So since, Yea Forums constantly shits on games, lets see you faggots praise a game for once. What is Yea Forums's game?

So since, Yea Forums constantly shits on games, lets see you faggots praise a game for once. What is Yea Forums's game?

Attached: 1558262702777.jpg (228x223, 7K)

dorf fort

The Resident Evil 2(97) tie-in browser rpg.

there's no good games

the game

Saints Row 2.


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Those are both shit you fucking retards

any epic store or nintendo exclusive

No you are. By a large marge.

Terraria I guess

Any mainstream Nintendo title except Kirby. That shit sucks balls!

Ghost Trick, Wario Ware

new vegas still has not been topped

"good game" is a subjective term except incase of darksouls 2 which is just genuinely a perfect game and everyone who says otherwise is a faggot who got filtered

Jackie Chan

Some extremely unpopular in inaccessible indie game from the early 90s which only 2 people have played.

Aayup. Morrowind sure is a good game.

Attached: Mazte Monster Ultra.jpg (550x550, 46K)

Armored Core 4: For Answer

Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward


>ghost trick
bro play zero escape