Rainy Sunday

>rainy Sunday
>literally no comfy games to play
feels bad man

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it's raining here too, you want me to write a list of comfy games?

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alright alright, since you insist
from most known to less known:
no further explanation needed
>harvest moon friends of mineral town or stardew valley
comfy farming sims
>animal crossing
harvest moon with house decoration and no farming
>sim city 1 or 2000
comfy city building game
jrpg with comfy pixel art graphics and music and some spooky stuff
>professor layton
comfy puzzle solving sherlock holming game
>gravity rush
comfy time flying around victorian city with cute girl and nice visuals
>princess maker
daughter simulator
its basically an adventure game on a harvest moon like city
>boku no natsuyasumi
summer vacation simulator, its only in japanese but i think not understanding anything helps with the comfyness

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Lucky bastards, living in Europe now is pure suffering

what systems do you have? lucky you it is sunny and hot here but that means it's a great day to take my son to the local splash pad

Bright and sunny where I'm at. Luckily it'll be rainy all this week. Summer rain is max comfy.

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Same here. Its litteraly hell on earth right now.

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It's bright, sunny, and hot as fuck. I hate summer.


Dumb fucking frogposter

i wish it would rain here

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>shit sunday
>hot as fuck again
>moms oven overheat and the outlet melted and warranty wont help
>drug addict brother came out earlier and left the house and is begging for amfetamine again
>playing wow on a shit graphic card

you have it bad?

Try Everspace. It's on sale atm.


moar comfy

kys weebs


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I know this feel user, A week ago it was literally 45 degrees (113 F) and I would've been fine if it wasn't for the fucking hot wind

>no comfy games to play
Try the Talos Principle. It's mostly comfy but requires thinking. Use youtube whenever you feel too stupid.

Late evening you could also play Alien Isolation which is pretty atmospheric and can get scary at certain parts but you need some patience for it and personally I'd recommend the "unpredictable Alien" mod from moddb, even on the 1st playthrough to make Alien encounters more random (by default it's constantly close by, once active, which sooner or later will make it just annoying).

Attached: TalosPrinciple.jpg (1920x1080, 1.52M)

its windy here too but the next week itll be nice 20°C

Stardew Valley is comfy as fuck, user.

Need moar comfies

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>hot wind

Jesus Christ user, where are you where there's hot /wind/?

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Don't you have a job? Arbeit macht frei.

It's a good day for Princess Maker

OP here, thanks for the list, will check some out after I get back from buying some comfy foods

saudia arabia
I have to go outside around 9 times a day, and after learning my lesson I decided to bring a shirt and hold in front of my face in order to not get fucking heat stroke

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Not him but he's surely form France.
Europe is currently going through a heatwave like never before, I live in Italy and I struggle to fucking breathe when I'm outside. We have destroyed this planet.

Hi OP,

After a recent drought of years of no comfy games, I've recently found solace in Skyrim SE. I hadn't played since release in 2011, and coming back to it I have to say it's still p comfy. If you can mod, I recommend the Alternate Start mod to skip the intro BS. Then, mod or not, do not play it as The Dragonborn, just wander around going from town to town helping the townsfolk, no matter how big or small their needs.

All in all this has provided probably 50 hours of comfy in the past week, and I've still got more than half of Skyrim left to explore.

Good luck OP,

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Close enough.

Frankfurt am Main

Good list

>Persona 4 Golden
Friendship simulator, emulating life in a small Japanese town
>Hollow Knight
Adventure game with wondrous areas and a chill pacing
Good little rpg
>Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
A puzzle game with compelling story and fun cast of characters

Some more I would add
>Comfy small scale city builder
Roller coaster Tycoon 2
>No more said
>Some people like it, it's cheap on Steam rn
The Room
>Atmospheric puzzle solver

Rain is still a thing?


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Maybe this is just my nostalgia speaking but I always found Digimon World 1 to be extremely comfy.

Not really, I can't imagine getting weather like this in a country where you're used to it being room temp outside. The weather was a lot more tolerable because we're accustomed to heat, experiencing it while being accustomed to cold would be hell

Which one we playin white boy hurry up

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>he can't enjoy Skyrim


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