Why are you not using epic store?
Like what it did so wrong to get all that hate?
>muh chinks
They're almost on every industry so stop being a retard
>muh spyware
If you're so bothered about your data being tracked you might well want to stop using internet completly
Why are you not using epic store?
Other urls found in this thread:
For starters, there isn’t a single exclusive game they have that I’m interested in. Kind of hard to get people to use your service when all your games are shit.
June 4 1989 Tiananmen Square
Free Tibet
Falun Gong
Winnie the Pooh
Chinese Democracy
I mainly play mid range Japanese games and Shenmue 3 will just be shitty Yakuza/worse Yakuza before any memers feel the need to go
>implying Yakuza is good.
Actively attempts to buy exclusives in order to prevent games going to other stores. Shit's cancer
I don't want PC gaming to turn into a locked down platform like consoles.
Thanks user very epic
Yes yakuza is indeed good
>paying money to rent games
No regional pricing so games are more expensive
It offers nothing better than Steam or GOG
I don't want to give my credit card and e-mail info to a company that shares said information with the Chinese government.
>no shopping cart
Thats not your call to make dummy
Gib shopping cart. This is not epic at all
Except you don't need to buy epic games store
Okay these are fair points
>pretending Borderlands 3 doesn't exist
He clearly isn't interested on Borderlands 3.
Which legitimate reasons do people have for wanting to have the launcher running? Steam can be argued for since you have updates, invites, community hubs, the sort, but I can't really see why you wouldn't close EGL after playing whatever it is you wanted to play.
So, let's get this straight.
The advantages of epic games launcher:
>more money for developers
>buys the shit out of exclusives
>free games every once in a while
only a single benefit is passed onto the consumer.
Meanwhile, Steam takes a bigger cut of the dev paycheck, but also has
>social media features and profiles
>very common sales and bundles
>trading cards
>huge selection with lots of filters to easily view what you want
>community forums
>community reviews
>Linux support
>shopping cart
>Mac support
>user customization
>screenshot hosting
>gives out free games during events
>in-client streaming and game clip hosting
>steam family sharing
>steam link/ big picture mode
>significant VR hosting
>profile inventories and trading
> live pages where debs can post news and patch notes
Outside of paid exclusives, I can't think of a single thing Epic has that steam doesn't.
>No reviews
>No voice chat
>No community forums
>No workshop
>No screenshot sharing
>No wishlist
>No game tags
>No discovery queue
>No one-click online streaming
>No h-games
>No music category
>No software category
>No video category
>No linux support
>No mac support
>No regional pricing
>No payment option variety
>No marketplace
>No trading cards
>No trading
>No user profile customization
>No achievements
>No controller support
>No family sharing
>No overlay with browser
>No client skinning support
>No controller-friendly mode
>No local network gameplay streaming
>No cloud saves
>No backup feature
>No adding third party games to your list
>No third party key registration
>No reason to use Epic Store
>liking borderlands
I played 2 once and i had enough of their badass epic sense of humor, don't really wanna experience more of that, ever, in my life.
nothing I care about
sweeney is a faggot
I'm not encouraging even more console war bullshit
guaranteed fortnite money means guilt-free piracy
There are many reasons to legitimately hate this company, yet you focus on this. I bet this is actually Epic trying to detract from the actual criticism and point to all the illegitimate claims from "racists".
>using a store
>interested on Borderlands 3
Literally impossible. BL3 is the most hype title of 2019.
A choice between the epic games store and not playing the game at all isn't a choice
I don't trust a company that thought it was okay not to require email confirmation to make an account. All the other terrible practices are just more shit on the shit pile.
>Except you don't need to buy epic games store
What the literal fuck are you trying to say here?
Why would I install, run and use a store for which I don't plan on buying anything and hate their nigger practices?
most hyped title on piracy forums, yeah.
Uninstalled Steam after this fucking joke of a sale. Im an EGS-only man now. Watch steam faggots seethe and point at the "features" that bloat their tranny den as somehow a good thing.
>BL3 is the most hype title of 2019
No matter how much you keeprepeating this, it will never be true, Timmy Tencent.
You sure about that?
I'm already settled onto steam. I don't double deal that shit nigga.
>overloaded terrible launcher that's super slow and has other stuff like the epic launcher built in
>user experience - everything, from the store to library and the whole UI and positioning and not being even able to search for things
>for some reason download speed is slower
>resource hog
>can't buy equivalent of Steam pre-paid cards, so I would have to use a credit card
>pirating a multiplayer game
Whatever gets you going, man. I'd rather have the cool peeps in the community watching my back. Playing BL3 billy-no-mates sounds like the perfect way to ruin your first experience with it.
Bad service
Bad marketing practices
Mediocre products
I prefer GOG, simple as that
Besides I don't trust it. Tim Sweeney is a retard, Epic is a shifty company and the success of Fortnite can quickly fall again.
With the way they're behaving, they might change their mind and remove the store if it doesn't work out, meaning I would lose my library. I don't trust digital stores at all, but I feel like I'm safer buying games on Steam and GOG.
Hating the CPC is not hating the Chinese. I hate the CPC, who indirectly have influence on everything Epic does as a business regardless of what Epic says. Tencent has people on Epic's board.
>Whatever gets you going, man. I'd rather have the cool peeps in the community watching my back. Playing BL3 billy-no-mates sounds like the perfect way to ruin your first experience with it.
Don't you have social media to brigade, shill-kun? Stop wasting your time here.
Don't see a reason to start using it
Because I use steam for almost a decade. Why the fuck would I downgrade to inferior platform?
The storefront is lacking and none of the exclusives look interesting
Tell you what Tim you bring Paragon back with Steve Superville as lead dev and i'll consider it
Sweeney already paid them off so we can pirate their games without any guilt. Thanks for the games, Tim!
>PC Gamers want steam competitor in order to make all PC gaming services better overall feature and quality wise
>Epic Games comes along
It’s just fucking retarded and not what we wanted out of it.
Ouch, hit a nerve there. Sorry bud. I'm sure the game will at least be KINDA fun solo....but it really was built with co-op and social interaction in mind.
>unironically using the term peeps
>"watching my back"
imagine sucking this much at a game like borderlands that you need to rely on teamates
>They're almost on every industry so stop being a retard
Epic is the only Chink DRM platform.
>b-but Chinks make up 99% of Steam's user base!
Yeah, keep moving them goalposts, we're totally talking about the playerbase and not the management collecting and selling your data.
>Using launchers
+any exclusive content on pc literally makes no sense since all games can run on Windows and can be sold anywhere. So Epic can fuck off together with Microsoft.
>cool peeps
Yo, calm down Randy.
I don’t like any of their games. Also not interested in downloading 100 different launchers and stores to play at most 3-4 games from each
Quick reminder that not only is Epic DRM, Tim Sweeney actually left PC gaming because of "pirates" and if the situation ever gets bad for the Epic Games Store they could easily just shut down their platform and remove every game from your library. Tim Sweeney has no loyalty to people who play games and if EGS turns out to be a bad investment he would have no problem shutting it down.
You didn't strike anything but a bell signifying you're a moron not used to posting here. Lurk more, faggot.
After Borderlands 2 (and arguably 1), BL3 should pretend that it cures cancer to generate hype.
It's not about having an easy time with it. It's about experiencing a new world together with some buds and kicking some major ass along the way.
Spicy tea here: You have a million games where you can lone gruff space marine grunt your way through faceless baddies. Borderlands 3 is about teaming up with friends, and maybe even making a couple new ones, while you all laugh your asses off together.
Outer Wilds is pretty good, but after the Shenmue 3 backstabbing that the producer did, it probably is better to wait for it on a different service or pirate it.
>the Shenmue 3 backstabbing
You mean the same as with the Outer Wilds?
Tell me why I should use it. I don't care for any of their "exclusives" and I don't see why I should purchase "multiplatform" titles through them as opposed to other stores.
>But "developers" get a bigger cut! Don't you want to support them?
I don't care. Literally not my problem.
I've got all the games I want on Steam or consoles. I don't need another launcher. Hell, I barely even buy games anymore on Steam as it stands. Epic is too late to the game at this point to compete. Should have come on the scene like 5 years ago.
I've never used the filter tool until now, but holy fuck "spicy tea"?
Because it's competition and if you cared about PC as a platform to play games on you'd at least give it a fair shake.
Folk here don't realize that Epic is building the metaphorical Wall that'll keep white-walking games-streaming services like Stadia at bay. That's what so infuriating about all of this. There's blood in the water and sharks like Google can smell it. Instead of uniting against LITERAL REAL LIFE EVIL CORPORATIONS you attack the small dude in the fishing boat manning the harpoons.
Yeah, and that Outer Wild case is also quite similar to the recent case of Shenmue 3.
This. Already got burned with a few purchase made on Impulse after Jewstop killed all downloads earlier this year.
Nothing about this store suggests they have a plan after fortnite dies
I'd recommend you to stop trying to debate with Epic shills, they will usually resort to trying to gaslight you into thinking you don't need all these features (especially the social media ones) for a digital distribution platform, yet they can't grasp the fact that if Steam can afford to have all these features, it's because the basic functions of a digital store have already been fulfilled
After ten years, I don't like the concept of a backroom deal that pads sales numbers fracturing my library between different platforms.
It's really a lot simpler than you'd think.
Try again, but without all of these meme reasons to not use EGS.
Why do Steam shills prize all the things their game launcher does that isn't related to launching games?
>exclusivity shittery
>only barely as functional as steam was 10 fucking years ago
>everything about their sale event steam sales may be shit now, but at least they still let you buy a bunch of games without banning you from the store entirely
>tim sweeney is a massive fucking faggot holy shit he’d be less of a faggot if he literally sucked nigger dicks instead of trying to shill EGS
Are you doing this for free?
>No basic quality of life standards that come with free to use online stores like shopify.
>Resource hogging spyware to see what I'm doing on steam.
>Adware popups in non EGS games
How many people died on June 4th, bugman?
Why would I try arguing with an ant, instead of squishing it? Or better yet, ignoring it like Gaben does.
Why would I use a store without these features, if I can use one with them?
No, I am being paid in the seething of steam shills, at a fair rate too if this thread is to be any indicator.
For social credit score points
Jokes on him because videogames reduce the score.
Its because if product A has over a dozen perks while product B only has a few(which product A has anyway) what is the reason to use product B?
I use the Epic Games Launcher and have to say it's very barebones, you can buy your games, play your games and add your friends. That's all you need for some people, but other would like the social features that Steam provides with profiles and things of the sort.
You can't even add profile pictures on Epic's launcher, which can be bad or good, depending on whether or not you'd want to see what cropped porn your buddies on your friend's list watch or look at.
I genueily wanted to use it, during their sale. I created an account, and tried to buy Hades and Ashen.
Then my new created account had purchasing deactivated, and their Customer Support completly ignored my requests.
After this, i am not sure i will use their service at all. I will jusr wait for games to appear on scummy steam or gog
>Why are you not using epic store?
>Like what it did so wrong to get all that hate?
>>muh chinks
>They're almost on every industry so stop being a retard
>>muh spyware
>If you're so bothered about your data being tracked you might well want to stop using internet completly
inb4 tranny cuck mods ban me
now that's an EPIC meme my friend
literally no one gives a fuck about BL
Same reason why people use cars instead of carriages. Come on Cheng you can do better than this.
Why do epic shills prize all the things their game launcher does that isn't related to launching games?
>you don't want these features now that the store fulfills all the basic needs of buying and launching games
>you think you do, but you don't
I got steam and that's all I need. Timed exclusives aren't enough of a motivator to switch to an overall worse store.
>pretending Boredlands is good
I want to play the Division 2, but I don't want to buy from Epic or Uplay because both of those clients are hot dook.
Ubisoft clearly doesn't want my money anymore.
I pirated the Walking Dead: The Final Season as well because clearly Skybound doesn't want my money for the last game I'd ever purchase from Telltale.
It's not even fucking out yet
thanks for the games Tim!
Noting I want to buy and I stopped playing Unreal Tournament when it was clear they stopped caring to improve when fortnite got popular. It's still installed but I haven't opened it in months.
It's just bad and on top of that Epic's behavior is anti-consumer by trying to turn a generally open platform into something more locked down.
The store is just fucking shit, though. It offers absolutely no benefit over other available alternatives, there is just no reason for me to buy from Epic instead of buying somewhere else. There are many alternatives which are better. GOG is DRM-free, which is a huge perk. Steam has many features which EGS does not have and probably never will have. Humble is also DRM-free. Stores like GMG and Fanatical tend to have better prices and shitloads of small key stores also have better prices. EGS is worse even for situations like Ubisoft games, because even if you buy the game from Epic you still need to use Uplay, so might as well just use Uplay alone. I can't see any reason to buy from Epic as opposed to any other store and this is all before even taking into account the anti-consumer garbage Epic is trying to pull in general.
give me 1 (one) reason why i should use any other launcher beside steam, gog doesn't count because the prog itself isn't required
>got into the market taking exclusive games from other platforms
>started a PC platform wars similar to the shitty console wars
>a chinese spyware wich give your data to who knows who
>made a sale without telling some of the devs and said devs had to take out their games from that store.
they keep shooting thelselves on the foot
>more money for developers
Publishers. You guys need to start correcting this, we all know Epic don't give even the slightest shit about developers. Look at what they do to their own, abuse the shit out of them and force 100 hour work weeks.
I enjoy the fact that there are no legitimate rebuttals to any of these points
>said games would be removed and get you banned if you bought too many at a time
Huhhhhh buhhhh COMPETITION ur move válvedrone lmao
Fuck it, I don't ever use my twatter account anyways.
>Because it's competition
In what way? Please explain. Money hating titles is not competition. This is not the console marketplace. They can get "exclusive" distribution of games, but if I am denied the ability to play it the way that I want, I will resort to piracy and so will many others. Epic is not providing a service, they are providing an inconvenience. It is these inconveniences that will lead to shit like Stadia, not deter it. If they wanted to be a competitor, they would compete against Steam with features, not shitty indie games and kickstarter projects. Valve has provided me with Steam Workshop, Built-In third party controller support, Linux support, community forums and community guides, reviews and an easy no questions ask refund policy. These are all features I regularly use and enjoy. Epic can't even get a fucking shopping cart going. Why would I ever do business with them?
there are so many arguments against the epic chink store but no arguments for it
Death to Epic
Death to Valve
Death to CDPR/GOG
Death to EA
Death to Bethesda
Death to Activision/Blizzard
Death to all the others
Death to anyone that gives them money
Because you're beautiful?
Excellent rebuttal, you're making the choice so much easier
Epic is literally on vacation right now for summer. It's 3 weeks. They get another in winter plus the usual PTO stuff. But sure kid, make shit up.
I doubt I'll even get a reply back to be honest. My account is pretty irrelevant.
>muh spyware
>If you're so bothered about your data being tracked you might well want to stop using internet completly
are you some kind of demon?
holy fucking shit, I don't know whether this is someone LARPing as Randy Pitchford or if he is really that desperate that he'd try to advertise Borderlands 3 here
you make it seem like it really is Randy Pitchford posting on Yea Forums but you didn't use enough outdated expressions along with "peeps", such as "rad" or "badass".
7/10 would bite again
>You'll be raped anyway, so just enjoy it.
kys, faggot.
I started pirating when PC went digital only. If the industry wants my money then they'll start giving PC physical releases again, download code doesn't count. Flash drives and SD cards exist so they can't use the "no one has an optical drive" excuse
at this point I've had so many launchers shoved down my throat I couldn't give less of a fuck
>most hype title of 2019
Not even close
>in what way?
Hurr place to buy games that’s not steem
I think Tim Sweeney is a faggot and refuse to give him money.
I hope the legal minimum amount of paid leave (in yurop anyway) makes up for the health issues some of them reported.
Give David Eddings his job back and I'll download the Epic Store
>playing borderlands in multiplayer and giving half of your gameplay to someone else
>most hype title of 2019
what about Death Stranding?
Fuck off Randy
Jannies: Doing it for free
Epic shills: Doing it for social points
Steam users: Doing it for keks and seethes
How long it's been since the last epic chink thread?
I don't support it because key resellers only use steam keys
>Dismiss valid complaints as "meme reasons"
>Tells people to list more legit reasons EGS is shit so they can dismiss them as "meme reasons" as well
Like holy fuck, EGS is barely even navigable as it is, so it's ironic how you dismiss stuff that literally helps you find the shit you want better as "meme reasons". It's like you want to get suckered into buying a shit game because there's a lack of a review system to tell you that the game is shit.
worst part is he likely knows full well its shit, its just he has to keep shilling since he is paid to do it
Because Timmy Tencent has brain damage.
Is Randy Pitchforks actually in this thread? Come clean, man. This thread is suspicious as fuck.
Should be noted that steam facilitates resellers and developers generating as many keys as they want even though they make no profit from it. Epic picks and chooses who gets to sell their keys.
Oh my god, I think Tim is actually posting ITT.
Because fuck you that's why.
Nah, they also use Battle.net, Uplay, Origin and Bethesda keys as far as I know.
I am convinced that he is not the real CEO of Epic.
I'm assuming there was no response after this
His insectoid overlord is.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how fucked is this industry?
More like donation payment processors
It was fucked the moment Steam was accepted. If PC gamers said "no" to Steam and the others at the time then none of these anti-consumer platforms would exist.
jannies iffy uh
Once the cart is in Steam is dead
You know that high school stereotype of the nerdy loser who gets picked on by the Chads in his class while dreaming about becoming rich so he can be a smug asshole and rub it in people's faces? That's literally Tim.
Chink Spyware, and their CEO Tim Sweeny is an asshole. Who can go fuck himself.
>don't have a shopping cart
>trust in a company like that
thanks for the games, tim!
fuck you shill and fuck epic
Thanks for the games, Tim!
I don't even PC game, but I support your right to get free games, courtesy of Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party.
there's nothing racist about hating chinks. you ever dealt with a chinese insect in your life, you will understand that they are scum of the planet
I love these posts so much, I can only imagine how much Tim would be seething from seeing them.
>10 social credits have been added to your citizen profile
The only reason I use steam for anything rather than just pirating all my games 100% of the time is because of one thing:
you know what's not fucking convenient? Having to deal wtih multiple platforms, multiple stores, multiple launchers. That's inconvenient. And why would I bother paying if it's not convenient?. No thanks, I'll go back to pirating everything like I did back in the day.
Imagine if photoshop told me I need to install and dual-boot some alternative special snowflake operating system instead of just releasing a windows version. That's what's going on here. Fuck that and fuck Epic. I'm not going to partake in this console-wars exclusivity bullshit.
Easily 50
I remember reading a tweet comparing the music and film consumers adoption of streaming services to video game consumers. These zoomers are claiming were entitled because of how much we value physical media and how we reject the idea of a streaming service for games. The way we consume and playback our medium has zero in common with what they're comparing it to. Archiving these for future consumption delves into issues such as compatibility, something a streaming service will not care to deal with because they only want to offer the latest garbage. Then there's the issue of latency. These are issues no body in control of spreading this bullshit information seems to care about and raise awareness on. Instead, they attack those who bring it up. Our industry is in control of morons. We are beyond fucked.
I just find it hilarious because he fundamentally misunderstands how the PC platform operates. He keeps thinking of it with a console mentality, where he can use exclusives to coerce people into giving in and using a platform. Except with PC, the ultimate form of competition already exists to everything in the form of piracy. If the juice isn't worth the squeeze, I'm going to piratebay.
>this thread again
Ask on EpicForums.
>No shopping cart
>No reviews
>No cloud saves
>No DRM warnings
Don't worry though, all the games I pirate from epic have been paid for by sweeny, so they're not really losing sales
The death of Paragon was enough to turn me against epic forever.
Honestly even if Epic had parity with the features Steam has, I still wouldn't use it. Even if it weren't owned by data-mining chinks, I still wouldn't use it.
I've had steam for like 12 years now. That's where all the games I've bought digitally are. I'm not going to splinter up my games like that. I'll get stuff on GoG as well since they have their own benefits and because they don't require a launcher, and obviously there's tons of stuff I'll just pirate. But I'm not going to juggle with any more platforms than that.
If some zoomer whose first foray into PC gaming is fortnite wants to make EGS their main platform and buy all their games on that, then they can go for it. But I'm not.
Swhy would ANYONE switch over from Steam now that they have a literal fuck ton of games to choose from? If Epic wanted to compete, they should have struck while the iron was hot and make their store way back when. They didn't. And now they expect everyone to just jump ship and hop on board an already failing store front that has only exclusives available.
How the fuck do you justify ANY of this shit?
Epic: "Consumers are the enemy. Fuck you all. You are toxic and will never be catered to on my store. We exist only to maximize money for us and our cronies and pass absolutely nothing on to you peasants."
Also Epic: "Why the FUCK aren't you using my store?!"
Which is ironically the reason he and his company abandoned PC gaming all those years ago in the first place. They don't know how to properly deal with video game piracy, so instead of offering a better service for these people to make them want to purchase their games, they instead do anti-consumer shit and complain when people take issue with it.
what the fuck
Epic thought pc gaming was a dead platform. Valve showed it wasn't, and grew the market enormously, and now epic feel entitled to a slice of their pie.
Epic also forces them to price match what they charge on epic. So there's literally no point.
I know you are a shill but let me explain.
>Extremely dogshit buying process, doesnt support most payment methods and no shopping cart
>No full controller support
>No forum or review system for customers
>No game stats to check
>If you get a game during a “bug” it gets removed, which is actually unfair in any other market, happened when Detroit was free to pre-own and it was erased from the acc which snap it
>Sale had games being pulled due to not asking developers, blocks accounts for buying games quickly
>Horrible customer support and security
>Ever giving money to a team that openly told the PC userbase to get fucked a decade ago
It's depressing that epic is basically falling into all the same pitfalls that steam's already dealt with and learned from already.
Especially since Steam was first-mover in the digital distro scene. Epic already has an uphill battle because Steam already exists and people have no reason to inconvenience themselves with anything else. And on top of that, they're still fucking up in all these other ways as well.
It'll certainly be interesting to see what happens when the zoomers move on to another game and the fortnite meme dies and they're left high and dry
I like it how, despite steam existing for nearly 16 years now, Epic Store and Tim didn't learn anything at all and pointing at Steam 2010 "Well they didn't have those features back then huh?"
>Replying to blatant bait
Come on, you're better than this, user.
>Why are you not using epic store?
... ?
What's the specific reason that you think I should be using it? Exclusives? I don't particularly want to play any of them right now. I typically don't buy games when they're still new — I wait until games are cheap — so Epic's timed exclusives are meaningless and their permanent exclusives aren't cheap enough for me to consider buying.
As for games that aren't exclusive to Epic... well, there are several PC game stores and Epic simply isn't the best one. The exclusives (which, as I've explained, are irrelevant to me) are literally Epic's only advantage. That's all they have. Maybe I'll use Epic's client when it has features worth using. Let me know when it offers a tenth of what a well-developed platform like Steam, or even GOG Galaxy, does. Hey, does Epic's store have a shopping cart yet?
I think either Randy or one of his minions were genuinely posting in here, but they appear to have retreated once logic started taking hold.
Oh well. Back to shitting on Randy again I suppose
>more money for developers
Unless they have a publisher that is...
Nah, the shills always give the same canned low-IQ talking points. Probably paid shills from a sweatshop in guangdong
I'm just collecting free games with it right now for no purpose really.I didn't bought anything as of yet because i'm not intrested in single player games. I didn't bought anything from steam for years either.
I may buy B3 but i doubt. I have nothing against this launcher, maybe because i'm used to have shit tons of launcher from golden mmorpg days. I dunno, i don't care either way. Steam features adds nothing of a value to me,i will support them if they provide good games to me.
So that rev split epic shills all the time is mostly false?
How do people not know about this?
so I assume you practice what you preach and have never given a cent to any of these companies or bought a digital game and only buy physical copies of wii games
It is missing a lot of features on top of them trying to force it onto everyone. It was the same with steam in the past but now steam is a good service and there is no reason to use the epic launcher considering they don't even have a shopping cart.
First most of the games on epic are publisher free. Second, developer studios operate at basic salary + margin from sold games.
Only drones are talking about this, it's true only in their own circlejerk.
EGS barely does the thing it’s meant to do properly. Steam works perfectly as a storefront and goes above and beyond. Why would I want to use an inferior, barebones service instead? They don’t even have a shopping cart
same shit every time just FUCK OFF FAGGOT CUNT
Because they offer games that steam does not?
I didn't want to play any games they had but I might with outer worlds, gonna have to see if I actually like it.
>No regional pricing
Yeah would suck for me since my country gets 100% cheaper games on steam sometimes
Tough shit. Buying games isn't charity, and I'm not using EGS
Why would I buy games on Epic when Based Tim already paid the devs for me?
If someone adds you to their friend list you can't see who it is until you accept them. Oh, and you can't decline them.
Getting a refund on Steam is easy. This is what you must do to get a refund on Epic Games. If you can't deliver all the details you will be declined.
>liking Redditlands
Kill yourself
EGS exclusive games are exclusive because Epic is throwing their Tencent bucks like there’s no tomorrow. I’m not going to legitimise that by paying them any of my money. Steam exclusives aren’t paid for by Valve. It’s apples and oranges, but you know this already,
>this picture again
There are paid shills on this board RIGHT NOW
Even worse, there are probably unpaid shills as well
Memelands 3 is going to be such a trainwreck on release. Epic can't even get basic shit like friend lists right, they've implemented fucking nothing from the roadmap, and gearbox relied on steamworks for for BL2.
Streaming sucks for kino too
Streaming """""services"""""" like Netflix' "4k UHD" is not 4k UHD, it has a fraction of the bit rate of a blu-ray, let alone a 4k UHD blu-ray, some don't even have the quality of what a DVD can provide.
8k is already being talked about but 4k TVs aren't being used anywhere near their potential because dumb fucks buy the 4k TVs just to watch their bit starved streams
>value physical media
Based and repilled
In a fair match up, piracy is always more convenient, the only time piracy isn't more convenient than paying for digital is when the developer intentionally sabotages their game. You should not financially reward them for sabotaging their game. If you really cared about convenience then you wouldn't financially reward them making it less convenient.
>console-wars exclusivity
You admit in your post that you use Steam. They are all console-wannabe platforms.
I’m a patriot, so as long as the Pres says China bad, I ain’t touching it.
Stop it you're scaring the Anons!
>it's another nobody had reasons to dislike china before trump memer episode
>ultimate form of competition already exists to everything in the form of piracy.
Nope, piracy is not a legitimate competitor so long as it is illegal. Piracy is superior as is, it would be even better if it were completely legalized. I don't see Valve or GOG lobbying the US government to legalize piracy.
You shouldn't be paying for digital to begin with.
If he stopped the tariffs, I’d install.
Randy are you ever going to admit you're a pedo?
Sometimes I'm willing to pay 5 bucks just to have a game on a profile so that I can easily redownload it and not have to worry about anything. There are times where, to me, having a copy of a game on steam can be more convenient than pirating. But it's by thin margins, and the smallest thing to piss me off is going to make me pirate.
And definitely having to fuck around with a different platform is 100% a no-go
Legitimacy is a spook. What only matters is whether or not it's an alternative that people use, which piracy is.
>Games currently on Epic Games Store account: 18
>Money spent on Epic Games Store: 0
Thanks shills. If you hadn't posted about the free game every two weeks, I never would have been able to get all these free games. You can stop now, though, because I'm already logging in for every free game now, and I won't actually spend real money.
I'm going to continue using Epic for its free games the same way I used Origin for the "On The House" giveaways. I never actually spent any money on Origin; I just collected the free games. The only non-free games I had on Origin are from the two bundles (Humble Origin Bundle and Humble Origin Bundle 2), but in each case, all of the money went to charity.
Because Timmy Tencent is a habitual liar and goal post mover. Everything he says today can be contradicted with his own words from a year or two ago. He also is constantly perpetrating that Valve always takes 30% which isn't true. He pretends to care about devs but forces crunch with the threat of being fired should you opt out. He makes an effort to fuck over consumers to "better" his shitty client. He is making an effort to strip any power from the consumer and give it to devs to dictate what is said or done with products.
i already have over 2 thousand games on steam why would i change plataforms now?
specialy for one that doesnt offer all the shit steam does
You're replying to an ESL epic shill/marketer. Please ne patient with him and never forgot Tiananmen Square.
People could start demanding DRM free physical copies using flash drives or SD cards so we can actually get something in return for our money, not have to go through any of these anti-consumer console wannabe platforms, and not financially reward digital distribution and all the negatives that come with it such as rampant DLC and mtx, games being intentionally released unfinished since they can patch it through the platform which only further encourages games to be released that way, and so on.
Valve and Epic are laughing all the way to the bank with your money and not giving you a damn thing for it, it is a donation and they don't even have the decency to admit it to you pay pigs, all while collecting your data to make even more money.
>You actually lived long enough to see a Cyberpunk world where brainwashed sycophants fight each other for the privilege to take one corporate cock instead of the other
>Buying memeshitlands 3
Why are you even here?
Tencent is certainly not a "small dude in the fishing boat manning the harpoons."
June 4, 1989 Tiananmen Square
Everyone one knows the issue with Epic is the bugmen
>Imagine birthing such a retarded autistic human being
you are crying chink subhuman here
>Meh Chinks
>In every industry
you think I want to support that?
>Meh spyware
You think I want to support that either?
You are like a kid saying that "Billy does it, so it's ok if I do it too right?"
Epic store gets shit for its blatant hubris and its disruption to the video game community for the worse.
The fact that you're either a faggot a shill or a faggot shill? Get btfo.
I'd really rather not have to launch more than one launcher when I want to play video games.
>register for account with old hotmail
>suddenly get login attempts once a week
yeah no
>Epic store doesn't even have forums so when the normie retards buy a game off epic shit store they end up going to steam forums to talk and ask for advice
Even bringing up the epic shit store causes a loading bar to appear that takes five seconds just to load the shit UI kill yourself
it basically is
I bet you get pwned
You can launch all games from EGS on steam though
fuck off tim. you're store is shit you haven't made a good game in years
I just can't be bothered. There's not a single release they could put exclusively on that platform to make me want to bother installing it, there are so many games already available on everything else.
>nothing really great on it
>games will come to steam or other stores later
>I want to play the Division 2
No you don't dude. Let me save you the trouble. That game has literally, not figuratively, the exact same issues as the Division 1 did on launch. They're not going to fix it for at least a year. It seems like the whole dev team was replaced by newbies because they're making the exact same mistakes and falling into the same pratfalls. It's like they learned nothing. All they've done since it was released in nerf builds, and increase gearscore to make you grind more. They released one raid which was simultaneously too boring and too difficult to be worth completing. They made it so you couldn't properly target craft anything onto guns, since recalibration got overhauled to be shit. So the game is tedious as fuck.
The fucking /vg/ thread died because of the lack of support for the game from ubisoft. Let that sink in. A /vg/ thread died.
fortnite isn't coming to steam tho
I use epic games store but I haven't paid for a single game on it yet. Every game I have gotten on it was apart of their free giveaways.
China also doesn't have any information of worth from me. I block all ads I can and I don't have any meaningful personal information on my gaming computer.
Does anyone care about steam's trading cards? Honest question.
Epic as a company turned to shit years ago and I do not wish to give them money, even by extension.
Pirating from Epic doesn't hurt anyone because the publishers were already compensated.
kill your fucking bug shit self faggot
why would I want to play that?
>can only use a single launcher at a time
I have grabbed the free games from it but I haven't bought anything cause there's nothing on the store I really care about being more of a JRPG and VN fan.
What's the point of this revenge pirating then?
The current steam sale is such a burning pile of dogshit I'm genuinely considering checking out Epic to see if they have shit that actually works
there's literally nothing wrong with the sale.
Tim already payed for the copies lost to piracy so who cares.
Literally bought games using steambucks made from selling them
Each card is like a 10 cent discount that accumulates over time
Also this
> publishers already paid to game developers
So pirating doesnt harm on steam either.
>10 cents per card
For what games? A lot of games' cards go for $0.03 which means you get $0.01. I'm sure it depends on what kinds of games you play though. The games with worthless cards are often the ones that were in bundles. I'm guessing games that cost actual money have more valuable trading cards because fewer people own them...?
I can't believe are trying to push this idea that Epic is the fucking underdog
You silly dumb idiots,
you should not let epic win,
but you should not let epic lose either.
You should help epic to be a comparable competitor to steam, so they will fight each other while we gain profits.
But you should not support epic on their exclusive war either, because when they got so much exclusives, they will be monopolizing the market, and then start fucking with the consumers.
Look at steam sales, we went from plenty of crazy sales with 90% off, to now it's just like a weekend sales, but just more games and involved.
Remember, no monopolize allowed, either it's steam or epic.
Fuck off, /r/edditard
Eh even if you dislike the current steam sale, you won't really gain much switching over to epic at this point since their library is much smaller and most anything you can buy there will probably be cheaper on steam during the sale outside of the handful of Epic exclusives that you can't get on steam at all.
Not that guy but generally newer games will have 10 cents+ cards but that's cause the supply is low at that point. After a certain point, yea cards just drop down to 1 cent.
Piracy is legal in my country
Even fortnite is dying, doesn't help that Minecraft has a sudden resurgence
Bad AAA trash the game? I am sorry, but even if I was paid to play Borderlands 3 I wouldn't touch it. I don't give a fuck about "hype" which is just another term for excited normalfaggots.
>Because it's competition
It's the attempt of an immoral company to monopolize the PC gaming market. Even more disgusting is their affiliation with the Chinese goverment. They aren't keeping Google at bay, they're destroying PC gaming. There hasn't been a gaming company more disgusting than Epic in the history of the industry. You're complaining about the imaginary threat of Stadia but I trust Google a hundred times more than Tencent or Epic. If we're talking about evil companies then Epic is a prime example of an evil company. I would even say that they don't even attempt to hide their dirty laundery, but it's likely that they are just so incompetent at hiding their malicious practices that I don't even perceive it as an attempt at hiding.
The perfect Yea Forumsedditor right here
this isn't smash bro
>I trust Google a hundred times more than Tencent or Epic
fucking lmfao
>Why are you not using epic store?
because im sick of these launchers, i had them removed the other day (except steam)
either you put your game on steam, gog, or standalone installer through your website (like gog)
if none of these options are available then im resorting to piracy, simple
Because me and my friends dont play fortnite and we dont want to be in a sale where its just pre ordering games, why anyone would use EGS is beyond me
Steamcels are nothing but industrial terrorists
>post yfw fortnite is dying as a fad as minecraft over took it again now epic is not gonna have fortnite money to keep them going
wwz is great for it's price
imagine defending a game client
Yeees yes tell them to shop Epic
I'm not defending anything, i just like to make fun of morons
Fortnite could lose 90% of its playerbase and still be one of the highest-earning games
Yes, good games. Buy very much :) Good store, covenient to buy. Appreciate :) Not paid :)
Sell Duke Nukem back to 3D Realms, Randy you subhuman waste of skin
You shills don't even try to hide it anymore.
Imagine shilling for Tim fucking wiener
Not enough money in the world would be enough for me to shill his shit products
Like it or not, he's better at video games than gaben
it's still free the only real gain is skins and to keep shitting out exclusivity deals, Epic needs the Fortnite money
unless you mean stealing credit card info and playing it off as someone else taking seventy dollars from you bank account
exclusive deals are paying off, they are never going to stop. They once said that it may be impossible for them to do that forever but now we know it is indeed possible to do that forever.
>exclusive deals are paying off
everyone just going to forget that Valve paid developers to make it so their physical versions were Steam codes and not actual physical copies that don't use any platform?
Got one yet?
Not mutually exclusive. Usually piracy does indeed have zero impact, when we're just talking about regular old games where the only issue is whether people care enough to open their wallets or not. When there's another issue, such as some shitty store holding the game hostage where the only options are their store that nobody uses, or piracy, it's a different matter.
>exclusive deals are paying off
No they aren't.
I am
WWZ is fun and that Ancestors game looks neat. But otherwise, dead platform.
Can't remember something that never happened
>trusting some twitter incel instead of watching conference yourself
cope harder valve fag
Which is why i always pirate steam games. Still can't belive they paid for sekiro exclusivity
This. CPC is as bad for the people of China as it is for anyone
tienanmen square
>If you're so bothered about your data being tracked by spyware
Nice try Chinese FBI, and by next week you're gonna tell me I need to mail you blood samples and fingerprint scans to verify my account and how "Not that big of a deal" it is.
>log in once a week to claim free game
>exit launcher
But I am using it.
>hurr just ignore their blatantly illegal activity
No one is ignoring how valve scammed Kickstarter doners with their sudden change of key policy.
How will Epic react when the fortnite fad eventually tapers off? It feels like EGS is nothing but Sweeney's pet project where he gets pretend hes Gaben, with little long term goals. I mean with guarunteed sales, that failure of a sale where they paid users $10 per game above 15, it just seems like its losing more money.
>I'm just pretending to be retarded
nigger are you retarded
I don't need fortnite drm
Have they given a single reason for me as a customer to use it yet?
>LMAO you work in a nucular facility? You already have slight radiation poisoning just throw yourself into the reactor it's the same at this point
>Epic brazenly swipes kickstarters that promised Steam and GOG keys
>anyone that raises a fuss is told to buy it on Epic or eat shit and wait a year
>Valve: "If you aren't going to sell your kickstarter supported games on Steam LIKE YOU PROMISED TO YOUR SUPPORTERS then you can't use Steam's services."
>If you aren't going to sell your kickstarter supported games on Steam LIKE YOU PROMISED TO YOUR SUPPORTERS then you can't use Steam's services."
Supporters don't care about selling. They already bought the game and they deserve it on steam, meanwhile anti-consumer fat fuck gaben said fuck off.
this is like stealing someone's car, crashing it, and then demanding the owner pay for the damages. How fucking dumb do tencentshills think people are?
What the fuck?
How did you even come to that conclusion?
>game publisher says they'll sell their game at target
>target takes preorders
>suddenly publisher enters into an exclusivity deal with gamestop, and target is no longer allowed to sell the game
>needs to cancel thei preorders they had from before the publisher changed their mind
>hurr durr target needs to buy the games themselves from gamestop and then give them to people
dude fuck off
Sorry, but we're not accepting any more console cancer on PC.
If anything, all game stores should follow the GoG model, or get literally wiped out of existence by a nuke or two.
Tim is right. Even if the Epic Store had 1:1 feature parity with Steam, people would still not use it. Exclusives are the only way to compete, and it's a good thing to pressure Valve to stop being lazy and go back to making video games.
Fuck yeah.
The CCP and Winnie have worked really hard to marry the Chinese identity with the party. Don't fall for the brain washing.
Well remember how gaben refused refunds for years untill Europe and aus almost blocked steam? Or how he paid publishers to kill physical copies? Or how he promised Kickstarter keys for funders just to deny them to attack his competitor?
Gaben lost all credibility years ago, now he's slowly showing how greedy he is
And then steam starts to do exclusives instead of doing good games, and as this is allowed microsoft does it and put everything locked down to the Windows 10 store, and then origin does it and then..
Can you see where it gets?
You don't fight evil by giving it even eviler ideas.
Why is Timmy so butthurt about steam anyway?
But in this context "stop being lazy" means likewise doing scummy exclusivity deals. Which would just compound the issue and further turn PC into this consolefag-tier bullshit.
Stop dodging the question in typical Chink / Wu Mao fashion.
The question was, how did you come to that conclusion about the topic we were discussing?
Now, stop with the diversions and answer the question slant.
>Except you don't need to buy epic games store
This ESL shit. Are you a Pajeet or a Zhang?
If you don't like that pc is an open platform then perhaps you should use gog galaxy or you may fuck off to consoles
Honestly, I find Epic's use of "exclusives" even more lazy than Valve's shit.
They are literally doing nothing. They aren't developing anything. They aren't adding anything. They are just giving money to NOT publish on another platform.
Now THAT is peak lazy.
They’re a blight on the industry I’m not a faggot that just consumes product cause it exists epic is a shitty featureless launcher and has zero games worth downloading knowing they have problems keeping accounts protected I’d rather just pirate any of their exclusives as it’s unironically easier and more safe everyone I know that has had it installed has had their account compromised at some point
>inb4 some faggot tells me I’m gonna get a virus
Only people who are computer illiterate say this you have to be a mighty retard to install a virus when you torrent
How about muh yet another launcher
Valve was always provide keys before selling the game on the store. They changed their rule to make Kickstarter fags mad at epic. No one understand that because each time epic is involved they must be the evil ones, otherwise it doesn't fit the narrative. Free Tibet
>was always
Ching chong ching chong.
tell me the truth, did you actually pee in my coke?
Have you seen Tim's Twitter feed lately? Dude is going off the deep end, and there's already evidence that the Fortnite bubble has popped (thetechgame.com
Since when you were under the impression that your "coke" wasn't my sperm mixed with water and my shit?
So now every time a kikestarter makes an empty promise of being on steam and then decides to go epic exclusive instead, it's now valve's responsibility to pay for and maintain servers for a game that they're not even allowed to sell because the developer went behind their backs and spurned them? Come on now.
they paid for exclusivity
that's some bullshit that doesn't need to exist on PC
>Valve was always
>Free Tibet
I'm totally not Chinese guys. Really. Look at me
How many times should we have these threads before they lose their relevancy
At least it can't get as bad as on consoles, because consoles are closed platforms. Make a game exclusive on a console, you need to buy that console and the game. But on PC, if I don't want to use epic's shitty launcher for games they paid for exclusive rights, I can still always just pirate them and avoid needing to use their launcher as well as not supporting them financially.
>Didn't get the reference
Well, I suppose that your English teacher never told you the infamous Chinese joke.
I'd say kill yourself, but you'll probably die in Beijing from air pollution in a few years anyway.
Once Fortnite finally dies and Tencent liquidates their stock in Epic.
We'll keep having these threads for as long as Epic continues having fortnite and chink money to pay shills with.
Do you think the ENTIRE COMPANY OF EPIC is on vacation? For THREE weeks? And you're trying to call somebody else a kid?
He's Chinese my dude.
You're trying to argue with bug-man logic.
Honestly, I'm surprised he can see the screen through his slits.
until the shilling ends
As long as they allow someone to promise their game on steam? Yes, it's their job.
Also poor valve, the cost of bandwidth will kill them. Not that it's about that of course, daddy Tim already proposed to paid for that.
A store that actively tries to stop me from warning other customers of garbage products is a store without accountability.
Plus no rabi-ribi.
this is literally the only reason I'm not supporting anything Epic does
Chinese people are not real retard. And burgers wonder why the entire world laugh at them.
Valvecels will never stop with shilling. Gaben has too much money to burn sadly
And neither have
So the correct choice is neither.
It's your first time posting on Yea Forums huh.
valve is the one company I'm 100% certain does not hire shills, because they're too lazy to do anything whatsoever, and that includes too lazy to hire an internet defense force.
>Chinese people don't exist
You're right. Not much longer anyway.
sure Chankoro
I wanted it too. But, a couple of things turned me off. First, I fucking HATED the Dark Zone. Why put the best gear in the game in a PVP zone where you have people already decked out in the best gear with literal hundreds of hours of play time in your way preventing you from ever getting the same gear. The Dark Zone was a great idea in concept but it was a fucking disaster. The Division 2 will up this cancerous toxicity with multiple Dark Zones - no thanks.
Secondly, they're fucking greedy. I understand they want to make money, I'm cool with that - if they can't make money, they can't make more games. However, their sales are a fucking joke. 5% off? Seriously? That's not a sale, it's an insult. Hell, they're still charging almost full price for The Division.
I loved the story and co-op part of The Division, which is why I was looking forward to part 2, but naw, if the price comes down, if they bring it back to Steam, if they do something to balance to the Shit Zone - maybe then.
This is an example of a Epic shill when he is met with a real explanation on why no one wants to use his chink shit launcher. Good job just dodging what that user just said and replying like a total retard.
Not that guy but it is my first time. I'm from reddit, got any tips for me? I came here to support you in fight against epic
>Chinese people are not real
For reference, the phenomenon you're describing is called "rent-seeking"
I bet you believe in santa claus as well.
Ironically these threads are always great advertisements for using steam
Epic itself is Steam's biggest advertiser. One look at their megasale is enough to make Steam have glowing neon lights spelling "Hey, everyone, look at how different a competent storefront is"
I mean I would have used epic chink launcher if UT4 wasn't fucking canceled
Yes I'm still mad
>expecting me to use a store that can't even rival the barebones that is Humble Bundle in terms of quality or quality
Get the fuck out of here
I'm a console fag and don't play pc games.
is this a fucking joke? who came up with this idea? the worst part is probably that they thought it'd be a good idea
Borderlands has the cringiest dialogue of all media. The gameplay is nowhere near good enough to put up with this cucktalk.
This is the complete opposite of open.
Is basically trying to simulate consoles inside the PC space.
I will never forget the dozens of threads about how Burch was fired so now the BL writing will be good again and in everyone's horror it was just as bad as 2
not a gaylord
Good. BL3 deserves to bury Gearbox and take Epic with it. I hope we never get another series like it.
Epic Games Store Massacre 2019
If a /vg/ thread died it probably means there wasn't even a single cute waifu/husbando for them to fawn over
>the fucking tonal disaster of a quest where you're sent to collect Scooter's porn mags continuing with the "haha isn't Scooter a pervert and bad with women" but then it tries to be sentimental
>isn't Vaughn a completely incapable dork
Why is it so hard to go back to the dialogue of 1? It was tolerable, and it at the very least made you feel a bit more immersed than "DUDE POP CULTURE REFERENCES WACKY HUMORZ LOLL!!"
never say you come from reddit, fucking nigger faggot
why would I want to use a far inferior platform than what's mostly available on the market? not to mention that the vast majority of my library is already on steam. oh and lets not forget the really dirty tactic of using fortnite bux to buyout games to become exclusives on their store
You fucking dense motherfucker, Valve isn't the one promising and giving the Steam keys to backers, the devs/publishers are those who can make the keys
all of you idiots have no idea how important is regional pricing when the value of the dollar changes every day.
Also I don't even care for Borderlands 3, so there's not a single Epic exclusive game that I want for now.
this site isn't for you
>In a fair match up, piracy is always more convenient
Eh, not really. I can't see how piracy is more convenient than GOG for example, or even Steam. It's free, of course, but even in the best-case scenario where you can easily find the game with a perfectly working crack the legitimate services will generally have it beat on ease of use. They provide easy updates, Steam provides features like Workshop and controller support/rebinding, playing on Linux, in-home streaming and all kinds of shit. Cracks sometimes take a while to come out, sometimes they don't work right, you either have to wait longer for game patches or in the worst case you don't get them at all, DLC management/installation isn't as seamless and may provide extra headaches (I remember the PITA of pirating game expansions and having to track down the precise game patch required in order to install it back in the day) and so on.
A legitimate game distribution service which works well certainly provides a superior experience to piracy, especially GOG which provides the same download & install 'experience' as piracy but without any of the potential issues.
Why the fuck would Valve issue Steam keys for a game which is not being sold on Steam?
>but I trust Google a hundred times more than Tencent or Epic
it has zero games I actually want even with exclusive bribing on top of just being a shitty platform
Yeah but they aren’t Chinese owned. Checkmate, bugman
>He believes all people are literally fapping to Borderlands 3.
They are equally cancerous, chinks are as bad as google
Chink-a-Link never
>exclusives are paying off when most of them have barely sold on epic
The only one that will likely even make a profit will be Borderlands 3 and that profit will be lowered due to how much they likely paid for it to be a timed exclusive.
Go away Tim
My biggest issue with the store is it's very obvious and blatant focus on being a store for developers instead of consumers. I haven't benefitted in any meaningful capacity from it's intrusion into the game distribution market, besides acquiring a few mediocre titles that im never going to play for free.
I don't have any actual or particular issue with using the store, but, it hasnt given me any reason to use it besides forced exclusives.
The only people it is paying off for are shills and Chinks.
We'll make a good gaming platform that people want to use.
Then developers will flock to it.
We'll make a platform that benefits devs the most, because I'm a dev, and I understand.
The users will flock to it.
fuck you gweilo
War on Terror 9/11 Larry Silverstein Mikhail Gorbachev The Westington House Scandal Latin American Puppet Dictators Operation Condor Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein CIA Agents The Clinton Chronicles Waco Siege Kinder Egg Surprise The Clinton Blowjob Scandal Nixon Watergate Scandal The Fake Tibetan Protest of 2008 Staged Coup of Colombia Kandahar massacre War on Terror Patriot Act PRISM Edward Snowden The Guantanamo Bay Illegal Occupation CIA black sites Human Rights NSA mass surveillance Warrantless Wiretapping 4th Amendment violations Julian Assange whistle-blower manhunt Ecuadorian embassy refuge Corporate interests worker's rights healthcare rights free education Police militarization incarceration rate fake weapons of mass destruction Petrodollar warfare Israel "special" relationship ban on boycott Free Palestine USS Liberty attack by IDF Mossad cover up false anti-semitism accusations depleted uranium mutinions war crime ignoring the Geneva Convention Agent Orange My Lai Massacre Contras 1973 Chile coup CIA backing puppet dictators Illegal Occupation 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état United Fruit Company Cuban Missile Crisis and the Turkish Missile Crisis Bay of Pigs Iran Contra Operation Northwoods Area51 Saudi lobby American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse MKUltra Tuskegee syphilis experiment Suspension of Habeas Corpus Sedition Acts civil rights Martin Luther King murder Cointelpro Bombing of Libya Bombing of Yemen Bombing of Syria Intervention in Yugoslavia Philippine Genocide of 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears Andrew Jackson illegal Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii the Illegal Colonialism of American Samoa Guam and other Pacific Islands the Economic Embargo on Mexico haole invasion the rape of Okinawa Jarhead rapists migrant caravan ICE children in cages Russian puppet president Kinder surprise
retard chink detected, none of this shuts down American internet the way what he posted shuts down chink internet.
A good third of americans wish we didnt have a government at all in the first place, and many more simply hate the government. This does literally nothing but re-affirm our views.
>kinder surprise
>kinder surprise again
>Rockstar makes most profitable entertainment product ever with GTAV
>Take Two CEO says he's gonna make them rush out more games to make even more money
>Biggest money makers in the industry are getting looked into/banned.
It's at 1000.
Bitch. We were born out of distrust for the government.
Why do you think the Constitution exists? Maybe it's too hard for your bug mind to comprehend.
I had an Epic account for Unreal Tournament 4 before Fortnite and the Epic Games Store happened, and recently deleted it once I realized they'd automatically migrated it and sending me promotional emails. Here's what it takes to delete your account:
>email their support saying "I want my account deleted" after going through all the stuff required on their site
>they email back for confirmation
>confirm I want my account and all info deleted
>they email back saying "We have reviewed your account and see that you have existing game purchases and/or progress in Fortnite." and ask for what is basically a third fucking confirmation
Keep in mind the only thing I've ever even clicked on was UT4, which was free. I've never even played Fortnite or logged in to any kind of Epic account since it became EGS outside of logging in to delete my account.
>confirm again
>get another email asking for a fourth fucking confimation that I want my account deleted
>finally get it deleted
look they're trying to fight back
threadly reminder to pirate every epic game, take it to pirating for your dumb normie friends who don't know any better
Thanks for picking up the bill Tim!
They're cute aren't they?
They're like kids with nerf guns.
nice copypasta
no counter-strike and im not a fortnite playing homosexual faggot
i don't care about fortnite or any of the other stuff they offer so they're totally irrelevant to me.
They don't have games I want.
Because I neither want to, nor have to. Fuck off.
>hokay chang, you go on 4channel and post multiple threads on a regular basis disabusing the gweilos of their preconceptions
>for each thread you will get .05 yuan, so go out there and post!
he looks like that faggot dog.
knowing the chinks, they'll probably find a way to give you cancer through wifi downloads.
no games and bad practices
Oh but I am using it. They give me free games. It's still shit tho.
>yfw Gabe sees lol autochess more of a threat ebin
>chinks thinks this will help despite the fact even when pozzed the US government can't cut your internet
Nice try though chink
>Why yes i use EPIC GAMES STORE, because i am a CHAD *dab and flex on you*
Why are you such a fucking retard? Were you born with down syndrome, incur some brain damage, or did you just get a bad vaccination?
What ever happened to Satisfactory
It wasn't.
They don't have their own gift cards in stores so I would have to use my debit card to buy their games and risk some fat fuck hacker going on a shopping spree with my saved debit card info with Chink Games not claiming any liability because they are in China.
Go to bed zoomer
Redpill me on Perfect World? What makes them as bad as, if not worse, than Tencent?
Isn't it incredible how, in all these threads, there's not a single reason to use EGS listed other than "but Valve!" Chink shills aren't very good at this. List one single reason to use EGS. That's it. One good reason.
>it's ok because others do it too argument
OP is either a shill or retarded.
I got all free games so far and I'll continue to add the free games to my account.
Only played Subnautica though.
I don't have to feel bad about pirating games anymore. Thanks Epic!
It occurs to me in epic's world, games like rabi-ribi wouldn't even be given a chance. That's a little sad really.
perfect world isn't worse than tencent. Mainly because tencent is much larger.
>my chink company is better than the other chink company
Kill yourself jewben cucksucking subhuman, Tim atleast doesn't give fuck about chinks at all, jewben in the other side sold his soul long time ago with backstabbing people, reworking heroes to serve his perfect world masters.
Games are way way way expensive oustide US.
this post doesn't make any sense at all unless you're dumb enough to think that the epic store existing means all other means of digital distribution are permanently deleted
offer drm free games, which seems unlikely because even the demo of heavy rain got denuvo'd
enjoy fighting over shitty launchers
I wonder if that was implied by saying epic's world you fucking moron.
and thats how u detect chink
>tfw regional pricing only raises prices in my country
DMC 5, cyberpunk 2077 and many more games are 25% more expensive, but most games are just slightly more expensive, probably due to a fee of exchanging currencies
>interested on
>most hype
So Epic shills are literal chinks. Aight.
randy please...
>Like what it did so wrong to get all that hate?
Instead of competing fairly by making a platform that people use voluntarily because it's good and user-friendly service, they'd rather shit all over the BEST in the business while simultaneously backstabbing their own users with spying and unsecure accounts.
You can blame it chink racism all you want but Epic is a shit platform and nobody wants to use it because their exclusives aren't their own so they're practically trying to monopolize new games in addition of making greedy publishers ruin the chances of good games.
Shenmue 3 was the last straw,
They literally took a CROWDFUNDED game that was already advertised and promised to come on steam, and made it their exclusive.
All the backers were rightfully furious, because why the fuck would anyone want to install epic? there's literally no benefits to it.
This, plus now the PHYSICAL copy that was promised to the backers is now a fucking EMPTY BOX WITH AN EPIC KEY.
Think about that for a moment and then tell me this is fair / acceptable.
It's not racism to state the obvious:
Epic is a tool for Chinese tradewar
Prove me wrong, you can't.
>Like what it did so wrong to get all that hate?
Donald Trump said Chinese are bad, and started a trade war with China.
EPIC is partially owned by a Chinese company, thus retarded /poltards/ are hating on it.
I seriously hope people start suing epic soon, and I hope EVERYONE demands their collected data from epic, just so they can see how big the list is and be baffled at how much they spy on you.
You better not talk shit about old Father Christmas you nigger, he gave me an Xbox, more than anything you ever done to me bitch
Trump has praised them, though.
He recongnizes them as a business competitor and a threat because everyone relies on cheap chinese labor, making China rich while removing jobs and tax profits from their own respective countries.
Keep coping, we all know those smug centrist memes are literally just a camoflage for your shilling or seething manchild tears because you're afraid your next console will cost a couple of dollars more.
>quick, don't make an argument but instead build a strawman!
so predictable
Just fuck off.
Your post was fucking dumb, just like you.
piracy gives me the power to do so
>it's dumb because I said so!
>please leave me alone ;_;
Go on retard, keep proving that you have nothing to refute this and that you literally can't argue, much less talk about videogames.
It's too bad that in the real world you can't just cover your ears and pretend to be right, huh?
Seryoga, the only point to buy games is for a collection.
And you can't get any full pack in EGS. Why the fuck do I need Metro Exodus without 2033 and last light? Shenmue 3 w/o Shenmue 1 & 2? Phoenix Point w/o XCOM? Outer worlds w/o New Vegas and Alpha Protocol?
it's dumb because you're dumb lmao, can't you read
I am using it cause I'm not a sperg, actually I prefer it when possible because they give a bigger cut to the publishers.
You're confusing your favourite subreddits with the gaming community at large, tons of people are using it.
You seem obsessed with it as well which is pretty interesting, they're definitely making a big impact else Steam shills wouldn't be so terrified
China will grow larger.
I mean we do have to thank Tim theres a whole new life in the piracy scene now that there's a new big bad to fight against
honestly all that tells me is that steam is bloated as fuck.
i go out of my way to torrent every epic exclusive
>muh chinks
Yeah. Steam is perfectly adequate, why would I give my money to chinks instead?
>Who needs to live in houses with their bloated features? Living in caves and shitting in a hole are perfectly fine.
Honestly, all that tells me is that you are a fucking moron.
That's only cause they got called out and exposed for working their devs like dogs to generate content for fortnite
For all of the great features it isn't as bloated as you think especially compared to Epic which has barely any features but is twice as bloated as Steam
I will never stop being amazed by how much cash Epic throws around for exclusives while this is the state of the product they are peddling.
>2 months away from launch
Holy fucking shit. That's actually fucking hilarious that the launcher is still this fucking barren and still with awful UI. Although the new fortnite season starts in a couple weeks so maybe they might revamp the launcher maybe
If anything, it gives them even less of a reason to work on the launcher since they're too busy with Fagnite.
Steam use the most resources out of any launcher. Epic uses 14 mb if ram in idle and steam uses over 100mb of ram in idle.
Steamdrones have nothing but lies. Deep down they know they are wrong and steam has to die for the sake of gaming industry
Noo, you cant steal games from steam. Piratebros only steal from epic because of their anti-consumer practices.
But I already use the EGS.
Heavy Rain, B2S, and Detroit were the final nail. Those three games are more worth than the complete Steam library. For example the first few minutes in Heavy Rain where you explore your house and just have a comfy family life had a much bigger impart on me than all other games I have ever played combined. Also rip little birdy, you will be missed
>based windows store using less of my pc
who here /teammicrosoft/?
>Steamdrones have nothing but lies
>he says while outright lying
I'm sorry that reality does not fit your narrative steamcel
>five fucking webhelpers running
Yeah, they are working all the time. Don't ask me why, ask gaben instead
It's almost like you're full of shit
Steam is running 7 process all the time you fucking retard. Steam does not add another process ever, instead it increase ram usage in them.
As i said before, nothing but lies.
Found Randy
And yet you claimed steam idling would always be using more than 100MB
Why're you calling me the liar here?
10, then multiply that by the total amount of times someone in the industry lied about something and / or fucked you over one way or another.
>steam constantly updates games, friendlist, achievements, while providing controller support, browser, streaming, music player, overlay and more
god you shills are pathetic
you realize it would be fucking alarming if epic somehow managed to be equally demanding?
Don't tell them a few tabs in any web browsers is 1.5 gigs of ram
Jezz, why did i claimed that.... maybe because it's true?
This is steam with store open, notice how ram usage is higher than in idle mode from here
Also, no downloading in both cases ofcourse
Epic with store open takes 70mb of ram and around 20 in idle.
I quite literally just posted a screenshot of steam using less than 50MB
My firefox is currently at 6 gigs, almost two hundred tabs, I think
Who cares about ram, these processes would be paged anyway.
That you did, unfrotunetly steam is constantly using 7 processes. Your screenshot included whole 3. Weird, it's almost like you're full of shit
Cause FUCK YOU thats why
The fact that a shopping cart is part of steam's pros should tell you everything you need to know about epic games
Seems like an obvious answer for a board that claims to be about enjoying video games.
>If you're so bothered about your data being tracked you might well want to stop using internet completly
fuck you. Data privacy should be the norm.
that's just funny that you think that
heavy rain is unironically good, just memed into the ground
i only have it installed for the weekly free game