Any games with this feel?

Any games with this feel?

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Other urls found in this thread:

THAT'S NOT LARA!!!!!!!!!!!!

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tomb raider

Post kino ASMRtists.

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Any games with this feel?

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we're are the horses?

>porn wasn't lucrative enough, moved to ASMR

I can almost hear the sound of herpes coming out of my headphones.

Does people actually like ASMR videos? Because I find them to be extremely annoying to the point of making me almost angry at them

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Nina is based. Her sleep hypnosis stuff knocks me out like a baby.

my absolute motherfuckin nigga

It’s not for everybody. It’s a biological difference in each person that determines whether you can actually frel it or not.

So no, you disliking it does not mean your taste is better than others, it just means you are biologically deficient somewhere.

Agatha is too pure. I die inside knowing I'll never be able to hold her hand.

I only really enjoy it when it's unintentional and is a naturally quiet scene, I can't stand these cunts whispering in my ear and sticking shit in there

Ummmmmm fucking yikers?

I find them very relaxing unless it's some sexual shit like which is fucking disgusting.
My favorite "artist" is I really like the ear tapping and I usually put some asmr as background while playing som relaxing games like AoE2.

More like you are deficient if you enjoy the disgusting sounds of someone chewing in your ear you absolute faggot

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Enjoy your autism bux

one of the very few females that actually do asmr and not shitty roleplays

Not all ASMR videos are good, but you’d be factually wrong to say that liking ASMR at all means something is wrong with us and not you. Don’t be jealous.


>retard thinks all ASMR is ear licking videos


hot and based

I’ve graduated from ASMR and have gone to straight up yoga and guided meditation vids. They’re like the next evo in the ASMR pokemon evolution line. This girl in particular has a good one, but still predominantly does ASMR, which is still quite well done.

Fuck forgot the link:

The girl I'm fucking (and hoping to make my gf) looks extremely similar to ASMR Darling, so I get a massive fucking bonner over those dimples

>It’s a biological difference in each person that determines whether you can actually frel it or not.

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Based i dont even need video to cum. Tbf i orgasm much better with just sound than with mute video.

Great. A few more decades and you might even get friendzoned with a real girl and in a couple centuries you may HAVE SEX

I beg of you, post pics.

>The girl I'm fucking (and hoping to make my gf)
Never going to make it.

>The girl I'm fucking
>(and hoping to make my gf)
If you're fucking her and she's not your gf you're only asking yourself to get cucked by wanting to make her your gf.

Keep seething tinglet
The zenith of ASMR

>It’s a biological difference in each person that determines whether you can actually frel it or not.
Fuck off with this shit
Comfy noises are relaxing, thats literally all there is to this stop trying to make it out to be some genetic lottery as to whether this shit is enjoyable or not
for the record I like asmr

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What does having sex have to do with listening to ASMR?

>It’s a biological difference in each person that determines whether you can actually frel it or not.
This. ASMR videos sound fucking stupid if you can't actually feel their effect, which is why I never tell people "yeah I watch videos of people making weird sounds". But if you do feel the effects, they are fucking great.

dont know how you guys can listen to this type of stuff without cringing

Why deny it? It’s fucking true. Look it up.

Games that make my dick tingle?

>The zenith of ASMR
that's not

literal whore

well i guess i'm biologically determined to want to punch you in the fucking face because you sound like a fucking faggot

I just listen to shoegaze my dudes

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Sounds like someone can't actually feel the tingles.

The only thing you’re biologically determined to do is to keep seething, apparently. Stay mad fag lol.

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Literally only incels listen to asmr. Prove me wrong?

And thats a good thing!

At least that one is upfront about it.

Its bollocks, even the name "asmr" is total bollocks it was made up to sound more scientific than "headgasm" which is what it used to be called
I have separate youtube login I use purely for asmr
Aadra was best girl

>listening to the sound you find relaxing on your bg is for incels
Wanna know how I know that you are an inironic pathetic incel yourself?

God I really really wish I had a gf

I used to listen to some bald-headed old dude named massageASMR or something like that. he had legit quality and wasn't peddling any of that "gf experience bs" obviously.

>that point of despair and pityfulness when you click on an asmr vid because the girl looks like the one you kinda had feeling about back in school

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Based Yea Forumstant

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you just know this is true because it's in all caps

Catplant is my ASMRfu

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>awful quality
literal whore

I don't think tingles are an actual thing either. I think it's a placebo, people think they'll feel tingles so they do. We should just trash the whole tingles shit anyway and just make the word ASMR refer to videos which are relaxing and makes you feel good.

I found Slowdive to be a bit lacking, especially after listening to Loveless.
Bowery Electric was breddy gud; I enjoyed Lushlife from them, too.

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Dumb fucking frogposter

That's not true. Also, it's not like you'll feel it in every ASMR video and all the time, it's very rare when it happens but it does happen though it might just be me.

I suspend the fuck out of my disbelief

Her nudes are better than her ASMR.

i had this hilarious idea of Retarded Brother ASMR where all you hear in the background is a retard in the background making awfully funny random noises.
maybe i'm just tired but i cant stop laughing at the idea.

>only asmr that makes me feel better in any way shape or form is hearing a heartbeat

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They exist but most ASMR videos especially with girls are just moneygrabs for some other thing entirely, I'm guessing like twitch streamers

like says they are super hard to come by and you really gotta know what your looking for

You could just open a Twitch stream at random.

What said. Tingles are real. The best way I can think of describing it is: imagine if your head was itchy, but someone comes and starts gently rubbing a comb on it, scratching away the itch. That's how good it feels.

There was a brief time when I wasn't getting any tingles and I felt sad about it, but luckily eventually the came back. That said, it's impossible for me to get tingles if I watch ASMR while doing something else on my computer, like playing a game. I have to be focused on the video only.

That’s yet to be determined by committee. We will need proof to make a claim like that, user.

ASMR videos are more often than not simply girlfriend simulators.

>tfw loved Curve and always wondered if there was more like it
you are a hero

If they're rare, the main reason you listen to ASMR must be for relaxation. So the tingles are a secondary part to ASMR, not a primary.

the only ASMR i like

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and thats a good thing?

How does it play out? You’re trying to be a normal asmr dude, but your retarded brother is in the background and you just ignore him?
Or would it be like a collaboration between you and him?

You know that meme where the guy is turning up the sound on something while looking around suspiciously? That's me with ASMR videos. I'd be moritified if anyone found out I liked them. That said I don't watch people eat or do weird things, just girls rambling about whatever and stroking my face

Yes but I'm not the other user you were talking to before.

and the reason I jack off is because of I enjoy moving my arm and spunking is secondary

Just google it.

Also this is a good ASMR video:
This one is also great:
And this one:

Seething incel

God, I remember jacking it so much to her years ago.

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Same. I don't really love Slowdive.
From MBV I unironically think their best album is m b v lol. Not that Loveless is bad but that shit is just gooood.
From recent I really appreciated No Joy - Wait To Pleasure

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nah just instead of in your ear soft spoken whatever, its just in the background like a room away.

Friendly reminder that last year this girl released an ASMR video where her soles were clearly and suggestively on display and she ended up closing down her channel after ravenous footfags mobbed her videos.
She then started a new channel under a different name.

True. It helps me feel less lonely when it feels like a beautiful woman is having an intimate conversation with me.


Pretty funny idea, go for it.

GIBBEH! The best ASMRtist.

Do you not know how to use Google?

>Playing Ragnarok Online and talking to your guildmates on teamspeak while parents are fighting in the background ASMR

That's my biggest problem with it but also having a cute girl doing it is also pretty much mandatory for me so I stick with stuff like I don't think I'd listen to it if it was a guy doing it.

For me it's pretty girl being cute and sweet.

I literally use them to fap. That's it.

>tfw found out that ASMR Latte had nudes

i had another idea but a bit darker is FIGHTING PARENTS asmr but i wouldn't be able to pull it off.
or any variation. maybe drunken father beating his wife asmr.

source right the fuck now b4 404

Has there ever been an asmrtist who made the leap from youtube to pornhub?

Nope. But JOIs on the other hand...


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This. I also can't get off to straight up porn anymore. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me.

>The skirt twirling video

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I don't get tingles or anything but some sounds relax me and help me sleep. Whispering, tapping and those Japanese ear cleaning ones in particular help me sleep.

Agreed. mouth sounds followed by the yandere shit is easily my most hated, it's for kids wanting to have a wank.

What's the deal with Catplant asmr and deepfake porn? Can't find any videos but it looks like the she is a "popular request".

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I love this video of her:

Whitewinterwhispers is so cute

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i've tried to delve into Tranny fucking an actual woman porn but my god they cannot perform at all.

I want to laugh at the absurdity of this, but it's just sad that there are so many people whose lives are so devoid of human contact that they fill the void with this type of content.

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Mouth sounds are god-tier.

absolutely based

ASMR for gamers:

I used to but asmr changed from genuinely good shit to borderline softcore porn.

Nice, I'll check it out.
I was big fan of Ujubasajuba by Kairon; IRSE!, too. It has a bit more post-rock influences, but I think it still can be considered shoegaze.

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If I wanted mouth sounds I'd watch porn.

That Candy Claws album is soo good

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Damn that dollar bill really gave me tingles too, wish this was longer.

if you never released your dick tension with a ASMR vid maybe you like it in the ass

this is the biggest meme for the biggest incels. change my mind

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t. shlomo

>t. Tinglet

I've always wanted to find some good ASMR porn videos but it's all shitty JOI videos, and over time I figured I stayed for the porn more instead of the tingles anyways

Also for those looking to fap to ASMR, this is top quality stuff and I actually nutted to it, no regrets (as she was asking for it).

Imagine being this retarded

I don't use it to wank, I find mouth sounds extremely relaxing. Ear eating videos gives me a non-sexual orgasmic feeling.

Okay, kike.

No need to sign your own posts in this board man lol

Stop sexualising her, you hentai.


>Too stupid to get that was a joke
If this was anywhere else I would be surprised but on Yea Forums it's a given.

this is so fucking dumb, holy shit, thanks for the laugh

>it's unironic


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It's okay not to like things, not everything is made to please you. Seems weird to be writing this to what I assume a grown ass user. The world doesn't revolve just around your tastes.

I dislike them too, but some are funny.

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Don't click on this link expecting whores tapping and blowing on a microphone

This is just cozy warm sounds that put me to sleep

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Stop bro, I swear I’m not a big gay jew!

>Now screeching memes buzzword shit
Yes we get it, you're a typical Yea Forums poster you can stop now.

More private than my porn habits for me desu

>first listened to amsr videos back in like 2011
>most of the asmr videos i watched starred women
>discovered some damn good male asmr makers later on
>now 90% of the time i watch a male asmr maker
>all of a sudden my favoritesarent doing it for me anymore

>ephemeral rift feels like hes not trying anymore
>massage asmr is to buy rangling his autist kid to talk to us anymore
>remember liking tiraradeguello but realized his videos never really did it for me except that one cthulhu video, otherwise his asmr style is lacking
>liked asmr zeitgiest but his style feels like the same shit over and over again with no real substance
>fredsvoice is fucking fantastic and the only one of my greats that hasnt worn off on me

i tried going back to some female asmr makers but rarely feel like they do it for me anymore. maybe im just tingle immune

holy shit it's docfuture

reminder listening to male asmr is the most absolute faggotiest thing you can do

Feels bad, but I can only listen to Tirar if I pretend that my job is to NOT listen to him speak. I deliberately don’t process the words he says and it makes for pretty good stuff.

Just gave it a listen (Bowery Electric - Lushlife). Really neat stuff, ty.

I agree it's really fucking gay but only a faggot would know what is the faggiest thing you can possibly do.

i love cocks, what can i say

I want to punch that tummy :3

Sure, if you look to ASMR to fulfill your fetishistic fantasies

>watching female ASMRs

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god tier asmr coming through

No one can top uncle E.

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Actual kino asmrtists have few subscribers, I'm sure as hell not sharing them, lest internet autists drive them away, like they always do

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Isn't he deaf now?

No problem user!
Their previous work has less trip-hop and more drone-y influences.
Also, the singer went on to make another album under the moniker Echostar, but there's not much shoegaze going in with it. I still think it rounds out their discog quite nicely.

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The best ASMR is the stuff that's not intended to be ASMR

actually based

nigga u gay

Chocolate making shouldn't be so erotic

I used to fap to the italian slut.

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i grew up on heavy metal and ASMRs make me cringe

Is ASMR a porn/fetish thing or not?

All I ever need in life is ASMR, vidya, and loli. Thank god for the internet. Women are literally obsolete

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Some tracks reminded me of this
Great popular album not shoegaze tho

I used to watch normal porn but made the switch to joi a few years ago. And yeah i cant go back. Its so much better having a pretend one on one with a chick as opposed to watching some dude nail a girl you wish you were nailing. And lucky for me my tastes are still extremely vanilla. The most risque video I watched in the last two years was a woman with tig ole bitties pretending to be your moms friend who babysits you and wants a tit fuck.

I don't get watching them but putting them on in the background is a great way for me to fall asleep. If you actually watch someone tapping/scratching shit for the entire duration of the video you are severely autistic.
This chick's my personal favorite. Too bad her channel died.

>modern people have become so far removed from society and intimacy that they have to simulate it and even go as far as to claim that some people "cannot feel it", as if it is something special or unique

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It can be, but those videos are labelled ASMRotica. These types of videos are just for relaxation and tingles in the brain.

>no ephemeral rift bros

i'm done

>i grew up
>heavy metal
pick one

>eating sound
How is sloppy chewing relaxing? It's disgusting.

Good milf ASMR artist. In one of her videos she actually addressed complaints about her cleavages.
I can't say I have any favorite videos from him. The pet potato was fun.

Karuna Satori apparently has some good NSFW ASMR videos but I haven't watched them so I don't know if any can be considered porn.

That is only true for the shitty girlfriend roleplay asmr though.

ASMR isn’t just intimacy, it’s the tingly sensation in your head and down your spine that is caused by these type of videos and often intimacy, which not everyone expierences

You guys don't jack off to these do you?

It's worse. It's intimacy replacement because binaural mics create an illusion of closeness that you will likely never experience in real life. Far more intimate stimulus than what you can get by looking at a video.

So this is what literal cope looks like.
You know the feeling you get when you hear nails on a chalkboard? The goosebumps and chills going down your spine or whatever.
It's like that but in a positive way. If you don't feel that, you just don't have it.
Now that I think about it I don't even know if everyone gets a physical response from nails on a chalkboard or if they just don't like the sound, but I assume they do.

Twitch exists. There are many empty forever alone people wasting days after days watching generic no charisma streamers playing popular games badly. Even donating. Because that feels "I'm watching this shit with the others so I'm participating in something (reacting to everything with an appropriate emote), not lonely". They'll also describe it as comfy or fun.

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>observed scientific phenomena
>"oh incels are at it again just making shit up"
t. tinglet

I have a hand fetish and often female hands are shown off in these videos, so of course I do

Yeah, I love Mezzanine; Black Milk is my favorite track from it, too. They're both trip-hop albums, so the sound will be a bit similar.

I actually avoid all the personal attention and gf videos

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on occasion

Most weird me out. I do however enjoy ambient background noise videos like rain, trains, etc. that sound a bit more natural. I've always had trouble sleeping in silence.

Only the japanese ones about "ear" licking.

Me too, the cringe hurts the ASMR sensation and makes me feel pathetic. Which is weird cause it’s not like that kind of stuff is below me, I mean I own I body pillow. But I dunno

I know you fags use these as girlfriend simulators

Seething cucktrarian

cant stand random thots whispering garbage to my ear, if i want something calming can always listen to ambient forest sounds.

>using porn for a gf simulator

Pathetic. It should only be used to cum to busty women that look like your moms friends.

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>implying all asmr is whispering
>implying all asmrtists are female

ASMR is a literal physical sensation, a tingly feeling emanating from the head and back. It is not an emotional sensation, although many do consume and create content for the purpose of emotional connection. The latter is not technically ASMR, strictly speaking.

What's wrong with that? Real women make me want to puke. I only watch ASMR where I can't see their face and pretend it's an anime girl talking to me.

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i've never experienced this tingle shit

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>used to get tingles for, like, 6 months
>then they disappeared
>4 years later, no signs of returning
Well, at least it's still relaxing

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posting purefu

>when the lore of some ASMR channel is better than 90% of video games

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I remember when ASMR was porn only.
I miss these times.


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>most ASMR channels I follow are dudes
But I'm not gay?

The demon ones are her best videos
I hate the generic anime voice shit

I mean there's this
Literally audio porn

What are some games with this feel?

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>listening to asmr
yeah you are

Pretty much this, remember first experiencing it and became addicted for a while. Nowadays I get nothing out of it, usually just have it as background noise when I grind in vidya

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TheFrenchWhisperer recently started making videos again and my sleep schedule couldn't be happier.

good taste

My tingly sensation has mallowed out to a more soothing sensation where my body feels like jello.

It’s a shame the tingly is gone but the relaxation effect is still there and the new sensation is still really good.

I think the tingly sensation is mostly your mind getting used to ASMR, and then it mallows out a more relaxation reaction

I never want to recommend him to anyone because some of his shit is wayyyyy out there but he's solidly one of the best around.

ASMR is so weird and sad.

ASMR is for people with literal mental problems. Legit makes me feel uncomfortable that people get off to this shit.

how about some fucking VIDEO GAMES?
I miss Springbok.

wrong i use them as mom and big sister porn simulators

Really helps me sleep

That’s like saying “you guys don’t jack off to porn, do you?”

>his baby videos

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i feel tingles from music and real life experiences rather than from some vapid shit like listening to someone chew on their food you fucking zoomer

All full audio ones like Dude that's lewd and Varyana

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I need to be redpilled on this shit
The Sailor has a few Viday related ones

Yes it is an emotional sensation. I can imagine a scene of intimacy, and I will feel that very sensation crawling its way around. Is anger not an emotional sensation, as you feel a redness in the cheeks and a tightening of your chest?

I'm just


gonna click on that. if that's alright.

There's nothing to "redpill"
Listen to a few, if you get the magical tingles you'll be into it, if not then just forget about it
If you do get the tingles though don't brush it off as weird, since getting them the first time is absolutely weird, like your very first orgasm. Just keep going and see if you like it

Lonely and pathetic people use it to feel less lonely and a handful of perverts get off to it.

How do you guys feel about 12 year old asmrtists?

>I don't think tingles are an actual thing either. I think it's a placebo, people think they'll feel tingles so they do.
Feeling those tingles IRL from childhood through adulthood is what led me to look into what it was and that led me to ASMR videos. I had never seen or heard of ASMR videos before that, so I can assure you that the tingles are real and not purely a placebo. It's just that different people get them for different things. For example, I don't get tingles from people whispering but I do get them from people speaking softly or from seeing people focus on a task like drawing or measuring things.

>t. ASMRlet

What's the best starter ASMR? Should I just skip straight to the porn ones?

Is this the same feeling you get when listening to certain music? Like chills up the spine?

>that's a pretty deep wourrnd
>stayr therrr

Didn't she get RICED?

Oh fuck me, I forgot about those. Yeah, that's the kind I'm talking about. At least the thumbnail is usually a good bellwether. Anything Andrew Michaels is usually good though. Also a big fan of Dr. T, similar feel but a lot less insane.

Literally put ASMR into youtube and the first few videos, which are likely the most popular and basic ones, can get you started
Gibi ASMR for example has a few generic and most famous triggers in hers usually

Then maybe some day you may ascend to ER levels

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Similar yes

Similar, yes, though this one would be more concentrated at the base of the skull, connecting to your spine, and going downwards

Here is some funny ones I made.

you are a pedophile if you listen to this

Joke's on you, I do both and get tingles the whole time.

>this hasn't been posted yet

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No but sometimes I masterbate to the hot ones. No regrets.

Heather Feather used to be fairly popular and has some pretty good videos with more common triggers. Sadly though her channel has been inactive for a long time now.

>THOTs doing ASMR to make an easy buck

Where did it go so wrong

>It’s not for everybody. It’s a biological difference in each person that determines whether you can actually frel it or not.
THIS. Since ASMR has become known people don't seem to get this part of the explanation. The entire thing is triggering a very distinctive physical sensation in your scalp. Like warm silk gently massaging your brain directly.
There's nothing like it, and can't be mistaken for anything else. It's as different from normal relaxation or being soothed as an orgasm is from a massage.
I've had it since I could count my age on one hand. I'd get it watching Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood, or when my Dad would tuck me in at night, or when my grandmother would sing to me, or when the doctor would check my heartbeat with his stethoscope.
I don't begrudge that people use it for conventional relaxation or anxiety relief or something, but to deny that the whole thing is centered around triggering the tingling response is sheer ignorance. I've been a part of this weird subculture online since 2009-10, before it was called ASMR and it was just a bunch of people realizing that sensation when they hear whispering isn't unique.
I count this as the beginning of it all, personally -
True, but this is a recent phenomenon of the last 4 years because sex sells and people don't even know what the sensation is anymore. As this thread demonstrates.

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My opinion toward ASMR is very much the same as with a massage:
It's not inherently sexual, although for a lot of people it can be.
If I can choose I'd rather have it be a woman, but it's still fine if it's a man.
It's weird if a kid does it.

All the actual good ones get bullied out by creepazoids who fall in love with them. The only ones who seem to stick around are the sluts who were doing it for that kind of attention and/or money in the first place.

Soe was one of my favourite. At least she was honest about being a money grubbing whore.

we're not in the hate dungeon faggot

>I count this as the beginning of it all, personally -
>Hey guys, I really like hearing people whisper so I figured other people must like it, too, so I figured I'd upload videos like that for other people to enjoy!
Fuck, I miss the innocence of the earlier internet days so much... Nowadays everyone uploading to YouTube is looking for some big break and trying to trick the algorithm into getting them views for money. I really really miss when it was predominantly just people sharing what they liked in hopes of entertaining or connecting with other people of similar interests.

What's you're point?

>and trying to trick the algorithm into getting them views for money
Oh man, someone's gotta post the image of an open space full of smelly pajeets making those algorithm abusing videos for children, I can't find it myself

I know right

>put ahegao meme face on preview
>at least x5 views boost

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She looks like her a bit

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There’s an image for that? Holy shit I’d love to see that.

>highly attractive women getting in your personal space and making wet sex noises with their full and complete attention to you and your relaxation
>if you get an erection you are a pervert

I'm not sure if it's hilarious or fucking weird that some of you get so defensive of your 3dpd waifu's ad revenue that you take it here of all places.

Found it

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The absolute fucking K I N O.

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>the absolutely dead serious faces all of them have
Holy shit

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I like this guys map drawing videos.

I wouldn't let them touch a PC honestly.

There is something severely wrong with this, but I can't put my finger on it.

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My dude, swap out the date you started with 2010 and I could have written this same post. Right there with you.
Yeah, Fred/ASMRGains is still great. Not too many great ones these days, male or female.
I'd highly recommend John Butler's interviews. Check out 1:40 and on in -
ArticulateDesign is like Fred-lite -
And this buddhist dude is great too -

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Holy shit, thanks user.

based asmr bros

The man, the myth, the legend.

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Good taste user. Especially Danny and Mystical. Danny's Sentient Robot one is god-tier.

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v-video games..?

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Personally I love combining the two.
Subnautica and Fallout 4 in particular paired well with ASMR when doing general exploring.

They are most likely being paid $5/day and that's better than muck raking.

Hey, some people make ASMR videos with video games.

At least 30% of ASMR is video games related so

I thought Lara was white?

Oh it's just the beginning. Wait until you delve deeper (protip: dont)

You'll develop an inconsolable hatred