was it good?
Was it good?
Yes, and it was better than Sunshine. Don't let late 20 something Gamecube fags tell you otherwise.
Yeah it was okay.
Gimmicks kind of held it back & its approach & design philosophy was far from unanimous though. Power Ups are way better than Captures ever will be
Damn good sense of maneuverability and control, takes what was established in previous entries and essentially perfects it.
Yes, it was fantastic. I hope they can squeeze another 3D Mario on the Switch.
yeah it was great. I want a sequel.
Better than Galaxy games
too easy, it's the easiest mainline 3D mario
it was fun
Impossible to tell since all the content is hidden away. You have to go out of your way and look for fun.
Sometimes you get a mini-dungeon. Sometimes the moon is literally just lying there and you just waasted your time. Shitty design.
The level design wasn't as good as Galaxy 2 and the game was a bit too easy overall, but fuck the movement in that game felt so good.
Odyssey 2 when?
ye... mario galaxy 3 when?
It's no masterpiece
It was really really great. I'm not a collect a thon guy and I adored it.
Mario Galaxy was way easier than it's sequel. Considering BotW stands to expand on everything the first promised, and Mario Galaxy 2 did exactly that for it's predecessor? Odyssey 2 should be great.
It's really close to being a fucking awesome game.
Movement is probably the best a 3D Platformer has ever seen but so little of the game is purposefully designed around it, and admitedly, when Mario has a honorary double jump from Cappy, it's kind of hard to craft platforming challenges. As someone who still sometimes quickly runs the game to the end in about 2 hours, there's definitely some enjoyment to be found off of optimising paths to the Moons from Mario's movement, but it's never gonna be as good as if it was intentionally designed as a challenge
Ur no masterpiece
Mario 64 is the only good Mario game
not enough niggers
Galaxy 2 > SM64 > 3D World > Odyssey > Galaxy 1 >>>>>>>>> 3D Land > Sunshine
Too many pointless moons.
>3D World and Land above Sunshine
>3D World and Land above any game in general
no, it was godlike
massive DLC expansion or sequel at E3 please
Had the tightest controls of the series by far and the collectathon approach made it basically Mario 64 but without the retarded hardware limitations.
but Galaxy is still better for OST and world building
It was okay. The controls were fun to use and I liked the capture mechanic, but I think the sheer abundance of moons (especially with some being so obvious and easy to get) really dragged it down. I prefer 64s approach a little better, with a handful of stars per area. I like it a little more than galaxy and sunshine because it wasn't as linear as those games, as you can still do some stars out of order, but some require specific versions of the stage to work.