Boot up latest indie hit

>Boot up latest indie hit

>"Earthbound inspired"
>Pixel art graphics
>Harmless on the surface, hides unexpected horror elements
>Meta narrative
>Questions the player's morals
>Is a metaphor for the dev's illness

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Okay user. I understand that there are games out there that you don't like so instead of shitting on others peoples stuff why don't you use this thread to tell us about your favorite video games.

Or do you want to spend your life being a little bitch?

This is the gayest thing I've read on 4channel today.

>boot up the latest indie hit
>it's another retro inspired metroidvania
>not super responsive
>even if the game has tight controls it's just lots of boring running and jumping through the same areas repeatedly

don't be mean to OP he can't help that he's retarded

Would pic related count as "harmless on the surface, hides unexpected horror elements"?

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LISA is good fuck off.

not really horror elements. just darker elements.

>Boot up latest indie hit

>Souls-like(TM)(tm) Gameplay
>Colorful, abstract pixel visuals
>main characters is a mysterious faceless wanderer with a scarf
>Main evil is the spreading Ubiquitous Darkness(TM)
>The story is hidden through lore and environmental storytelling(T^M*2)
>has an 80's inspired synthy soundtrack
>most of the jokes are puns and 4th wall breaks
>has a cat NPC somewhere

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have sex

get out of my thread, faggot


With you?

We get it user you didn't like Undertale but don't act like that's all indie games you sperg


What's the latest indie hit? Celeste?

>>Harmless on the surface, hides unexpected horror elements
I'm so sick of this
It's not profound, it's not interesting, and it's certainly not scary

>boot up latest indie hit
>it's a rogue-whatever
all these fucking indie folk saying they're bringing a "never before seen" product to the market when they're not doing that at all. everyone's seen rogue games. people know metroidvanias exist. difficult platformers? you bet. just have an original fucking idea for once in your latte-sipping, pixelshitting, cash-hungry life. it's either that or become fully independent from the realm of the living.

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bloodstained: ritual of the dark

no thanks the line to your moms house it too long


I liked undertale so fuck you but if to you latest means 4 years ago your heads a bit fucking cooked lad tbqh

Name 5 games

Fuck off, Toby.


>everyone who liked undertale is toby fox
Absolutely outstanding reply well done have a sticker. Your thread is shite

OP here, the fuck is with all these genuinely angry replies holy kek


I knew I was not the only one.

You spoke the truth and now everyone's butthurt

It's ironic you complain about those things, while posting a picture of Tyler the Creator.

Katana Zero or Baba Is You, although Baba is very unique outside of Baba's design being in the "cute white blob" character design basket that a few other indies have done. Bloodstained might also count.

>Is a metaphor for the dev's illness
Why do these fags keep doing this shit?

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>indie 2D sidescroller
>camera moves erratically with every minuscule movement

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>Boot up latest indie hit

>clone of old classic
>but worse
>Pixel art graphics

Because a lot of people (especially creatives) are self absorbed

>boot up indieshit
>its actually shit

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