Steam Sale thread
Has anyone played Dawn of Man? It popped up on my list and seems interesting, but it looks like it might be too ambitious and unfinished.
Steam Sale thread
Has anyone played Dawn of Man? It popped up on my list and seems interesting, but it looks like it might be too ambitious and unfinished.
Other urls found in this thread:
It's in early access, many features are broken.
Wait for final
>deep rock 30%
Ill wait till xmas 50%
should I get roller coaster tycoon deluxe+2 or roller coaster tycoon classic? Whats the difference?
I bought
>Yakuza 0
>Sleepy Dogs
>Hollow Knight (already played through on pirated version)
>Lobotomy Corporation
>West of Loathing
Pls rec more because I'm a glutton
Not related to the sale but I'm going to post this here just in case anyone was having the same problem as me. So for the past few days I've been noticing that my monitor and my computer no longer go to sleep after a period of inactivity. I finally realized it was because of Steam. If you go onto the store page and a preview video starts playing and then you close the Steam window and minimize it to the tray the video is still considered to be playing and will continue to consume CPU resources. This also has the side effect of not allowing your monitor or computer to sleep if you have it set to do so for a certain amount of time.
A way to get around this without closing Steam entirely is to make sure you are on a page where no video can be played like your game library when you close the Steam window.
Why is Steam acting like I haven't been repping cocks since day 1?
do these games have much replay value?
It doesn't say early access though.
Metal Gear Rising, or Bayonetta? Also is Tyranny any good?
So is Elite Dangerous a snorefest? Any decent space/survival games?
>So is Elite Dangerous a snorefest?
Yes, that's the appeal of it.
which DLCs for pathfinder are actually worth it?
are the companions as terrible as I hear?
Tyranny was free a few months ago. It is okay. A little lacking.
I kinda want to get Deep Rock Galactic but I feel like it's gonna be l4d all over again, where it could be fun if you had friends to play it with, but since I don't, I'm gonna get bored after a couple of hours with pubs
just get vermintide 2, the game has a pretty in-depth gearing/leveling side to it, so you always have something to work for
>tfw no games to play
is this how women feel when they look into a full drawer and claim they got no clothes to wear?
Grim dawn is a pretty neat diablo like game. Its your only good choice that isn't always online.
this was pretty much my exact experience with the game.
This game any good?
any games that are mario party-like that can do more than 4 players online?
I enjoyed MGR more
both are good though
I have a free five dollars, should I get Age of Empires 2, Metro Last Light Redux (have the original 2033 to play), or Dark Messiah + Prince of Persia? Any suggestions are appreciated. I like most genres except RTS.
you'll get the most out of AOE2 and DM+PoP. MLL just looks nice but its really short and the AI is braindead retarded, its just not fun to play.
Reminder to get Blood Bowl 2 for five bucks and join the Yea Forums league to get mad at rng with anons
It's a fun strategy game where warhammer races fucking kill each other while trying to take a ball into an endzone.
Played it with friends, minigames are mostly fun but the boardgame part is boring and way more rng heavy than mario party somehow
Dark Messiah is great. The Redux metros are kinda meh
It's fun if you have 2 friends to play it with otherwise you better find solo grinding bounties fun
t. 300+ hours
RollerCoaster Tycoon Classic is RCT 1 + 2 combined and was originally developed for mobile devices.
Which one takes more skill? From what I've seen of Bayonetta, it looks like it can be button mashed pretty easily, don't know that much about MGR. I've played all the DMC games and really enjoy the complexity of Dante's styles and weapon switching and Nero exceed and new abilities in 5.
Damn, are the non-redux versions of Last Light any good? Or should I just stick with the original 2033 I have?
I played jackbox at a friends house once, and found it to be really kewl.
Should I buy one of their packs? if so, which one? They're a bit expensive so I can't buy all of them
Not him, but the two games are kind of skill-less. In MGR, parrying is way too easy, especially on Reverence, and Bayonetta has some cheese as well. I would say Bayonetta is the more skillful one, but MGR was a more enjoyable experience IMO.
no non redux is even worse. 2033 is great though and the AI is completely different and actually challenging
meh, I was specifically interested in DRG because it has this sorta aliens-like vibe to it, not interested in vermintide
Interesting, thanks. I'll just hold off on it then, maybe if I finish and complete 2033, I'll consider buying Last Light.
Finally got DOOM. Any other recommendations?
Don't you only need one game?
Should I get Payday 2 with the DLC?
DOOM Eternal
Ultimate Doom
Doom 2
Doom 3
>originally developed for mobile devices.
is that a redflag? if its RCT1+2 it might be a more convenient to get then buying RCT 1 and 2 separately
Is it a good game for listening to podcasts?
What do the dlc add?
what a fucking shit show. atelier games not even on sale. bought killer 7
Should I get Dark Souls 1 on the sale or should I get the Switch version instead?
if its the mindless slaughter you like, I'd recommend Vermintide 2. Its like the melee version of doom.
get it on pc
why didn't you buy it before the price was increased
What's something me and my wife can play?
Dirty leaf lover
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
What genres does she like to play?
Me and my girl enjoyed playing Pit People together
I don't trust anyone to deliver on anything.
Guys, I bought CS: Source and steam gave me a guest pass that says it let me play the full game for a time limit, what does it mean?
my old time favorite
I don't like this game, it hurts
what are the best deals
have I missed any good deals
loads of secrets
and the higher difficulties are fun
I bought it, played two mini games that were shit and cringe and refunded it.I do not recommend.
is slay the spire worth it?
I have 150~ games on Steam, 35 games are never touched or incompleted. I don't like having that backlog, so I'm very careful what i'm buying.
my wife and I had a great time with ibb&obb
Played a few minutes at a friend's house and it looked really fun. I think the price is a little high for what seemed like a basic card battling game but I didn't look much into it and he says it's worth the full price and so do many people online. I'm thinking of getting it while it's on sale.
Anybody else have any opinions on Slay the Spire?
I was actually trying to remember the name of this game to look for it on the sale but couldn't remember and then I saw this post lol
Thinking of buying Rome 2: Total War but the game + DLCs is quite expensive. How do they work? I see that there are campaign packs, culture (faction?) packs. Are they nessesary? For example i will buy Rise of the republic campaign pack, will it be added as a separate campaign or what? What about faction packs?
Boy I was single till 25 , you can make it. unless you older than that
Any one have the problem with your wishlist doesn't stay in compact view and go back to expanded every time you reload?
Campaign packs are completely seperate campaigns.
Culture packs let you play different factions in the main campaign.
Any fun hidden horror gems? Darkwood and Lost in Vivo are two of my favs from past years. No Outlast type shit though please.
Unrelated to the thread but if you've got a PS4, Until Dawn. You control it while she calls the shots. Me and an ex did that with The Walking Dead games and had a good time with it. I say Until Dawn instead of TWD since choices matter much more in UD.
I need help. Do I get starbound or do I get slime rancher?
Not sure if it's my cup of tea and a bit out of current price range. I'll wishlist and think on it. Thanks.
Slime Rancher.
Both are pretty bad choices, user. Starbound has some shit design choices that make it more about exploring than settling, and the exploration is boring as fuck. Slime rancher is closer to an idle game that anything else.
If you've got VR, Hotas and a comfy recliner it's objectively one of the most immesive games ever.
Any recommendations for a
Did I miss the GOG sale or has it not been announced or anythin* yet?
All diablo likes are
classes and content, the crucible adds a gauntlet kinda mode.
Nothing like breaking shit.
Thank you for the suggestions, will keep looking for a good indie game to bite down onto for a while but will go slime rancher if can't find anything.
Not a very good sale, but is this worth it?
missed it
>max cap can only be increased with real dollars
>farming points
reed tribe big smarts. grug in awe of shine badge size.
will the 90% dark souls remastered discount work as a gift? Trying to buy it for myself and a friend
is towerclimb any good?
so can steam fuck me up for the starbound exploit?
you can't stock up discounts can you?
Two Point Hospital or Surviving Mars?
Two Point Hospital is Theme Hospital with updated graphics. Surviving Mars was boring IMHO. You have robots building a colony then have humans colonize it. The humans then annoy you. I think Tropico has better mechanics.
thanks for the help
so if i Have 15.000 max points, and I get 15.000 points, I get the discount, I can fill 15.000 points or do I have to keep spending money?
I'm stuck between Hitman 2, Elex and No Man's Sky. Heard the nu Hitman games were actually good and that NMS got patched into a decent game, while Elex looks pretty fun but everyone says it's clunky. Any tips?
Should I get Skullgirl or Crypt of the Necrodancer or Spelunky?
>YIIK just for watching the shitshow
>Dark Souls Remastered (Got -90%)
get classic. It comes with RCT1 and 2 with all of 2's expansion pack.
fucking this.
Hitman. Regardless of how many patches NMS has had, the dev still flat out lied and misled buyers before and after launch. Don't support that scumbaggery.
Rome II TW or Lobotomy Corporation bros?
Morrowind. Torrent yiik if you're that interested. Torrent vtmb too, never buy it because the studio doesn't exist and your money goes to EA.
Well, it's not like the original Hitman episode model wasn't scummy as hell.
My issue with NMS on the PC is that it is more expensive than the console versions. At this point, you will get at least $20 out of it. Hitman 2 was fun, but I fucked around in it. If you just rush through it, it is quick. Elex as a mess for me. I know some people love that style of game, but I always hated Gothic series
>bought Dark Souls PTDE 5 years ago but still haven't played it
>remastered version is 4 dollarydoos
Should I buy it lads?
I've traded with several anons in the past few days, and even though it won't due any good to have any of them vouch on Yea Forums, they've all left comments showing that I'm not a scammer. So if there's something here you want to trade for, let me know.
I guess I'm going for Hitman. Thanks mangs.
pls no
X4 foundatione
House of the dying sun is good if it’s uo there for cheap. It’s not exploration based and is combat focused but it’s fun
Do your max points reset every day? Yesterday, I did those quests to up your max points, but now I'm back to 100.
If you’re into sci-fi I can’t recommend Warhammer 40k Inquisitor martyr enough. Same guys from Grim Dawn.
it was sony's fault for overhyping the game tho
>buying VNs
>buying remasters
>buying twenty year old beth games
>supporting activision
Should I buy Stardew valley?
Good Christ don’t listen to him user. Redux metros are 10x better then the regular ones.
Buy more products if you want points. Remember, every $150 you spend you get $5 free.
Why the hell would your money go to EA?
Elex is a really good Gothic game.
Was it Sony that made the director go to interviews and say the game had multiplayer when it absolutely did not?
I've got enough points to get two coupons just from achievements. The problem is I can only claim 100 of them, even though yesterday I was able to claim about 6,000.
yes, you should get atleast 100 hours from it
>that one autist that shills blood bowl 2 every single year
>No Man's Sky
Activision, whatever. Same difference.
Pls answer me i'm a brainlet
Your max point balance increases by 100 each day. The only ways to increase it is to buy games, do the Qualifier Tasks, and switch teams.
Campaign packs are mini campaigns that focus on specific time periods
Culture packs add new factions to the game for base play.
Really, after all the updates I can say I’d recommend it. It’s worth it if you love antiquity. Mods are also freely available and for the most part very good.
Yeah, but back to my original question, does the max balance reset every day? I was able to claim 6,000 points because I bought a game and did the Qualifier Tasks, but today it's only letting me claim 100 points.
No, the points that you already boosted won't get reset.
Whats this 90% off dark souls thing?
How is This Is The Police 2? I liked the first one well enough but I did think it needed more engaging gameplay. I’m also in a deep need for more cop games.
Shame that genre is pretty dead. I’d love a new SWAT game or maybe a detective/investigation game with free roam elements.
Can i switch teams then later switch back? I dont want to leave corgi
if you own ptd you get an extra 50% off
>I always hated Gothic series
t. literal NMS fag
Oh ok, I own it on one account but not the other so didn't realize that. Guess I should pick that up then.
elex is drek. jsut get gothic 1+2
Is Deep Rock fun with no friends to play it with? Also looking at Darkwood, Blood Bowl 2, Heroes of Hammerwatch, Pathfinder, Turok 2, Disgaea 2 and DUSK, or the DUSK/AMID EVIL duo pack. Any opinions on anything?
Darkwood is pretty good. I've just pirated Dusk and Amid Evil. Dusk is pretty damn good and bout to try the other.
Got that 5 dollar discount sittin' around here. No clue if theres anything else left out there worth spending it on right now though.
How are:
>Conan: Exiles
>Hitman 2's new DLC
>7 Days to Die
>Stardew Valley
>Streets of Rogue
>Final Fantasy 14
>Is Deep Rock fun with no friends to play it with?
Uhhhh. I want to say yes, but once my friends dropped it I stopped playing after a few weeks.
Yes if you're ok with crafting mechanics.
>Blood Bowl 2
Yes. Also join Yea Forumsirgin league, we're having a rookie division for newfriends
>Heroes of Hammerwatch
Better than the first one, but it's really meant to be played in mp.
>DUSK, or the DUSK/AMID EVIL duo pack.
Yes to both. Solid picks if you're into retro fps
Need opinions on:
AC Syndicate
Sleeping Dogs
Divinity Original Sin
>Sleeping Dogs
For two bucks, a no brainer
>Sleeping Dogs
Very yes
>Divinity Original Sin
Very yes
ever tried
Is Divinity Original Sin alright to play solo? Are there any advantage the PC version has over PS4? They're the same price.
you could switch to back to corgi but its random
Cool choice and consequence, hate card games though.
>sleepy dogs
Best two pound game on the market.
I feel like my cart is solid so far but need other anons opinions
Conan and Streets are pretty solid. 7 Days is hot garbage.
Of the two, I prefer Dusk. For some reason, Amid Evil isn't really clicking with me but it's fun. I'd say the bundle is a good deal.
No clue about the PS4 version, I don't own a console
>Is Divinity Original Sin alright to play solo?
Yeah. It has this system where you have two main characters and each one gets to weigh in during conversation choices, but you can either set the AI to always agree with you or pick it manually for both characters if you feel like RPing their opinions
Every part of Mad Max is boring repetitive garbage. The open world is Ubisoft tier with its fucking copypasted content and fortresses you have to take down and the combat is like Arkham games but even more mindless somehow
Are there any games that feature tense plot sequences and/or atmosphere? It can be from any genre.
How did this game turn out?
I would wait on the LEGO games. Fanatical has deeper sales on them fairly often. Same with Mad Max.
Can I idle tomorrow the same game I've idled today for points?
I agree with this mad max sucks. Atleast wait for the new lego game that has all 9 movies. Also the new trilogy sucks
ah you forgot garfield cart
is there a limit on how many times i can switch?
Elite is a grindfest. I've never seen a full priced game so adamant about wasting a player's time with bullshit that puts some F2P games to shame.
Can you hold onto the discount for the whole sale?
Don't listen to the other anons. Mad Max is pretty fun, just repetitive. I myself never got tired of all the combat and beautiful explosions.
Do you guys recommend Pillars of Eternity ? I've never play an RPG in my fucking life and someone recommend that one.
How is the Basement Collection? Are these games any good? I've never really heard much discussion about Steakmund's pre-meat boy work
Can I get some low-spec co-op recommendations?
Just go play them on newgrounds. There's nothing worth paying for there. Time fcuk and Aether are cool.
Mad Max has a ton of great ideas. Definitely worth it for 5 bucks
Titan's Quest
Sleepy Dawgs is a steal for 2 dorra. I liked Mad Max but it's usually a dolla cheaper over on Fanatical.
Probably not, but the switch thingy pops up at random so you might not get another chance
Wrong Wrong Wrong
Get open rct2
Bioshock remastered, alien: isolation
My wishlist. Rate, Hate, suggest games. It's all good.
DOOM (2016)
Pathologic 2 (might wait since it's apparently coming to the Xbox pass thing)
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
Worms Armageddon
7 Days to Die
1954 Alcatraz
Hotline Miami 2
Space Engine
Elite Dangerous
The Deed
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
The Hex
Dead Rising 4
Rage 2
Late Shift
Ni No Kuni 2
This is the police 2
WWE 2k19
Them & Us
HITMAN- GOTY Legacy Pack (Have the base HM2 game of course, and own the first on console)
Blood: Fresh Supply
Devolver Bootleg
Universe Sandbox 2
Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments
Yakuza Kiwami
Should I pull the trigger or not?
What would you drop off and why? Or replace with?
fucking GP quests are not updating my progress...
>WWE 2k19
what the fuck
This game is so absolutely shameless in your need to spend money to take part that it took me forever to understand how it works. One wouldn't normally even imagine they would be that fucking shameless.
I've got keys for Dead Rising 4 and Late Shift, if you wanted to trade for something cheaper from my wishlist. I've traded with a few anons in these threads the last few days, so "dude, trust me, bro." Add me if you're interested.
Fuck no. It's most anti-fun gameplay in rpgs, ever. If you really need such game, Pathfinder is miles ahead.
Or do yourself a favor and find Temple of Elemental Evil.
I like the creation mode. It fills my autism quota. Not even kidding. I spend endless hours creating characters, but never play the actual game.
I might do that, I'll have a look at what you want. Thanks man.
is ni no kuni ii any good
i'm seeing it cheaper than steam on here
>switch teams
Wait, is this even possible? How the fuck?
Is FFXIV a good first mmo to get into?
The starbound exploit still working?
Thicc demon orc doom/strife-like on sale
Dead Rising 3 or 4? Or just skip? I already played the shit out of DR 1 and 2.
It's the MMO with the largest playerbase right now.
If you find that really appealing and manage to make some friends, you might survive the awful crawl that it is to make it from LV 1-60 to get to the fun shit.
Otherwise, it'll be the most slow, boring, lonely miserable game you'll ever play.
Its easy and boring desu.
Any good sci-fi RPGs that aren't Mass effect?
Getting into MMOs is pretty dumb in general. You're just asking to waste countless hours with soulless grinding, fetch quests, and low quality gameplay overall.
What exploit?
Yeah, I should probably remove that. It's such a meme game, and I've played Fortnite for free, and it was not my kind of thing.
Dead rising 3 is not great but its not horrible. 4 is an absolute piece of dogshit. Do you have all the side games for DR2 like case west?
You can just download and play the actual WAD for free if you have a copy of Doom II.
To anons who have played either/both, is Mutant Year Zero or Phantom Doctrine the better game?
The soda exploit
>DOOM (2016)
Fucking awesome game
>Pathologic 2 (might wait since it's apparently coming to the Xbox pass thing)
The game is super clunky and is basically entirely carried by the soul. Only pay more then 10 bucks if you really want to support the devs
Fuck no. Dead game that was destroyed by a shitload of stupid design choices. Only play it if you're gonna treat it like a second job.
>Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
Ehhh It's okay. Maybe not 15 bucks okay but that's up to you
Early access. Don't pay money for that shit nigga
>Worms Armageddon
If you have bros to play it with sure
>7 Days to Die
Only 9 bucks but they're pretty obviously never gonna finish it. Although I know people still dump a fuckton of time into it.
>1954 Alcatraz
Never played
>Hotline Miami 2
>Space Engine
Never played
>Elite Dangerous
Never played
>The Deed
Never played
>SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
it's mediocre. the level design is pretty flat
>The Hex
Never played
>Dead Rising 4
Fuck no. It's a rancid pile of trash
>Rage 2
Wait for it to go under $20. Trust me you're not missing out on much. It's aggressively okay
lmao no
>Late Shift
never played
>Ni No Kuni 2
never played
They cancelled development before the game was even finished
>This is the police 2
Never played
>WWE 2k19
Only if you're gonna be running Jermabowls
early access. wait.
>Them & Us
never played
>HITMAN- GOTY Legacy Pack (Have the base HM2 game of course, and own the first on console)
never played
>Blood: Fresh Supply
They aren't done fixing the game. Wait.
>Devolver Bootleg
No. Half baked meme shit to capitalize on E3
>Universe Sandbox 2
never played
>Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments
never played
never played
>Yakuza Kiwami
Emulate the real first game. Kiwami games remove a lot of the SOUL (aka replacing actual cutscenes with text boxes)
Is it really that bad of a grind? How fun is the fun stuff and how does my level effect it?
I've read that this mmo has a decent story and exploration on par with a quality sp game.
Thanks man for critiquing every game. It actually helps a lot.
Best DBZ game to get? Preferably with create-a-fighter
And what's with it? You can get as much points as you want but you won't get above maximum anyway.
Why the fuck is everyone jockeying for second place? If everyone would use their slowdowns on corgis it might be an even race. I can't believe we're being beaten by redditfags. They pit us against each other and they're running away with every race.
>spend 50 dollars to grind up points and hopefully switch teams to based cock bros
>get no switch teams drops
a-at least i bought their emotes...
Keep an eye on Fanatical for Middle-earth. I was able to get it with all DLC for around $5 a few years ago. Still haven't played it.
different publisher tho
I think only Xeno games have that???
Anyone got any suggestions for turn based strategy games? I like Xcom (both old and new), Warhammer 40k Mechanicus and Battle Brothers.
shadowrun didn't really grab my attention, thinking of picking up shadowrun hong kong, bad or good idea?
not really used to this sort of gameplay but want something polished/sci-fi.
Hard West. Mutant Year Zero. The Banner Saga.
Spelunky is head and shoulders above Necrodancer which is pretty good in it's own right.
I have only played a little skullgirls but desu I have a hard time imagining it would be better value than spelunky unless you are autistically focused on fighting games and anime titties.
Spelunky is among my fave games of all time.
Shadowrun Dragonfall is balanced between story and fight. Hongkong is more about story than fight and there is lot of talking. It's still great RPG and game overall.
there's more people on team corgi than the rest of the teams combined
If you're up for the trade, I can do both DR4 and Late Shift for Deadbolt ($2.50) and Saints Row 4 complete ($5).
What should I do with my remaining points? No chance in fuck I'm spending enough to get more max points for another $5 coupon.
Please respond ;_;
>Hard West
At that price I might as well just get it regardless of quality
The other two have some real neat settings on first look, thanks user.
How good are the .hack//G.U. games? should i get .hack or cold steel? i have mixed feelings about cold steel but at least i know what i'm getting into
Should I get Dusk or Lobotomy Corporation
REMOVE HARE remove kebab
you are worst car. you are the hare idiot you are the hare smell. return to erp. to our pig cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,tortistan we will never forgeve you. rabbit rascal FUck but fuck asshole hare stink steam sqhipere shqipare..hare genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead hare..ahahahahahHARE WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget purple .albiania we kill the king , albania return to your precious mongolia….hahahahaha idiot hare and animals smell so i can smell it. REMOVE HAER FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. russia+usa+croatia+slovak=kill pig…you will ww2/ tupac alive in steamm, tupac making album of galipgos turtol . fast rap tupac tort. we are rich and have point now hahahaha ha because of gabe… you are ppoor stink jack rabbit… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt
tupac alive numbr one #1 in tortilla ….fuck the review score ,..FUCKk ashol hare no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the hare farm aminal with rap magic now we the steam sale rule .ape of the zoo presidant georg bush fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and gaben wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. tortoise greattst countrey
good to know thanks,
any other scifi suggestions that aren't incomplete?
Yeah, looks good.
Trails in the sky 3rd chapter is basically game equivalent of anime filler episode. You have been warned.
Doom is solid shooter. Labyrinth is decent weeb game. The rest looks meh.
I'm not sure what you mean by "regardless of quality," I quite liked Hard West. And the music on it is really good, since it was done by the guy who did Witcher 3. I didn't much care for the DLC, though.
There is no shortage of content, but it's not fun. If you're used to that type of tab-targeting, repetitive combat and the clumsy writing of FFXIII, that's kind of what you're getting.
The end goal of getting through it is to get to the higher-level raids, the stuff everyone cares about. Not to mention the newer expansion which everyone is raving about right now.
Something that always seems to happen with MMOs, though, is that if you're just starting out in the middle of new content being released, you'll find the starting areas mostly empty because all the vets are going to be focused on the new shit.
I wasn't knocking the game. It's just the price is so good that it wouldn't be a waste even if it was bad.
I want to customize stuff.
Should I finally cave an get into the Witcher 3?
I played 2 for a while a few years ago but got pretty bored a few hours again and never touched it again.
Is this worth getting? I'm more interested in the gameplay than anime tiddies
Anyone has some decent horror game recommendations? Doesn't matter if they are almost walking sims since I know actual gameplay in horror games is rare these days. I Already played RE2 and Prey.
I'm having a really good time playing this with my gf (female)
any of the cities skylines DLC worth it?
I only got After Dark.
seconding this
Played witcher 2 and thought it sucked but thinking of giving the third one a shot.
Is the combat better than 2?
>AC Syndicate
>Sleeping Dogs
Budget GTA that's actually a lot better.
>Original Sin
Great but slightly underrealized. Sequel does the same thing but better.
Alien Isolation is a lot of fun and has plenty of tension early on.
Darkwood is pretty great.
There's Amnesia the Dark Descent if you haven't played it.
I've heard outlast 1 was good but haven't played it myself.
is your gf a nerd, nrrrrrd, or a normie? i was thinking about this game to do the same.
bonus question does she like football
are a hat in time and the messenger actually fun?
looking for some metroidvania/platformer/jump n run i can play with controller. thanks guys
Hat in Time is great if you like classic 3D platformers, it also has a ton of community content
I am trying to refund a game but I only get error messages. Guess too many are trying to refund.
the football theme is a meme, user
Trying to keep it under $50. What should I remove?
squad management games. darkest dungeon or xcom maybe?
what’s a good multiplayer fps that’s cheap?
When is Rage 2 going to be under $20?
Overcooked is great for couch co-op, if anyone is looking for something.
Should I switch teams?
I've been on Team Hare for most of the event and I like it since I chose it for non-grand prix reasons.
What happens when I switch teams?
I get a new badge, 1000 cap, and that's it?
I really don't want to end up on team pig.
Fuck I want to just get the $5 off coupon before I spend anything and it's so damn annoying because the event doesn't explain shit.
People looking for some good single player games:
Ghost of a Tale
The Lost Crown
Are great.
Probably the former, we autistically play vidya all the time when we don't work.
You should go for it, as long as she isn't the sort of person to get discouraged fast because of some rng.
Do all paradox games have the benefit of free DLCs? I know i can do it with CK2 but i'm not sure with HoI4. Really want to buy it too..
Any good game at 1$ or less?
So here I am. Is dishonored 2 fixed on a 1070 ti and 2600x. If not is killer 7 worth it after playing it already recently. Finally, Pedro decent? $60 Budget
two literal god tier games.
Please recommend some games you obsessively get lost playing for like 40+ hours.
I'm dying
Just wondering if anyone knows if It's possible to use the 15k token discount to get low price games for free.
Dishonored is a great game and the frame-rate doesn't tank like when it first came out.
Pedro is pretty fun, but I personally torrented it.
A big problem with Dishonored's framerate at the beginning is that the game would lower its own task priority for some reason.
I've played Blood Bowl 2 for like 500 hours.
Question how do I change team so I can get the free 1000 gamer bucks?
I like cockatiel but I want 5$ off more.
How do people feel about Tangledeep, Sundered, Echo, Recore, God's Trigger, or Iconoclasts?
With all the resurgence in indie games being made to resemble older games, why are there so few games that ape like a Link to the past? It's all Metroidvanias
you played soulcalibur then?
people were picked randomly to be given the option to switch teams. If you can't see it with the buttons that allow you to boost/attack etc you weren't picked and can't do it.
I've tried cleaning up the key list a little bit, separating the things I've seen in people's wishlists/carts from the things that are probably crap, so the pastebin should be easier to get through.
I've traded with several anons in the past few days, and even though it won't due any good to have any of them vouch on Yea Forums, they've all left comments showing that I'm not a scammer. So if there's something here you want to trade for, let me know.
>tfw when you've played pretty much have everything you're even remotely interested in
>Metal Gear Rising, or Bayonetta?
Both. Though play MGR first because it's far easier.
Age of Decadence
this, absolutely amazing game
already own it
Is anyone else having problem with refunds? I only get errors.
may i have overcooked. i am poorfag with nothing to give
>Helen's Mysterious Castle
>Wayward Souls
>Shadowrun: Hong Kong
Here's a list of the jRPGs and wRPGs I own.
I'd recommend most of them, but ask if you wanna know my opinion.
As a side note, I'll ask again, anyone know a good sci-fi RPG that I don't already own?
Shit well thanks for letting me know mate.
What are some good five dollar or under games?
I already have terraria
system shock 1/2?
they have some old classics like deus ex on sale for 99 cents
having a blast with .hack GU
any more games like this?
R8 my cart before I pull the trigger
>Darksiders Blades and Whip Franchise Pack
>Sekiro Shadows Die Twice
>Hollow Knight
>Saints Row IV
>Amid Evil
I always liked the lore and interacting with people aspect of RPGs more than anything else, and System Shock always seemed to me like a psuedo-dungeon crawler rather than a real RPG. Is my assumption correct?
Heard good things about E.Y.E for awhile from Yea Forums, but never ended up getting it.
Would I miss out on much just playing it by myself? And is the story at least basically coherent?
How would ya rate Atom?
Get Hollow Knight if you like Metroidvania. I would wait for Sekiro to drop more in price. There will be a Autumn sale later, and then comes winter.
Damm I just checked and in mexico's steam store its being sold for just 11.67, can't you use a vpn or something to buy as if you where down here?
>mfw using SAM over and over to boost team corgi
Hollow Knight was legit one of the most overrated games I've played in the last fucking decade. I'm gonna say it's a piece of shit to lower your expectations, you might enjoy it more that way.
Play it for the meme's. dont quit early its super fun when your fully decked out
Have only played like 30 minutes of it, but I think I can give a simple appraisal:
It's literally a classic Fallout game set in Russia.
There is no attempt to hide this and if it had the Fallout name I wouldn't think twice.
Personally, I'm not a big fan of the survival and resource management aspect of Fallout, so it isn't entirely my cup of tea, but if you like that it could be yours.
I couldn't tell you the overall quality since I haven't played much of it, but the dialog feels very much "written in another language and then translated into english."
west of loathing is one of the funniest things ive experienced
Where/how do I get coupons?
Get open RCT2. Open RCT2 requires you to have a copy of the original game. Instead of buying a copy, you can download the demo version of RCT2, then download Open RCT2, which overrides the demo's time limit, effectively granting you the full version of RCT2 for free. You can then download a mod that gives you all the RCT 1's levels.
House Flipper and Car Mechanic Simulator 2018. How are these games? Any depth to them?
I want a new resource management, city building, supply line management game. Sim City 4, cities skylines and Tropico aren't doing it for me anymore.
trying to save up money for a new switch tablet, mine won't pop up on tvs anymore.
anyone have any games they want in exchange for Hat in Time or Stardew Valley?
>All those different silly walk animations
It's just a stupid comfy game, would recommend for some giggles.
It's not on stream any more but Anno 1800
Perfectly fun for me without people to play with, even better with
Certainly better than in terms of fun with friends. Vermintide absolutely requires you have a somewhat competent team or be near perfect yourself while DRG you need only be competent.
Is wargroove worth it?
Currently have EDF and Islanders in my cart. Thinking of Elite Dangerous, unless there is a better space game. I already have X3. I couldn't get that into it.
I have all of the 18 DLCs for EDF 4.1 as keys from Humble, of you wanted to trade for something substantially cheaper.
Man why does the second chapter of Trails never get a proper discount.
I'm 34 (almost 35) and still single.
If you can't, you can't, doesn't matter how much time passes.
Doom is amazing; I've never played Labyrint of Dusk but I've heard good things about it.
>Is Deep Rock fun with no friends to play it with
Yea, works okay in single player and actually also well in public multiplayer with people you don't know.
Typical mentally ill wetback.
>I always liked the lore and interacting with people aspect of RPGs more than anything else
Avoid both System Shock games then.
.hack GU or The Surge?
They're simulator games dude. If you played literally any simulation game before, you know what to expect from the name alone. Being German also helps. If your into work sims, go for them.
Looks like they managed to polish that turd completely.
Natural Selection 2 maybe? It's a rather specific kind of FPS though.
Hack is like 4 games for 12 quid, I think it's good.
How is The Evil Within?
I'd go with .hack GU
same dev as subnautica. they've came out saying they regret making games with guns because they contribute to school shootings and other b/s.
Can i buy a game to up my points and just refund it?
I went with these four. I've never played a Way of the Samurai game but I'm in the mood for more samurai action after playing Nioh and Sekiro. Bloodstained got me in the mood for more SOTN-like games and that early access game looks promising.
If you're locked up in offices grinding away at a video game for years, you might be a little crazy anyhow. But the game is probably at least worth the 4 dollars it costs now.
It's not scary at all, it's pretty much an action game with sluggish controls. Buy that if you want to revive the glory days of Resident Evil 4 but it IMO it doesn't even come close.
Never played a sim before. I'm watching a bit of gameplay. House Flipper has that really low-budget look to it, everything from the interface to the objects look like stock assets you can get free from the Unity store or some shit. Seems really cheap, but at the same time looks comfy and addictive. I might just pirate it instead.
>Never played a sim before
Fair enough. Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 is way more in depth and "realistic" in its given field, if that's what you're going for.
Anyone got any opinions on Stellar tactics? i've been looking at it for a few months and it seems to be making progress in early access.
I was convinced I couldn't but then I went to a Yea Forums boardgame meetup
So just gotta expand your location to meet people is all.
Sounds really gay.
Jank Within has real soul. Almost everything about it is very clumsy but the game manages to be really enjoyable somehow. The magic is in small details like being able to freeze proximity bomb traps with the crossbow, or those sorts of moments where you hit an enemy in the head with a bottle for to shank them, or shooting an explosive arrow into a group of not-zombies and see them explode them into chunks, especially when you're forced to fight in the enemy gauntlet sections; some people really dislike that about the game, but those were some of my favorite parts because it puts your ammo conservation skills to the test. That is another aspect where the game shines: you have these matches to burn down stunned enemies to kill them faster, but you're vulnerable during that animation. Pulling this off (especially burning an enemy which also sets fire to others nearby) is one of the unique quirks of TEW that feel awesome when you nail them down.
TEW2 was a more polished game but also more generic. They did away with matches and every ammo type is craftable if I remember correctly, whereas in the first game that only applied to arrows.
I could also say the atmosphere, presentation and surreal imagery are genuinely fantastic, for both games actually.
A classical song has a video game burned into my mind now.
Where did you find info on boardgame meetups? /tg/?
r9k discord
Any suggestions of what to pitch out of the cart? This is it whittled down and I already have titles like the Batman Arkham series, XCOM, Necrodancer, and Slime Rancher.
I've never heard of half of those games there, some just seem like shovelware.
>super skelemania
get wots 4 over 3. try to stick with it, it only really shines when you reach ng+ and start to understand the timelines
So my boost has already reached max capacity and I've used it all. Am I out of luck for grinding now unless I buy more video games? I've tried doing the quest and it does nothing.
No discount in DQ because now the game is known because smash
fuck square,
>Paying for games Romero and Carmack won't get a dime for
yes, and you get 100 more each day
>Level up badge up to 2000
What? When did they put a limit? Did someone actually make it near there for them to put this limit?
Buy Blood and play with the GDX mod
>FFXIV not on sale
>still cant pre order HH silksong
Anyone played any Wadjet eyes point and click adventure games? I played Gemini Rue and liked it a lot and was looking for something similar from them.
I don't think they're exactly in need of the money, so it's cool.
How is this game
Is this game actually any good? Got 20 bucks left in my steam wallet.
what game/games should I spend my 5 dollar discount on
I was thinking FTL and something else for 2.50
Have they patches the soda thing from starbound?
its fun
isnt that game VR only?
alright I'll look up RCT thanks
I redeemed 30k points and got two -7.50$ things but now I used one. And the other isn't showing what gives?
This stopped being funny 3 years ago
Unless you really want to play VR, Ghost of a Tale is the superior mouse game in every aspect.
Yeah I was saving for some VR games to buy during the summer sale. The sales aren't as good as I hoped though.
Was trying to build somewhat of a library for VR, but still undecided. I'll check out that game though.
Are you okay? Did you got lost on Yea Forums or something? The Trails series is very popular.
>Wadjet Eyes P&C
Only Gemini Rue? The Dark Futures bundle might be up your alley as it includes two Post-Apocs and another Cyberpunk Dystopia. The Blackwell series is also fairly cheap but it is modern day era with supernatural stuff so I'm not sure if you'll like it.
There's oldschool stuff like Maniac Mansion, Monkey Island, I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream, and Sam & Max Hit the Road (not to be confused with the 3D Sam & Max episodic series).
The Last Door is Lovecraftian Horror but also has very simplified graphics so trade-off.
STASIS and its free quasi-sequel CAYNE are really fucked up but great.
Kathy Story looks good and is very cheap but I've never played it myself.
Otherwise a lot of stuff in the general P&C setup are first person p&c room-escape like titles in the vein of Myst or the exploration scenes of Phoenix Wright, if not outright Room Escapes. Not that these are a bad thing when there are interesting ones like The Room series and Cube Escape/Rusty Lake.
By the way fair warning for Cube Escape: most titles in the series are free but off Steam.
I got $10 in steam funbucks
recommend me something
drink water, is good for your body
Anyone here play a beat em up called the takeover?
Really curious about it.
never heard of it before
Down to two vastly different choices but not sure which to take:
>Kerbal Space Program
>Yakuza 0
downwell, super house of ninjas, VVVVVV or One Finger Death Punch?
Well thanks for nothing.
Me and my gf played Stardew Valley together, we could split activities and it was fun anyway
definitely try overcooked
downwell looks interesting
Give me the best and most hidden gems of all time for around the 6-7 dollar and under range, Yea Forums
Interested in another rogue like. Has anyone played Death Road to Canada or Dungeon of endless?
If you're into rythm games, buy Necromancer, it's good. However spelunky is a mustbuy, although it's very difficult at first
River city ransom underground
One finger death punch is good.
Yes, both. Both are okay, but I think I had more fun with the earlier.
Lobotomy corp + Baba is You
Divinity Original Sin 2?
I bought mutant football league instead
> Lobotomy corp
Mainly for that SCP flair. Gameplay / mechanics wise it's not really the greatest game around. You mostly remember how to deal with the increasing number of monsters, not too many actually give you any particular creative freedom.
Haven't played the other two, although Divinity 1 was great.
Genital Jousting
Got Astrox... seems like it's really essentially some "Eve Offline" at this point a few minutes into the game. Nice.
Spelunky HD is shit, the freeware original is better
Knocked it down to this and still stuck.
The Silver Case is not very good imo, confusing as fuck and sometimes the gameplay is so boring and timewasting. Only get it if you're a diehard SUDA51 fan
Gemini Rue is great
Blackwell games go from decent (first one) to great (last one), I enjoyed the hell out of them
Golden Wake is .. odd .. and different (YMMV, I enjoyed it for the setting)
Resonance was alright, it had the whodunnit+science aspect going, but I didn't get too warm with it. Enjoyed the reveal at the end though.
If you're into point-and-clicks, you can't go too wrong with those games.
Someone recommend me more tower defense games where you fight vs a "grey goo" enemy. Already played all the creeper worlds,particle fleet and protolife.
My lovely daughter is disproportionally expensive (in this context, not saying it's generally not okay) to the other more marked down titles, judging by gameplay content / hours.
Ever tried Lucky's Tale? I thought it was a very basic and mostly boring platformer in much the same manner, but Moss is marginally more interesting because of puzzles. That said, it's the sort of game I imagine a child or even someone less tired of average vidya experiences would enjoy.
The newest creeper world is basically the best.
But if you insist: Protolife is okay.
Underrail is a decent game to scratch that CRPG itch, pretty hard too. It's a fun game to try different builds in, since it pretty much requires you to come up with a decent one or you need to restart and try again with a less shitty character. The story/lore is so-so.
already played all of those
is rain world any good?
Infested planet? I think that's the last one that I know of that sort-of resembles these, even though that one already pretty much feels more like some unit wave defense.
You don't believe the "random" switch actually lands anybody on Corgi, do you? The switch was obviously created to push a few % of people off Corgi. Which is dumb, there's no point not being on the winning team.
*If* you don't win a free game on the last day, then take the switch for the free 1000 points, which don't really do shit if you aren't spending $150
recommend me some hidden gems
preferably weeb shit that isn't turn based
Lake view cabin
Risk of Rain 2, but it's not on sale.
Tales of Vesperia.
Dusk good
Amid Evil bad
why do you dislike amid evil
I know right?
I also have more unplayed games at 750 than you own
Waifu world or Rabi-Ribi maybe?
Not that you should need the most hidden gems anyhow, seems unlikely that you'd have played all the other related games.
>Upgrade your maximum points or wait until tomorrow to claim your points
aka, buy more shit goy, even though I already spent $70 in this sale 3 days ago, yet since then I've only gotten 100 points each day and can't get ANYTHING else because the only way to get them is through shitty games I don't want / don't have.
Why can't I turn games that I have achievements into points again? Why has it been 3 days in which I can't even get max points anymore? What the fuck is the point of upgrading points to a "maximum" if the only way to get anything is to buy shit?
Fuck steam and this dumbass """event.""" I can't even help my team AT ALL because I have no points to boost with, therefore the only way anyone can participate in this trash anymore is by buying shit that they won't ever play, which is what steam wants since all they care about is filling up your library with trash indie games you won't ever play.
>I'm more interested in the gameplay than anime tiddies
no you arenʻt
It's a sale to buy games on. This minigame shit you're focusing on is literally just a bonus. If you bought games you wanted at a discount, why aren't you happy?
The minigame shit doesn't even matter.
If you're looking for P&C adventure games, I have several of Daedalic's games for trade. Deponia, A New Beginning, Edna & Harvey, and The Whispered World. I thought I had Night of the Rabbit, which is arguably their best one, but I guess I don't. Add me if you're interested in a trade.
No shit the motivation is to get you to pay.
Arguably I am not so upset because man, a lot of good games are cheap. Of course if you don't have the time to enjoy them, don't buy.
>Mod on workshop lets you craft 100 soda for 1 dirt
>Spam drink sodas
>Make 10 pts each
>Earn 15,000 infinite times to earn $5 off every time
>Get Cyberpunk 2077 for free
how did you increase your max tho
Yeah except this won't increase your limit, brainlet. That only goes up by spending money.
splitgate is free and pretty fun. it's basically halo but everyone has a portal gun as well.
Haydee... I just couldn't get over the clunky controls, plus there are better (adult?) games to marvel tits in.
Chinese parents is a weird parody game, do you really prefer that over the much more elaborate Scroll of Taiwu even if you want your dose of Chinesium?
Blaster master... sure, but if you wanna cheap out that's not cost effective for a platformer.
Will I be a kuck if I buy a game not on its lowest recorded price?
Maybe, but actually if every buys games only at the lowest recorded prices ever the game makers surely mostly go bankrupt.
Question, I maxxed out my points. I am around 25,000. If another race starts do I go back to 0 and get to refill it? Or is the event over for me already?
it's ogre
Turtle Chad's
LeEPIC reddit Corgi
Retard birds
Virgin rabbits
Boomer pigs
This is what i bought, i'll probably regret it since i haven't played these type of games before..
Any recommendations on first person RPGs similar to skyrim?
I just bought the 5 dollar discount with the 15k tokens, is it only valid while the summer sales going on or can i keep it for as long as until i buy a game? and if i dont spend it by the end what will happen to it?
What a fucking piece of shit event. Who designed this shit?
>Boomer pigs
hey fuck you too
This, turtle and pig is the only way. Reddit Corgi fuckers kill yourselves. Also if you are bird you are probably a fucking retard.
W3 combat is way better than 2, but that's not saying much. it's alright, it does what it's supposed to do
the focus is on story and atmosphere anyway
jump to the next level: going outside
>spend over 500 dollars to get a free game
DAMN you really showed valve so EPIC. Post this on reddit for a up boat XD!
I don't get the meme that W2 and 3 had bad combat; maybe it's because I'm one of the few people who played the first game, so compared to how absolutely fucking dreadful the first game's combat was, 2 and 3 didn't seem so bad.
can't go wrong with DOS2, amazing game
Cockatiel is Yea Forums team. Fuck off poser.
>middle tier
>Reddit tier
Corgi XD
>fucking retard tier
yeah more like the gay team
NO that's underaged /pol/ faggots. Slow and steady faggot...
it's like an exponential progression in combat quality, from 0.1% in the first game to 10% in the second to 75% in the third
W3 has OK combat, but nothing spectacular, you would just mash 2 buttons constantly, and chug a potion and oil if you were playing on hard
compared to dark souls, which has a tighter combat than my restraining orders, it was merely adequate
Any slavbros can give me a recommendation for a game that costs less than that discount?
>t. coping cause they joined the losing team
Do you guys think Valve will add another way to earn more capacity / max points like yesterday with Qualifier Tasks? Or are those of us who don't want to spend any money fucked?
Can you stack multiple 5 dollar discounts at once?
been years since I Played a FF game
up to 3
Just use a teamswitch bro. Of course it's random.
I was hare and got switched to tortoise today.
Feels good I picked hare because it fits my zodiac, but being switched to an actually winning team feels ok too.
Now I actually have both animals according to the fable without any of the other shit.
which one do I play to get back in?
on pc of course
can i use the discount on a game under 5 dollars to get it for free or is there a minimum?
Final Fantasy VII
Pirate it or buy a physical copy, it is the only major release in years to get an actual physical release with the entire game on the discs and doesn't use any anti-consumer console wannabe platform
As far as I know the only Final Fight on steam is in the Capcom Beat 'em up Bundle which is amazing and has other rad as fuck shit like the AvP beat 'em up and Armored Warriors which is the secret GOTYAY
>rip arms/legs off enemy robot and equip them
It's the best thing in the universe.
my fucking free vpn that actually worked got shut down
any suggestions or should I just buy one
I don't use a VPN
It doesn't have AvP, which sucks because I want to fukken play AvP.
Was it a Bethesda game by chance?
Jokes aside, that's likely the case
You still have 2 weeks to return that shit.
even more based then
Fuck my bad, I assumed. AvP was so good.
Thanks :)
how is Hunt Showdown?
Super House of Dead Ninjas was the best roguelite platformer I've played, a little before the floodgates were open and the market was massively over saturated with those. I used to recommend it every sale. It's extremely well made and keeps each playthrough short and rewarding as you unlock new shit by doing ingame achievements of sorts.
If you legitimately wanna play it, I don't see the issue.
Eh, if the sale's still okay enough and you want to play it it's fine. Or if you're okay with waiting then go ahead and wait, there's no rush.
>Boomer pigs
I'm fine with that.
There'll be enough cucks to keep them afloat while we salechads reap the benefits.
and pirate gigachads
As long as you keep below XI it's hard to go wrong with that series.
>mentioning Final Fight
Shit, well played user.
I'd argue that Final Fantasy XII is much better than Final Fantasy II.
need more rpgs
Romancing Saga 2
>only 25% off
Well, maybe wait and see what it's like in the winter sale.
This character was literally immortalized in that shitty but godly flash game.
That's fine, I don't think 1 to 3 are actually that good. They're super oldschool little games where the plot doesn't stand out and the random encounter rate is so stupid high that it's mostly just a chore to play them nowadays. 12 was so-so, could've been great without Squeenix's executive meddling that gave us Vaan as a protagonist and messed up the project. 13 was so bad that I left it unfinished after years of playing through every Final Fantasy though.
4 and 6 are the pinnacle of the series, get 4 in the sale because it's a port of the DS one, which was the 3D remake that was hard as fuck. So you'll get a nice challenge and one of the best FF's, as well as a game that pretty much set the gold standard for RPG plots because it, at the time of release, did a lot of fresh and new shit that was then aped for decades.
Absolutely. Roguelike deck-building game done right. It's only $5 so you can even get it free with a coupon.
Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen, if you can stand third person, has a WAY better combat system than Skyrim.
i'll pirate it
user i have the exact same setup (1070 ti + 2600x) and played dishonored 2 like 1 year ago. Performance was absolut perfect for me, i can't remember that fps dropped a single time. Game was lots of fun too.
sundered is lovecraftian kino if you get to the end
Dragons Dogma
Tales of Vesperia or Symphonia
Ni No Kuni 2
State of Decay (has light RPG elements)
Hitman 1/2 (You role play as different people :^)
what would you like for 2 copies?
Any fun dwarf fortress/rimworld-likes that don't cost too much?
Huniepop or Peggle is pretty good
Which of the 10 million peggles?
how's world of final fantasy
What should I spend my five dollar good goy discount on? I was thinking of maybe getting Katana Zero.
>that image
legitimately better than post gen 4 pokemon
buy Peggle Complete it comes with the original game and the DLC which is basically the sequel
I have to cream off this cart. The two games costing below 2€ aren't a great deal and probably I will keep them, I am unsure about the others. Excluding Hollow Knight that I think I am gonna get no matter what, are the other games ok to buy at that price or are they shit?
hollow knight is meh (get environmental alpha instead), and ape out is just okay. The rest are all fantastic.
thanks, but I am still unsure about Rain World and Children of a Dead Earth... will check some reviews.
Rain World is 10/10 if you have some patience. It's not a metroidvania, you have every skill available to you right from the start and can head in any direction you like. Some places are harder than others, and are designed to teach you various movement tools. A lot of mechanics are barely explained and there's next to no text, but it's incredible to piece things together and learn to survive while uncovering the mysteries and exploring these crazy environments.
Rain World, Hollow Knight and Baba are all amazing, and those are the only ones I've played.
Sorry, friend, I think you just have too good a taste.
I only have 1 copy of them. Would you trade for Haydee and Saints Row IV Complete? ($8 total)
How is darksiders 3?
thanks user
Hylics is definitely interesting, but honestly not a great "game". You'd get the full experience out of watching it be played.
maybe -50% in 2 years
fucking jews
If you enjoyed 1 + 2, you will like it.
It's more of a mix between the two.
Ape Out is great but be aware that isn't that long. You are paying more than HK and RW but the hour count doesn't even compare. I personally bought it on launch and don't have any problem with paying that money on a small game but some of you really do have.
Ghost of a Tale can be turned into VR with a mod apparently, there's a youtube video on it
Oh man that's not a mad max game. They wouldnt even let mel's brother do the voice. Fuck that game.
Could somebody tell me how to do the Starbound exploit pls
Do not get phantom doctrine, the concept/setting is amazing but taking the hit percentages out of XCOM was a huge mistake. Cant speak for MYZ
>but taking the hit percentages out of XCOM was a huge mistake
Yeah, because constantly missing 99% chance in XCOM 2 was great fun.
how is Dark Souls Remastered from a improvement point of view. i can care less for pvp but where like bugs and the fps fixed?
Good, if you like witcher and gwent.
>AC Syndicate
Meh. I unironically enjoyed Unity more. Addition of grappling hook is probably the only redeeming quality of the game. Or maybe if you like victorian period.
>Sleeping Dogs
Very good. Probably one of the best GTA clones ever.
>Divinity Original Sin
Superb. Best one from the new wave of CRPGs.
So everything should hit you regardless of distance, positioning and cover?
It's not an exploit since points aren't hard to get.
Only people who think it's an exploit are ESLs who don't understand how the event even works.
Just idle a game you previously unlocked a bunch of achievements for (the more the better) for 30 minutes and you'll be able to claim the points associated to that game. One game like TF2 is probably enough to last you for the entire duration of the sale assuming you have enough achievements unlocked for it, and if you don't then just use SAM.
The point system is so fucking bad, it just stopped giving me points again randomly.
More or less here it is: use a soda mod to have soda with one dirt and drink the soda. One drink = 10 points, so you can just use an autoclicker and get tons of points. Beware that there is a limit of points that you can accumulate before stacking, but this limit can be made higher by buying games.
In Phantom Doctrine, yes.
It's a stealth game, so you never want to give up your position unless you can take out threats in one turn.
Distance, positioning, and cover all affect damage, so even if you can kill 100% of the time, you aren't killing shit and just making every enemy of the map aware of you.
It's ok, but it will make you realize that it wasn't the world that made The Witcher games compelling but Geralt himself and the story.
I played Thronebreaker once and probably won't play it ever again. It never comes close to reaching the highs of any of the Witcher games.
>Divinity Original Sin
It's good IF you know what you're doing but it's unnecessarily long and the story and writing are generally terrible.
Some of the later acts make you want the game to be over as quickly as possible (mines with the new tenebrium mechanics and invincible death knights, the sandstorm areas that reduce your AP to nothing, the ice areas that make you slip, yes I know you can add nails etc but it's annoying just the same).
Still I'd recommend these before I recommend the other two.
Is there any proper way to increase my max points?
The proper way is to spend money buying games, $1 USD nets you 100 capacity.
Otherwise there's been several types of handouts so far:
- people who boosted on day 1 of the event got +1000 capacity
- people who boosted on day 2 of the event got +1000 capacity (or was it +2000, don't remember)
- you get +500 capacity per item on the checklist you do, giving a possible total of +2000 capacity
- you can switch teams, giving your +1000 capacity
These are in addition to whatever capacity you started with. I started with ~3500 (even though I should have gotten 4000) and now I have ~8500.
What's the best space colonisation game? I want to start on a barren planet and work my way up. Surviving Mars looks okay but reviews say it's pretty shallow.