porn

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It's only natural to be attracted to a true man like Wolf. Embrace it!

Look for human porn of people with similar builds

But it hurts my self esteem

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that is so disgusting

just look at the fanbase. that's how i got over krystal and went to miyu and fay

I have but I get no satisfaction unless its furry bc I have a problem
That's how I quit the first time but that lasted about a week

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It's so much better than normal porn, just accept it.

Yes but why. Why is there so much good stuff and why is there even more stuff that makes me wanna tear my eyes out

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You just have to learn to take the bitter with the better.

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I was so close to being free of this degeneracy but the porn is impossible to drop

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2D is just like that

also Wolf is hot. Both of his Smash voices (done by the same guy hilariously enough) is sexy.

What I wouldn't give to have Wolf sit on my face while wearing those tight leather pants

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64 > 2 > Assault > 1 > Adventures >>>>>>> Command > 0

I hate how anything with innocent anthropomorphic animals has to be sexualized by these fucks.