
3 >>> 2 >>> 1

1 literally has QTE combat. The same people who worship the first game as some kind of holy grail otherwise consider QTE to be a blight on the industry. It's the choice of hipsters who love that it's a PC exclusive with a lack of polish that makes it unappealing to normies.

2 isn't as mouse and keyboard-friendly, but at least it introduces a proper arpg combat system, and it's pure hipsterdom to call it casualized from the first. It's definitely a more punishing game than a QTE fest. Apart from the clunkiness of m+k controls, it's better than or equal to Witcher 1 in all regards. Exploration, player agency, etc. I
>muh alchemy
They removed one shallow mechanic where you match red ingredients with red ingredients, black with black, and white with white. Don't act like it's the jump from Morrowind to Oblivion.

Witcher 3 is Witcher 2 Plus. There's more of everything. More exploration, more player customization, more side-excursions, etc. It's also perfectly m+k-friendly. I suppose that you could make an argument that they casualized alchemy (since potions now behave like potions normally do in games, and all you have to do to restock is meditate with strong alcohol in your inventory), and not everyone prefers open world over linear exploration, but personally, I prefer 3's approach in both of these areas.

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You have that backwards. Faggot.

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yes we know witcher 1 has shit company but it at least gets more fun when you get more spell upgrades and train your sword skills

witcher 1's narrative is fantastic and the world is well developed. the quests are pretty fun and I enjoyed a few of the open levels more than witcher 2's. witcher 2 had a lot of artificial difficulty

shit COMBAT***

Overall, 3 > 1 > 2

All three are great and each one has its specific strenghts. 2 has the best writing in my opinion and 1 is the best RPG, for example.

1 has rythmic combat, not QTEs. You exposed your bait way too quickly.

I only played 1 but I disliked it so much (got close to the end but never finished it) I never touched a Witcher game again.

Shut the fuck up you retarded child, you can repost your QTE nonsense 100 times more and it will still be bullshit

Fixed that for you

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1 is straight garbage, only people that say that game is good are fucking hipsters

>playing the Witcher series for the combat

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>2 isn't as mouse and keyboard-friendly, but at least it introduces a proper arpg combat system, and it's pure hipsterdom to call it casualized from the first. It's definitely a more punishing game than a QTE fest.

2 is fucking hard or I'm just retarded. I remember having to abuse the trap sign constantly on certain enemies, like the big giant armored black knights. Like I'd mind control one guy and kill all the shitty dudes and then for the next 5 minutes I'm kiting some asshole around who keeps stepping into my dumb shock trap things.

Witcher 2 is easily the weakest one.

Its like the awkward middle chapter were they tried to go for a more grandiouse AAA game but didn't quite have the budget for it. So its neither a soulful eurojank game like 1 or a more big budget epic game like 3.


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its just artificial difficulty because you get put into fights with multiple hard hitting enemies in small cramped locations (like the mines in that dwarvern town)
na fuck you it was good for its time. go back and read the reviews
anyone who says witcher 1 is garbage is a straight fagboy zoomer who can't appreciate a proper rpg

Honestly, the three games are too different to compare.
CDPR change them so much that it's not worth comparing them.
The quality of the combat is entirely subjective, I actually like 1 the best because you just chill and let your stats speak, the way an rpg should be, 2 is the worst except when you araad people off a ledge.
The story in 3 is a collection of short stories and a main quest that kind of sucks. 2 has the best story because it's tight and focussed and with consequence (until 3 washed over them).1 has a good story and meh consequence.

You're meant to dive behind people and backstab them or use arad. Or parry them if you're fancy but that mechanic is hit or miss.

>Witcher 3 is Witcher 2 Plus.

Yeah it's Witcher 2 + filler

You sound like the biggest hipster here.

anyone who says first witcher has qte combat just exposes themselves that they played on normal instead of hard.

>SWOOSH _____________________ SHH SHH

Witcher 3 sucks.

shit taste dude.

You could still easy tell when to click by watching for Geralt's sword flourishing or twirling animation