What went right?
What went right?
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not a whole lot, the gimmick wears thin fast imo
The Beginner's Guide is much better
>Stanley Parable (2013)
>this game came out 6 years ago
TFW you're steadily getting older and closer to death each and every day
>The Beginner's Guide
I humbly disagree; The Stanley Parable is much more mysterious, and personally that is what I enjoy in narrative driven video games.
>the free mod is released
>countless threads worth of endless praise
>paid game is released
what do you mean mysterious? the game is pretty clear about what it's trying to say, and I don't really think the paths/endings are that interesting taken by themselves or together
might be biased because I played the mod first, but idk
ALSO they’re releasing a version with more endings
I hope theres one where if you go to the broom closet three times in a row it disappears and you can walk through the wall finding the narrator and fighting him
And another ending where if you dont pick up the gun to shoot him he promotes you to dev and he world stanley makes is literal hell
If you go back into the broom closet after these endings he gets angry and restarts the game,but it wears off after 5 replays
Retards think this game is clever and incisive because the narrator's doing a Stephen Fry impression. Once you realize the game has nothing else for you it should be dropped immediately
It was fun
The beginners guide becomes a lot less interesting when you realize its just some fag crying about being a depressed videogame developer
because it was a mod first and a game second, it effectively had two release dates, and Yea Forums didn't like walkie readie games in 2013
I remember spreading rumors that the pirated version was a plant from the devs and had jumpscares added in to fuck with players, back when it released.
Stanley for smash
nothing, it's shit
Walking simulators are trash.
Hmm, maybe mysterious is the wrong word.
The Beginner's Guide is (basically) linear, ending with the narrator explain how he's a little bitch(Over-simplified).
I think both games get their "Message" across equally as well.
However The Stanley Parable is non-linear, and it's dialogue of Player vs. Narrator plays into the fact you have a "Choice" (Not jerking of Stanley Parable for having multiple endings, but instead that it fits greatly with the theme)
I guess what I meant by "Mysterious" is that in the Beginner's Guide you are only wondering about the developer (Which isn't a bad thing), and in the Stanley Parable you are left wondering about yourself AND the developer.
Motherfucker, i'm really paranoid about shit like that
Trying to add mostly humor instead of "durr durr 2deep4you" lore
I still think there's a way to get the mind control ending.
everything, it's great
Everything. A fun and clever little game. When is that enhanced edition coming out? Is it out already
literally isn't that
I honestly hope it's shills because it'd mean the enhanced edition is near and they're getting a feel for reception before release.
What's it about then, smartypants?
Not him, genuinely asking because i haven't played through it since it released and i've forgot.
I'm still waiting for the achievement where you don't play for a few years. So close user.
thats based
he literally tells you the premise in the trailer user,
and then there is a twist in the resolution of that premise. not that complex desu but a good execution
I guess that makes sense, yeah. Personally found the BG issues of projection and self worth a lot more relevant as a loser myself, but I can certainly see the appeal of the SP story. Thanks for explaining that to me.
It was well written.
>streambait "games"
I don't remember Yea Forums ever talking about the mod until the game came out. Besides the Mod and the Game are pretty different iirc.
>a lot more relevant as a loser myself
Actually now that I think about it my preference of TST over BG is exactly because I don't relate well enough with the developer.
I really don't know why I didn't notice that earlier, that is a completely reasonable reason to prefer BG over TST.
It stuck to its themes and gimmicks without needlessly changing them in the last quarter like most neat games do.
Nothing. What Remains of Edith Finch is far better.
stanley at one of the intersections, i imagine
Stop that.
>an internet without wojaks and cringe
And I thought things were bad at that time.
yeah that would be rad
I don't think I've ever had my interest start only to have it plummet as harshly as it did with the beginner's guide.
I too liked Beginner's Guide
>Maybe he just liked making prison games
The creator of these games is really a drama queen
I hope you got your achievement.
Literally everything