Yea Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous thread >Post character name/franchises and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters.
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW: (current) (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites: or

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:!vp5hQCbQ!oCNGOUgaVeK1pHs3qasJDQ

Attached: 1561908298711.png (1240x1754, 1003K)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Rapier

Requesting this with older Morgan please

Attached: D-JSj6PU8AAmss9.jpg orig.jpg (1875x2809, 284K)


Attached: e8c8b3edbca17969f7a67aea7cb35ea665fcafda.png (850x700, 477K)

nah go back to your cuckshed you scammer

Attached: 175228396230.png (434x170, 28K)

Requesting the Furisode Girls from Pokemon XY, all completely nude, at the beach playing with each other in the ocean or just lounging about on the surface please. If drawing four characters is too much, then any two of them is fine.

Attached: Furisode Girls full.png (692x258, 150K)

Requesting the Queen of Hatred from Lobotomy Corporation as a curvy christmas cake.

Attached: Magicalcake.png (1800x1200, 1.31M)

I'm putting things on the booru. Nobody freak out.

I'm gonna have to ask you to delete this

requesting rina and my kyoot self! maybe like an instagram post of us or anything cuute, even lewd!
bonus rina ref here
or rina playing pokemon go

Attached: 9A6D42AC-167C-4E8B-9BC2-55C1B5939E86.jpg (803x997, 89K)

[high pitched screaming]

Attached: 1426478528250.jpg (595x590, 78K)

Requesting Sakura from Fire Emblem Fates dressed in a business suit.

Attached: Sakura FEH.png (1600x1920, 979K)

Requesting any art about Yui from Trap Shrine.
Lewds are welcome. ;^)

Attached: TrapShrine_Yui.jpg (2005x1590, 1.04M)

It can't be stopped

You should have signed up for that drawfags offer, the one who drew my waifu

Requesting Tifa giving a grumpy concept art Cloud a hug

Attached: Concept Art Cloud Tifa.jpg (1392x905, 161K)


Attached: 1552377109734.jpg (480x360, 10K)

Requesting Parry and Madchen side by side all grown up (Parry should have the Zenithian Sword)

Attached: DQMBV_Parry_and_Madchen.png (385x311, 107K)

Requesting some big fat bug tats.

Attached: Hornet.png (372x432, 59K)

Hornet is sticc not thicc

Requesting sexy clown

Attached: clownpiece.png (336x512, 207K)

Requesting trap Wo-Class with erect dick (bulge)

Attached: Standard_Carrier_Wo-Class_Full.png (717x1050, 861K)

Requesting Lightning Farron in a bathtub full of rose petals

Attached: Light.png (1768x1872, 2.69M)

Nice OP.

Requesting my MMO character from the game "Mabinogi", giving one of her gloves to the viewer as a duel declaration, doing an elegant rapier thrust attack, doing that "shaking the dust off the shoulders" gesture after winning a duel/next to the corpse of her opponent or anything else related to elegant fights/dueling you can think off.

>Character reference:
>Weapon reference:'s_Rapier
(any other rapier is fine to)

Alternatively, doing that "cheers!" gesture while holding a glass with a bubbly liquid similar to "Champagne", but with an small arrow pointing to the glass and a message that says "Soda", since i dont drink alcoholic stuff.

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

Attached: Gentleman's_Battle.png (349x488, 172K)

>Cunnyloverx making his request after the anchor post is made

Requesting Mist in the outlined outfit sitting in the pose on the right. Ignore the text inside the boxes, its just from the concept art itself.

Attached: 1561720430061.png (2090x1884, 3.52M)

Filthy pedo spic, go die

Filthy prank!

requesting my ffxiv chara! she's super ditzy and airheaded, totes cutie! anything is okay!

Attached: C86A768C-670E-4D7C-9C29-20FD86B63D7F.jpg (1440x837, 135K)

Requesting shantae in a chantays tribute band,

Attached: 948509874356.jpg (236x447, 19K)

Be funny if somebody drew May with big boobs and she somehow got her boobs stuck in between the bars of a fence and then somebody starts grabbing her tits lol

May? More like, gay.

Attached: cat.jpg (367x446, 41K)

Requesting the Dusk Till Dawn picture on the left side but with Astolfo in this outfit and weapon between his legs.

Attached: Dusk-Till-Dawn-Astolfo.jpg (2115x1500, 1.15M)

Stay away from little kids, you freak.

Attached: 48.png.jpg (1280x1849, 318K)

May from Guilty Gear?

Requesting Yangus from Dragon Quest 8 swinging an Anchorman monster from the same game over his head

Attached: Anchorman.png (1800x1200, 1009K)

Requesting Dark Dawk Issac dropping a brutal Megiddo

Attached: DDIsaac.png (215x462, 156K)

Nah, Aunt May from The Amazing Spider-Man

Requesting Jill from VA11-HA11A doing the pose like the dude on the right. On the speech buble, have it say "weiner".

Attached: va11ha11a.png (1540x600, 1.03M)

Hey so some spoilers for the original God Eater and also a request

In the game one of the characters, pictured here, is a human-shaped Aragami (aragami being the monsters in the series) which grew to have human-level intelligence. While as far as we know, she was the only one of her kind, I really like the idea of these tribes of human-looking aragami dicking around in the wasteland. Could someone draw a random example of a tribal human-form aragami, probably with the same skin/hair/eye colors as pic, just doing whatever? More than one is fine too if you feel up to it. Features can be however but if they could somewhat mimic GE's anime artstyle that'd be great.

Attached: GER_Shio_1.jpg (1280x1268, 378K)

Requesting a Yea Forums waifu (Aigis, Lucina, Reisen, Tharja, Dark Queen, etc) fused with The Evil Queen Pulsating, Bloated, Festering, Sweaty, Pus-filled, Malformed, Slug-for-a-Butt from Earthworm Jim

Attached: QueenSlugForAButt.jpg (600x350, 86K)

Requesting some big titty Ohya.

Attached: 1541303122053.jpg (742x934, 89K)

Requesting angry Samus squatting above the viewer, unleashing a steamy jet stream of piss. If you dont like it, fine, but please no bully. Thats for my bounty hunter wife is for after a long day of murdering pirate scum.

Attached: 657A3DA0-F94D-4DE2-9A3E-001BB4500F7B.jpg (965x1366, 174K)

Requesting Pearl making the same face as Eris from Billy & Mandy and instead of the apple, have pearl be holding the master emerald.

Attached: chaos.png (828x1034, 811K)

Requesting anything lewd of Morag in her swimsuit

Attached: 1541745152391.png (1200x704, 1.61M)

Requesting Mia wearing a Tapu Fini themed Kamui.

Attached: Mia Finiketsu.jpg (1282x1686, 361K)

Requesting Lightside Blizzaria from Yo-kai Watch 4 opening up her kimino top to expose her large cool breasts

Attached: Blizzaria lightside reference alt.png (2718x884, 2.37M)

Draw this.

Attached: 48BEB5E7-CC05-43C9-AD87-0ED646DAE96B.jpg (1280x720, 109K)

Requesting an outfit swap between Elesa and Phosphora

Attached: 1559520812519.jpg (946x863, 101K)

Requesting a Hotline Miami inspired Inkling

Attached: request.jpg (2352x1380, 502K)

Requesting pic on the left with Reinhardt. Bonus points for small hands as a reference to his slightly-off proportions in the artwork

Attached: 1531559218239.png (700x375, 357K)

Requesting Damon Gant, half of his body resembling Helel, and the other half of his body resembling Lucifer as he stands in front of a pool filling with blood coming from crying and prostrating statues going "Care for a Swim?" with a smile

Attached: DemonGant.png (3026x1300, 3.52M)

Requesting Poharan either Fishing, swimming, eating or sunbathing at a Beach/pool in a swimsuit based on the sketch or clothes a tomboy would wear.

Attached: Poharan swimsuit ref.jpg (1941x1000, 336K)

Requesting Chiaki Nanami in a bikini on the beach doing a sexy pose while 400 pounds (basically twice her size in pic related) Please.

Attached: 45F06654-8A27-4028-B976-2C0E2467DAEC.jpg (1920x1942, 959K)

Requesting Musashi once more
Preferably with huge breasts, flaunting gallons of organic 'Moosashi Farms' milk beside her chest.

Bonus for USDA Organic pasties or lactation

Or just some sort of shitpost with Musashi

Attached: Musashi USDA Organic Milk Saleswoman Ref.jpg (1554x1079, 729K)

Requesting Sophita (Soul Calibur) wearing Giannis Antetokounmpo jersey and shorts in the same pose she's in (since they both are Greek)

Attached: 00002.jpg (800x600, 93K)

...did Poyo just call someone a Spic? what the fuck?

Requesting Tiny Tina from Borderlands 2 post-masturbation.

She is looking at her juicy wet fingers, panting and sweating.

make it lewd af but no actual nudity.

She is saying: “I went boom...”

Attached: Tiny_Tina.jpg (1920x1080, 166K)

Requesting this comic, with Miriam as Pharah, Aradia as Mercy, and Shanoa as Ana.

Attached: mommy.png (1581x2526, 3.47M)

Chill, they are trying to force something to defend their grotesque fetishes.

Says the man who loves to see little girls get gang raped by 20 sweaty fat old men.

Requesting Ms. Millions version of Queen Ophiuca.

Attached: Queen Ophiuca Millions.jpg (1417x1341, 461K)

I mean tell him to die but you don't have to be racist about it. jerk.


Requesting Kiria eating a donut

Attached: kiria_donut.png (1280x1280, 1.38M)

Requesting top pic related with N. Trance while he's driving his kart

Attached: egg.png (645x687, 638K)

Attached: what the hell are you doing.png (1078x728, 24K)

Ultra based

take this my super plasma cannon piss

Attached: firefox_2019-07-01_01-08-51.png (293x260, 6K)

>Look how hard i can piss!

Requesting the image on the left with Samus, the Wii Fit Trainer, Sheik, and Shulk.

Attached: BzGLxcaCc4.png (1512x872, 1.52M)

For you user

Attached: 0E7F2B2C-5FDA-45B7-B88F-AF4189B6E5AA.png (2400x1800, 519K)

Requesting the top two pictures being recreated with Jeanne Alter as the left character and Mythra as the right character.

Attached: TsundereOff.png (1154x1717, 2.06M)

Thanks buddy

Attached: chrome_2019-06-30_15-17-38.png (675x381, 478K)

/r/ing the two light switch AIs from the Old World Blues DLC for Fallout New Vegas as humanoid twin sisters
>01 is an intelligent, flirty librarian-looking girl with large breasts (it's canon)
>02 is a bratty, charismatic cheerleader/popular girl type
Outside of those traits, feel free to go nuts with their designs and what they're actually doing in the picture!

Chill out pedorielx

Requesting top left with william.

Attached: 1559893355630.png (1000x1000, 1.5M)

Wtf I can't believe Poyo is racist.

can I get a rundown on this pedo mariel stuff

Requesting BB Hood being jealous of Midnight Bliss BB Hood's body

Attached: piZap_1561666841841.jpg (1054x1080, 338K)

Last thread he openly admitted that he likes to see pre-pubescent girls getting fucked. He's fucking mentally ill.

Requesting Laharl here like Garfield. Preferably with his antennae poking out.

Attached: request.png (864x551, 456K)

Kawakami walking some dogs in her maid outfit

Attached: 1543714277644.png (1153x808, 552K)

>no evidence

What if Mariel is the one who molested Poyo and that's why she's racist?

the lore keeps getting deeper and deeper, but its all connecting together now

I've come to make an announcement, Ridley's a bitch-ass motherfucker. He pissed on my fucking parents.

Attached: ANNOUNCEMENT.png (1200x1201, 442K)

Fuck, I messed up the anchor.

Absolute kektastrophe

It's okay. I encourage everyone to reply to that little shit to make him keep checking.

No, that's the right anchor.

not me, id never use slurs but also never use proper grammar LOL
fuck off you unbelievably pathetic virgin, i hope there's metal shards in the crust-off peanut butter sandwiches your mommy makes for you every day

Attached: A775F116-72E5-4577-A5F7-3A4354A1438C.gif (480x270, 1.95M)

Requesting Helena Douglas ( DoA ) and Elizabeth (KOF) wearing their tight white leggings and jacket outfits posing like in the reference with Ash and Zack taking photos to their butts exposed.

Attached: 1557453436.jpg (3110x988, 815K)

Requesting the top image but with midna

Attached: 17A8DD99-E2AE-4D77-8DD3-6DFF7E41030F.jpg (627x1024, 88K)

Requesting cock and ball torture with Toad from Super Mario Bros

Requesting a Milf/big sister May with a younger Johnny. He can be a teen or shota, just as long as he's shorter than May.

Attached: johnny and may.jpg (480x684, 74K)

Nice attention to detail with that double stream

Requesting Celes and Terra in the pose of the girls below

Attached: CCTB.png (740x1066, 644K)

Requesting this ex-Princess being fucked silly from behind while laying down. Or the aftermath with cum dripping out of her with her hips sticking up.

Attached: Dumbass Princess.jpg (810x1200, 54K)

Where is lunatic

requesting wu from Samurai Showdown nervously performing a shield slash while Captain America is in the background giving a thumbs up

Attached: artrequest.png (1079x1522, 1.68M)

He got tied of you assholes calling me silly

Why are you so fucking obsessed.

Requesting Lu Bu from Dynasty Warriors throwing away his halberd aside, pulling out dual pistols, and pulling off a larger body count in his new Musou mode, which is like Reaper's Death Blossom.

Idea based off Reaper's Lu Bu skin.

Attached: lu bu goes john woo.png (2062x1200, 2.74M)

My ass

Requesting Yuri from DDLC reading this version of "The Metamorphosis" by Franz Kafka.

Attached: Yuri_DDLC_Franz_Kafka.jpg (1140x461, 195K)

Requesting Gunnthra from Fire Emblem wearing Darkness armor from Konosuba.

Attached: gunn.jpg (2367x900, 456K)

>that feel when yet again you remind me im a hairy pathetic virgin...
my mom is the only person who loves me and I appreciate that she makes me peanut butter Nutella sandwiches every morning... stop shaming entire demographics. not all losers are bad people.. just call bad people out by pointing out whats wrong with what they do. stop kicking me while I'm down.

Attached: yosho1.gif (1000x1000, 428K)

Shut the fuck up ya giant faggot and go hump a stump

>actually getting bothered by what a literal roastie attentionwhore says online
>giving it attention

dis is not a [nice] board. u should go [back] fren. watch doreimi and cri. it's ok I luv u

Requesting Olivia sunbathing like this lady.

Attached: 0674FA85-F983-45A0-99AC-1EF75C8E58AE.png (905x882, 670K)

Requesting Dr. Evil awestruck at Nash as he's firing lasers from the cannon on top of his head.

Attached: 45jfq9035.png (1366x580, 506K)

Since the Pokemon Masters trailer revealed that Hilda is a womanlet, requesting this pic but with Rosa as the tall woman and the Hilda as the short one.

Also heres the video source if you want it.

Attached: rosahildaref.png (2162x903, 1.3M)

the best delivery these threads have ever seen

is he safe? Is he alright?

It's alright buddy. Just chill out.

Attached: bury cool.png (257x257, 8K)

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 26K)

youre an absolute sad pathetic virgin, fucking make a friend dude. does mommy make you spaghetti-os too? does she reheat your kids cuisine as you clap happily for soggy chicken?

Attached: C35C9D0C-9D59-4316-A6D6-CFF49E9915AD.jpg (717x1115, 72K)

Why did Lunatic leave?

Just because he's black doesn't mean you can talk to him like that, what the fuck is wrong with you?

Lurk you retarded faggot

Requesting a hypnotized suit Cissnei from CC:FF7 with her pants already undone and slightly pulled off, unbuttoning her shirt and exposing her chest. Preferably something with abnormal pupils but her otherwise acting "normal", like she's just been given an ordinary order and doesn't realize she wouldn't do it normally

Attached: cissnei.jpg (1136x772, 510K)

no rudeposting allowed. we [s4s] now.

Based, just take it easy, user. Not everyone has to be the president of the UN or an astronaut.
At least he has a mom that loves him, unlike you.

Requesting this picture but with Astolfo.

Attached: air-sexy-boy.jpg (611x455, 109K)

What the fuck is going on here

Attached: 3896FC37-8B66-4C59-96F4-EDE3D8145A7E.jpg (536x481, 76K)

black people are gross lol, even a slut like me wouldnt let a disgusting minority touch her

Attached: 100383SSR.png (272x340, 50K)

mental illness all around.

say no more senpai

Attached: Untitled.png (611x455, 542K)

Attached: yosho.png (271x274, 15K)

my mommy AND my daddy love me, they just gave me 200$ today along with my weekly 50$
my ex was black tho

Attached: 6E8575DD-2D1B-4F37-842D-A9A02BD6C04A.jpg (499x281, 61K)

Requesting Imalia from VTMB as an Idol.

Attached: imalia.png (1228x1574, 2.2M)

Can I get uhhh

Attached: C7s6OtHVYAAtGe6.jpg (850x567, 54K)

good taste. let's all draw yosho. it's a nice thing to draw

Attached: yosho.png (700x700, 61K)

Damn you even make your parents pay you for sex.

cringy attention whores and dumb faggots out in full swing today, lmao

please, my price was more than that

Poyo is friends with shulkfag?

Requesting Garret stealing candy from a baby

Attached: garret.jpg (1024x768, 118K)

Depends, is shulkfag white?

People still have the nerve to shit talk shad.

i dont know her at all, i tend to like girls more than guys in general tho so as long as shes not a freak id be friends with her

I wouldn't mind drawing something like this

Attached: shadman archvile.webm (1130x848, 434K)

I want Shad to draw Rinafag

why is rinafag being extra mean today? let's make this an [nice] on topic draw thread pls.

Stop giving her attention then you fucking retard.


Thanks very much to the drawfag that completed the Venus picture last thread! I like it!

People found out she's racist and she's kinda losing it.

Attached: yayoexit.jpg (217x161, 23K)

Requesting Pio hanging upside down like a bat, using her wings as a blanket and peacefully sleeping.
As another option, Pio popping out of a dark cave or hidden place attempting to scare the viewer.

Attached: Pio outfits.jpg (2435x3035, 819K)

Requesting Chun-li in the middle outfit getting her tits groped and exposed from behind while being thighfucked.

Attached: 1459712222463.jpg (2048x1006, 532K)

>In a game where you can breed pokemon and isn't on the Sevii Islands
Yes, I will shit talk the man of shad for being one of those guys who make pokemon parodies and just use Red for everything post gen 1.

Attached: 1527831310347.jpg (292x338, 43K)

>Inb4 shad starts visits these threads and doing deliveries

Even Akumafag?

Dont worry fren I'm in an even worse boat

Egg pregnancy is great

Finally got around finishing coloring this one.

Attached: Katerina cen.png (811x1789, 1.08M)

Woot, sorry about that, here is the link for the uncensored one.

They took it.

Quality content

sowwy~ i let my mean brain get supersuper louds, kyootie! i didnt mean anything, if youre a lonely virgin that makes you mega blushyblushy kyoot like the guys in gyaru mangas~
kisskiss lovely!
idk them!

Attached: 65B43ACB-6C21-40C2-B108-9D456419A370.png (750x1334, 744K)

t. i'm a thirty ass nigga and will orbit anyone with a pussy

Why did lunatic have to?


Have to do what? Leave?

Requesting Kevin Graham doing the "You're already dead" pose, preferred in the same style as the joke image on the right.

Attached: 1558524181581.png (2000x960, 3.42M)

Requesting Vivian, from Paladins, dressed up like Leona from Sudden Attack 2.

Attached: vivian leona.png (1649x648, 915K)

Requesting Kebako receiving a cream pie or giving a blowjob.

Attached: image.jpg (1200x1200, 506K)

Requesting Sun Shang Xiang as a catgirl or monkeygirl fighting naked, wielding a 3rd ring with her tail.

Attached: ssx.png (1634x1634, 1.22M)

What the hell are you doing


We had Bishop whose shitpost quality and degeneracy were both higher tier than shad.

I miss that dude lunatic everyday, he made these threads more entertaining with his weird lingo.

because online people are mean and they attack the weaker drawfags.
I'd rather draw a DW Wei slut.

Attached: 1387139212575.jpg (800x800, 107K)

Shut up goseb

Why did xice have to?


Attached: 1404498280937.jpg (345x442, 164K)

Attached: 1561632832875.webm (853x480, 1.98M)

Requesting big booty lovin

Attached: Yes.png (946x1000, 892K)

What anime is that?

Attached: Noice.gif (500x364, 983K)

It's the P5 valentines day OVAs

artists have feelings too y'know

Attached: feelsadbear.jpg (1366x768, 178K)

Get used to it kiddo.

Requesting nude Pio art

stupid ca.... oh, wait! Bear!

I got used to it otherwise I would left years ago but I'm still here.

Attached: 690639B2-6E54-4DF5-8B02-EDD4D78DFFE3.png (800x600, 136K)

Requesting either Sayori from Doki Doki Literature Club dressed as Julianne Stingray from Va-11 Hall-a, or vice versa, or Julianne giving Sayori a piggyback ride

Attached: Sayori and Jill.png (1249x1046, 1.23M)

bears have feelings too.

Attached: abandonedbears.jpg (1366x768, 107K)

Then stop complaining and just draw. Your just wasting the image limit and post count for no reason.

Step on the thick bug

Attached: 20190701_024619.jpg (4128x3096, 3.51M)

Then how come nobody replies to my drawings? I worked hard on them, I'M SMART!

I'll draw when I find a request that I'm interested to take.


Requesting Rozalin showing off this swimsuit to Adell with like half of her face switched over to her Zenon side with a Yandere smile.

Attached: rozalin request.png (2000x2000, 3.2M)


Requesting the right image but with Sherlock Holmes from Ace Attorney.

Attached: Holmes and Tokyo Dark.jpg (1744x785, 275K)

Rosa requests?

Attached: 1561942085117.jpg (2100x2800, 590K)

bullying hilda


Something leg related.

Getting partially vored head-first by a Ditto and laying its eggs



forced infantilism from a gardevoir mommy

Requesting Shulk in a plugsuit ala Evangelion inspired by either his original outfit or the Monados.

Plugsuit references:
images app goo gl/FbScXzRnHNiHkMvG9

images app goo gl/uZDmC6LjGKEwGssP6

Thank you in advance!

Attached: 0622C466-DBD3-4F95-9810-FB661D9460E2.jpg (3218x1536, 787K)



Requesting Himiko Yumeno (from Danganronpa) making the pose on the right, but preferably with the red aura/energy coming out of her staff instead of her hand

Attached: Himiko and Mono.png (2077x1123, 3.06M)

Requesting Gothetta from the pc video game D.S.K.V: Knoblauchalarm dressed up as Etna. That or Gothetta lying on a hospital bed happily drinking a blood bag as a juice box.

Attached: 1561641598231.jpg (1620x1324, 334K)

Like this

Attached: nervous.png (485x388, 281K)

Requesting the 6'0" and 5'11" meme with Colorado as the 5'11" and either Iowa (fellow American), Nagato or Mutsu (fellow Big Sevens) as the 6'0"

Attached: Colorado_Full.png (1058x1148, 228K)

how do i get better at anatomy and posing

why would a mammal lay eggs

Requesting tired, stressed Alexia sitting at her desk in a Gendo style pose, deep in thought.

Attached: be strong for veronica.jpg (3641x1590, 2.12M)

Ask the platypus

humans don;t lay eggs

They should

xHamster disagrees

practice by drawing anatomy and poses

you okay, buddy?

>Always want to participate in draw threads
>But consumes barely any form of media, general vidya/show culture is basically a void
>Never know any of the requested characters
>Attempting to draw a character you don't know anything about means you're probably gonna miss something fundamental when portraying it, so don't even try

>Dude just draw

Any chance of a source on that pic on the left?

Anyone here commissioning anything?


Become a requester.

I would, if I can find a drawfag who draws big enough, soft enough breasts.


That's just Finlandish art, and besides the point. How're you supposed to learn how to draw something without actually drawing it? Practice gestures, perspective and basic forms

What the fuck

Now that's a nice, thick buggo. Much obliged, user!

its like im staring into the void and its staring back

Attached: 1508465452323.png (720x528, 1.03M)

Requesting pic related getting ready to hit the beach

Attached: 59399A0D-4EE0-4F38-9D8E-B60F8E112160.png (513x1244, 417K)

Attached: trap wo-class.jpg (1256x2105, 352K)

But we have two Finns right here who make way better art.

what is it?

Requesting black P3MC getting it on with Yukari, because she has a great ass. Ideally both of them nude.

Attached: jamalkun wants to tap dat Yukari.png (944x1824, 1.82M)

What disorder does Rinafag even have

Any suggestions for a smol girl with big boobs in a swimsuit? Kinda want to sketch something while i wait for someone else.

Attached: 1560176151464.png (760x805, 114K)

>have breasts

They're clearly not true patriots of Finland

Tsukasa is better than Kagami

SPURDO SPÄRDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just some Aigis fetish pictures

I wish I knew what mine is. IDK.
Taking headpats requests.

Attached: heapdpatsplz.jpg (750x1000, 149K)

Astolfo is cute

Requesting Noob and Saibot doing a trenchcoat routine

Attached: 1558931856895.jpg (1200x675, 148K)

No breast? Better?

Attached: trap wo-class ok no breast.jpg (1256x2105, 352K)

what fetish?

ptsd, borderline personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder, and bipolar

Attached: F98A0D95-BCBA-4A5A-9C34-D1CA8D64D899.jpg (241x329, 46K)

Kagami is stupid!

Idol stuff. Probably gonna be about $250

Well that explains a lot. Do you take any medication or visit a therapist? Legit question, it can help a lot.

Yes, this is better. This is a trap and not a tranny.

The first is bimbofication and the second is her slowly turned into a rubber doll of a different girl like this thinking Hex Maniac, but up for suggestions on what girl.

Attached: 1431570483379.gif (480x272, 1.06M)

I can see why it was censored. It somehow looks like all tetris pieces at once.


strange arms

do not want

What does Goseb have?

yes, im on several psych meds, along with 800mg seroquel (antipsychotic) to sleep peacefully, i see a therapist pretty often and shes great!

Alright, glad to hear you're taking care of your health.

Add racism to the list.

I totally would but no one wants to take my money.

im still very {DAMAGED} but like, i'm better than i was thankfully, another week or so and itll be a whole year since the last time i cut
im a misandrist not a racist

Can't you niggerfaggots stop blogposting for one fucking hour?


Requesting Princess Ruto surfing

Attached: Princess_Ruto_Artwork.png (1443x2413, 2.43M)

>trying to backpedal after calling people niggers and spics
No hun, it doesn't work that way.

As if them niggas READ Harry Potter, they might find a broom or something. And FLY AWAY!

Poyo is cool, I follow her on Twitter.

>Turn Aigis into a better girl
Sounds good, how about 2B?

Attached: 1434606756335.gif (230x268, 1.22M)

nah i called men virgins and disgusting wastes of space who should basically die, maybe your male eyes just cant read

Bend over and take it then

Requesting some coloring.

Character reference:

Please and thanks!

Requesting this with Nu-Tifa on the left and Tifa on the right.

Attached: DsCO7ukVYAA9s_orig.jpg (904x1200, 148K)

Requesting Homura from Senran Kagura like

Attached: homura.jpg (3685x3739, 1.97M)

requesting akuma getting repeatedly bapped by ibuki

Attached: fujimura and tokido.jpg (650x433, 50K)

tbf lots of black dudes loved what id sell myself as

Requesting Carmelita Fox's breasts suddenly expanding and almost bursting out of her uniform.

Attached: coopercarmelitas.jpg (2176x2196, 711K)

Attached: headsuccthisflea.jpg (750x1000, 198K)

requesting beartic in a video call with hamter

Attached: pin.jpg (172x168, 17K)

And what was that?

A2 > 2B

>barb comes back
>not a monstergirl
Shit I wish he can come here more

cowgirl Hornet and/or riding a rodeo machine

or a Hornet monstergirl

Attached: Hornet.png (984x1022, 960K)

Obviously a form of autism but I don't have psychiatrist help because I can't afford it.

Can you color the Blanc one?

I too do commission

Can someone make a combination of Ancient Ogre from Tekken and Pepe?

Attached: drawthread.png (1388x2006, 2.7M)

What kind of disorder does Lunatic have?


Got a 100-ish dollar comm, a 250 dollar comm, a 95 dollar comm and a 60 dollar comm queued up atm.

borvar or pie?

Nah he's just Canadian

Wedding dress Myrrh please

Attached: myrrh.png (1288x1676, 846K)

Requesting Rimururu dressed like Sub Zero trying to look fierce.

Attached: Rimururu_Samurai_Shodown_2019.png (622x908, 419K)

No I mean I'm commissioning people for those.
Unless you meant if I'm commissioning borvar, then yes.

please no one blight this board with more fucking pepes

Requesting Ibuki Mioda from Danganronpa playing her guitar, while riding/standing on a go-kart or a golf kart.

Attached: Ibuki.png (684x632, 629K)

Requesting a mecha musume Samus, like

Attached: Samus.jpg (3832x3013, 2.71M)

I really want to fish around for some non (ish) lewd stuff because the only people I've gotten done lately are porn stuff.

Requesting Glowworm doing a rocket headbutt like Luigi in Smash Bros, ie could be hitting the "Commander" from the back

Attached: Glowworm.png (971x1024, 730K)

I try to balance my lewd comms with my wholesome cute ones.
The 250 dollar comm is actually not lewd, but that one might take a while to finish.

Im sure a lot of porn artists will be happy to draw non porn but I always feel like Im just being wasteful if I ask them to draw something tamer.

how do I get more commissions aaa

Welch Bunnygirl, the top being a tight fit for her chest
Video reference with 3d model at the timestamp until 0:36 or
And wedding dress Welch

Attached: WelchVineyard03.png (1024x1024, 320K)

Networking. Share your page and information.

I may do that if I get the will to fix a few things that are off with that one.
Either that or start a new one with her, we shall see.

Finding the right artist for the cute stuff you have in mind is almost as hard as finding the right artist for your specific fetish, though.
Like that 250 dollar comm, that guy's art is SO good, I don't care how long I have to wait for it, it will be worth it.

Good shit anons

Requesting a human-version of Mahira, please
No more potato Mahira
For lewd, Mahira laying eggs like a real chicken

Attached: mahira.jpg (848x1228, 410K)

Draw a lot of porn of popular characters.

usually like "blonde cutie wants to be your fucktoy pet" with me in twintails n shit

Post some art of said artist to see if is worth it.

What are some good sites to share that? Twitter doesn't work for me. Half of the total commissions I've gotten were from /aco/'s commission thread and discord.

Whichever you pick I'd love to see the end-result.

Where the hell did all those crash bandicoot pictures come from?

This is sadly the case to a much higher degree than I'd like. I've seen good artists get all but ignored because they don't draw as much popular shit but if you draw the same shitty Avatar crap that's been done to death you're making front page HF easy even if you suck.

Draw my waifu, and if it's good I'll inevitably commission you.
Nah, I really don't want him to get any more attention from the people here, no offense.

Boring. Draw porn to less non-mainstream shit

How do I get better bros where do I start practicing ?

Lisden? Can I ask if you'd draw Buro from Muse Dash?

Quacho Queen cheerleader or happily cradling an egg, hers and Lann's egg
Also I wanna see Quacho Queen wearing a white mage robe, hood up.

Attached: 1556357006703.gif (311x392, 1.65M)

The gay

Requesting snusnu

Attached: 1505716531609.png (900x1495, 1010K)


I see about that once I'm done with Yumi here.

If money making is what you want then you have no choice but to do what people demands and follow the new trends and all that.
In my case right now I'm trying to avoid commissions and just draw what I want to my heart's content, that way I can get better and actually be on par with some artists I admire.

I just wanted to see their art, nothing else.

That's what I do, I'm just saying that's what one should do if ya want to get more commissions.

And I did a shitty sketch of her the other day.

Attached: Yumi.png (1680x1009, 565K)

Fix that ear before you lineart it.

exactly, also I have a severe case of ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) which makes me worst than the average person to learn a skill or anything.

Attached: headsuccthisflea.png (750x1000, 274K)

Requesting Felicia staying hydrated

Attached: slurp.png (1272x1500, 1.32M)

You and me buddy. It kinda hurts.

Attached: 1559174895241.png (1200x681, 1.15M)

The highest what I paid was $150. $200+ is way too much for me, even I have the money.

it does, because my only friends are Yea Forums foreigners anonymous.

Who's your waifu?
I don't dislike porn but man, I wish I could get followers with sfw drawings.

What's wrong with it?

>If money making is what you want then you have no choice but to do what people demands and follow the new trends and all that.

Oh I don't BLAME the artists. I get you draw what people want and if people want to waste their money on this that's on them. I just can't get over how people can be so eager to throw their money away on images that already exist in spades. Im not even complaining about liking popular shit.

>drawing only for the money

Too low, too small. It's kinda hanging off the side of her chin.


That's a really nice Buro. Please keep up the nice work, man.

Requesting Le Malin from Azur Lane with massive, strap-tearing breasts.

Attached: 1561829595037.png (926x1026, 822K)

I wanted to request shulk looking like an engineer/researcher doing engineer/researcher things

Attached: Shulk.png (374x600, 251K)

I'll look into that tomorrow, imma sleep now.

It completely depends on what you're commissioning though. Full scene painting, daki cover, etc.
Didn't mean to bait for drawings user, sorry. If you've drawn her here before, and I really liked it, I've probably asked you if you take commissions already.

requesting an actual MILF, appearance wise, Mistral wearing a "super rare bikini" armor

Attached: Mistral.jpg (1200x1200, 852K)

She's autistic, don't think about it too hard.

Attached: 73519702_p0.png (1000x1616, 989K)

requesting vagin 21 uh I mean Majin 21.

Attached: DRAGON BALL FighterZ_20181028235302.jpg (1920x1080, 223K)

Hey, even the Mona Lisa was work for hire.

I'm going to say it, I'm going to say the word requestfags fear the most.




Attached: god hates ningen.png (590x618, 137K)


Art trade

Attached: 1448477469532.jpg (420x420, 8K)

I wish what I commission existed.

Requesting parody with Nessa and Olivia finding a cute White/Blonde Trainer alone on a train and keeping him company.

Attached: 1560801153976.jpg (1766x1334, 1.1M)

Who's taking these requests


Alright Banjobros who want to poke fun at Steve, I have a picture edit request. Notice how the stone Tiki looks like Steve? I was thinking of banjo kazooie (and maybe grunty) hanging out next to "steve" with textboxes saying this (or something along the lines of):
Banjo: I sure am glad Grunty turned Steve to stone!
Grunty: Sorry to hear Steve tried to rob the throne. Hit him with a pickaxe for cobblestone!
Steve (muffled): I shall have my revenge........

Attached: banjomeme.png (1280x720, 926K)


Attached: KazooieTooie1.png (816x941, 557K)

Requesting palm tree yiggy

Attached: 4gExNqF_d.jpg (619x645, 49K)

Requesting little Arle Nadja from the Puyo Puyo series getting fucked like this.

Attached: 4F08641D-516A-4BFD-B885-073767757C83.jpg (249x350, 31K)

Attached: Bombergirl.png (2508x1164, 3.49M)

Requesting something like this with Riamu

Attached: creepiamu.jpg (950x1318, 206K)

please let me know if anyone is interested in making this edit. Heres probably the best pic to use.

Attached: banjo1.png (250x250, 63K)

Oh wow, what a great day, now with Katerina lewdness! Thank you so much for wanting to color it, it's supremely lovely now that it's finished, so we can appreciate much better all of that lewd delightfulness.
By the way, the tag more used for the game is クロワルール・シグマ

Requesting cool and spooky Infested Tank from Devil May Cry 2.
By the way, the tank is a M1 Abrams.

Attached: DMC2_Infested_Tank_Artbook.png (1070x764, 877K)


How many people are commissioning Borvar from here?

Yawn maldraw is more worth it.

Why would I when I can get him to draw for free?

Attached: you.png (730x503, 367K)

He barely draws here anymore.

Requesting this but with cute traps.

Attached: 1561669499661m.jpg (756x1024, 75K)

How often do I have to draw to justify having a blog?

Requesting Blaster Master Zero Eve with tits as big as Kanna's, and the two symmetrical docking

read this 1st, banjobros
Heres my super quick edit. maybe use the Banjo Kazooie textboxes instead of this.

Attached: banjomemeidea.png (1280x720, 1.09M)

Goodnight drawthread!

Remember, no lewds in a blue board, theres no way around.

i have like a hundred followers with like 2 posts, so dont worry about it at all

A blog not very often. Some artists use it daily to show they made a whole pic of just update a pic like rough sketch one day, lineart the other. Others like pie do it once in a blue moon.

Attached: carl.jpg (425x415, 29K)

Once and then leech off of others to gain your following

Attached: 1542053844389.png (301x345, 115K)

Blogs not very often. People mostly unfollow if you spam with pointless things. Patreon accounts can take some effort.

fuck off pedo

How often is good for patreon?

Does he have to be blonde

Depends. I follow two people one uploads daily and I follow him for like three bucks. Another who I follow for ten does like one pic a month.

Draw Gene wearing an American Flag bikini, to celebrate PSO2's official english release, as well as the approaching 4th of July

Attached: CARD-00006339.jpg (437x600, 95K)

I want to fuck him while he calls me a nigger.

Yes its gonna be a type of blacked meme for ruining the pool gene.

>implying this is where I get his art from

Eight brandishing his dragovian sword like a samurai or some other cool warrior battle pose

Attached: Eight Dragovian gear.png (1232x926, 1.54M)

>blacked meme
DROPPED now I dont wanna do it

Noire dressed up as Fran please

Attached: noirefran.png (1924x1860, 2.18M)

where are you gonna post them?

Requesting Princess Remedy healing the sun
Or if you are a weeb, her pursuing Junko from Touhou while carrying a first aid kit or a giant syringe

Attached: Princess Remedy.jpg (1408x960, 204K)

reminder youre all digusting porn obsessed virgin freaks and shoyld kys !!!

Remember, lewds can be on a blue board if they are SFW! There is no way around that! PRAISE LEWD

Attached: Lewd requesting is best.png (1200x1200, 377K)

Requesting a dakimakura fashioned Liar Princess. Make her embarrassed and futa.

Attached: 20180215-usotsukihime-12.jpg (500x504, 45K)

Going to be on Barvar's twitter

Requesting any art about the game YumeCore.

Attached: yumecore.jpg (460x215, 38K)

>if I can find a drawfag who draws big enough, soft enough breasts.
Man, if people like pldf or borvar cant satisfy you I dont think there's much options you can find here

pedonigger fuck off and don't comeback here.

Also what image interests you?

This is so lame

Good stuff, can't wait to see them

Requesting Seraphina from Disgaea 5 like this
Or like this with fake cat ears

Attached: Seraphina.jpg (4040x3646, 1.9M)


LMAO. Press D to Dab on Mariel

But I have a weak spot for the first one

Attached: 1402206518513.png (700x701, 317K)

Refia as a catgirl (like a cute/sexy Cait Sith inspired) outfit/class or dresses as nu-Tifa

Maybe it'll help if I put these for an idea, since I just looked on the booru and saw them

Attached: Refia FF3.jpg (682x1188, 133K)

It's what I like
Nice, I was just wonder who I should go with for the second. I like Hex, but I was still wondering if I could think of something better.

i finished this Aska that user requested a while ago. took way longer than expected

Attached: IMG_0826.jpg (1668x2224, 947K)


Requesting cool Metal Mario art

Attached: 1560844797372.png (167x185, 56K)

Like someone transforming into Hex or Hex into a rubber doll?
Also who's the one getting bimboficated?

Nice one, a great combination of ass, tits and soles

It would be Aigis and transforming into a rubber Hex

Requesting this with Lili from Tekken, and with Asuka at the back

Attached: 501.jpg (400x335, 100K)

>it's the don't know what to draw phase
So, huh...when does it end?

Attached: 85283527.jpg (323x326, 16K)



I don't know who that is

Why not them but as rubber instead of becoming someone else?

Can't say I didn't expected her, nice.
With pokemon you got some nice girls to choose. But it will be Agis transforming into another girl or some guy?

Attached: 1558421106911.jpg (744x1052, 456K)

Requesting sonic in this pose.

Attached: look.png (280x311, 3K)

>pretends like he's some enforcer of his own made up rules

>keeps getting his requests deleted

It's such pottery

I like the whole becoming someone else aspect of it.
Going with girl

hoe big do you want the sun to be? apathetic frog-sized or bigger?

Requesting Elizabeth B. from pc video game D.S.K.V: Knoblauchalarm [Open] wearing any of these two warrior outfits please.

Attached: 1561896622173m.jpg (1024x999, 133K)

Then maybe it would be another robot girl, like 2B, Curly, Roll or Haydee. Or maybe a bimboficated rubber version of herself

Best Smash Bros stage!

Same as her size is fine, even headpatting the sun if you want

I like the idea of going with a Nintendo girl, but 2B is a good idea too.

Requesting syoko and koume uncomfortable in a changing room with other girls.

Attached: ee61bd117d9fc0ed45fb3e345d95d234.jpg (716x1012, 555K)

The more you draw the sooner it ends

I can't get enough of Daisy, but you already but the example. Outside of Nintendo, maybe Rosalina, Samus or a Shy gal

>Outside of Nintendo
>Gives Nintendo examples

Cute request do you have a pose in mind for drawing the girl in the armor?

Requesting Rikku playing with her hair

Attached: FFX-2_Artwork_Rikku.png (311x500, 165K)

most of what I was waiting on finished up but yeah, still got some things in the works, some waitlists and some "I'll get back to you"s that never did

Requesting this but with Elizabeth from Persona 3. Draw her wearnig the same military uniform please

Attached: 1561644528002.jpg (2186x1236, 458K)

I meant outside pokemon*

I will just give him the option of Hex, Rosalina or 2B and he can pick what one if he wants


Other Pokemon girls are fine too

How about this pose?

Attached: dragon-ball-gals-dragon-ball-prepainted-pvc-figure-chichi-childh-484279.1.jpg (640x640, 33K)

Sounds good, I'm sure it will be a great work

Attached: 1557867843463.gif (250x194, 47K)

Attached: That is a chicken breast i know so funny.jpg (2000x886, 543K)
Is this donkaqq?

That's nazifag. He requests non-Yea Forums stuff and rerequests things he gets. Please don't draw for him, thank you.

That request is and you are drawing for a spammer, better drop it

You can always ask him

dunno donkaqq's work but this dude seems to have some kind of red-green colour blindness going on

might help confirm/disprove that it's the same guy

berry nice

>red-green colour blindness going on
What makes you say that?

How can you tell that he is color blind

He was asking who it should be so I just sent a message telling him to pick one or just randomize

if you take the fat tits Ibaraki as an example, that nipple colour and especially the inside of the mouth has a kind of greenish tint that people with colour blindness often mess up with if they don't dropper tool or get someone to spotcheck for them

Better decide yourself, so choose between the three. I'll go for Rosalina.

Requesting Meta Knight fighting someone truly despicable

Attached: Meta_Knight_Clear_SSBB.png (440x440, 760K)

Requesting Demeter from SMT:Deep Strange Journey comparing two cocks by touching the tiny one with only one finger, and giving a handjob to the bigger one.
also making a lewd face and saying "Ooh...Harvest..."

Attached: DH1MubmUQAAaDTv.png (1000x1000, 447K)

Ah, thank you drawfriend

Those sausages seem too pink.

How do you even get rid of the greenish tint if you can't spot it? Is there a filter?

I can notice that in the drawing with the goblins, the witch stuck in the wall


Anyone interested?

Attached: 1561647153474m.jpg (1024x459, 70K)

Requesting a slain Nakoruru laid peacefully on the straw bed on the right

Attached: Nako.jpg (1609x1024, 316K)

I can try

t. nazifag

>Is there a filter?
not to my knowledge, since a friend of mine still asks for people to double check his skin-tones

some people get really good at picking the right hues though, whether it's by dropper tool, colour wheel or whatever

Requesting Jaguar Kotal Kahn with wheels like the cat on the right

Attached: Handicat.jpg (2376x1348, 776K)

hey i wanna sketch a girl with big boobs before i go to bed any suggestions?

Attached: hat kid tiddie drink.png (2000x2500, 707K)

Hurry up so we can get that early thread

You post loli so I give one, Snatcher Kid

Attached: Shadow_Puppet.png (527x723, 489K)

Chiho Masuda from Variable Geo

Attached: 2060292-chihoimage.jpg (725x960, 68K)

Etna with big boobs plz

Attached: Dx5Sx0BX4AAbUI3.jpg (983x1200, 145K)

Shut up Singapore

Sorry user, this might sound weird coming from me but I will never draw Etna with big boobs or any sized boobs, She's flat and I will respect that fact about her.

Attached: 1454692502861.png (548x546, 57K)


Attached: 34534563.jpg (2000x2886, 3.49M)

Literally who


Attached: Raspberyl.jpg (632x1000, 160K)

Made you look

I have notifications enabled that let me see the comment, user. Go back to /feg/ with that level of pettiness.

>calling anyone else petty
Pot meet kettle

I'm actually curious to see what happens to the Creator.

Attached: CreatorPortrait4.png (903x1062, 218K)


Now Raspberyl on the other hand...
You got a swim suit you'd like to see her in?

New thread?


Attached: ow98ad02zj331.jpg (848x867, 93K)


Attached: D7LgvvCU0AAEkY9.png (636x900, 723K)


>Isekai shit

Attached: 1529134203_8OhVdmM.jpg (705x741, 202K)


Arguably she's had like three video games.

For fucks sake is Mishafag/Singapore/whatever boogeyman not here to force their delivery as OP make the new god damn thread already

yeah now this sounded weird.

Damn, that's a shame.

Requesting Police-tan begging for attention.

This, stop with the mass replies

You mean requesting Police-tan basking in the afterglow of a gangbang and covered in cum/requests.

Stop with mass spaming

>My post was the first one
>Literally the only one that isnt weeb related

can't we stop this and just start a new thread?

Make the new thread you fucking lazy retards holy shit

Draw Raymoo

Attached: DflVX4sUcAE5fqo.jpg (528x535, 52K)


Attached: 1558667889071.jpg (1000x1000, 102K)

Stupid cat!!

Attached: 1489309902761.jpg (626x885, 117K)

>suggesting only the spammer wants something from iggy
>and he might be right
iggy gettin dabbed on by policefag

ok then what if i just ignore all those responses and just draw something for nazifag?

Attached: 1561420929317m.jpg (724x1024, 89K)

Yes he did nothing wrong.

God I have to everything

>Making the thread to post your request first

Little Io

Attached: Npc_zoom_3030006000_81.png (960x800, 119K)

Thank you savior.


go right ahead, that'd kill two birds with one stone

Which idol(s)?

That dude is samefagging, just do your stuff, you even took another Jenny one

Three cute ones.

Explain further

Kong and her posse

good taste

Attached: 59513637_p1.jpg (839x1023, 189K)