Literally who wanted these characters?
Crash Team Racing
Other urls found in this thread:
Zem is our guy.
Also my game just arrived and I am installing it right now. Can't wait to see how all characters handle.
>more content = bad
I bet you’re a smash cutfag too, loser.
>Constantly talking about CTR
>Not being able to play it when it's right in the other fucking room
Truly no worse feeling
Doesn't Zam rape your girlfriend if you don't feed him?
Get a HDMI to USB to you fuck, then move the PS4 to your computer.
even though i have the same situation, and my family likes to use it to play Gayday Redemption II.
We could've had Brio and Koala in place of them.
I did.
I love deep cuts. Bring on Viscount
Theyre part of CNK content unfortunately. Which was promised with launch. Dark times.
>He doesn't play
>in-fucking-plying we aren’t getting them
They needed some kinda interesting characters for later
>these nobodies over N. Brio and Nina, or OBJ_Motherfucker
More options doesn't have to mean bad choices.
They're both ugly as fuck, but I like Zam's pitbull skin
Does anyone have the coin chart?
Brio was probably planned to be Prix Bait since the beginning. No one is going to play Grand Prix challenges for Zem and Zam.
You fucks are so ungrateful. You got Taawna, you got the trophy girls, you have more than one hope to see more characters like Brio in the future with the gran prixes and yet you STILL complain like the entitled babies you are.
Fucking. Pathetic.
They're in because they were in Nitro Kart. The game is all CTR content and all Nitro Kart content. That is literally it.
Sub-80 IQ thread.
Alternatively, I'm making discussion and you are taking this far too seriously.
Motherfucker, pretty much every Crash char is going to be in this racing game down the line even Spyro chars. Although i do agree most of the CNK chars are horrible aesthetically.
Why don’t you just undock your switch?
>Living with your parents
>Not owning your own television
Zam is cute, and Zem is based
PS4 lobby still up?
It's my brother. Can never fucking play when he's home.
Real niggas play General Tiny with the default camera so that the entire center of the screen is one giant blind spot.
Man up and tell him its your turn.
>Although i do agree most of the CNK chars are horrible aesthetically.
Only Zem and Zam, really. The rest look pretty much fine, even if Geary's kinda generic.
Anything but Rilla.
Are these guys from Spyro? Would explain
They are from CNK. Some of Velo's minions, probably.
>Nitro Kart characters were all designed by Chris Zembillas, who did the character design in the Naughty Dog era, so literally the same blood line as all the previous characters
I swear there's just a bias against the Nitro Kart characters because they never appeared in the PS1 era.
>not playing ctr with your bro
Currently I have beaten N.Tropy on every CTR track except Oxide station where I can't even unlock him holy SHIT kill me
Stay mad
Shut up Austin, dad doesn’t love you anyways
You have to be 18 to post here.
They're a lot uglier than these sketches, in all fairness.
>try electron avenue again
>can't be n.tropy anymore
I'm going to train until I'll shit my blue fire all over your motherfucking oxygen deprived face you double nigger
Oxide's minions
>have all of Coco's skins
>will never have the Star skin because I was too poor to pre-order
I don't get it either, CNK was the last pre-remake game that had any original guys working on it, and that actually looked and felt like a Crash Bandicoot.
The year after, Crash Twinsanity came out and ruined the whole series for over a decade, and ruined the fandom for all eternity.
Been grinding coins out on jungle boogie. What do you guys think is a good number to stop at fir the gp shit? I bought the summer pack and now I have 5.6k
Let's be perfectly clear, every character added after the original CTR is a waste of development time. No one gives a shit about the ugly alien twins, C3PO, a fucking purple egg and a 'lolsorandom shark with a frickin laser beam on it's head xD'.
Crash is NOT a series with iconic characters. I would have literally preferred the remake to ONLY feature the original roster (plus Oxide) to make it feel more focused, rather than adding every shitty nu Crash 'wanky the cuntfox' Sonic OC that the series has shit out.
That's just the closest one I could find of Velos final design. His sketch of Real Velo looks a lot like the in-game model. The worst thing the in-game models do is use textures that are too detailed.
Bitch, get on my level. My PS4 is part of my streaming rig, which is located 50km away from home.
>he did the PS1 designs that must mean the designs for another game are without flaw or scrutiny
if you want to believe leaks we're getting all that and more down the line
even if you don't theres still some massive holes in carts and character skins (a lot of the CTTR cars are still absent, crash's biker outfit is missing), and they already HAVE team racing carts so you could probably assume that the racers from that are coming down the line too
>Coco player
>Fucking poorfag
Not surprising really
Regardless, the original characters have way more charm. Oxide is the only alien character who looks good because of the silliness of his trunk, mostly. All the others look like bargain bin Orcs.
In this case, absolutely. The guy maintains a pretty consistent cartoony aesthetic that he still holds up in his most recent work.
post the leaks
>Please give me less content Daddy Activision
It will probably be in the pit stop some day. I still think there should be a slight difference to make it clear that it's the pit stop version, though. Nothing bad, just a slight change.
>Tfw the best one is not in the game
Give Fake Velo already. He had a slick french voice
VAs are really hit or miss there, but some I prefer to English ones
How would crash feel about all the waifufaggotry going on with his sister
Reminds me of The Gaming Brit for some reason
I had just been laid off user.
That would be fine really.
keep in mind everyone, this is the same kind of person who will turn around and blow his load if nina gets confirmed
kys zoomer before i do
Is it bad that I really love this game but I don’t know like 75% of the characters? I’ve only played Twinsanity and a little of the first insane trilogy game. Oh and that mutant crash games on like the ds
>Let's be perfectly clear, every character added after the original CTR is a waste of development time
>Unironically hating Chrunch and N. Trance
They are completely fine dude. The CNK OC's are the only ones that vould be considered bad. Hell, Nina would be great in this game too.
He would probably sleep.
I just don't get it. Nobody fucking bought Crash post-ND. Who is the audience for all these shitty Nu Crash characters created by a bunch of long-bankrupt shovelware studios?
Its too bad it didnt translate well over to CNK. Guys pretty good otherwise.
Are the new characters paid DLC or some other bullshit modern surprise mechanic? Or do you have to actually earn them like real OG's?
I'm 24
If you didn't play CNK you won't know any of the new characters since all them except Crunch and N. Trance were exclusive to that game.
>even if Geary's kinda generic.
Geary looks boring when you're just looking at him as a still image, but in motion, I'm legitimately surprised how expressive Beenox made him. His eyebrows and forehead move, his mouth can make different poses and everything, he's just fun to watch
>Crash Twinsanity came out and ruined the whole series for over a decade
How so, out of curiosity? I don't think I've played that one.
It's because can jerk off to nina but not zem and zam
motherfucker is in every arena, he was always meant to be an NPC since Crash 1
>Nu Crash characters created by a bunch of long-bankrupt shovelware studios
That's the thing, Vicarious Visions didn't die. So neither did their characters.
Coco is ugly!
My save file got just corrupted.
Rip 101% Adventure mode
Rip 18/32 Oxide time trials
There's more than one motherfucker, this is very well established.
Like I said before, I think it's the textures that ruin it. The design is very close to the concept art, and his color scheme is loud and vibrant, but what the fuck is all that skin detail
alright that's all 3rd hubworld done, its been refreshing since papu's pyramid.
>played the original a long time ago
>don’t know who any of these new people are
>see disinterested mime
>haven’t played anyone else since
>tfw I’m a normie
They still haven't fixed that? You'd think this would be an emergency patch situation.
His winning animation is literally kino. Once they bring the podium online I may have to abandon the speedchad master race just so I can style on people
>tfw this isn't gonna be a skin
The only people who like Crunch and N-Trance are the people who didnt play the Pre ND games and somehow grew up with Wrath and the Handheld games being their first exposure to the series. Similar to how Dark Souls 2 players will defend that game to their dying breath because they started with that. You might find a few outliers with those but the inclusion of these characters in coinciding bad games helped kill it off.
>mfw I had to buy them just so I can't buy future characters whithout these two faggots occupying the slots in the pit stop
I don't think much of Crash music but this one's a jam. It's intense but keeps the Crash vibes.
I don't know SHIT about post-Naughty Dog Crash. Does CTR have any brand new OCs? I wanna see if future crash characters will actually understand his Warner Bros design philosophy, or if we're gonna get more "rejected Jimmy Neutron Villain" shovelware trash we got in the 00's
nvm have to do polar pass again for some reason (corruption happened only on that attempt)
Just googled her, looks shit. Someone read My immortal and decided what Crash needed was a super special teenage girl self-insert character. Does NOT deserve a place in the roster.
now you're on my time
He reminds me of Baron Von Ghoulish
Just watch
>Vicarious Visions didn't die
They never made any new characters for Crash. These aren't their characters
Is this console specific? Or all platforms?
There's no NF exclusive characters unless you want to count Baby Crash and Coco.
Its a mixture of both. His VA did a fine job all things considering. Also Robot Velos design is one of the more passable ones.
It's clearly not his most inspired design regardless. How can you hold him up to something as inspired as Oxide and say, "Yeah, that green space goblin is as deeply inspired and alien as him." You cannot.
>disinterested mime
that's such a stupid name but I love it
Whose characters are they?
He's like Oxide without the autism and his VA is amazing.
Sorry to hear. They're suppose to be updating and fixing it by July 3rd. I advise anyone to just not play till then.
>How can you hold him up to something as inspired as Oxide and say, "Yeah, that green space goblin is as deeply inspired and alien as him." You cannot.
My Space Jam nostalgia gets in the way.
So I was playing just a moment ago and I saw a guy online playing as what looked like a worm wearing a mask. He was driving a hovercart. Idk if his character model glitched or what. Didnt take a pic but was wondering if you guys have seen something similar.
>Eat less, exercise more
Holy fucking based Crunch
Rumor is that it is caused by that bonus track on PS4. something something same memory address than other track, I don´t really know but thats something I heard.
This game fucking sucks the rubberband is ridiculous. Just beat Papu Papu and it just made me realize how blatant the rubber band is.
>Shot him with rocket
>he gets some form of superboost as soon as I pass so he's in the lead again 5 sec later.
Thinking about dropping the SP cause this garbage. Is the Multiplayer any good? Any rubberband there? How's Sonic Team Racing multiplayer?
The studios that created them. Not legally, but creatively.
It completely changed the tone of the series. It turned both Crash and Cortex into complete joke characters. It's the only game ever with a full a capella soundtrack, and thank god it's the only one. The humor was dialogue based instead of practical, taking away the little Crash had in screen presence and leaving him as literally just the pawn you play as. Also the game was very unfinished, because they scrapped their original, VASTLY superior idea, Crash Bandicoot: Evolution, for Crash Twinsanity, because Ratched & Clank had a similar plot. Boo fucking hoo. Just make some minor changes instead of throwing a fucking tantrum and ruining a classic series.
what's this? the nig-nog version?
I haven't played CNK, but his podium animation was the reason I main him now.
Him and Nash are the only good non CTR characters by miles.
That's actually kind of fair. I won't hold it against you.
I never played N.Tranced or any of the other handheld Crash games until very recently on an emulator and I think N.Trance's pretty neat; His design is commited to the main traits of the character, brainwashing & craziness. I dont think the egg in a mech design is that great, but from a more objective standpoint, I don't think there's much to object to with N.Trance's original design.
It's been sterilised since CNK however unfortunately, would love to see that King K Rool look on his eye or the stopwatches again.
Give me a single reason as to why those characters are bad without mentioning the quality of the game they came from (Which wouldn't even work with N. Trance since he came from an actually a good game)
This, and that's great because we got based Krunk, Norms and Geary.
>Which wouldn't even work with N. Trance since he came from an actually a good game
He's not from a Naughty Dog game?
>They never made any new characters for Crash.
N Trance
Who else keeping all PS2 literal whos locked forever? Keeping my coins saved up for Tawna and trophy girls.
Alright lads citadel city platinum's to go for paintjob, am I in for pain?
>How's Sonic Team Racing multiplayer?
Played locally with a friend on launch day, we had fun with it. From what I gather online is dead and matchmaking wasn't good but I heard the team is working on fixing it
Based and Dingopilled. Beach best skin
>The Cortex karts are a low poly, less detailed version of their in-game karts
Did they fuck up?
Top is better aesthetically but I like how the bottom kart looks like it's covered in blood
Shit taste detected.
Kill yourself, faggot.
I want the beach skin. I just didn't want all the other trash in the summer package.
The GBA games were made by Vicarious Visions
Well what are you waiting for? Win those races.
I'm grateful that they added the Nitro Kart boys. I never played CNK, so if it wasn't for Nitro Fueled I would have never known just how BASED Nash and the Norms are.
But seriously though, does Crash even know what sex is?
>Perhaps we should try out robot shark minions!
>But he lost
Yes, don't let CTTR meme you otherwise. He does like sex and he does in fact, want to save Tawna in the first game because he likes her.
how the fuck do you unlock penta
i always imagined crash having sex would be like how he approaches the polar bear segments in which he turns to the camera and raises his eyebrows a few times before he tackles it to ride.
With the difference being the polarbear would be nina cortex
The GBA games that N trance is from are just based off the Naughty Dog games anyway, even re uses their music.
Ok but you said he's from a GOOD game. he's not from a Naughty Dog game
Can I get uhhhhhhhhhhhhh some 'pinions on this?
My headcannon is that he fucked Tawna, then Tawna left him, then ever since he's been a complete wreck with girls, leaving him much more awkward when dealing with Pasadena later on.
Is the one on the left a girl? I hope so. I just fapped to it
That's strawberry jam
Is this real?
Cheat code
They look uninspiring or bland, pull from another character, outright retarded, or in the rare case like Fake Velo they work to a degree.
>Which wouldn't even work with N. Trance since he came from an actually a good game
Wrong. That was a pretty forgettable handheld pile of crap.
They need some good skins is all. They look like mobile phone game generic asset enemies for fuck sake.
>Zam has a really fucking awful dog skin for a legendary skin that makes him piss
Paint job/wheels don't really compliment Gearys skinjob
I've beaten Crash Nitro Kart, why don't I remember these guys?
>Then he'll fit right in!
Because their designs are fucking generic shovelware trash
>based off ND games
>mimic them like Wrath of Cortex did only in a much more shallow way and on a handheld
Sure lets go with that. I agree with maybe a few music tracks being passable.
top one is pure rad/10
makes me wanna go buy pingas off him
bottom one is neato as well
Wheels and Geary are based, but the paint looks a little too bright imo. Maybe go a gold or the mustard/whatever Papu's color is?
How come these two jackasses got legendary skins when the other NK bosses (or Papu Papu, for whatever reason) didn't?
>Despite her competitive streak however, her attitude quickly softens upon speaking to Crash for the first time. It's shown she has a crush on him, openly stating he's 'cute' and flirts with him. Whenever she asks for favors, he does them willingly but when she states she wants to kiss him or makes a similar suggestion, Crash would either look like he'll vomit or get frightened right in front of her meaning he's a little uncomfortable with Pasadena's feelings towards him. However, Crash himself has shown interest in her as he acted like a dog as a sign of him considering her attractive.
crash is literally a looney tune
The GBA games are suprisingly good, N-Tranced being the better of the 2. Emulate them and see for yourself.
>shovelware is good
Holy zoomer nostalgia batman
Oh I wasnt trying to imply they were quality games but just that I can see N trance in a naughty dog crash game.
Why mention Fake Velo when we are talking about Crunch and N. Trance? I already said I think the CNK folk look ugly
They're from Team Oxide which is quite frankly pretty forgetteable as a team. At least Team Trance has brainwashed Dingodile who looks insane, but Team Oxide has nothing
You're one of those tasteless drones that thinks Twinsanity is a underappreciated gem, aren't you
If I had to take a guess, I'd say the CNK bosses are having their legendary skins being saved for a future Grand Prix, more than likely to coincide with the release of the true final boss of CNK, False Emperor Velo and the CNK boss hover-bike.
Then the same concept applies from my prior comment. Add onto the fact they were pretty much nothing characters and added about as much use as a screen door on a submarine.
Gotta use dem shortcuts.
But yes, bosses rubberband like no one's business.
Twinsanity had potential, as it is though, it's a buggy pile of trash with an amazing soundtrack and good jokes.
not the guy you replied to
Not my fault you can't accept anything that isn't your childhood.
Why you shitposters always purposely misunderstand what people say about Twinsanity?
Nobody ever says it is sn underapprecciated gem, people always say it had clearly potential but it was ultimately wasted by time constraints and other production problems.
Man Velo's vehicle is cool as shit
I want to drive in that
They knew no one would play papu
>no budget licensed shovelware the game developed by no budget licensed shovelware the studio on no budget licensed shovelware the console
Poor deluded little zoomer
>Nothing about the game was anywhere close to good
>Fucking disgusting trash soundtrack
>"added about as much use as a screen door on a submarine"
>Both being Final Bosses and playable on multiple occasions is "not being used"
>people always say it had clearly potential
But it clearly didn't. Even the parts that were finished were utter trash.
I want to watch them rape Coco
>he doesn't like a cappella
How about you go listen to trashstep you braindead mongoloid
>Entire thread is entitled purist literally crying about having more content
When did this threads turn into Smash ones?
The animations in general in this game have so much soul it's ridiculous. As someone who has animated before, it's legit some of the best cartoony animation I've seen in a game. Especially Small Norm's podium animation. The way he stretches and bounces is great, so much effort and SOUL for a character who was pretty much a literally who.
They did the opposite though. Look at Small Norm in CNK compared to this. He's actually cute now! He was an ugly bastard before.
Zem and Zam are just ugly fucks and there's not really anything that could be done. I still like them, they're the game's Wario/Waluigi
Why did they feel the need to add so many garbage characters from those dogshit PS2-3 games? They should have spent that dev time working on performance so it could run at 60FPS.
I legit can't fathom who could possibly feel nostalgic about those trashfire games.
im still hoping for a full-on bike class
Most of them are really cute now.
I only feel like that image when it comes to Komodo Joe. The rest are fine.
Stop biting his bait you dumb motherfucker
>shows a perfect example of "realistic features on a cartoony face" ugly dreamworks shit.
>They did the opposite
Microtransactions when?
No, anyway here's some music
Fuck no, karts only.
>Real fucking music and instruments
Mouth noises isn't music
It's still an improvement over this shit m8
Crash cartoon series when?
Skylanders already got one
Then what are lyrics ya ding-dong diddly simp
>Uses "bait" as a downvote instead of it's actual meaning
Don't you ever fucking post here again, outsider
Turn characters were a mistake.
>terrible final bosses one of which was recycled 5x with a different element like a Pokemon
>defending their inclusion as hardly memorable nobodies
>anime image
>"lyrics are musical tunes"
Was this bait seriously supposed to fool anyone?
Not until we've purged the fandom of drooling Twinsanity faggots.
Titans didn't produce any cancerous fans, why did Twinsanity?
Reminder that Crash fucked your sister
>playing as Pinstripe
>boosting perfectly, loads of reserves, playing perfectly
>get DRASTICALLY outsped by a POLAR player who has no fire at all and is just hopping
What the FUCK is this shit? Is this some kind of bullshit new tech or something? It's not fucking froggying because I've tried that and it doesn't work in the remake. I've never been this angry in my life.
Oh my god, I need this. I already have black (skunk) Crash.
Twinsanity has zoomer nostalgia
time to return the favor
You expect soi boi zoomers to understand that?
That's an alien dog, user.
Been waiting for one since 2005
Its probably easier to adapt it for a cartoon than other video game properties considering Crash was based off Looney Tunes.
>zoom zoom doesn't know the difference between looney tunes and animaniacs
Don't you have some CalArts lesbian propaganda to watch?
Guys how do I do that fucking turn on Dragon Mine, whether I drift or hop it still ruins me.
I don't think it should be a Looney Tunes type cartoon. I'd like actual interesting stories with Crash, but obviously leave plenty of room for funny moments.
>Crash fucking Bandicoot
I want to clarify this fucker wasn't just going as fast as me, he was going like USF speed on Android Alley, what the FUCK
I love how fast Trance apparently got to work brainwashing Dingo.
You just don't. Its impossible. Never pick that map online.
Oxide Station is all about the blue fire, after the outside space jump you need to maintain it at least for a few bends then you'll be way ahead of trophy and likely end up with a better time than Oxide as well.
Youd know all about that from expercience eh? Nice freudian slip.
Yes, it's Crash Bandicoot, not Beavis and Butthead.
>defending CalArts
zoom zoooooom
Not him but Crash's world has a ton of potential for stories, especially now that they've reintroduced the CNK characters
Jump, release acceleration, tap break and hold down+right in the air, then press acceleration again when you hit the ground.
>Titans didn't produce any cancerous fans
Radical fans exist out there.
>Crash's world has a ton of potential for stories
No it doesn't.
Not him but interesting doesn't mean deep.
>Crash gets hit with a ray and becomes a bigger threat than Cortex forcing him to fight crash in a role reversal
>Uka Uka fires Cortex and hires someone else
>Tawna breaks up with Crash and fights over her with Pinstripe
>Crunch feels like he doesn't belong and almost turns evil again
It's so easy i'm shocked it hasn't been done
Where was i defending it? You brought it up in the first place. So from your slip of tongue we can deduce...
>zoomer who wants to be above that
>loves CalArts
Sounds pre simple to me. Now, coming to grips with these facts is another story and one that youll have to undertake. Should be amusing.
Uka Uka is having an orgasm while giving me Invincibility and I like it a lot
Why not? It has mad scientists, hypnotism, mutants, aliens, time travel, a bunch of different settings and characters.
The Production Bible laid enough groundwork for an entire series of games so it could easily be used to kick start a cartoon series hell the stories don't even have to be that deep just something other than "Cortex fights the accursed Bandicoot".
Then you're a fucking idiot. I bet you loved Crash Twinsanity as well.
the face isn't doing much for me but when i saw the body i knew the trombosis was begining
That's Subverse you're thinking of
They aren't actually froggying, that's just a connection issue. Think of it like the first day when everyone was teleporting around but much less severe.
>Lets take a pure and simple video game and slap on a bunch of garbage ass Jimmy Neutron "stories"
Why? What does any of this crap offer anyone?
Knowing modern cartoons
It'd have some lore and build up but otherwise each episode will just be a self contained typical situation of the week deal
Alternatively the Sonic Boom route works
N. Gin labs and hot air skyway are pretty awful but cortex castle and oxide station aren’t that bad really
>Huge Adventure rehash
>Crash of Titans
>Relationship drama?
>Character who already doesnt belong feels like he doesnt belong....but honestly that would just be a retread of thousands of other stories doing that
What will happen if we unexpectedly see tons of Megumi players online?
Well no obviously not since Twinsanity is the kind of Nick toon garbage you seem to want
Seriously, need Rilla Roo back along with Crash Bash
wait tawna and the trophy girls are in the game??????????
>I don't understand anything about what the brand should be
>just shoehorn whatever is popular into it
Those both sound like great scenarios. Damn, now I want this show too
>Tfw didn’t preordered but when I got my copy it had the download code inside
How does this happen? I thought they only send an exact amount on how many people preordered it. Some thing happened to me with the blimp from gta 5.
I've beaten all of Tropy's ghosts on the original CTR tracks except oxide station
Is it safe for me to beat his oxide station time or should I wait until the patch?
I don't have all the plat relics yet either
Why did you reply to yourself?
They put preorder codes in physical copies.
Most retailers didn't get the message to pull the codes out.
Are you fucking kidding me? Crash Twinsanity is the last thing I'd ever want to see in a Crash TV series, along with a series with no plot.
If you're on ps4 just wait for the patch to be safe, it's only a few days.
>people can't agree with each other
They'll be unlockable characters starting from the July 3rd update
I... I don't understand how Capture the Flag works. I have the Red flag, drive it back to Blue, and half the time nothing seems to happen. No points. No dropping off the flag. Nothing.
Playing against AI.
But twinsanity is the sort of budget grubbing sonic boom tier "self aware" cartoon trash you seem to want
XTC dealer skin
Walt Walter skin
titanbros are based
I always buy my games from Sainsburys (the supermarket) and they always have the pre-order bonus DLC in the box
>can't connect to servers
>People talking shit about N.Tranced
For a post Naughty Dog game on the GBA it is pretty well done for the most part. Now the limitation of being on the GBA hurts it, but level design wise it is mostly Crash as we know it actually on a 2d plane. They even do chase levels with crash coming towards the screen and all.
It might not hold a candle to the OG trilogy or CTR, but it still does the job it was given well enough.
Same. Also
Your flag is still away. People forget that in CTF you actually need to return your flag before you can cap theirs. Play ball.
At least an hour on hot air skyways platinum god damn
i cannot see any example of this desu
I got the Electron skins too.
Star Skins are different.
It's just a low effort shitposter. No arguments and buzzwords like "zoom zoom".
Zembillas is shit though. Naughty Dog's revisions and lore are better.
Seconding this
How is it entitlement when consumers want fucking content In their 60 dollar games in an age where these same games come with day one patches and dlc before the shit is even out?
What's the gayest/hottes/most fur-bait skins for Tiny? I'm doing my research before buying
I find that kinda hard to believe. Making some guy go through every copy and removing the code sounds like a huge waste of time and would be easier if the publisher just set two sets of copies.
Also when I got gta 5 at GameStop, the guy asked if I preordered and basically called me a loser for not doing so. When I got home the download code for the preorder blimp was there.
Uh, no? You seem to want a brainless cartoon with no story that leaves Crash as a useless prop just like Crash Twinsanity.
>pull the code out
no need, it will expire eventually
and even so, retailers won't open the copies to remove the code it's a waste of time and letting the stuff in is a good marketing tactic for the next game.
Notice how you can't actually call the game good? You need to say shit like "well for a [x] it's kinda okay for the most part..."
Don't make up excuses for it. It's just a straight up no effort shovelware game. Don't give it a fucking pass because it has the Crash name attached
His default? The guys wears nothing but a loincloth
default desu
>You seem to want a brainless cartoon with no story that leaves Crash as a useless prop just like Crash Twinsanity.
Yeah, see? The cartoon that you want.
Does anybody else feel like they changed the jump mechanic a tiny bit? Almost all of my jumps are just barely off. Getting the shortcut in crash beach is nearly impossible for me now.
yes the inertia is different
I think it's caused by the rounder ground
I specifically meant that I wanted a cartoon that had an actual story, that let Crash be a part of that story and not just the character that the camera follows, that wouldn't just be pure slapstick. That's literally the opposite of Crash Twinsanity.
I had input delay when playing on the switch, had to change TV settings to fix it.
Thank you my pals. I was under the impression that the game would have multiple non-recolor skins. My bad. I want to get fucked by Uniform Tiny!
That's so fucking convoluted
I feel like my account is just fucked because I have never once gotten 600 coins in a race even if I win.
I have a question guys
what's the best in case I run on an obligatory jump with a green booster
should I stop drifting to make the jump or should I continue to try to get my 3 perfect boosts?
It's legitimately a better Crash installment than fucking Wrath of Cortex at least.
imo the only thing that hurt it is it pulled too heavily from level designs and assets from the ND games, much like XS/Huge Adventure. Also the Coco and Crunch levels were kind of shit.
Crash for smash and Mario for CTR.
I've never liked the aliens, even Oxide.
Why are there no fish or bug mutants? Where's the femme fatale funnel web spider or the clumsy comedian blue ring octopus?
Sewer Speedway was a good track
>that let Crash be a part of that story and not just the character that the camera follows, that wouldn't just be pure slapstick
Then you don't understand the brand.
>as it is though, it's a buggy pile of trash with an amazing soundtrack and good jokes.
There's also the fact that a huge amount of the game was cut, so there's many missing levels and cutscenes, such as this one about the "Vice-Versa Reversa" machine that only gets brought up once in the final game.
I noticed that for turning and powersliding, too. It's kind of annoying but after a few hours yesterday I kinda got used to it. At least enough to start driving well again, still can't jump for shit though.
I've always worried about this but don't know how to fix it on my TV. It doesn't have a gaming mode as far as I can tell, it's too old. And I'll be damned if I ever let a """smart""" TV into my home.
How come you unlock N. Tropy for beating all of his times, but you seemingly get nothing for beating Oxide's times.
Two reasons you would:
1. Your reserves are low and you want SF/USF
2. The jump can be cleared without hopping anyway
Reasons you wouldn't.
1. The landing turbo is bigger and would grant more reserves than powersliding would.
2. It's a difficult jump
every citadel city relic has been an nightmare
I’m pretty sure all those characters except obj_motherfucker were datamined for future Grand Prix events
post more coco
It's never too late to fix fundamental flaws with the series.
I wouldn't be surprised, but I'm gonna need a source, my dude.
get a job and buy your own tv and console
I have my own Tv and console.
Imagine having such awful taste that you talk shit about Nash.
Post yfw you win 1st on a Tier 4 track on a weekend
god fucking damn the relic races are so frustrating
still sewer speedway, papu's pyramid and all 4 tracks in citadel city to go
Or else what, Wooper? You gonna 'woop' my ass?
Aaah. I see. That's what I get for not growing up with Quake/UT, I guess. That sort of coordination is pretty impossible with the AI though. I just held onto Red's flag right on top of my own base and let time run out. Won 2-0 anyway.
About to start the relic races, any hints for particular tracks?
is there a way to know your reserve level ?
How are these people online so good at throwing beakers?
Hey look, it's orange obj_motherfucker!
Reverse at the start of n gin lab to get the boxes
Some tracks like tiny arena are plattable by just going fast, others you really need to get all the boxes and that 10 second time off bonus to win. After one try you can easily work out which category a track falls into
Oxide station and N-gin labs to go for adventure mode platinums
Do you get anything out of doing CNK Relic Races and CTR challenges in Local Arcade? For that matter, can you do the Relic Races/CTR challenges from in Local Arcade and have them count in Adventure? Because it's easier to just pick stuff from a menu than to keep driving back and forth between areas.
Bros, I'm on the edge of returning this game. I want to keep playing but...This tweet, along with Fake Crash's "trans rights" skin....I just don't really want to encourage mental illness. Thought Beenox was /ourdev/ thought they were more based than this. What happened?
God just play the game you faggot
Not in the new game unfortunately
In the old game it would make a turbo spooling noise when your reserves were about to deplete
Fuck sake, terrible.
That's just PR, grow a spine.
What's hard to understand? Double points for multiplayer games for weekends, and happy hour every day which gives pentuple (the chart says half an hour of in game play but from my experience it seems to start after your first multiplayer game and end after an hour). Pentuple bonus is also doubled on weekends.
I'm convinced its lag. Ill get hit by shit I don't see or hear from behind me constantly. Never see a beaker fly at me or a bomb roll up on me but Ill just get hit and wipe out. Even happens on turns when I cant imagine it being possible to get beakerd
How did he tie that knife on his head if he got no arms?
@468712542 [YOu)
try better
If that's just PR why did they sneak tranny content in the game? I'm sure it's just a coincidence that Fake Crash has a blue and pink skin with rainbow pattern pants
BEENOX takes another victim
Looks like you hit an invisible wall. Not sure what is going on.
Is he in?
Failure to separate art from the artist applies here. Who gives a flying fuck what sexual orientation their employees feel the need to align with, at the end of the day it's all just fluff to appeal to a minority crowd with an annoying as fuck voice.
Got a pic of that?
On top of that, they're bitching about not having characters that we already know are going to be in anyway
this handsome lad.
that user is a retard who sees what isn't there
Forced Meme
19/31 time trials
I disagree with that, but the Acapella REALLY doesn't fit the crash atmosphere. But that's mostly because the first game has my favorite soundtrack, where it's all really dark and uses ambient noises.
>Blue shoes
Never seen that before, What the fuck, I thought that user what making shit up. This is bullshit.
You know there's a shortcut on the left?
Half the tracks in this game are borderline unplayable because theres so much clutter and some colissions are downright wrong.
>"there is a trans character guys! they're represented by the goofy retarded joke character that the west doesn't even acknowledge !"
so trannies are represented by a character with "fake" in its name, honestly it almost feels like an insult
>Mouth noises isn't music
What an uncultured little fuck. EVERY noise, no matter how annoying and unconventional, can be music. Listen to some based OSTs like Sonic CD sometime
Get the outside, then right in the middle and finish with the ones in the pit.
>the zam skin in the shop right now
The bosses always had the bullshit rubberband. Mind you bosses are a small portion of the game.
Grit it, there's worst to come.
>t. assblasted dev
Go back to work waggie
Where did Zem and Zam came from? Supposedly they're gasmoxians too, but did they knew Oxide before CNK? Or are they just hired racers working for Velo? Too bad that Nitro Kart didn't had a story mode with team Oxide and Team N.Trance, it would have been funny to watch all these characters interact with the bosses.
Florida skin
Chernobyl skin
So this... is the power... of turning characters...
According to the NF prequel comic they work for Oxide.
please don't bully my ripper, it's not his fault if every single other character in the game can do better than him
You get a skin for Tropy. If the reward was a character, a lot of people would complain that they'll never get to use said character
Idk I can see how you guys could make the connection but it just looks like a psychedelic skin to me. But the blue shoes being away from the pink is something to note. Just my opinion.
eh, boring.
Personally I think it should be a platinum relic themed skin for all characters, just as relic races unlocked the paint job.
Absolutely Disgusting
So what? Lets say that you are exactly right and they did that deliberately. Who gives a shit?
personally I'm doing them for the PS4 platinum trophy
Can you play it on PC if you buy it through the microsoft store?
Fake crash is also a braindead moron, so take that as you will
I'm playing on switch so I don't have anything like that.
>hating the a capella soundtrack
Shit taste, fampai
>zem is a gasmoxian
>burps all the time
deepest lore
>Oxide's already converted every other planet in the solar system
God damn, how bad must the martians be at racing?
> picks one of the handful of half-decent tracks in the game
Most of the music is absolute trash.
>Tropy kind of flubs and takes his time the first two laps
>Comes for your anus at 380,000 mph the final lap
guess the track
It's a gasmoxian dog who makes pig noises
slide coliseum?
Tiny Temple?
I honestly can't remember.
You might be able to stream it
Most of you is absolute trash
post more webms
Zem is the Wario of CTR.
ok but who is the funky kong(s)
Fucking perfect
Is my wife Megumi not in the game? I thought you were going to add the trophy girls but I can't find a single gameplay clip of her.
Nash is the only character as based as Funky Kong.
Until July 3rd this is all we got. Nobody recorded her at E3.
Beach Dingodile
>Time Trial
>Do really good the first time on a track
>Unlock N. Tropy
>Your time is faster than his, but it doesn't count unless you race him
>Can't replicate the success you did the first time
>Pentanigger not at least keeping up with you
Fucking shameful.
Honestyl hoping for a patch that fixes this. I got better times than oxide on 60% of the tracks but I really dont want to have to do it again.
So based
Me. Zam is life.
That's really sad. I wonder why nobody would record a cutie like her. I love Megumi!
The fact that the Polar player was able to hit EVERYONE else makes this even more satisfying. Seven hits, no misses, all human players. Absolutely glorious.
You don't get anything for doing the CNK stuff.
I can confirm that completing it in arcade does not count towards adventure progress.
I also highly doubt there are any rewards for doing relic races or CTR challenges in the arcade as there is no way of tracking which ones you have completed unlike time trials
The second grand prix looks kino
They know their place around me
holy fuck if political correctness gone mad takes away my psychedelics, im going to throw a brick at you, mark
What does everyone like about crikey?
It's not bad looking but it's nothing special.
>Nobody recorded her at E3.
You guys can't be serious. Megumi is an eyesore. She's a garish whale. An annoying, loud, airheaded slut that offers nothing to anyone or anything. In fact she actively devalues this game by being there. I wish I could prevent her from showing up in the pit stop, prevent her from showing up on character select. I can almost smell her flabberous odor through the pics and webms that people post let alone my TV screen, to say nothing of how visually unappealing she is. Can you imagine MAINING that ill-dressed tub of lard? It'd probably take years off your lifespan from your body's natural fight or flight response alone. If Megumi exists for any reason it's to get put down and bullied by everyone else. If Megumi has any value, it's as a comedic outlet and a low bar to make the other girls look better.
And thats not even showing the track's theme. According to the Beenox Co-director the track is about what would happen if Fake Crash stole N. Trppy's staff and you suppossedly race trought a prehistoric Fake Crash community and Dinosaurs with giant teeth.
Lads, how have NONE of you got reaction images of the anime drawn Trophy girls in Slide coliseum? Are you too distracted by the giant holograms of them? Look at the side, there is fucking qt as fuck anime versions ALL over the racer track
It's alright. Nobody recorded Ami either.
N-gin labs platinum is impossible
someone posted them in a recent thread but I didnt save it
I'm going to be N. Tropy's friend!
See how long that friendship lasts after he corrupts your save.
>it's a someone is about a minute ahead of you online race
You don't choose who you buy in the store. There's one slot that changes daily but if you buy it a new character appears
>I want to get fucked by Uniform Tiny!
You think this now, but just wait until you realize how fucking how he looks in the football outfit.
Even Ami was recorded
just go faster lol
what skin?
I think we will get through it. It's all about communi-[ERROR]
At least they had cotton candy.
I love how they combined the egyptian and arabian levels of crash 3
>Just did all platinum relics on hard
God I'm so, so aroused right now.
>making the ugliest character in the game the tranny rep
based beenis dabbing on trannies
>CTR devs support trannys
Not surprised.
Whoever was in charge of placing the C in Mystery Caves can eat a bag of dicks
He also has rainbow shorts.
Name one western dev that hasn't done a trans
rights post and then you can have my outrage.
How dare you talk like that about my wife! I'll have you Megumi is a sweet little piece of blueberry pie, she is NOT fat!
That's a bummer. Between the Adventure Mode making you replay CTR tracks constantly, and even all of the shortcut trophies/achievements only being about the CTR levels, there's really no incentive at all to play the CNK tracks, is there?
I think it'd be nice if you could just select levels from a menu while you're in Adventure Mode.
Oh well.
>been playing the shit out of the Switch version at work
>have unlocked practically nothing on the PS4 version
it's kind of a vicious cycle and it's killing my motivation, I really don't want to do all those Platinum Relics again
Is that the one that blends in with the background? Get used to that shit.
My strat has always been to reverse, get all the 3 second boxes behind the start, then continue the track.
call this a night, probably one of the hardest thing i've ever had to do in a video game
Who do you guys love schooling the most in online races? For me it's N. Tropy tryhards followed by Penta shitters.
The day/night thing is really neat, but in terms of being a fun level to play, I'm not so sure. It lacks verticality.
Anyone who has some Twitch name or something that sounds like they're streaming themselves online.
I intentionally do whatever I can to fuck any of them over.
Tiny mains
I target them with my items exclusively.
Your wife Megumi has stinky feet!
Original Trillogy > N-Sane Trilogy
Nitro Dueld > Original CTR
Instead of treating the boxes at the end as a row of 4x3, treat it as a row of 3x4
The person ahead of me, alternatively, the guy who knocks me down to 6th-7th, always satisfying to pass them up or hit them with an item.
I hope you people realize that saying you did the Platinum Relics on Hard means nothing when it's the exact same times as Medium.
Anyone got a link to that CTRNF characters tiermaker thing?
objectively correct
That's a lie! My wife Megumi's feet smell like lavander.
can't stop playing as ripper roo
>tnt sticker
>not 1 but 2 Krunks
Holy shit, they are multiplying.
I don't want a job. I want my old job back.
What's that slick paint job?
>team bandicoot kart
>airbrush decal
>team bandicoot paint job
>only have 5 plat relics left
im so close i can taste that fuckin paint
I can't imagine paint would taste that good
Krunk has some charm in this game. He just looks so dejected and miserable while idle. His jump and losing animation are also funny. If I could playing handling characters I'd play him more
Taste this you little SKUNK
I was unaware of how big Ripper Roo was. He looks like he would be a little shorty but he towers over most the cast
I really want chef N. Gin in the pit stop because I got an awesome fashion idea.
>Chef N. Gin costume
>Hovercraft with platinum paint job
>You now have a chef on a silver plate
>implying this hasn't already happened to me
>implying I dont backup my save every hour
3/10 you tried
>beating Oxide left and right all day
it's literally do the shortcut 3 times and win for most tracks, I hated doing Sewer Speedway though, I still don't get that jump 100% and its infuriating
hihg iq post
>all this customization and yet I stick to regular Pinstripe with his CTR kart and color
How many cloud servers and USB sticks are going to mysteriously malfunction over the next week? Can anyone stop him?
>tfw your save has never been corrupted
Well, how about mouth sounds?
I'm a Switchad, bite my ass you blue nigger.
>someone driving up my ass
>they fire a bowling bomb
>just narrowly brushes my kart
>he tries again
>tries with his final bomb
>still fails
>I was only slightly steering to the side to avoid them the entire time
star skins are oxide edition, electron is any pre-order
Those bombs are wonky at best. I don't know which is worse Bomb or Rockets
I'm gonna fucking masturbate right NOW
>Someone throws a bomb at me
>It visibly misses my kart
>But I still get hit by it
I need to find this fucking model, it's so damn good. I hope she looks exactly like this in Nitro-Fueled.
It's almost 3AM and I'm not even playing CTR, just lurking this thread. Thankfully we're almost at bumplimit so I can go to sleep soon.
I love you guys tho, these threads have been really comfy ever since pre-release. I don't even lurk anything else on Yea Forums.
She looks like a chimp
What is the key to making it last longer? I have seen it said that you only need not hit walls, but that doesn't seem to be true. Something something reserve boost?
Holy shit, she looks amazing. Where did you find that?
jokes on you we will have another thread instantly after this one
On Twitter, I have no idea who made it though or if they uploaded it anywhere.
I hope she never shows her fucking face in any Crash game again.
I didn't know any shortcuts on Out of Time and still DNFed people a lot (I assumed this track was filled with invisible walls and out of bounds), but then another player in another race got so far ahead, I ended up studying the minimap more than actually racing
Same dude, i´ve been replaying the OG on my vita and these threads have been really good while i wait for the PC port
The fuck you talking about, autist? I play games on my 4K HDR tv with surround sound
so what class will you guys think the new announced and datamined racers will be
Crash threads are very comfy. These were a living hell to keep alive back in 2010-2016.
Only have 4 left, just did N.Gin Labs
>Something something reserve boost?
Exactly. Doing perfect boosts add to your reserves and increase the duration of your fire.
Is it even possible to get all those purple gems within the time limit?
Yes? Which one are you having trouble with?