ITT: games ONLY YOU played
ITT: games ONLY YOU played
I played this too and it was actually good. It was a faithful adaptation of the movie that had soul and was fun to play through. Unironically better than 90% if AAA games today
Holy based
I played this too, it was actually quite decent.
wrong bitch i played through it a hundred times as a kid. the melvin level where u run through ny is kino, and alex night jungle levels, and the beach with croc boss. now madagascar 2 i gave up on... it was shit. but i was rlly hyped for it, thought its gonna be open world
no it was a shit game those graphics are awful fuck you
Soul and kino in a single game. Based.
At least one of only a few thousand in Europe.
My man Eike.
Is this the one where the penguins take control of the ship and put all of the guards into cages with a crane?
this and Delta Force BHD
Play it on PS2. A friend of my dad lent us some games and this was soo good but got stuck on it and never finished till years later because i forgot the name of it. I got lucky when i found out the dude who made this made Time Hollow so i got the name of that.
ps2 version was fun, especially with the penguins minigames
Not on the Gamecube. You're looking at the shitty PS2 version with distance fog out the ass.
just wow if anyone in here has actually played any of these games you are no longer gamers
one must fall
Nah this was pretty great.
Fucking long too.
Honey nut cheerio Honey Defender
Couldn't even get past the first level on this.
I remember that thread.
this, this shit was kino
>that part where he kills a butterfly with his fart
The actual fuck?
I played both this and Strike Vector EX when they tried relaunching it. Shame both died.
>less than 50 videos about it on youtube
it wasn't worth it for the free fingboard analog stick add-on.
>tfw you got his game as a kid
>old shittop couldnt run it
fuck this world bros
Devs fault for no tutorials for normies and charging way too much. Loved this game. Damn shame.
One of my faves as a kid, nothing special when I picked it up recently
More like less than 100
a little bit
my bad
>camp near favotite LZ with RPG
>btfo them once
>btfo them again
>they are getting desperate and try to land before I btfo again
>they crash
nothin personnel
>guy is on boat trying to take shots at us
>swin across the level where he can't see me
>machete him
>take his place fucking with guys on shore
Just me?
Not gonna lie, it does look like kino
I remember this game being REALLY easy to cheese through the story mode.
Neat mech combat, though.
Deeply underrated
Shit game but ram packed with innuendo because they know it's a free payday. Lots of "wand" gags and hands on hips telling off for making a big mess.
I loved I Ninja. Haven't played it in years though.
Picked this up for £7 from the local supermarket back in the day. Basically a Twisted Metal rip-off, I had fun with it. Edgy red & black motorbike dude on the cover there was my favourite.
>spend 20 minutes crawling in the grass to get to a high vantage point
>get snipped
>grab vehicle and drive it out in the open
>snipe enemies from afar as they try and take my bait car
God, I wish a good sequel or even remake would happen. Such a cool fucking concept, and pretty damn good execution for the time.
Expected : Awful shit.
Got : Sex jokes, breast physics, innuendo, plays like a homage to Pikmin.
I played this. It was okay, cute for kids
Allegedly this game and the Xbox version of Conker's Bad Fur Day were the influences behind Danganronpa.
>that shuffleboard minigame
Strike Vector EX is less than 2 euro on steam right now
I fucking hate these cancerous threads. U retarded subhumans dont even try. Why do u keep posting mainstream games? FUCK OFF BACK TO PEDDIT
Played through it hundreds of times as a kid
Bought and played months ago
Played literally every Ps1-ps2 sword related third person game
Now this one is genuinely shit game
literally played through it today
played it hundreds of times as a kid but never honestly finished, got stuck after the wendigo levels
Fucking loved it but it was hard as balls to play properly.
Trash game but I love it endlessly. The developers struggled with the hardware and engine but I could tell they wanted to make a revolutionary rpg.
Amazing stealth game that is underrated
>plays like an homage to pikmin
Stfu and stopped replying to everyone, retard.
Remember getting this as a double gift alongside Pokemon gold. It's shit, but I had fond memories.
was it this one or the second one that had the shuffleboard minigame
i liked that one
Rocket was so fucking based, great physics system and the first level in the beach/boardwalk is kino
Truly you are blessed.
I played that game on the gamecube.
Fucking brilliant game.
My favourite car shooter and it had such a decent atmosphere.
Didnt this game have an above average minigolf game built in?
I never even figured out the fucking goal in this game
Still disappointed that the map on the menu doesn't exist
even more disappointed when i've read that they gave up on the sequel
Is the DS version good? I've only ever played the PS2 and GBA versions. GBA was pretty okay, but the PS2 version is a 10/10. Never tried the DS one.
Played this for a bit at a friend's house. Was pretty good, but I never got around to getting a copy for myself. Could probably emulate it, now that I think about it.
Also, pic related. Fun dogfighter with Peanuts characters. Storymode's great and the multiplayer's pretty good too, honestly.
This game was fun and edgy as shit
Fucking loved this as a kid. It's like, there was so much that was obviously shitty about it, yet everything just added to the charm. I remember playing the dancing and golf minigames hundreds of times.
Holy fuck, you're cool.
The game got really weird near the end as it diverged from the movie's climax. If only the warthog who was infatuated with Gloria, Marty's crocodile rival, and the fossa leader were in the movie.
Huh this user hates the game I wonder what his sound reasoning is
>Fucking graphic suck Reese's
Opinion discarded please don't waste bandwidth faggot thank you
Godzilla: Online a web based pvp game that released in 1998
I thought i was the only one and then I brought it up to a few of my friends and it turns out they literally all had played it.
Genuinely was shocked.
When we were kids my sister asked for a Bratz doll or something and ended up with this for Christmas. She hated video games and gave it to me.
I actually beat it... twice
this game was awesome
Always wondered about this one. Looks fun
Army Men Sarges Heroes.
It sucked.
I think I got this from PS Plus a while back. Should I play it?
I feel like I played a demo of this.
>Plebbit scapegoat
You're so fucking cool user holy fucking shit
Remember early 2000 my dad used to play this, he let me watch every night before bed time but I was never allowed to play.
Pic related used to scare the shit out of me as an 8 year old
I remember seeing this in a magazine as a kid and thinking it looked awesome.
i played some ps1 game static shooter where ur like a blonde sexy woman and have to shoot some agents
This thread could be derailed quite hard by those indie gamedevs from the "how your shit is going" thread.
But instead, Metal Max.
Quite neat NES/SNES Literally Open Ended/Open World RPG you can pilot tanks and quite deeply customize em.
How so?
I remember the fps sections as the penquins being super fun
GTA3 ripped off the entire plot of this for the Donald Love and FIND MUH MYSTERIOUS BOX storyline.
Nice try faggot I got hours of fun in the mini game modes
Multiplayer holds up, still pretty fun. Story isn't great though and it's too easy
The ost is actually decent wtf
How does Godzilla factor into the game?
Fuck yes user. I still get the music stuck in my head from time to time
I remember not even being able to complete the first level of that... was every level about chasing a badguy?
I Ninja was fucking great, too bad they never made a sequel
Literally kill yourself you retarded fucking dog, i just said i played this today. First lvl vs the redneck,second vs the big brain alien bitch, third vs the vampire etc
Damn, beat me to it.
> game is bad because graphics
hi r*ddit
>play this game while my uncle watches
>encounter first enemy, a wolf iirc
>pull my sword
>uncle tells me that it's no "killing game" and that I don't need the sword
>he always bragged to me about beating Riven which impressed me as a kid so I trust him to be a video game expert that knows what he is talking about
>wolf obviously kills me as I try to pass it
Th-thanks for the advice.
Billy blade
This has a cliffhangar ending that will NEVER EVER see resolution. It was being made as a trilogy but Part 1 sold poorly so it was canned.
This got a remaster on PS4 and Steam, so it was surely played by enough people back in the PS2 days to justify it.
Fuck I played that, the MC had like a yoyo or some shit as a weapon or something, and I distinctly remember it having a boat level that you had to defend that took me ages to beat.
His face gives me a "the fuck is this game i'm in?"
Didn’t play it on cringy GameCube though
COD world at war
for DS
There were a tonne of CoD games for the DS and they were all pretty good.
CoD on the PSP however, was terrible.
Never seen any discussion of this, fun but a bit gimmicky.
This was essentially Gauntlet with a Shrek texture pack.
Played it as well, so go fuck urself moron. Dont post games that other ppl have played. im so fucking tired of u idiots.
This bad boy right here
best FPS on the Wii
Played this just to get the easy achievements
People struggle to believe this is real.
Hi, Storm
Lo and behold
PC version specifically. (It's garbage, just emulate the GC release)
>tfw I visited family and my cousin wanted to trade it for Pokémon gold
>tfw he lives in Canada and tried to message me back for it and I pretended to never gotten any of it
It was a good port, honestly.
Stick arena?
Or is that ballistick. Used to run a clan for that game what seems a a hundred years ago, was a lot of fun.
CTSA, we were the best
dont know who/what that is but hi
Truly atmospheric.
I WISH somebody else had played this game.
The DS version of that was surprisingly advanced. Full 3D Zelda-ish thing. By far the most interesting thing to come from that movie.
I still hear the Tivola intro
it's crazy just how much they managed to cram in.
Graphic Novels, Voiceovers, and faithful recreations of the majority of the game.
>my mom bought this for me at an EBGames in 2001
>assumed it was "Tony Hawk but on the computer"
>never seen this game in the wild or heard it acknowledged at any point in time other than an LGR video on it
This was pretty good.
The PS2 / fatbox version was incredible.
There are FIVE of this series on the 360 and I have never seen them discussed on here. They're all fun as fuck Police games based off a German tv show.
But that's my go to game for these kind of threads.
Best horror game to this day. Can't beat its aesthetics
i think I got about 3 chapters in before giving up.
Dont know if I just kept missing a trigger or some obscure pathway but It just wasn't working for me.
Afraid of Monsters DC however. Fucking hell.
my sister finished the final boss for me in that game
i also got stuck on The Incredibles game. i remember it being quite good though.
there was a Finding Nemo game as well, and Cars.
it's funny how these types of games were made by the people doing the remasters of Crash/Spyro.
both based
Badass game, geartalk radio is the funniest shit
this game is amazing. multiplayer with a friend is fun too. free and creepy as shit
It's a dope game but I remember being so disapointed when the "??????" menu option turned out to be some shitty arena mode, I wanted a "change character option".
CTFX, Hardcore, Bug Hunt, Fleet... There were so many good arenas.
Cod:WORLD AT WARfor ps2
Surprisingly good
Same as above, but haven't played it since it came out. Might be shit.
Played as a kid. Thought it was trash.
Total shit.
It's alright but hard as fuck.
Can't remember much, but I was impressed with it's scale on PS2.
This was okay
Played on Vita. Pretty good, but I only played single player.
Worse than trash.
Played on PS2. Runs like shit, but I still loved it.
I know that there are people that played this, but Yea Forums is the only place where anybody seems to know about it.
Final Fronts.
Had a better campaign than the main game. Think it was supposed to be a prequel.
Actual games nobody played coming through, not fucking movie games which every poorfag child with a cuckcube had
woah ......dude
never made it past the very first fight, it was so boring
That game was fucking hard and buggy as hell. Switching between mike and sully to solve dumb map puzzles blew
The design choices for the game are amazing. I fucking love the city and the places Simon visits even though they are littered with creatures. Its like I would love to live in there.
I remember this being an amazing game and playing it for a shitload of time when i was a child.
I downloaded it a couple months ago and couldnt get past the first level.
Specifically, the N64 version. the PS1 one was different, apparently.
I was a kid when I played this game. It really was kino, one of my memories was when you played as Skipper and had to shoot down some people in a ship.
yeah thats the one. one of the few cod games i played. really enjoyed it actually. couls never get into to the later games. other one i played was modern warfare for ds
Tbh Team Psykskallar did an amazing job with Cry of Fear. AoM DC is... Not as immersive as COF. The story is not as deep and the gameplay sometimes sucks, specially when you have to face multiple enemies with two rounds in the magazine. Also some maps felt like mazes. But hey, it was hella scary.
I didn't play this, but my ex-gf was a big fan apparently.
the new york level was pretty fun, gotta admit
This had some fantastic music and a pretty snarky dude on the radio giving you drop off points.
Played it for hours at a time on release but, going back it seems ridiculously unwieldy.
The game has an immense amount of love and devotion put into it; It must have been cathartic for the developer because it shows. May be time to reinstall it and get scared to death again.
I played this as well.
My sister got it with a pink PS2 only to remember she hates videogames so I got all the games my parents bought with her playstation.
It was fun.
I played this over and over as a kid
It got a lot better later on with a wider variety of spells to use. It was fun to me because it was a JRPG that had the MC be a mage, instead of some weird spellblade or a warrior. you were a straight up no frills no fuss mage.
My favorite Samurai Warriors maybe behind 2E
No one else cared tho
If you give it a try you wont regret it.
I fucking love this game. Basically, you collect food and bring it to your village to expand it and as time passes, your technology level increases, automatically netting you a new stronger weapon until the final one, which is a lance. Then you venture north to kill mammoths in order to build a tower to the Tail of the Sun with their craniums. It also includes multiple endings (all drawn in a chibi anime style contrasting how fucking uncanny the cavemen models look) based on which stat such as jumping, swimming etc you increased the most, which you can get a boost by picking a tattoo corresponding with that stat in a monument close to your village. Finally, the game has tons of useless but fascinating easter eggs in the forms of monuments scattered around, like a caveman couple turned into statues overlooking the sunset, giant statues of body parts like hands, an eyeball and a lone nipple as well as a island full of aliens disguised as cavemen which you can kill.
So this was actually alright.
Like a Rock Band / Guitar hero deal.
I played the PS2 game for the second movie, I coudn't beat the puss in boots boss fight.
Played it.
Am I crazy, or were there frame rate issues out the ass with that game, remember that snipping anything was literally impossible
>spawned 2 sequels
>still talked about and fondly remembered to this day
>one of square's franchises that they still bother re-upping patents and trademarks on
nah b that's an incredibly popular franchise and literally anyone who played a ps1 and wasn't a brainlet played 1. And people who were brainlets played 2.
we don't talk about 3.
the commercial for this game and stacker 2 would play literally every single commercial break during the Attitude Era of WWF
It had some dope tracks.
RIP Monkey Punch
Poor mans GTA anyone?
if book then yeah. i read it
I win.
I played a bit of this years ago.
It eventually became L.A Noire but from what i'm aware R* kept the trademark and the game itself on their active list because they had other ideas.
>literally the defining title of the 360's launch
>only you
i remember having issues with some checkpoint near a tank where i would respawn and die in one second or so each time. and i defs noclipped out of the map several times. it was the funniest shit for me. i took a photo of it ith my disposable camera...
Rummy is a Forever Waifu.
Game was fun and had amusing writing, but was convoluted as fuck after the initial areas.
I have the PC version installed, how is garbage exactly? It runs just fine on Windows 10 too, just like the original Sonic Riders.
I remember there being some required storyline that required you to meet someone at a cafe at a specific time, and I couldn't navigate the city as an ADHD addled teen, and ended up dropping the game forever. I should go back and try it now.
Best counterstrike clone out there
Whole game was based around being on time and doing things in a certain way otherwise the day would loop. Too many missed events and you got the bad end.
>It eventually became L.A Noire
No it didn't. LA Noire was made by different developer and Rockstar has nothing to do with it, so shut your whore mouth you fucking slut.
For all intents and purposes this was a fast & Furious game with a couple of changed names.
me and my bro played the fuck out of sega saturn, even with shitty weird games like this
some of the stop motion monsters that remind me of harryhausen shit looked cool
wasn't that just thing thing knockoff?
I played the hell out of this on a demo disc, it was BASED
it was a smash knockoff
played the gbc version
It was like a shit Mortal Kombat, but had a gore slider which if you turned to max would have huge blood splatters on each hit, and have blood dripping from the health bars.
Looking back I'm not entirely sure why I owned a psp, considering I never really left the house much
As a child, any game I got was a treat, even if it was bad. I found something to like about it, and enjoyed it while I played it.
Space Jam for the Sega Saturn was the first video game I fucking hated, and it was when I realized that if it had Acclaim logo, the game was probably shit.
I hope to god I'm the only one that played this awful garbage on the unpopular console
I remember reading a walkthrough for this in some game magazine.
I played this, it was a fun way to kill a bit of time
You have to be hardcore if you follow AC.
Every game is considered canon, along with all the comics, novels and the fucking Movie.
I played this and the PSP game.
Is still fucking funny to me to see that the more advanced game, the PSP one, have the AC1 setting, meanwhile the least advanced game on NDS have the AC2 setting.
Both bad games. The Hub levels in the PSP version where a big laydown. They could have made 1 good NEW map.
The NDS levels were just phone tier design.
This is essentially a Shantae game but with Mavis.
It's made by Wayforward.
whoever into rhythm games and is not playing this is missing a goldmine
what do you mean by twisted metal rip-off? it was way cooler
Not as good as the PC games, but it was entertaining to screw around with it as sort of a toned-down version of Wiz6/Wiz7.
I never quite figured out how the whole dodge/block attack against the enemy AoEs worked, though. In the end I just ended up sitting there and doing nothing, because half the time it would deliver half damage while half the time it would deliver more, and I didn't feel like getting nuked even harder because I guessed wrong.
I played and enjoyed all of these. Yes, even Ephemeral Fantasia. I'm a sucker for time loop games and the rhythm bits were fun to screw around with as well. I never beat that one, though, so I need to get back to it and figure out why I screwed up getting the inn girl to join.
One problem with Ephemeral Fantasia is that they gave you no fucking clue what to do and timing was absolutely tight. I'd accidentally triggered the beginning of her recruitment chain, got teleported to the spot I needed to visit later, then immediately teleported to a story event so I had no clue where I needed to return to. And she was completely missing on any following loops, screwing me over trying to see it again.
my nigga
Man, these old mobile games were the shit.
I would bet my left nut only about two other people here played these games
Never see anyone talk about it, never see anyone mention it ever
mmmhhh i think i played the irl version
BASED, still play it to this day!
I got this solely for my sister, but I gave it a shot and remember sorta liking it. Still have it
Not alone, pal. How this shit isn't a certified cult classic already is beyond me. Barely anyone talks about it.
Decent game still was fun though
Why the fuck did they use that ugly red eyed Shrek model for all those games? He doesn't even have red eyes.
Formerly Cheeck
I had the GC version of that, it was a solid objective based 3d platformer. Not really a collectathon, there was nothing to connect in most worlds but the stars, but it was still enjoyable.
this game was based except for the unlockable guy who's special is literally blowing up half the map
I remember the first two levels really well. I never understood how to use the hoverboard or whatever it was in the third level so I replayed the first two forever.
damn youre so cool user. you know what else is cool? remembering to take your meds.
holy shit I remember this. It was impossible to control movement on that hoverboard thing
Played that game at a friends house too user. Picked it up because it was so fun. Never got past the first level because I had no memory card.
Holy shit that game. My Best Buy had like 30 copies of this and March of the Penguins for GBA in the check out up until 2015 or so.
Have yet to find anyone else who played this. Had unlockable episodes of all the shows, so you basically got a bonus DVD for free.
Awesome I killed this thread
Holy shit I played a bunch of this game. Wasn’t there a Rhythm game with the Lemurs and there was a penguin stealth mission on a cargo ship? Classic
I’m a console only fag but I literally downloaded Steam just to play this one game from my childhood. I still had the disc version but it wouldn’t work for some reason
My fucking mom played this all the time on my PS2 and also Doctor Mario 64
??? How ???