Never touched a Fallout game before
Will I enjoy this?
Never touched a Fallout game before
Will I enjoy this?
yes just make sure to have a bug patch mod
If you got it for cheap, yeah it can be fun. Roleplaying was cut to an absolute minimum but the gameplay can be fun and some stuff is comfy.
Ive played F3 and NV, why does it seem like no one ever talks about this game? People still regularly talk about the others, but its like F4 was just totally forgotten. Was it really that unmemorable? It makes me hesitant to actually play it even if I liked the other games
Start with fallout new vegas, or even fallout 1.
Somewhere in the middle of good and not good so of course there isn't much to say. I enjoyed what I played
If you played NV or the original games, you'll hate it
If you love ubisoft style looter shooters like nu-farcry, you'll probably love it too.
Yes, it wasn't very good, not a lot of towns because of the settlement system but the mod sim settlements fixes that. Otherwise a great open world first person shooter with few decent mods worth playing and no roleplaying or quality quests in general except maybe a few brotherhood quests.
If you're not talking shit about it, there's nothing to say
Because the game is dogshit, both in terms of its gameplay mechanics and design as well as quests/characters/story.
The only thing people discuss about FO4 is cringey waifufagging on /vg, and the only mods for the game are either titty mods or weapon/armor mods, the most basic-bitch shit.
Honestly yes
Avoid the base building bullshit where possible
It all just hovered around "adequate". It wasn't phenomenally bad like 76 and once everyone got tired of bitching over casualized mechanics and no roleplaying, there were fewer easy targets. But of course nothing really memorable or cool happens at any point. So nothing left to discuss except sex mods and interesting settlement builds
Eh, it another one of those nuBethesda not-really-an-rpg. Your mileage my vary.
I literally bought this a month ago and have put over 100 hours into it. Roaming around the open world is amazing and after 3 and new vegas, the colors in this game are eye popping. It looks really nice. You'll enjoy it. Just don't expect a engaging main story. I've been doing everything else but the main quest.
Yes if you play survival and avoid that base-building nonsense.
>storm trading post with black uniform terminator pals
>slaughter everyone like a badass
>find the synth refugees in the basement
>make them beg for mercy
>mercy is only for humans
>force them back to be turned into scrap metal
I liked that bethesda allowed me to roleplay as a gestapo officer
>everything but the main quest
but FO4 has by far the least amount of side content as well, unless you count lazy bullshit like settlement building and radiant quests.
What about this? I have it on 360 but i just play like 4 hours before throw
I'm replaying it with the TTW mod and my god, I forgot how bland the exploration is, its just raiders and muties everywhere, the same crumbled buildings and terrain all over the place.
super cumfy 2008-era game and its not about what could have been but rather how you FEEL its SOUL
FO4 just wasn't interesting to talk about. The story is almost a copy of FO3, the characters aren't that memorable, the quests are mostly "go here, kill enemies, and fetch me an item", the writing is merely exists for the sake of it, and there's not much roleplaying element to talk about. The only thing it had going for is the combat but it gets repetitive very fast because it's pretty shallow.
I've done the Minute Man quests and up to right after Kellogg's memories. No settlement building, I've just been roaming around the open world discovering locations and picking up quests in the towns like Goodneighbor and Covenant, or like when a guard in Diamond City mentions something and a location gets marked on your map. I'll go check that out. I do go back to Sanctuary to dump junk and guns off a lot, even though I'm not even using the junk or food. That takes a lot of time.
It's... okay. I had a lot of fun with it back in 2008, but that's also because it was my first open-world RPG, and when it's your first one of those, the gameplay can be literal dogshit and you'll still be enamored by it.
It's shallow as fuck. There's only one decent town in the game. Most of the quests are dogshit. The overworld is bland and repetitive. Everywhere you goes feels like a copypasta of a copypasta. Is it raiders, mutants, or ghouls? Subway, office, cave, or military base? Do every permutation of those choices and that's essentially 99% of the game.
It has more quests than FO3
nothing left an impression strong enough to really write about, every time there's something BIG happening, it quickly fades out as soon as it came. Plus the way every quest is handled "Kill these guys, pickup this junk, return" ruined any chance for quest diversity. This was an unfortunate result of FULLY VOICED PROTAGONIST and removed any expectations of using skill investments to handle situations. Try and remember any single line of dialogue from FO4 that stayed with you versus doing the same with NV, or even FO3.
does really work on anything above windows vista.
on 7, 8 and 10 you can expect it to crash every 5 - 10 minutes because the game will eat up your RAM memory
Yea it's good enough for it's price tag. It's a solid 40 hours minimum
Fantastic, one of the best games ever made. It's pretty small though, more time went into combat dungeons rather than quests so there's only a couple dozen hours if you can't stand the combat.
Game crashes a lot, patch fixes it a bit. It's kind of random so save often and it's not much of a problem.
That's not actually true. Making the game behave properly on modern OSes is as simple as an ini edit that takes 15 seconds,.
I love it, but that's only because I have 250 active mods and I'm autiscially invested in the settlement building
If you're going to play this, make sure you run it in borderless windowed mode. If you play it full-screen it shits the bed whenever you alt-tab
>Want to experience Sim Settlements Rise of the Commonwealth to the fullest
>Requires a fucking monster rig just to maintain 60fps in the tier three cities
My 1070 chokes like a right fucker by Lv1 at around 40% in most areas. Word is it's the same for 1080s too.
for some reason this game has a certain atmosphere that no other game has, and its pretty hypnotizing
I absolutely hate FO4's crafting system. It was bad enough in FO3 autistically looking around for cherry bombs and sensor modules for bottlecap mines. And while I love NV, I'm still not a fan of the crafting in that game either.
But then FO4 takes the shittiness to a whole new level where seemingly like half the fucking content in the game revolves around collecting/disassembling E V E R Y T H I N G so you can use it to greeble together weapons and settlements and whatever. Collecting literal trash everywhere because it might be useful later is NOT FUN.
>250 active mods
>grass isn't full and green
>not real clouds
>the filter is still there
Really user
Yeah that's kind of the thing with 4, most of the side quests branch off of the main quest, so if you ignore it completely you're missing out on a decent chunk of content. My advice would be to suffer through it up until you make contact with the Institute and go from there, but that's if you want I guess. Most of that side content isn't the greatest anyway.
>Wasting esps on garbage
Fallout 4 should have had weapon and armor mods appear at vendors at purchasables or as loot drops. It's absurd how you can't do shit without crafting when it comes to attaining the best gear.
Bethesda games manage to get worse and worse. Fallout 4 was so bad it makes Fallout 3 look great by comparison, even that game had more substantial roleplaying. Fallout 4 managed to be worse than Skyrim. With the way Fallout 4 and 76 turned out, I'm expecting the next Elder Scrolls to be downright dogshit.
I'm unironically expecting skyrim to have some excuse plot where hammerfell has been ravaged by war, and now it's YOUR job as the mighty voiced protagonist, the hammerborn, to collect trash from across the provence and REBUILD this great nation! ANOTHER REDGUARD SETTLEMENT NEEDS OUR HELP, HAMMERBORN!
Maybe if you go in not expecting much of an RPG and more of a free roam action game with dialog and building
I don't get how loot works in FO3, does it ever respawn or am I just stuck killing NPCs for loot forever? Like I looted that supermarket in the beginning and come back to check and it's still the same as I left it as far as I'm aware.
Tell me, have any mods for FO4 come out that unfuck the game mechanics and return it to some semblance of an RPG? Like ditching the shitty perk system and reimplementing stats?
>Fallout 4
That tittle means less and less each year.
Green grass sounds fuckin stupid.
You don't know how many times so far I discovered some big warehouse or something and went in to check it out, cleared and collected everything, and then 15 hours later I suddenly get a side quest to go "kill all the raiders and collect X". It got to the point where I hesitated to explore giant structures I found that looked like there was probably some quest there later.
Witcher 3 beat its ass that year but it still got some goty awards
>200 years after the bombs dropped
>people are still living in run down shacks with rubble, broken glass, and splinters all over their floor despite brooms having survived
>meanwhile in Fallout 2
>entire communities have come together to form cities complete with electricity and industry using pre-war plants and natural resources
Really makes ya think.
I can't help but respect Capcom when I bought RE7 GOLD edition, and then here's fucking pretentious ass Bethesda "Fallout 4 GAME OF THE YEAR", when I specifically remember that dude screaming at the Game Awards when Witcher 3 won goty "DON'T SAY FALLOUT IT BETTER NOT BE FALLOUT"
anyone else hate how the guns look in bethesda fallouts they look fat and cartoon and gay and I fucking hate it
Yes. The biggest complaints about FO4 was that it was a fine game but not a good 'fallout game'
When Black Isle/Obsidian designed 1/2/NV, they did so thinking about how this setting would turn out given the circumstances that came before it.
But with Bethesda, all their design comes down to is "dude apocalypse radiation lmao". It's the diet coke theme park interpretation.
They don't know shit about guns I think Josh Sawyer from Obsidian is a gun nut that's why NV guns were way better
I love it and still play it often. 4 gets a lot of hate here but I absolutely veto Yea Forums on this one.
Far Harbor is the only redeeming factor of Fallout 4.
Todd just wants endless war. The pain never ends and the lust for endless conflict can never be satisfied. Hes truly a demon.
Someone post the webm showing how NV gets its shotguns right, and when you only shoot one round, you only load one during the reload animation. But then going forward to FO4, you shoot a single round and the animation will still show you reloading the entire tube.
It's especially bad in FO4. They took the whole DUDE LMAO RETRO-FUTURISM thing too far and gave us full-retard stuff like the "assault rifle" that looks like it came out of a cartoon.
The writing's pretty fucking bad which may or may not affect your enjoyment of the game which is unfortunate. Aside from the gameplay and building I like the companion interactions and the neat little things in the game like skipping dialogue when you're drunk. Despite the hilariously poor writing I still like the Institute anyway.
I sided with the Institute just to see if I could have some kind of impact on the faction as their leader and I was horribly disappointed. I was happy to murder them all on my second playthrough though.
At least you didn't side with the cuckroad.
Just did the Covenant quest for the first time. Decent amount of dialogue choices that let you skip combat almost entirely, it was nice and short, and pretty morally grey.
Fucking 48 hours into this game and that's the only decent quest so far.
The BoS feels the best if you roleplay as a violent arrogant thug that hates synths
I'd say the only good quests are the Silver Shroud, the U.S.S. Constitution, and maybe potentially the Secret of Cabot House.
Yes. If you’ve never played fallout I’m sure it’s fun. If you have played fallout it sucks balls.
>No regional servers because everyone in the whole world apparently just speaks english.
>No chat for non-native english speakers and people with a speech impairment.
Why do people tolerate this while getting furious over some asian mmorpg only releasing in asia? Its nearly the same thing.
I just want to speak/type with my native language like everyone else does.
4 plays better than the other 3d Fallouts but it has a dopey ass story and a lot of things you kinda have to ignore lore-wise in order to tolerate it.
Sure NV has slightly better writing and the guns are a little more realistic (not really) but it's still a janky pile of shit that barely functions. 4 at least feels polished up and enjoyable to roam around in.
To be fair the only faction that actually gives you some kinda sway as leader is the minutemen and that's only because you literally do everything for them. Every other faction being leader is just an honorary title and nothing else.
depends on your expectations, if you want an rpg this isn't it. if you want a dumb shooter then ye.
You become Sentinel of the BoS that's a rank just below Elder he basically tells you to do whatever you want from that point and you're next in line if something happens to him
Yea Forums is full of Bloodbugs.
What outfit mod is that?
>tfw want to put something else on my females, but the Black Widow armor is stylish, sexy, and functional
Also if you haven't played Survival try it out. It really changes the way everything plays.
>failed roman wannabe
>obvious plagiarism of The Postman and General Bethlehem
>long term sustainability in a raider group based on cult of personality
>"muh NCR corruption"
Jesus Christ, I do not know what's worse: the writers of this shit or the NV bootlickers.
It's a body suit from Far Harbor
there eventually comes a moment in every Fallout fan's life where they realize every Fallout has a stupid story and writing and they just accept it all as mediocre fun
the guys who slobber NV's dick haven't reached that point yet
>Codsworth won't say my name because my name is Sean
>green grass
>on a nuclear wasteland
>Collecting literal trash everywhere because it might be useful later is NOT FUN.
Yeah it is. It gives you a reason to explore and giving purpose to clutter objects adds depth to the world.
>Fallout 4 should have had weapon and armor mods appear at vendors at purchasables or as loot drops
You can buy/loot modded weapons and dissasemble them.
>he thinks a little bit of nonlethal radiation means grass can't be green
Chernobyl has green grass and that was 30 years ago. Fallout 4 is like, what, 100 years after the war?
the only thing actually wrong with 4's crafting is being able to crush stuff like tin cans into usable objects like corrugated steel walls and gun parts
Chernobyl is also barely irradiated compared to how Fallout 4 still has massive radiation levels two centuries later
you are comparing effects of a nuclear plant accident with hundreds of nukes exploding on the planet? ok user
t. king of brainlets
>hurr why grass
there's this zone in 4 called the glowing sea that's like 1/3 the entire land mass of the game, remember?
"Massive radiation levels" yet the only radiation is from toxic waste dumps and ancient zombies.
The only place actually heavy in radiation in the east coast games is the glowing sea, which was itself a toxic waste dump.
i never played fallout 4
>which was itself a toxic waste dump.
it was a missile defense site that got blown the fuck out as a priority target
Yes but at the very least, install the unofficial patch to fix the bugs and shit.
The base and commune building is pretty good too if you are into that.
Yes but run the unofficial patch for it too at the minimum.
FO3 has the best map and atmosphere with lots of things to find imo.
NV has the best questing and stories
And yet fucking half a mile away you can stand out in the open with
I'm not the fag that was disagreeing
of course grass can grow, but it always looked like late summer/early fall in fo4 to me
Why is it that for all the bitching Morrowindfags do about Skyrim, the game STILL has an active mod community and still talked about more than a decade after it was released and yet FO4 was forgotten so quickly?
What about Japan then? How do you explain that?
maybe because you dont have anything to compare it too
Its fun as long as you play on survival mode. Otherwise it's boring as shit
You do realize that the Chernobyl core being on fire was enough radiation of a nuclear bomb going off every forty minutes right?
Thoae aren't accidents, Chernobyl was a full fucking meltdown and fukashima let ocean war infiltrate the core for even years after the fact.
>but it always looked like late summer/early fall in fo4 to me
Because Bethesda is retarded.
These are the same people that claimed Megaton spent ~200 years surviving solely off of food from a supermarket and the occasional trader.
Megaton is all of seven people. Wouldn't be hard.
this but unironically
>Wouldn't be hard.
No I want you to actually think about that for a second. Assuming they somehow kept exactly 7 people for 200 years, and we be nice and say that each of those eats only two Crams a day, how many Crams is that? I'm almost falling asleep, but my calculator says over 500,000 cans of Cram. From ONE supermarket!
I just never understood why big settlements always had shit laying around like no one could be bothered to spend a day just picking trash up. It's like New Reno except there's no excuse because it's not a literal slum.
Oh yeah, I am tired. I forgot to multiply by 2 for two meals a day. So over a million Crams by the time the Lone Wanderer shows up. Over 1.5 million if you assume three meals a day.
ashes go home, erin misses you
Well there's always semen for nutritional content
No can do. It's a "massively irradiated area" according to user, so the semen can't be green. And if people don't eat their greens, they won't be healthy and will die out.
Depends on what you want. Do you want a game with some build options, where you can follow quests blindly with little to no actual interaction where you always get 4 dialogue options that always boil down to:
>No (but usually this means nintendo no, where you just get to come back and pick yes later)
>More info that doesn't actually change anything or bring more options
>Yes but slightly rude/sarcastic.
Then F4 will entertain for a decent bit.
Do you want to create a waifu? Go Skyrim.
Do you want to play something more heavy on the "roleplay", Where you can make more actual decisions, and even just kill quest givers you don't like instead of only having the option to not do their stuff? Then go New Vegas instead.
Personally, I'm with this user: It's not that good a game, but well worth like 15 bucks or so Steam discount isn't deep enough RN if you ask me.