PS2 arcade stick

Arcade stick I made from a bricked ps2 back in november of 2016.

Attached: IMG_20190303_151621.jpg (4160x3120, 990K)

3 extra buttons on the right side

Attached: IMG_20190303_151640.jpg (4160x3120, 816K)

how do you brick ps2?

Back side. the On/Off switch is used to toggle the stick between analog and D-pad mode.

Attached: IMG_20190303_151706.jpg (4160x3120, 907K)

thats pretty damn cool

Back panel opens to reveal long usb cable.

Maybe brick was a wrong word to use there.
It was damaged by power surge witch also killed the tv and PS1 back in 2014.

Attached: IMG_20190303_151815.jpg (4160x3120, 993K)

And heres the last image.

Attached: IMG_20190303_151910.jpg (4160x3120, 922K)

i don't know anything about fightsticks. did you buy one and then insert the guts into ps2 or did you build it yourself? also did you keep the ps2 parts in to add some weight to it or is it just plastic shell?

That's pretty darn neat user

Here's my fightstick

Attached: anonstick.jpg (2000x1335, 634K)

That's some sloppy spacing between the buttons user.

Go brag about it on rebbit or something and never come back.

I got a DIY kit from ebay that included the stick buttons, control board and cables.
Then I removed all insides of PS2 except eject and power buttin, power switch, usb, controller, power and video ports. Still it has weight comparable to a keyboard.

that's hecka epic amigo, do you tinker a lot like that?


Sloppy spacing that fits my fingers perfectly.

whats reddit?

It would look better if the buttons weren't trying to continue the image.

did you have sex with the holes you drilled into it first?

looks good, ignore the faggots

Not as much as I would like to.

No dude those holes were sharp.
Also cause the plastic is super light if the drill got stick it would spin the while thing. I got a few good smacks to my left hand.

>that's hecka epic amigo

hes on a stoner patrol

anything else cool like the controller you got to show?
nope lol, who's he?