Sick of thesr jrpg threads. Lets infuse some testosterone into this board and have a wrpg thread

Sick of thesr jrpg threads. Lets infuse some testosterone into this board and have a wrpg thread.

Which one is better, pillers of eternity or torment:tides of numenera

Attached: e273cde6a97ddda79a1a17622fc1d72e46fbb51ab08fb94ddcf1b20d02b654de.jpg (3000x3000, 863K)

>dnd for neckbeards with no friends

More T then weeb shit.

Yea Forums is a weeb image forum WRPGkun, Deus ex is the only good game on the left

>not planescape
t. plebian

>Lets infuse some testosterone into this board
How about I infusing some neurone into your brain instead?

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Vampire's pretty alright if you get a patch mod.

All of the games on the JRPG side are shit anyway

>Fantasy WRPG's: different takes on medieval fantasy
>Fantasy JRPG's: Fucking weeb bullshit

>grandia 2
They kill God (fake), they kill the Pope and they kill religion. In the time skip later everyone is atheist.


Attached: OP.jpg (225x225, 7K)

>JRPG's: actual fun
>WRPG's: boring but """muh freedom of gameplay"""

I'm not sure what the Gameplay is in most standard JRPG.
like I have nostalgia for chrono trigger but the game itself is really lack luster from a gameplay stand point.

What's bottom right?


Chrono trigger is the most entry level jrpg of them all, almost any other jrpg has more interesting combat

All the stuff on the left still sounds more boring than the premise on the right even if it's not original.

Gameplay sucks in most JRPGs though. Only a few of them understand how to do combat and freedom. But those that do stomp the western counterparts

Yeah unfortunately Japanese games also tend to have very generic characters. The MC is often extremely replaceable.
That being said there are some great examples to this like Suda51 games, Hideo Kojima and so on.

I've played a lot of JRPGs. i got bored with FF7 and thought the gameplay was Boring.

I liked live a live though.

JRPG = the devs know how to make a good game and care

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I love jrpgs but holy shit this image is retarded. dark souls isn't even western.

Both jRPGs and wRPGs can be good.
> My favorite games are BG2: SoA, Fallout 1, SMT3 and SMT4.

hey actually.
I have no Investment in this argument. I think "WRPG VS JRPG" is arbitrary, but every time I see the the letters "JRPG" I always think of Menu Simulator Games, which almost always have bad gameplay and I swear everyone else is talking about those as well when "Japanese Role Playing Game" should imply a huge variety of games based on how broad the actual terminology is.

anyways I think the menu simulators are boring and gay gameplay. I think Mother 3 and paper mario thousand year door both did the Menu Simulator gameplay best.

>Menu Simulator gameplay
WRPGs do the same shit

Attached: witcher.webm (854x480, 2.85M)

>actual fun
>most of the time the games are glorified QTEs

even a bad menu simulator is better than rtwp

I love Vtmb but it's literally Young adults "killing" "vampire pope(s)"

>tfw no wRPGs on Switch

this is probably the most accurate description i've read regarding the two

>haha check out my wRPG jrpg fags I can do this quest in 10 different ways!
>everyway is shit

>JRPGs: "fun"
>WRPGs: actual fun

What is exactly wrong with teenagers killing god or the pope? Are those stories not allowed to be told or something? Teens are the primary audience for games anyways. What I hate about you story autists is you think your favorite games have these deep enriched stories but when you peel back the layers from most of them you find they have tons of flaws and plot holes all over.

>jRPG: "why didn't they just make an anime instead?"
>wRPG: "why didn't they just write a book instead?"

when I play jrpgs I enjoy character interactions and following the story. when I play wrpgs I grind through sidequests completely ignoring the story and replace party members with custom npcs whenever possible.

>Generic out of place WACKY WORLDS XD with visuals that don't match

Having cute chibi creatures with nightmare beasts of the night doesn't fucking work japan.

Attached: jrpg wrpg 7.png (892x407, 29K)

Image is false because the JRPG player is having fun

Did anyone here ever play Stella Deus? It's an Atlus game but I'd never even heard of it before today