Hey Yea Forumsaggots

Hey Yea Forumsaggots,
Elite Dangerous 7'49
Rainbow Six: Siege 9'99
Should i pull the trigger on these?

Attached: 1460679719895.png (1280x1707, 1.81M)


ED gets really boring and r6s will inevitably cost you more money if you want the newer operators
t. Hundreds of hours in both

I want to fuck those pancakes.

R6 is good and they removed starter version bullshit so go for it

Wait a minute, that artist behind that image...

a bump for pancake-chan!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111

Attached: 1560248605779.jpg (500x500, 17K)

Attached: 1548857721221.jpg (212x194, 19K)

thats not food it's foam

please don't give frontier money
t. 400 hours in elite dangerous

Attached: 1550640344277.jpg (1024x764, 121K)

quick rundown?

PVP and PVE are fundamentally broken because peer-to-peer netcode + engine full of exploits
devs have no idea what they're doing, constantly fuck up balance and delay features
playerbase is like 50% retarded boomers (devs only listen to boomers and ignore everyone else)

hackers literally everywhere, frontier don't care

This was made by the /d/ faggot whos a /ctt/ regular isn't it

how do I make pancakes that big?

How do you eat those pancakes and not cry in pain 30 mins later ?

you can't just play offline? is it not like X series?

Siege is in a really shitty spot currently, lots of glitches and hackers, I wouldn't bother

Its good if you just wanna play solo or private games with friends. Open mode is broken and shit. I have a krait mk2 with fighter bays and doing coop bounties and exterminations has provided probably hundreds of hours of fun.

siege is kinda fun if you've got people to play with but I'd never play it alone

Imagine ETS with only straight roads and no scenery. If that sounds appealing, get Elite Dangerous

"Offline" mode is still tied to the economy on the live server, which is a huge issue because people can bot and/or blatantly cheat in solo mode and there's nothing anyone can do about it unless they're dumb enough to brag about it on the forums.
honestly it might be worth picking up if you have a full sim rig + vr, it's pretty comfy