As annoyed as I was at first having to play this game like feeling the walls of a room in the dark, it *is* really satisfying when you figure shit out for yourself. That said, some stuff is kind of bullshit like the Stag Door riddle(s) that you would have absolutely no idea how to solve or got extremely luck (like I did, once). Victory conditions are very vague as well.
Cultist Simulator
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Game sucks.
Too grindy.
That is all.
I've seen like 3 threads about this game, but I still don't understand this meme.
Wheres the grind?
I agree but then again most rougelikes/lites are pretty grindy too
Grinding to increase stat caps slow the game down pretty hard, and getting money can be a pain
After a certain point the game is just sending the recruits out on a mission to hope to get the end game lores to win.
I had high hopes for the game, but there was never any sense of expanding your cult or summoning a dark god or anything like that, just grinding the lores.
Yeah alright, fair points.
I heard they were trying to find ways to limit how much hunting for lore there was. Did that ever come out?
I was enjoying the stat cap mechanic because I was doing it along with other stuff, like wandering at night and working for patrons, rather than just doing the research part of the game. But when you need the stats you often don't have any patrons so it does boil down to some pretty lame waiting for your studies to finish.
Shit now I'm trying to convince myself that its grindy.
FUCK Hours and FUCK Mansus
We need more dead hour and Nowhere content
I’m new to this game actually just fucked up a play through because I went crazy. I have yet to find a rite over the course of like 6 hours of play.
Endlessly, ENDLESSLY doing the same cycles of slotting the same cards into the same daily tasks. Oh I'm trying to do something interesting again but RNG has thrown some more dispair cards my way so now I need to go on a cycle of dream-health on top of my endless cycle of job cards, great.
decent premise wrapped up in repetitive mechanics, if it was programmable (e.g. do this while conditions are met, else pause) it would be vastly more bearable
The game had promise, but the resource management to not get a game over is not only 80% of the game, but artificial activity the game could do itself if only devs didn’t go out of their way to force you to endlessly cycle cards manually because there is so little of anything else to actually do in the game.
The mechanic design is literally on the level of shitty /weg/s desperately trying to pretend they’re video games.
>Trying to get Priest victory
>Just get 7 lock scars LOL
>Every scar removes your health
>Forced to sacrifice reason or passion to get more health
>Every scar needs +10 lore that is not knock or history
>You also need specific cards for specific lore scars
>Exultation can give you notoriety for no reason
its a procrastination simulator while you watch/listen to dmt joe rogan pineal glands in the background
Is the DLC worth it? Just seems like paying for alternative win conditions with little actual content.
me after a couple days
>Just seems like paying for alternative win conditions with little actual content.
That's just it
Pretty much, but it provides you with more of what’s really important in this game; romance options.
>dlc is required to romance the three pure as fuck Heart aspect followers
fuck this gay game
Well it gives us a way to side with Nowhere Hours so its OK
auclair best wife.
anons i have seen this game many times and i am really interested, but i have never played a game like this, should i risk it?
Pirate it if you’re not sure, but it’s like 10 bucks.
Honestly, the game is a disappointment and the definition of wasted potential.
It’s even worse than sunless sea
just buy out the auction house it always gives you the best rite in the game for some reason
>Not just playing Fallen London till the end of days
>making money is just a neverending grind of the exact same actions
>gameplay loop barely changes across the entire playthrough
>lore snippets are so small it's hard to care about them
Absolute shit game, where did Alexis go so wrong
Why does Alexis Kennedy hate gameplay so much. You can't even justify it with "if you progress too quickly you'll read all the lore too fast and that's the main draw of the game" at this point. The guy actively goes out of his way to drag the whole experience out, like he somehow believes this is the way to tell his stories.
Just make write a Choose Your Own Adventure type game, goddamn
Is this game still broken or can i play without losing my save?
Its a neat novelty if you go in completely blind for the first couple hours, but once you hit the mid-game and the satisfaction of figuring out how everything works by yourself wears off, its pretty dull. Its unique, though.
>where did Alexis go so wrong
When he decided finishing the sadomasochistic mess that was SMEN was more important than finishing any of the main Ambition storylines
It's too late now but you can increase your health again if you manage to lose it, the cap is only for maximum possible HP at a time, if your max HP drops lower then you can just get it up again
Those cards look too neat to have been laid out by hand, even if you're obsessive. Did he finally add an auto sorting or snap to grid feature?
>muh BAFTA award
SMEN was more interesting than the ambitions anyway
>100000 award-winning words
there's a snap feature so that you dont have to free lay everything
but still you gotta move a bunch of shit around all the time because of where the game thinks it got the card from before you shot it into a verb and some event windows really dont give a fuck about where you put them last time and thye'll spawn on your cards moving them
>click through everything so fast you never read them
this game is p much just poetry and nothing else
and if you're not into the lore and spooky then its gonna be a big meh
It's also content the majority of people aren't going to do. I didn't even do start it and the Who is Salt? ending legitimately pissed me off.
I get that it was his personal passion project but maybe throw a bone to the people waiting for content they don't need to pay for before leaving the company out of boredom
It's garbage because even after playing for hours there were several mechanics I had no idea even existed until I visited the wiki. There's not holding the player's hand, then there is this game.
At least it isn't as up its own rear end as the Sunless series is.
>if you're not into the lore
It is barely coherent mensus dreamworld bullshit
the mind-numbing boring gameplay revolving around "boy I sure hope repeating this set of actions gives me something interesting to read next time around" makes sure the game has no atmosphere
You are right. it's pathetic that they still haven't finished a single ambition after so many years
Also amazing how people keep paying for paid-only stories
>At least it isn't as up its own rear end as the Sunless series is.
It's the other way around though
The Sunless lore and writing, especially the writing, always seemed very pretentious and baby's-first-esoteric-fiction. Cultist Simulator has mildly more lore than an average Dark Souls game so it's easier for me to stomach.
name anything with better esoteric lore/fiction
I'd assume anything by a competent writer and not the "I bet I'm the first person to be inspired by Lovecraft" types.
It's like naming a good fantasy book that was published in the last five or ten years.
>I'd assume
dont assume, name
Sunless lore is pretty easy to follow while Cultist Simulator is actually esoteric poetry
I don't know how you can think Cultist simulator isn't more up its own rear compared to Sunless unless you don't know anything about sunless
the void is better
>keep paying for paid-only stories
Also called books.
Every character DLC is 2.40, most new books go for around 40-60 dollars, paying 2.50 for an few hours of something to read isn't unheard of for wagecucks normies who don't just pirate everything/read things that are free in the first place
The biggest problem was not the act of doing the same set of actions hoping for new lore, new lore was fine and good, the issue was that fractal RNG hellfest that was midgame and lategame
>preform this task to get a random reward, use this Tier 1 random reward with these other Tier 1 random rewards to get a Tier 2 random reward, repeat until RNG gives you enough of the correct (read what you need and want right now) Tier 2 random rewards so you can roll some more dice to see if crafting them together into a Tier 3 random reward actually gives you what you wanted, if not start again and pray to RNG you don't waste another 30 minutes of time even if you do everything right.
They ran out of lore so they padded the lategame super hard so getting new lore because really slow and obnoxious where far too much content was utterly useless (lmao winter rituals 3% chance to kill an enemy, 97% chance to kill my own dude) while playing perfectly only gave you a moderate chance of success
>this game is shit, its babbys first blablabla
yoo what isnt babbys first blablbabla
Card game and sunless style games just dont work with this
He was talking about Premium Stories in Fallen London
I see the Sunless Defense Force is here. Beaten Fallen London the necessary four times to get the actual ending yet?
dont deflect, name something with better esoteric writing, preferrably a videogame.
Well im a retard but I my point still stands, paying for something to read isn't a unheard of concept.
Probably, but I'm playing it right now so I can't talk about it yet
>Beaten Fallen London the necessary four times to get the actual ending yet?
You odn't know shit, Fallen London is so shit it has 4 main storylines and none of them is finished
It has no ending beyond burning your account down with SMEN
And anyway, Sunless lore>Cultist simulator "lore"
How is Skies compared to Seas? I just don't like the idea of trading the nautical theme for space.
Yeah but it's paying for a side-story in a 10 years old free to play game where not a single main storyline has been finished and the game is lacking in storylines in general, the game is 80% grinding with small bits of text
its a better mechanically, worse in terms of narrative. It mostly has the same flaws as sunless sea: the main one being that it absolutely doesn't respect players time
Yeah I get that, but at the same time I also get that fithy shades of gray is bestseller, maybe it tickles their specific autism for a writing style/setting they can't find elsewhere.
>Worse in terms of narrative.
Then what's the point.
its still decent, besides if you've done all you can in sunless sea, you dont really have much of an alternative
There's this game, but it really does just read like a bootleg SS.
I enjoyed it but it does lack a certain something without the unity of a long established setting behind it
i ask you for better games that obviously an expert like urself have played
and u wont post them
For an actual semi-objective discussion unlike literally everything else in this thread-
Its a card management game where you are thrown into the world of building a cult. Nothing makes sense at first and you just have to dive in. You will lose many many times until you figure out what you need to do to prevent those things, purely through trial and error.
As for the game, it takes patience and devotion of attention. There is no “grind” like many stupid anons have said, because if you know what you’re doing you will constantly be building the cult non-stop.
Overall, its decent. Fun to play for a few days/week or two then drop. Definitely worth $10
>t. Alexis Kennedy