literally nobody:
not a single soul:
absolutely no one I promise you:
Legend of Zelda Links Awakening remake: *is beautiful stylistically, soul, and will be the best Zelda game up to date*
why haven't you preordered yet user?
literally nobody:
not a single soul:
absolutely no one I promise you:
Legend of Zelda Links Awakening remake: *is beautiful stylistically, soul, and will be the best Zelda game up to date*
why haven't you preordered yet user?
Other urls found in this thread:
That meme is so fucking wack kill yourself
>literally nobody:
>not a single soul:
>absolutely no one I promise you:
My ex posts with this meme all the fucking time and I hate it. I would have hated it regardless but now I double hate it. It's fucking facebook normie tier and you should feel bad
He's doing it ironically so that people associate normies liking this games artstyle, when its actually good looking
Saying some stupid shit ironically doesn’t negate the fact that you said some stupid shit, OP
>muh sky boxes!!!
Probably the same 400 pound autists that cried about Spyro which turned out great. Kys you pathetic worms.
>when its actually good looking
I know it's bait, but I had to reply.
It's time to go back.
I'm really looking forward to it. I've been wanting an original LoZ remake in this style for years, I hope we get one some day.
>why haven't you preordered yet user?
I have though.
Back? Back where? the future!!!
I love how much this meme triggers 4C
Doing God's work OP
kill yourself:
commit suicide:
you fucking piece of worthless shit:
Who has ever though LA looked like that?
A man made entirely of straw.
At least its not memefrog and feelsguy
how do you read this?
I don't get it
fuck off back to twitter
literally nobody:
not a single soul:
absolutely no one I promise you:
mouth-breathing user: twitter twitter twitter twitter twitter
How did you want it to look bud? Like a link between worlds?
no one:
absolutely nobody:
not a single soul:
Keanu Reeves: you're breath taking user!
>Like a link between worlds?
I saw a post asking for LA Switch to look like ALBW the other day. Some people are fucking blind or retarded or a combination thereof.
You're scalping, aren't you?
I also secured an order from Amazon UK, just for myself.
Prior to that, I was able to get a pre-order from a GAME UK retail store, but I'm not 100% confident in it. If I do manage to get that, it's a birthday gift for someone.
I literally only discovered this meme a minute ago from this thread and I already want it to die.
The first four sentences serve absolutely no purpose.
because while it looks really nice and i love links awakening i don't want to pay more money than i should for something
i'll pirate it and pick up a physical copy on sale
I would love a new game that looked like a more refined ALBW honestly, I fucking loved that game.
But the LA remake artstyle has grown on me over the months
You didn't even do the meme right you fucking retard
But that's wrong since someone called him breath taking before he said it
Controversial opinion but I think it's the best-looking game in the franchise. BotW's art style is fantastic but there's something about LA that just really plays to what I see the series as being about.
Why do you hate it?
It really bothers me how many beautiful, fun games are locked behind Nintendo's shitty, quickly-abandoned hardware.
posting this retard-tier twitter meme should be a bannable offense
Strawman harder, faggot.
I cannot stand this normalfag meme.
I myself don't think I have a favorite looking game in the franchise, and only suck off ALBW so much because it's easily my favorite of the 2D Zelda games and is just a ton of fun. I'm expecting the same from the LA remake
literally nobody:
not a single soul:
absolutely no one I promise you:
You:i don’t understand the point is to emphasize no one and that it builds up the punchline
when i first saw it honestly thought it was one of those unreal engine student project remakes where they just slap all the post processing filters they can find on it
No he's going to play it 3 times
I wouldn't call it the best zelda game to date but I do like the art direction. It's different and cute. Links eyes still bother me though.
>Nintendo's shitty, quickly-abandoned hardware
The 3DS has been supported and has had regular releases for 8 years, and we'll probably get at least a decade out of it in total even though devs aren't making new games. What other consoles can you say that about?
Wii and PS2.
yeah I'm scalping a few copies, might keep two for myself
also getting two copies from japan: one digital + artbook, and one physical + artbook + amazon pre-order bonus
the jp copies are all for myself
actually I'm getting a second digital copy + empty box from the jp nintendo store and a friend is buying the second copy off of me for 5k yen (I'm keeping the empty box)
Anybody else find it weird that Nintendo showcases part of the fucking ending sequence in the E3 trailer.
Those crafty fuckers are hiding something about this remake.
Why is this 60 fuckin dolarydoos?
I think so too. I would kinda put Wind Waker ahead of it but the game has some ugly moments.
One of which is another Nintendo console. What argument are you trying to make exactly?
Not that other user, was just pointing out that Wii and PS2 considered to get releases beyond their typical life cycle.
Found the internet autisticrat fanboi
I hate this meme but I'm starting to find it funny, not because it's actually funny but because I hate it so much it's become funny.
I mean this is the company that gave us Kid Icarus Uprising
>beautiful stylistic
More like dogshit puke. I wanted a proper remake or sequel, not a fisher price plastic turd looking game with DOF blur everywhere.
The game literally has
>The Green texture!
>The Brown texture!
>The Yellow texture!
It's fucking gross. It looks about as low effort as Gamefreak's offerings lately. Laziest fucking art I've seen in a game.
Game literally should've been either hand drawn 80's looking cartoon style like the original artworks, or really lived in unsettling happysad like Majora's mask with weird island tribal vibes. Looks like fucking toddlers toys.
$60 is too steep. I will probably buy it when it goes on sale (if it ever does)
Makes no sense in the OP though.
Facebook cringe meme. Nobody even thinks of the game like how you described, you're just being a faggot
voucher/ticket or whatever it's called, use it
Everything looks so fucking plastic, who thought this would be a good idea? Like just fucking look at those leaves on the trees.
>hand drawn 80's looking cartoon style like the original artworks
Love seeing fuckign retards bitch about muh handrwn shit for every single game release
100 years later and the only hand drawn nintendo game ever will still be warioland 4 a failure and you dumb fucks will still be obsessing over something that is obsolete and that will never happen. Especially the pre 2000s amateur chibi art style that have been completely laid to rest by everyone in the industry
love it
it looks fine and I'm going to enjoy it
the fuck is the problem?
then don't play it you mad nigger, emulate the original like the sperg you are
>hand drawn 80's looking cartoon style like the original artworks
the only time they should ever do this is with a zelda 2 reboot
I remember when Yea Forums went ape shit when Link between worlds had a dark world even though we should’ve saw it coming.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Link’s awakening had an entire new second half
I actually happen to be fine with the art style, I just don't like how it seems to have an effect on the music as well. It sounds way too damn soft and lacks a lot of kick many songs used to have. Mysterious Woods used to have a rather ominous and threatening vibe but the new version of it sounds so tame in comparison.
I don't think that games should be remade.
Did you just imply that everybody bought one of those scams?
If you:
Don't reply:
To this post:
Your mother will die in her sleep tonight:
It just occurred to me that we were bitching at nothing originally now that we know it was Grezzo making this game when the actual Zelda team was doing BOTW 2
In what way is it a scam? If you were already subbed, you're just getting $10 off each game.
Because it's published by Nintendo faggot, it's a ZELDA game! The Apple of gaming. You want the best vidya has to offer, you pay for it nigger. I fucking love Nintendo, keeps the poorfags and niggers out of the community with its high prices. White's only bitches.
The art was never the problem.
Its that theres nothing new to it aside from a dungeon building feature thats completely optional anyway.
I kind of figured they were working on it before even knowing it, but either way I don't usually get upset about games because I don't think it's worth the effort unless it's a game I actively don't like
If you'd actually look at more than 5 seconds of trailer you'd see that their playing into the style of the original by using tiles for the floor environments which I like because it keeps the style minimalist for the enemy designs and colors to pop out more. Not to mention the game isn't even out yet.
What the fuck were they supposed to do? That game would be an abomination if it was the same perspective with super detailed realistic graphics. The game looks legit good and I cant wait to play it.
The SMM2 team better work on a top down Zelda Maker next. That would be prime comfy.
It's a remake there shouldn't be anything new to it
Because of this post and its shit reddit meme
You realize that
Is literally the same as
>Everybody is going REEEEEEE
It should be
because it's a complete fucking waste of space. it doesn't add anything to the joke. it's like starting a greentext story with "be me." No fucking shit you're you, who else would you be
It'd be nice if there was something for people that played through the original a dozen times.
Even if its just a Hard Mode or something.
because Ninty knows people will buy it despite being twice the price of the OG and five times as much as the virtual console version
Get a job?
lmao the gayest fucking OP ive seen in years
the game looks fine
I'm pretty sure Hero Mode is a given
Grezzo deserves to make a name for itself properly
A switch sequel to ever oasis with better quality should do it honestly, that game is underrated
I definitely won't. It's something I would have bought at 30 dollars or so.
because every zelda game after LTTP sucks ass
I played the fuck out of LA. I love LA.
But this looks slavishly identical to LA. It looks like I've already played it, every summer for years and years.
Why get excited about something I've already played?
I can appreciate what they're doing, but it just isn't interesting to me.
Including LA?
This is the fourth time I've seen this shit Twitter meme here.
Time to leave Yea Forums. Goodbye, 18 year olds.
*blocks your path*
reminder that saying X ironically does not make it X
back to Twitter with you
Cause Nintendo decided to join Snoy and Microshit
I have and it will stay in the wrapping because I'm going to also pirate it
more like every Zelda after Oracles
oh no! Big Yoshi didnt like that! delet this!
>Movement is locked to an 8 directional grid
>Not full analog movement like Link Between Worlds
Fucking WHY. WHY. How did they do it on a 3ds game
but not on this grandiose switch remake? The movement looks clunky as fuck
because LA is a fucking garbage Zelda game. It's even worse than botw
Name a more normie-tier and cringe 'le epic maymay' than this fucking "Nobody:" shit. You can't.
wrong, even though it's overrated now OoT was the first Zelda that didn't suck ass