

Attached: n.jpg (684x676, 87K)

I'll accept the label if someone wants to give me disability money for it.

2 niggers disappeared between the 2 panels and the girl that doesn't turn around took on of their places. What happened there?

102.3 hours in the past 2 weeks
on only 1 game
im probably addocted sonce I don't feel koy when I play either
oh well


I did put 18 hours into FFXIV the other day, but its so I could watch the entire story and finish the MSQ around the same time as the story skippers.

Where did the person in the grey shirt go

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Gamer rose up

He left, just like his father...

>that time they made the class watch an entire documentary on the dangers of video game addiction
>complete with a montage of violent video games scenes including No Russian with absolutely no context

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How would they know if I played video games?

The virgin look of a gamer says it all

I only play video games about once a week though

this is why you never revealed your power level

Yeah, right...

jokes on them, i'm not even there, i'm at home playing video games

My wife

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I still have to catch up with this manga, have they kissed yet? Also Carol's mom is hot as fug.

I'm on the same ship as you.
>Also Carol's mom is hot as fug.
Ah, man of culture.

Best girl.

I have a foreign name which is rare in the states, so whenever someone with my name was mentioned in history class, like 10 people would always turn around to look at me. Like, what the fuck are you guys expecting, me to jump out of my seat and celebrate the fact that someone shares my name? Fucking idiots.

you my nigga user.

Based distractor.

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She cute

Did she anal vore him?


>he doesn't understand how white privilege works

The Thing got them, keep watching them or you're next

the black guy always dies first in horror movies

you were the niggers all along.

Wait, this actually happens? Where, and what year?

>Like, what the fuck are you guys expecting, me to jump out of my seat and celebrate the fact that someone shares my name?
You could at least clap

He got the fuck out before they stared at him too.

Yeah, whta are you gonna do, cry? Kuroba for the win baybee.

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Hahaha Very funny, what is next? How to get a girlfriend and have sex?

Say the line Bart!

Why the fuck is there a ditto in the class

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Alright guys, heres the deal.
For whatever reason your tasked with talking to a massive audience about vidya for just about for as long as you want.
What game(s) will you talk about and how/in what format will you be presenting this information?

join them with a bottle of mead

>door doesn't close

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One time in high school, my government teacher asked the class "Who here smokes pot?" I burst out laughing because who the hell would ask that and who would answer that in high school. So then everyone thought I smoked pot.

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>"Very dumb district"

Around 2014 or 2015 (not underage, I was a senior at the time) and it was in burgerland because that’s the shit that passes for education here.

Why, are they all looking at me?
I am no more addicted to vidya than they are to tv and superhero movies

Damn that's a big ass elevator

rip nigger


Why even post on Yea Forums then?

To be fair, Adolf is a patrician tier name, you must have been a legend

Why did these people take the elevator to my room?

>Purple haired kid in the front takes the place of the black kid sitting directly behind her in the span of one panel
S-she's fast!

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Stream myself building up speed for twenty five hours with the power of half a presses.

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they dropped out. Only 1 in 3 black youths make it through highschool.

They dropped out between frames.

They were cool with the school shooter, told them to go the bathroom and don't come back.

>struggled to get back into vidya
>now playing SS13 for multiple hours a day
I really, really like it

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They were GAMERS, that's why they RISE UP.

Spit on the cocky looking faggot in the black beanie right as the elevator door closes.

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>Another thread ruined by yotsuba poster
God dammit at least let some other comics or something get posted before derailing into this sol bullshit

I havent played a videogame in 2 months without any issues and im the kind of guy that completes 20 videogames every year. Im actually surprised about it but I guess could do it because i had more important issues in my life.

>not liking Yotsuba

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ironic since I saved the thread. it was on the last page with no one posting and I uploaded a page and it came to life.


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>Hate people in general
>Enjoy being alone or with a small group of friends
>Enjoy playing video games with friends

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Society really slid downhill when people stopped fetching Pokemon creatures.


>You should automatically like this thing because its popular no matter what your own opinion of it is
Why does this only apply to a single sol manga? Its not even entertaining its just 'look at cute girl being cute'
I'n not even trying to bait what the fuck is it with this loli

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>Grand Theft Agua
Fucking stellar

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You’d know if you lurked more

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How does it feel having the worst taste on the planet?

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>tfw constant anti-drug PSAs convinced me that drug deals would go around giving me free drugs

I'm really upset that isn't the case.

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Nothing to fear, I'm white.

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So its an oldfag meme? Thats it?

Yotsuba is more board related than Loss

>Tranny good, vidya bad. Okay, kids?

You wanna know? Find out yourself.

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So these are the faggots that the mods cater to when they delete yotsuba threads?

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>haven't imbibed this shitty comic into my small brain in a few years
>decide to re-read it to see if i correctly remember it not really having a point besides 'what goes around comes around pls b nice'
>get pranked
heh, nice

Dat ginger wants your smegma crusted dikk

"which one of you poor dumb russian SOBs is named vladimir putin?"

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>You need to love this character no matter what
>No I wont explain why just love her.

Are you all just buying into the meme because its a meme or do you actually care for the 2d loli?

How so? All I've ever seen is that her hair inspired the logo, which I see more as a Yea Forums in general relevancy not to Yea Forums

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God bless Kiyohiko for not turning Yotsuba& into a fucking anime. Azumanga Daioh was good and all but i dont think they could translate the manga properly.

> how so

Try and post any lewds of Yotsuba on any board anywhere and see how quickly you get a month-perma ban. Yotsuba is the fucking mascot of the site you fucking retard.

Based Yotsubaposter.

post train fellow.

Aw look the newfag thinks he's special.

Chad lives happily, cuck boi get's btfo

>Try and post any lewds of Yotsuba on any board anywhere and see how quickly you get a month-perma ban
Seeing how shes a child that just sounds like the Mods doing their job.
>Yotsuba is the fucking mascot of the site you fucking retard.
Oh yes of course thats why the only time I ever see her mentioned anywhere outside of Yea Forums is on lol threads like this. At MOST there is her hair being the sites logo but thats all.

No one is special fucktard. Not me for not liking the popular opinion and not you for agreeing with the popular opinion

what kind of hole did you crawl out of.
what do you think the 4 clovers of Yea Forums represent?

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You must be the most retarded poster I have read all month.

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multiple people went missing in the second panel

Yotsuba is Yotsuba. The day her importance to this site becomes lost on the people will be the day this site culturally dies for real.

You do realize why shindol was murdered in japan right?
Theres just things you dont do or touch. Yotsuba is one of them.

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Video games ruined my life more than alcohol and weed. The only thing worse was my porn addiction which was so bad that I skipped job interviews and dates because I was in so much pain from fapping.

Jumped off a bridge into the Hudson River.

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So her name being used is why I should like her despite not finding her manga to be entertaining?
No one has answered why anyone should give a single shit about this girl other then "Muuh mascot" and even then she isn't even the Mascot her hairstyle is.

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Remember to use 4chanx and hide the first Yotsuba post and it'll hide all the subsequent posts automatically since he replies to himself

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who the fuck is spamming those retarded manga panels.

Leave at once

I was expecting reply or your mother will die

every so often there's a new retard that wants to do his part to improve the board and play at being a janitor but doing this is pretty much the extent of it. The last retard to do this was a guy posting bird webms.

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What are they looking at us for? Yea Forums doesn't even play video games

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How can she just make it work with every kinda helmet? Even the dorky one on the right.

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>Yotsuba posting
And just like that, it's a good day.

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