Are we looking forward to space warfare?

Are we looking forward to space warfare?

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wow this look super weird and creepy

wasn't something like this already done and it died out pretty much instantly?

noticing this a lot, whenever I see a new MP game not attached to an existing franchise I just see 'dead on arrival' printed on it

Hopefully they keep it simplistic and the price is $29.99

He’s some gameplay

Why are the guns colored white?

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Shattered Horizon is what you are thinking of.

This looks absolutely amazing. At first I was skeptic since it's Chinese, but after seeing the actual gameplay. Looks legit good.

>zero-G movement
I tried it in Lawbreakers. It was really boring. I hope they do it better.

>automatic hitscan guns (WITH IRONSIGHTS)
Looks shit.

This game will probably not be good.

not-good game knower

Attached: Replay 2017-03-17 13-35-39.webm (896x504, 2.98M)

>we live in a time and age full of zoomers that don't remember shattered horizon

fire cant burn in space explosions don't produce fire like on earth, the muzzle flash wouldnt look like that in vacuum

If the rounds have oxidizer they can burn. How do you think rockets work?

>black guns in space
good idea

We was Moonraker and shit

We all remember it being shit

>Shattered Horizon is what you are thinking of.
That game was great, too bad it was mostly just a tech demo and that it died off quick.

Shattered Horizon already tried it
it was really fun but the game died after a few weeks


>Chinese fps
Actually looks kinda neat from the trailers, but Chinese multiplayer shooters always turn out to be shameless pay to win shit fests.

that's because they are not doing something new.
Exception was Titanfall 2, it was really good and there are no other mecha shooters bundled with gottgofast infantry movement.
Sadly fucking EA buried the game.

oh shit shattered horizon 2? fuck yes boi

Do bullets even work in space?

Yeah I was pumped the last time they tried it, no one played it.

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I can't imagine a worse genre for indie or AA devs to get into than multiplayer FPS.

Yes sure, even better because no air resistance.
The cartridges need oxidizer but there will be plenty of that if you have aircraft going to space.

At space distances though, a laser is better than a bullet

Space warfare when you think about it is pretty fucking cool. Imagine hostilities being so bad between two countries that you're trying to kill and blow up each other in the most hazardous environment imaginable.

Also no laser guns wtf

yeah, all powders have oxidizers in them. actually, guns can technically work underwater though that's actually considerably more difficult than space.

in space, the bullets don't lose velocity so they would be effective at much further distances. Of course, they're also easier to dodge now because of the distances.

You mean plasma.

So Ghosts?

It was basically a benchmark made into a game and when it came out a lot of peoples shitty computers had a hard time with it.

isnt this literally shattered horizon 2

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Also, space infantry fights is the dumbest fucking idea ever

ur wrong faggot, it's cool as fuck

I would've played the game but it required vista at a time when vista was very new. probably killed the game.

I think space guns would end up being some kind of particle accelerator. Which I guess would be generating plasma?

>not using caseless ammunition/guns
>recoil doesnt push you
>not using black suits/guns as camo
everything about this setting is wrong

When you're fighting in sunlight, against the backdrop of white space stations, why the fuck would it make sense to paint yourself as a nigger?

it makes sense if you're trying to take over an object in space.

cool yes, economically, practically or tactically sensible, no

You say this in the current year.

Alright, a single spacecraft vs 10 space infantry soldiers. Who wins?

what is the infantry armed with?

>actually getting hyped for Chinese games

They finally have the budget and manpower for amazing games. Look at Genshin Impact.

>Chinese game
Free to play bloated with loot crates and spyware

guns, explosives

This would be like using infantry in sea battles.

Aiming at long distances would be awkward due how to either less bullet drop or no bullet drop depending on whether you consider fighting on planets smaller than earth space.




No it wouldn't, retard

Here's hoping it can at least last longer than a year or 2 unlike Shattered Horizon.
Game looked absolutely gorgeous considering it was from 2009.

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That was the standard prior to gunpowder and cannons.

So Marines?

Same reason everything is white in space. So it shows up against the dark everything else.

Looks fucking great. Can't wait.

No content

Damn I want to go back to 2010 and play Shattered Horizon so bad.
I want to turn off my suit and wait betwee the asteroids to melee unaware guys that try to cap the point.
I want it so much.

thats probably why there is a butt load of BR bullshit being integrated in a lot of games.
god i fucking hate BR shit.


Dx10 only killed it indeed.
Even if at the time many were too casuals for the controls, they were told to git gud.

I hope they don't fuck up the movement in this. SH had it dead accurate with that 2x360 freedom.

Is it chink shit?

good gamr

So people swim around swinging swords or shooting guns and this is meant to defeat actual boats and the people on them?

Shattered Horizon but it doesn't die as fast?

>doesn't see how a single UDT can destroy a fucking stupid ship

>Space COD
Shattered Horizon was 100x better than this

>not using caseless ammunition/guns
One of the advantages of cartridges is that they act as a disposable heat sink that prevents heat from building up in the chamber. Caseless ammunition have a tendency of cooking off during sustained fire. This would be even more of a problem in space where there is no air for the heat to escape to.

>recoil doesnt push you
Could be explained by automatic counteraction from your boosters.

Shattered Horizon failed because it was Vista exclusive.

They would, but it would be akward as hell. Its not like in games where you slowly move fowards while still being able to shoot. The recoil of each shot will either spin you uncontrollably or straight up pushes you backwards, since theres almost no way to counteract the force of the bullet. Thats why laser guns is more plausible in space due to less travel time and no recoil.

It failed because it didn't run well on midrange PC's in addition to the DX10 requirement

>multiplayer only
No thanks.

I specifically didn't buy shattered horizon because it was vista exclusive and I know like 2 other people that didn't.

Not even that guy, lots of people didn't buy it because of that. Vista was hugely disliked when it came out because it just wasn't all that good.

Are they making a game based entirely on the space level of COD Ghosts?

>fire in space

>retards pretending to know anything on 4channel
what? no way!

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Can you point me to the naval battle of divers vs divers because ships are stupid and would just get destroyed by said divers?

Can you stop being retarded and just accept the fact you're wrong?

Combat in space might become a thing before we have spacecraft designed for battle.

actually I think during the cold war there was documented cases of people sending divers to secretly plant bombs on submarine hulls.

it's not exactly comparable because guns are considerably less effective in water than in space. Though, visibility is a lot higher so infantry stealth tactics would be less powerful.

>too much of a zoomer marketing man to remember Shattered Horizon

SH was a better game than some chink knock off can ever be. Sadly no one played it because it was locked to DX 10, needed the latest GPU and had a massive learning curve due to the 360 movement.

This is some Moonraker shit. Looks cool.

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>no answer
>your wrong

Remember when we asked for this over a decade ago? Yeah we don't care anymore.

All my friends had Vista, most of the complaints about Vista were drivers etc which were fixed pretty fast
The fact the game barely ran on what was at the time midrange PC's is what killed it
I had a lot of fun even struggling to get 40fps on lowest settings though. The game was quite active though I played it for a few months, the nail in the coffin was the gun changes

I bet you think most tank kills were from other tanks too.

Game looks great, but it’s bugmen in charge of its development
It’s gonna be p2w or Epic Exclusive, isn’t it?

looks too great to be true

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It looked good until the fucking kalashnikov in space lmaoo

You wouldn't have actual infantry vs infantry combat in space. Like with naval infantry they would be used to board space ships/installations at most. Naval infantry doesn't swim around fighting other naval infantry in the ocean. They either board ships or land on beaches.

Can you just fly near earth like that? At what point is the gravity going to pull you in?

Why would I think that? Ground combat is actually suited for infantry.

I thought is was COD Ghost

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that's not how orbital mechanics work, if you want to start "falling" to Earth you need to fly in the opposite direction of your orbit, if you flew towards Earth you'd actually push yourself farther since you'd slingshot yourself faster and your orbit will be more elliptical

So it's Gravity with less Sanda Bullock and more guns

And so would space. It's the perfect environment considering how clunky shit it. Use your brain.

It's not comparable to swimming because the booster backpacks plus suits are essentially small spacecraft.

If it was so good why is it dead

its old

it was DOA Vistafag

It wasn't that old when it died

Infantry isn't clunky on ground it is in ocean and space which is why you need ships to not be clunky.

I played it for like 3-4 months, it was active when the weapons update came out a while after release. But the weapons update made the game less fun

That would just get picked off by some gun installation. They are also way more fragile than drones or actual space ships.

>3-4 months
oh no hahahaha

I browsed Yea Forums when threads used to be made about how it was dying, but no one actually said why it was dying

Assuming those things exist. In a near future small-scale infantry combat over a non-weaponized satellite could make sense.

>shooting geometry leads to massive particulates everywhere
>kessler syndrome aesthetic
>Gravity Kessler Syndrome music as the backdrop to the gameplay trailer

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Should've included the song:

When you nut in space, it push you backwards

It's a trailer, probably none of that shit ends up in the game

looks like the other space shooter which died because it was a laggy pos

You don't think a satellite with an explosive doesn't exist? Or sticking a gun on a satellite?

>gun on a satellite
That reminds me:

What the fuck did i just watch? This game looks sick but will probably be shit. WE WILL SEE

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what the absolute fuck

Attached: Now that's what im talking about.jpg (750x415, 46K)

>doesn't know what a boarding action is

Sure they can exist. I just think it's possible we will send up astronauts with guns before we send up satellites with anti-infantry turrets.

I feel like this could have the potential to be a really great game, but the devs will probably fuck it up.

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It's like Shattered Horizon which is ultra super duper dead game.

>recoil doesn't effect your momentum or trajectory
>neither do holes in your suit.
It's shit.

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Just bolt an automatic weapon with a solenoid attached to a radio to the satallite and have an operator on the ground to operate it, spess scientists aim the weapon, button faggot pushes the button, and nothing cool happens because I forgot about ammo.