ITT: best of Yea Forums

ITT: best of Yea Forums

Attached: jf.jpg (780x915, 231K)

Other urls found in this thread:

more post pictures from Yea Forums Yea Forums before reddit

Attached: Reload Animations.png (1275x471, 251K)

Attached: v - Controlled Racism.jpg (888x1436, 186K)

I wish there was an archive of this thread somewhere, I wanna see everyone's reaction to it

>Earliest posts I can reach are ~320 million
So close

Attached: i recognize that gay blowjob.jpg (1276x1148, 316K)

Attached: hotel e3.png (1132x1140, 517K)

I don't get what's so funny.
It's reddit as fuck.

Attached: gta v.png (813x621, 98K)

audible chuckle

Attached: no dream too big.jpg (2584x2960, 1.85M)

Attached: tile man.jpg (1600x8500, 2.82M)

Daisyfags truly are pathetic worms.

Attached: 1543557075642.jpg (1200x1663, 316K)

but this pic is 09

Attached: kyle.png (1500x2500, 1.23M)

Attached: Jesus is expensive.jpg (1596x8047, 2.02M)

>everything i dont like it's reddit

fuck off you bitter cunt.

Attached: 1561429241911.jpg (1882x4977, 1.85M)

>defending reddit
Fucking go back.

reminder the next time you make a long post and double space your ideas for ease of reading, remember pictures like this one from 2009 before anyone on Earth knew what Reddit even was.

Attached: 1540591718017.jpg (1323x541, 308K)

Attached: bib anon.jpg (1777x1850, 939K)

>missing the point
Sure buddy, reddit it's the best aight. are you getting off to that?

Attached: 1515447700855.jpg (736x682, 69K)

Attached: C4EB9ZNL37RH.jpg (895x777, 86K)

Isn't that guy still around? Or like a white hating pedophile version of him at least.

Attached: v - The first 360.jpg (895x777, 86K)

wow epic

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Attached: holy fuck.jpg (500x500, 62K)

Attached: 1551744687745.png (1276x1964, 828K)

>if that thread happened today it would be filled with basedjaks

Attached: 1525294982010.jpg (1211x1275, 172K)


Attached: whOOOOOOOOAAAAAAA.gif (250x271, 991K)

You lost old man, delete it

Attached: psp cat.jpg (868x331, 41K)

Attached: smoke.png (423x258, 60K)

Youre whats wrong with modern v

man i miss the email field, was useful

>want to dox some faggot
>use their actual username on Yea Forums to bait retards into doing your dirty work
>personal army achieved
it can't be this easy, can it?

Attached: v - How to destroy a thread.jpg (1280x1024, 427K)

Zoomers in a nutshell. You're a retard

Always gets me


Oldfag posts like these don't happen anymore. Zoomers just spam meme phrases and words and then click out of a thread without a care. These posts used to take time and effort, and even proper writing and some wit. I hope zoomers live long enough to die from something horrible. They're incredibly low quality human beings in general.

Cope and dilate, incel

Attached: totallynotgay.jpg (1253x736, 166K)

Attached: v - Shitposting at work.png (1009x256, 53K)

Hmm yes the barely mature sperm cells are the reason why I cannot find humor

Attached: 1557535688646.jpg (633x758, 127K)

Yeah this totally happened and isn't fake at all.

Attached: armstrong's dream.png (1880x179, 53K)

It's blatantly fake, you drooling retards.
A low effort knock off of the Yea Forums screen cap and the faggot didn't even bother making the context look organic.

Attached: 1523330556444.png (800x5700, 3.03M)

I wish there was more like that.

Attached: 1403751502067.png (1428x4086, 1.63M)

Attached: v - Hit-miss ratio.png (1412x619, 194K)

>Yea Forums
>where a 36 year old dude calls a 32 year old dude "old man"


Attached: mr. bone's wild ride.jpg (1376x7858, 3.14M)

Attached: sjws.png (1295x745, 269K)

Hit or miss ratio you say?

>haha, I'd tentacle rape you if I was an Octopus!
Fucking lol

Attached: 2018.jpg (871x1095, 822K)

Attached: 54F15176-AAAB-4A8F-A120-B6A57F3C2AB9.jpg (1242x1421, 1.28M)

>Yea Forums
That was some of the cancer leaking into /tg/

Attached: v - boomerang.png (1004x545, 105K)

Attached: v i d y a.png (963x268, 55K)

Attached: v - Dark Metagame 2.png (637x631, 276K)

6 fucking years
and thats not even the first shit i've seen here

Attached: 123255234223.jpg (1300x866, 89K)

Attached: 1547273786391.jpg (382x360, 24K)

i made this

Attached: o.png (701x598, 84K)

Attached: definition of v.png (582x515, 35K)


he's not wrong, it's a shitty unoriginal ripoff of the "I recognize that bulge" bit, probably with the same guy replying to himself for le ebin (You)s

This wouldn't work today, because people on Yea Forums like being retarded.

Attached: wisdom.png (680x321, 98K)

Attached: 1545788595815.jpg (1869x1614, 317K)

Attached: v - Slightly too real.png (1878x870, 193K)

>2 kirby characters as dlc

Attached: just.jpg (720x720, 288K)

I remember there was an archive that had posts from 2010 and earlier
What happened to it?
Fireden starts from 2015

Attached: 1085b1b34a344440a6d1d1dc3488c4a3.png (728x90, 52K)

did you read my mind? i was just going to post that

Attached: videogames.png (963x783, 87K)

>unironically caring about old posts that nobody else remembers or cares about because muh ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’history‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’
lmfao are all boomers like this? fuck off old man this board belongs to us now

Dunno, archives regularly get fucked by things and lose everything earlier than a certain point

I like the fact that this is what you focus on instead of the fact that that whole thread got derailed into a discussion about theoretical multi-dimensional pizza balls

>"Stop throwing garbage at me Tyrone."

Holy shit what a retort

Someone post the kirby's pinball one. I can't find it.

Time to fuck off back there, kid.

This, we'll never get glorious oldfag posts like pic related anymore

Attached: 1539774098341.png (1902x936, 628K)



who remembers the great purge

Attached: the purge.jpg (1256x430, 83K)

is there more
I must know

stop shitting up the board with your obviously weak bait and your retarded meme catch phrases. You are the cancer making it worse.

Good day

Attached: 1505250913898.jpg (600x711, 105K)

Attached: v - What the fuck did you fromage.png (1300x810, 681K)

jesus christ

holy shit lmao

Thank you. I needed this laugh today.

Stop, the angrier you get the more reason he has to post.

>Moments after hitting submit, they promptly exited the thread and went on to the next one where they will once again take 10 seconds to type out their daily phrase

Every fucking time

Attached: 1454656278173.gif (500x500, 1.03M)

This was only a few days after I found Yea Forums. I had no clue what anything was and I wish I could go back

Someone had a gif of what this looks like
Please tell me someone has in this thread has it

>X mins ago
I hate people that do this.
It's insanely retarded.

Attached: Yugi in the House for Nintendo DS.jpg (2144x2144, 438K)

this board is way better compared to these garbage nostalgiamundo screenies
srsly arent you too old to be here? get a fucking life and fuck off you old creepfag

Attached: Fun.jpg (940x1020, 206K)

Attached: smugleaf.jpg (2580x7679, 3.05M)

Want to know how we know you're a newfag?

fucking kek

Attached: 1501570043808.jpg (400x400, 31K)

I actually been having this urge to pic either a Fallout or TES game, start a new playthrough just to kill every single NPC in the game.
Just need mods to turn off essential NPCs and respawning enemies.

That statement still is and always has been correct.

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Attached: vcomedy.jpg (1903x2169, 850K)

Lmfao when you're literally btfoing your own self don't try and include the rest of the users in your retardation

Ignoring the other apes, Circle jerking isn't exclusive to reddit which is why a lot of times the two may seem so identical. In this case it's a repeated circle-jerk, the first being about that edited penis on an anime thing.

Attached: tripfags.jpg (3628x3650, 1.63M)

did i touch an unpleasant memory

Attached: lemonkeyface.jpg (322x234, 22K)

You only say that because you'll kill yourself before reaching his age like the little bitch you are

>I don't like thing so its reddit

Attached: 4a240f_5147896.jpg (1242x730, 94K)

Whose calling who Reddit again?

>3 months ago
>wouldn't work today


>I know people in this collage

>Honestly worse than peanus weenus
>The fucking screencap even ended in a 'quads'
Fucking hell, how did it not get the same fame? That's fantastic

uh ooooh looks like i touched another old mans nerves lmfao
just go die loser no one cares about you old fucks and your outdated garbage nostalgia bullshit Yea Forums is for FUNPOSTING not incel vidya and old fag garbajio :^)

Attached: 82AF1773-A7CF-4C2C-8433-AE3A7ADD659D.jpg (528x713, 92K)

lmfao at this third world ESL shitskin redditor

Attached: lmao.jpg (523x640, 58K)

now this is tryhard cringe. Yikes.

Attached: v - Did you feel like a hero.png (791x576, 64K)

seethe harder oldfag lol

what an asshole grandpa

keep going, please. I'm dying over here.

Attached: 15292852038793452.jpg (1024x576, 183K)

It appears I am the retard.

Attached: dead.png (315x366, 132K)

>2005 was 11 years ago

haha yeah...

Attached: v - Predictability.png (923x419, 62K)

Now that was a wild ride

Attached: 1404464769806.png (1573x3904, 2.14M)

Attached: anime gto shocked.gif (267x200, 1.59M)

It begins

Attached: Chinman - Part 1.jpg (560x4559, 370K)

Attached: 1542180909841.gif (300x200, 46K)

As a 19 year old zoomer,
Fuck zoomers

Seconding this

Attached: Chinman - Part 2.jpg (560x3844, 327K)

Still has a bunch of comments from the original post omg

Attached: Screenshot_20190204-093752_Instagram.jpg (1080x730, 270K)

I've got so much unsorted shit that I've saved over the years. Maybe one day.

Attached: 1218818253975.jpg (738x936, 498K)

wow so based and cool

>hello fellow kids I too know about cringe compilation
lol 2016 called they want they’re meme back
i bet ur a wagie too without literally one friend like why havent u kys yet??? do u actually think an old fuck posting on a shit video game board trying to “”””defend””””” his oldfag garbo would actually be mourned ? pffffftoh no no no NO NO HHHHHHHAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Attached: C2BDA5A7-89F3-4949-9332-AEB5A0786770.gif (487x815, 65K)

t. Reddit transplant

Attached: Chinman - Part 3.jpg (580x3928, 1.31M)

Shut up dude

Attached: Chinman - Part 4.jpg (1164x3616, 923K)

Fuck your passive aggressive sarcastic bitch mentality

Attached: Chinman - Part 5.jpg (1164x3925, 992K)

Fucking hate my generation though. That’s the last I’ll say of it

That statement was a warning of an influx of cynical no-fun contrarian faggots like yourself slowly overtaking the board. That's why the statement is no longer controversial.

ur probably that creeper kid at school arent u lmfao

You are unironically everything that's wrong with this place.

You look at something that's fun and make some retarded comparison when you don't laugh. Instead of letting people enjoy something you need to test everything I down when you feel left out.
Now we have this retarded culture of hating everything because of one person is upset they'll call it Reddit. Now nothing is funny, nobody will post good content for the sake of good content, it's just malicious shit posting

Anyone have a screencap of the DMC5 reveal or the Vergil reveal?

Play new Vegas. You can do that in the vanilla game. There's also a mod to injure people, put exploding slave collars on them and detonate them when you want. Recently they've made a live dismemberment mod, too.

All they have to say is "lol mad" though.
>work today

> implying that anything on nu-Yea Forums has been objectively good and no reddit tier zoomer trash
go back

That’s the kind of person this site was built for, normalfaggot

That line was from way earlier than 2019. The OP was titled "u mad bro? but seriously how do you reply to this without sound mad?"

yea not anymore lol fuck off freak

Attached: 61E401EE-B7F6-48E6-BFBA-C2AD40DED039.jpg (447x720, 26K)

Based Kent

Global rules 4 and 6

Dude who did moe archive had to stop due to costs in 2014/15 I think, it went back to late 2011 last I remember.

The Yea Forums archive goes back to 2007/8 which is interesting to see.

What a chad

Attached: Skully.png (395x395, 174K)

3 and 6*
Not the person you’re replying to btw, just stepping in to tell you to stop being a fag

how about you go back then.

Was lostboy really 2012 or are you bamboozling me here?

I guarantee you won't hear another thing out of him now


Attached: v - EEnE Online.jpg (1442x9603, 3.19M)

No I'm just saying thanks for doing that. He was obviously like a 14 year old cringelord. Any whiff of authority will send running.

Attached: KMuaI9L.jpg (1903x2257, 2.09M)


Attached: 1560199582990.jpg (387x461, 24K)

No I meant you’re the one being the fag
I corrected myself

Attached: i just want out.gif (480x270, 3.04M)

Honestly, that guy seems like a fucking bro. Still hilarious though.

Attached: VIDEOGAMES.jpg (1422x1222, 333K)

obvious bait

I said shut up because it’s a quick way for you to BTFO yourself. Looking back at a previous generation, wishing that you existed back then will do absolutely nothing for you, because you can’t change time. You have to enjoy yourself in the generation you’re in right now.

Before 2014 it was okay to find things funny.

Now things that are funny are reddit and/or cringe. The only thing that's truly funny is post-ironic sarcasm. Go post some of your wojaks to calm yourself down.

This guy commin in with a bib to eat your girls pussy,
what you do?


finally a good fucking thread

You have to be 18 to post here

Nothing has fucking changed, it's crazy.

>check it out
>hey it's only 16.99
>it's 90% off for the summer sale

People my age are retards
I hate my generational culture
I hate most of the popular memes nowadays
I hate the modern state of gaming
I hate how most of the series I like are dead, dying, or a soulless husk
I hate social media and the culture that surrounds it
I hate modern drama culture
I hate a lot of things about people my age
I’m just complaining because I can’t do anything else

At this point though the site was already compromised. Van exploding and chanology had created little eternal septembers.

Attached: scorp.png (971x338, 93K)

every time

Attached: everytime.jpg (645x669, 117K)

No ones genuine.
Everyone is on like 5 levels of falseflag irony where no one can actually like or enjoy something for fear someone will say its shit.


Attached: megamannoooo.jpg (1259x391, 187K)

>360 and walk away
kek I remember that used to be posted all the time

Do it. I fucking dare you.

I don't get it. How could they possibly find him only with his location and what makes them so sure this is indeed him

>has to spell it out for me that this is bait
I see, the fool here is me. You got me man

Attached: IMG_1932.jpg (249x243, 12K)

I need to know this too, there's no way it was 7 years ago. What about dolphin porn?

bait or not you outed yourself as a redditretard. go back, or keep seething in mediocrity here.

Attached: 842DD45B-6E3C-4831-8597-79767255240F.png (596x387, 15K)

Attached: blood elf rp.jpg (989x234, 34K)

well played

Attached: 1197573852922.jpg (669x569, 55K)

Attached: fit dances.webm (720x480, 2.33M)

No but I remember the amount of retards on Yea Forums that thought it was DONTAE and not Nero was fucking staggering even after he had his sword shown.

Go back

I have a couple dumps from then. Shit was hilarious

Attached: 1367199961893.jpg (1334x769, 131K)

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Attached: 1367202079896.png (624x431, 297K)

Attached: 1201344919473.png (673x992, 212K)


did this actually happen? I feel like it would have been talked about a lot more to this day if something like this happened.

Attached: 1367199474308.png (1608x939, 944K)

Watch this 789 GET

I'll be honest, to this day I don't know if it's fake or not

Do you have the one with the French dude playing Shogun 2 and there's a popup that says "Please purchase special samurai DLC to continue" or something like that?

unfortunately this is the last one Ihave

Attached: 1367202181949.png (534x445, 16K)

His phone number

>why cant people suck themselves off im so lonely
>my back hurts

Attached: lololol.gif (240x192, 1.78M)

The man, the legend

Attached: 1445044790616.jpg (900x1177, 135K)

Attached: 1435806240187.jpg (660x389, 56K)

I hated it because it's a paltry immitation of an Yea Forums thread from a decade ago.
But you're a fucking faggot for thinking it's reddit.

Shame, thanks anyway.

Attached: 1287997593970.png (342x342, 117K)

>ywn be this unattractive
Fuck, makes me feel so goddamned good. I know I can turn things around one day.

it forgot to show later in the thread where this faggot got exposed and btfo

Based, wonder if he still lurks

Yea Forums Yea Forums never changes

Attached: 1214443298433.png (744x2200, 1.25M)

Attached: 1230428410230.jpg (1148x477, 79K)

>best of Yea Forums

well it sure as duck isnt the mods
bring back the dobson thread faggots

I can never read the whole thing but I do enjoy it for what it is.

His face isn't even bad, he just let himself go in every way.

Yeah, tripfags need to go namefag on a forum.

pretty good thread
ill dump my folder

Attached: Ainsley.jpg (1244x1136, 506K)

Im laughing so fucking hard

Attached: Bioware.png (1268x2312, 490K)

Try harder to fit in on an anonymous image board.

>That last bit
FUCK. I lost.

Attached: an-weapon-to-surpass-metal-gear.jpg (1264x1618, 473K)


Attached: Blanc.png (1700x1850, 932K)

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Attached: Cassino.png (1920x885, 263K)

Attached: CD.png (1776x4576, 2.45M)

Attached: 1558414098295.jpg (1872x1216, 363K)

>the fucking bear

Isn't that the one that everyone on Twitter keeps insisting is Keemstar sucking off that guy?

I might be a little late, but nice quads

>look he's sucking his benis :DDD
>wtf i'm gay now :DD

That was fun

Attached: 1491957685177.png (1344x1388, 534K)

Attached: Centaur.png (2378x1492, 758K)

Attached: 1552708511199.png (1231x352, 174K)

Attached: Court Case.png (810x294, 444K)

Early 00's in a nutshell

Attached: 1506852212092.jpg (1024x768, 234K)

I wish the HTML table would come back I bet normies on phones can't even comprehend how to navigate it.

Attached: work.png (906x327, 122K)

Attached: 1557284641399.jpg (2305x4145, 2.57M)

Because it's absurdist
There's a man on a bicycle riding in the air whilst a man that looks like Keemstar is blowing another guy whilst a bear is right behind them and three dogs are engaged in a threesome.

In writing, that's cringe. In execution it's absurdist humour. Recognise that and you'll understand what is and isn't reddit.
What is reddit is describing it like "HEY LOOK WOULDN'T IT BE COOL IF THERE WAS LIKE A BICYCLE MAN RIDING AND A FEW DUDES ARE LIKE BLOWING EACH OTHER AND THEN THERE'S A BEAR AND THEN THERE'S THREE DOGS HUMPING LOL XD WACKY" because you are using your own imagination and putting all absurd elements together. It's not funny because it's engineered in your mind.

This is funny because you are seeing it actually happen in a photograph, even if it is photoshopped, it's good enough that it seems real. So you laugh because the absurdist situation is actually happening.
Now please, fuck off back to the youtube comment section.

Attached: 1550774054989.jpg (719x540, 94K)

Too bad mods are gods once in a year

Attached: 1554183735170.png (1080x1044, 214K)

Attached: Untitled.jpg (10x10, 779)

Attached: new vegas prime.png (732x340, 131K)


holy kek nice


Attached: 1558400726768.gif (423x264, 1.96M)

Attached: Dota 2.jpg (1274x954, 109K)

I miss XP's interface

Attached: 1556186151625.jpg (314x161, 5K)

i've been here too long

I dint get it, if mods know we love this shit why dont they ever interact with us anymore?


I miss most old interfaces. Nowadays all UIs look sterile with that cancerous modern borderless metro style UI that looks like ass.

cant belive nobody posted this one yet

Attached: Math.jpg (940x717, 78K)

>All they have to say is "lol mad" though.

ok? they are retarded. they will be retarded for the rest of their lives. their friends, their family, will treat them like a retard. the mad person will just forget about it in five minutes and move on to the next activity in their normal, non-retard life. you do not win by being retarded, user. being retarded is losing.

Attached: Nuggets.jpg (1200x3728, 1.09M)

Attached: androidwaifu.jpg (1440x2000, 483K)

These threads are just redditors fishing for screencaps they don't have so they can repost them on the section of reddit devoted to Yea Forums screencaps.

Attached: IT FITS.png (1680x3237, 1.95M)

fuck you, I was going to post that one

Attached: iwata.jpg (1901x456, 108K)


Attached: Golf.png (945x860, 277K)

what a legend

Has someone posted the going into games machine?

I remember that faggot, I even remember making a few dick edits as well
Good times

Don't have any more Yea Forums, here's some...whatever the hell this is.

Attached: fats.jpg (1277x4855, 627K)

Haha epic for the win!!!!

Attached: PIZZA.png (1500x2532, 2.75M)

That caught me off guard real bad.

Being fit is good, but being ugly means you're just broke

Attached: Imac.jpg (2000x2000, 547K)

last one

Attached: starcraft.png (783x592, 121K)

Attached: dinocrisis.png (870x880, 612K)

Never forget Lewis Graham

Attached: Lewis Graham.webm (832x600, 2.99M)

Attached: Main.jpg (1224x1112, 246K)

Attached: Shit.png (1026x662, 336K)


lel mad

Attached: Recete.jpg (2929x3924, 881K)

Attached: Game.png (686x647, 177K)

Attached: True bone.jpg (1340x1420, 536K)

Attached: videojjjj.jpg (1096x456, 98K)

I think they believe if they start interacting with the userbase they'll lose that "god" status or that people will take the opinions of one mod as a general fact.

Attached: 1511648032784.png (634x473, 55K)

>that nigger who believes he's clever and playing 5D chess

You can tell this is post-cancer without looking at the date.

Attached: Banjo Collage 20 Minutes Before His Announcement.png (2720x2230, 1.88M)

I love this kind of shit, regardless if it's real or not.

Attached: you're okay.png (357x358, 314K)


This one's actually really funny to me because as a huge Metroidfag, I remember all the comparisons made between the two and I played FO3 expecting a fun game and got one of the most boring games i've ever fucking played

Attached: Muslins.png (1491x1405, 496K)

The end of Stevengellion: You can (not) be playable

Attached: >stevefags.jpg (2047x1303, 2.01M)

I remember lurking in that thread

>closed instruction book

Attached: 1560088331869.jpg (669x400, 35K)

Not Yea Forums but Yea Forums enough

Attached: 1561085395294.jpg (1332x1840, 622K)

holy fuck i remember that faggot.

I still don't know what the fuck a dolphin polisher is supposed to be

>P.S. i wish i could run away fast like sonic
this got to real

Attached: file.png (313x254, 121K)

He's not unattractive at all. He's just a big fatty that needs to shave and lose weight and he'd look good.

>It's fucking real
I love Slavs so fucking much

Attached: lone.jpg (2500x1700, 761K)

Attached: PALADIN.png (608x716, 124K)

I literally just realized it was taken out
What the fuck

Don’t post, just lurk if you must.

Good shit

Attached: 1561832678904.jpg (586x586, 174K)

Attached: Armor Kun.png (1453x1810, 518K)

>no reply caps

shit pic

why are there so many black otakus

Attached: V in Summer.png (1546x302, 88K)

obvious phoneposter.

The board is just too big now and driveby shitposts are too easy and get too much attention. The only hope is to work with other anons to raise the quality of the board with real discussion and genuine replies.

Attached: 1555108124636.png (1700x1068, 213K)

Attached: Frogosagbag.jpg (992x1328, 267K)

Attached: metal gear flex.png (1900x1108, 328K)

Attached: ripgoogle.png (787x131, 33K)

It's fake but almost believable after realizing weebs fit in to three categories Black men, Extremely fat white losers, and Skeletor white autists.

Attached: gone homo.png (1257x206, 39K)

Attached: 1548879834924.png (1742x2404, 1.39M)

>The implication that the Phantom Thieves and at least some of the confidants knew what was happening but continued on anyways

Attached: 1561887183235.jpg (1024x1024, 221K)

Attached: 45MM.jpg (594x797, 86K)


But arrow to the knee meme isn't as old as pwn and noob.

because it just encourages more shitposting

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this one was actually good


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remember seeing the original a while ago
it was so bizzare that I wasn't sure if it's a copy pasta

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>Relying on Gamestop for anything in 2019
He's retarded.

Surprised that ban isn't handed out even more nowadays

Attached: 1555165584020.png (824x2000, 588K)

>468724935 #
This is just mute Goblin Slayer

Does Yea Forums have anything comparable to the halls of anal devastation from Yea Forums?

Attached: 1539502264263.jpg (362x374, 64K)

but did he nut

>Not being able to read in 2019
cring and blupld

>in 2019

Attached: WutAreYouSaying.jpg (500x500, 79K)

Jesus Christ man, there's just some things you don't talk about in public.

Yeah, MHW

Attached: how to BTFO yourself 101.png (1920x1079, 1.88M)

Attached: Why nintoddlers are butthurt over MHW.png (1676x2117, 1.38M)

the demitri martin one is fucking fantastic.

All those delusional Switch fans... Nintendo really does have the worst fanbase. Obnoxious man-children.

Yes. What year is it currently, user? And how do you think that strategy from 2014 will work, given that information? Think carefully now.

Attached: 1442326237740.jpg (260x282, 9K)

This dude slaps your girls ass at the club then reloads in front of you.

What do?


Attached: 1482739756031.jpg (500x363, 55K)

Attached: This is what ruined this board.png (1318x652, 103K)

Show me in that original post where it says anyone wanted anything from Gamestop in 2019

he's right you know

Attached: 1555171708517.jpg (800x537, 63K)

reddit tier screencap

Attached: 1555170927242.jpg (1024x1400, 978K)

>best of Yea Forums
>so much of this shit is from 2017 or later
Yea Forums has been irredeemable since fucking 2014
It still wasn't great then but ever since then it has been trash
Occasionally we get some sick burn (that was probably just samefagged) or something but that's about it, no one does wacky shit anymore because it's "reddit"
Everyone's too busy making the board "Video Game Politics" and spamming whatever shitty meme word came out of Yea Forums, /pol/, or /r9k/ this week
Yea Forums has completely lost its soul

Attached: 1160616651871.jpg (560x429, 69K)

You missed the point of the post you were replying to, it's okay. Don't damage control yourself TOO hard.


go away newfag

t. assblasted burn victim

sorry about the cursor

Attached: vrchat.png (616x519, 27K)

Is he saying that Doomguy is an amputee because of that old rumor that Doomguy is legless and uses a rocket powered wheelchair

No, I really didn't. I'm trying to be patient with you, because I don't like picking on the less fortunate. But you're really trying my patience.

dont worry, im here to help

Attached: 1555173558605.jpg (500x500, 96K)

I've seen some variation of this post about every day for the past 13 years. Why do they all give some arbitrary year when it went downhill?

Attached: 1555170016961.jpg (500x449, 68K)

>that last post
He knows whats up

Attached: 1555173774514.png (962x549, 67K)

2014 was the year of the Fappening and when boomers started flooding into /pol/ because of the election
The site's population doubled then and it's been utter trash ever since

what? is this a movie reference of something?

Attached: 1555704551829.jpg (468x1000, 72K)

No, no, shut the fuck up, I'm not falling for your bait

There it is folks, there's the old internet you nostalgiaholics all want so badly.

Attached: 1543096429324.png (802x463, 142K)

>can only laugh if he sees others laughing



What’s 2019 going to say

Just say
and post cute girls looking disappointed in that user bro, works everytime.

Attached: 1561728597298.jpg (820x607, 206K)

A friend of mine knows this poofy cunt.



I personally love OH NO NO NO NO posting. It's so urgent. I always love additions like OH NO NO NO NO XBROS WE GOT TOO COCKY

Fucking newfags go back to LACHSCHON


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he was too pure for this world

this isn't real is it?

I remember seeing the game and thinking it looked cool,but didn't download it because I had something else to do that day. Next day I came back to that warning on the screen. I still wonder if I had downloaded it would my antivirus have saved my stupid ass or would I end up in the cringe compilations?

Since when did Yea Forums go back to this kind of posting? Thought the constant level of cuckshit ruined it beyond repair.

Attached: zooooooom.png (255x172, 5K)

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Does anyone have the screencap of some guy's waifu being made in AA?

Attached: 97868543-5120-4EA8-9287-142673C3941E.jpg (903x645, 105K)

>lostboy was 2012
I've wasted my life on this damn website

Have sex

oh, that was fun, I love how people uploaded loli porn there and you could access from KT servers for a year

Attached: 1555034528966.png (901x490, 66K)

That’s why it’s funny

damage control much

>Starting at 1995 but using a '85 game as a template

Fucking zoomers.

Cockmongler and Happy Negro, /l/ shutting down. Those were the days.

Things have truly gone downhill, haven't they?

Attached: 98961j.gif (483x497, 870K)

It's all just one big shit sandwich, and we all have to take a bite. But we'll be aight.

fake you cant even see the quick reply links

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

if this is a troll then congrats you got me because

someone post the fucking purple guy

this one?

Attached: 1557517365158.webm (1018x616, 2.07M)

Based negro

how to fix spilling spaghetti bros? it's not like his situation was unsalvageable and it only turned bad because he couldn't explain it

best thing I've seen all day

Attached: 1550617157955.gif (200x200, 885K)

technically /g/ but you know this is you as well, Yea Forums

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how has this not been posted?

Attached: 1458890480558.png (1944x1436, 2.63M)

Who has the fun is just a buzzword one?

it predates goblin slayer

its like the tenth image posted in the thread. scroll up.

Attached: 1466031348323.png (678x472, 18K)


I think I kind of admire someone who's somehow made peace with being THE neckbeard.

while it was funny I'm kinda sad that some scammer slav actually profited a lot from this

based lurk ogre

>haha I'm role-playing as a pedo in a game
Stab your eyes out

>all the seething this post caused

holy shit i forgot bout that this is funny to the point of being sad.

What is this aspect ratio and perspective? How did he achieve that effect?

dumping some more

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Attached: KICKSTART.png (1127x755, 50K)

By actively not giving a shit.

Attached: THIS IS YOUR FAULT.jpg (927x552, 197K)

This is mod abuse I can get behind.

>tfw he beat me up once back in middle school
Fat tard rage strength is fearsome.

Attached: celcius.jpg (1552x1762, 1.31M)

Damn that's a good louis impersonation

He really isn't ugly but he hasn't taken care of his body at all and probably never will

From 2018 new years day.

Attached: brappy new year v.png (1431x962, 395K)

Attached: JanitorThrowsShitFit.png (479x577, 30K)

Kill yourself, traitor.

Do you remember when all hope was lost?

Attached: 1395799064381.png (3152x2042, 1.43M)

Based Gaben telling us the truth and nothing but the truth

>The shittier rehash version of that thread
>Not the Chris Rock "WHERE'S ALL THE NIGGAZ IN RAPTURE" joke

I swear.

I still can't believe I was in that thread and was seconds away from downloading it before I just decided to go to bed.

It was during a time where I wanted to play spooky games like Amnesia or whatever and this thread just pops up on Yea Forums and it seems perfect, all the user's were posting screenshots and saying it's a cool little game.

Fucking wake up to this next day, didn't expect I'd dodged a bullet especially since I was underageb& and last I checked he sent dragon dildos paid for with the parents credit card to the address of the underage users with something saying "ask your child". Although, I had no information on my computer at the time, so I'm not sure what he could've got.

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What's the context here

As funny as that was (and the ensuing threads where he got chased around with those edits), it really contributed to the anonymous shitposters we have today. If most of 'em had tripcodes they'd have been laughed off the site already.

how far gone am I if my first thought was that this wasn't such a bad idea?

When Oculus Rift was bought by Facebook

Facebook buys the Occulus.

Facebook acquiring the Oculus Rift.

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Attached: deepsea.jpg (3388x2075, 1.65M)

>That Ron White bit
Spot on, fucking incredible

>birds poop on her booty

fuck i havent seen this one i a long time

Attached: Tesco Village.jpg (882x900, 124K)

I remember this. Was it really in 2017? It feels like it was only a few months ago.

Even then Yea Forums still had its culture, back in 2012. Yet it feels like decades ago since that was last true.
Now I look at the posts in this thread and I wonder how such a complete death of the site could have happened, and it makes me sad. Makes me look back at HE spam with nostalgia.
RIP in peace, Yea Forums. I wish you could have had a quick and merciful death.

Attached: snake.png (656x1698, 471K)

Attached: btfo.png (1349x559, 194K)

fug, I've been looking for this for quite some time.

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Attached: ratatatatata.jpg (683x790, 414K)

Attached: rage.png (3055x1548, 222K)

I feel ya. I even miss the /mlp/ poster with the "haha, staph it, it tickles" that spammed that shit for years.
Pic unrelated.

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Attached: 63835353.png (1312x3893, 1.02M)

Holy fucking shit, the bundle is still there!

That dude just never got it, did he? Never show weakness on the internet. It's literally that simple. Sharks can smell blood in the water.

things did change though, nowadays we use "shill" instead of "viral"

>The posts in the screencap: March 22nd to March 23rd, 2016
>First volume of the Goblin Slayer LN: February 15, 2016

AND on sale

I posted in that thread.

I've seen this one before and holy fuck does it still take me until the last line for me to realize what's going on.

Attached: now this is burning down the forest.png (692x1820, 176K)

Do you have the one that's basically the same but with a reflection showing the guy who takes the picture?

replying to a poster who toasted in an epic bread

Attached: Simply Not Possible.png (1368x2252, 1.46M)

That thread is a goldmine. How in the flying fuck?
I'm sad that I missed that thread

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Elliot Rodger?

See if the skelepirates have any sexy skelesisters to bone

I meant in the same context as If i remember correctly it was in a gamestop and he took a picture of someone playing near the store's entrance but there was a reflection (to the left of the image) that exposed him as being a fat ''nothing personal'' fedora-wearing creep

>with incels interlinked

Don't give a fuck about weeb garbage

Attached: USELESSASSWEREWOLF.png (256x6209, 2.28M)