What exactly destroyed Rare? Do they just simply lack talent to make post-90's games?

What exactly destroyed Rare? Do they just simply lack talent to make post-90's games?

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A lot of the talent left. That and since there post 90 games flopped in sales after the Microsoft buy out, Microsoft stopped having them make games and mostly had them work on other projects.

Got bought by Microsoft and rareware members just started leaving.


user is this the talent you're talking about
>Key creative talent behind Banjo-Kazooie and Donkey Kong Country present Yooka-Laylee!"

desu sea of thieves is real fun with friends. its just that its hilarious they think they can price the game at >60$
its more like an indie at 30$


Like most companies, the talent leaves.


It's comfy, but the game at launch was seriously lacking stuff. If you get game pass, then it's good

People didn't buy their games and they fucked up Banjo Threeie.

Viva Pinata is my third our fourth favorite game from them and I still want them to make a third game.

Yeah that speaks up for it a lot.

After Banjo they made DK Country and Star Fox furrie adventures, if anything the talent left that people.

Almost all their best games were made under Nintendo. Look at their back catalog, most of their NES output was licensed movie and franchise games that filled space between actual games, then Nintendo gets them to do Donkey Kong Country and suddenly they're a household name with loads of blockbuster titles under their belt, and made the transition to 3D gaming more smoothly than most developers, so much that their game output kept the N64 afloat in-between big Nintendo releases.
Their first games after the Microsoft buyout were the GBA port of Donkey Kong Country and Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge, which Microsoft had to work out a deal with THQ to publish on essentially competing hardware.
Aside from Grabbed by the Ghoulies, Rare's output for the first few years was GBA games they already had in the works beforehand and the other two Donkey Kong ports, with Conker Live and Reloaded squeezed in there.
It's not that surprising that Microsoft sidelined them and people started leaving.

People like to point fingers at Microsoft for buying them, Nintendo for not, and claiming that Rare had no talent left.

The reality though is that the men in charge, the Stamper Brothers, unironically fucking gave up.

Their business model was centered around a bunch of very small development teams competing with one another to have the better game. The Stamper Brothers saw that games were gonna be more expensive and require more people so instead of putting in an even basic amount of effort to revamp the company structure into bigger teams in competition they just unironically threw in the towel.

The deal they offered Nintendo was awful, it was a substantial upfront cost in order to keep up business relations that had been going fine for two generations except without the main benefit of Nintendo Rareware, autonomy.
Microsoft needed iconic IPs for their console so the moment Rare asked people who weren't Nintendo they scooped them up.

Microsoft may have mismanaged Rareware later on but the Stamper Brothers are 100% to blame for the buyout in of itself

SFA hate is just boomers wanting SF64 and not getting it. Assault and Command and the DS game(s?) prove that fan base is fickle as fuck. They hate if the game has too much new or doesn’t innovate enough. They just want fucking SF64 ports basically. SFA is a great Zelda-like that would be universally acknowledged as one of the gems of the GCN if they had just kept fox’s brand off of it. Also it’s 1000x better to play than SF64, a weird anomaly of basically an arcade game designed for and released to home console in the latter half of the 90s

You could use the same argument for Nuts and Bolts.

>Their business model was centered around a bunch of very small development teams competing with one another to have the better game. The Stamper Brothers saw that games were gonna be more expensive and require more people so instead of putting in an even basic amount of effort to revamp the company structure into bigger teams in competition they just unironically threw in the towel.
Biggest issue right there. When MS tried to keep the Stampers old culture of having different teams. It lead to a shitload of culled projects because everyone started pitching and MS only heard the loudest voices. So projects were constantly being redone, pitched etc that a Viva Pinata expansion was one of the only titles they shipped because they didn't know what to make next till Kinect they had so many cancelled projects including a Crackdown 2 by the Conker team (And that was a result of Microsoft putting their foot down on Rare shipping stuff). On top of that, sometimes teams were just a bunch of contract workers. GoldenEye only had one full time staffer on the project. Everyone else fucked off when it shipped, realized they had something and then created Free Radical out of it. Old Rare was lightning in a bottle in an era where you could create that environment.

I wanted dinosaur planet nigger. I went to the booths and played the demo.

Fun fact: Nuts & Bolts actually uses the Banjo Threeie name in France for some reason.

Viva Pinata was the last good series they made after that Kinect garbage.

If you want an idea of how many of the "old guys" are not there anymore take a look at twitter.com/Ghoulyboy?s=09 (Donkey Kong Country and Banjo Designer most recent game was Sea Of Thieves)
Twitter he posted the original team numbers of rare games and how many are still there, if you scroll down on his media to around last december you can see the numbers for other games too, spoiler alert: similar numbers to the Banjo tweet.

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Both the original and Trouble in Paradise were before the Kinect games.

No he's talking about people like the Stamper brothers, Chris Seavor, and Martin Hollis. The only person from the older days really still left is Greg Mayles.