Oh Arthur

Oh Arthur..

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I wish the romance option wasn't cut and the option to ride into town with a friend from camp in free roam

not being able to ride in free roam with a friend or two from camp is criminal
i get why it wasn't there, but it should have been possible in chapter 2 and 3.

Did she had a crush on him? I felt some vibes between them

I think if he really wanted her he could have had her. But like Dutch would say, "We all had her Arthur".

>"We all had her Arthur"
he never says that you mongoloid

That was Abigail dumbass

He would say that to Arthur if he pursued a relationship with her was my point

My headcanon is that Beth hit Arthur in the head with a bottle, rode his dick for hours, and then left the camp ensuring the morgan bloodline

There's no evidence Mary-Beth sleeps with anyone in or out of camp, Karen is the whore slag

nice, i accept this headcanon.


>tfw I rejected to save her father
Maybe it was an interesting quest but screw her. Who is a cuck in a digital world is equally a cuck in the real one. I'm not a cuck nor white knight. Fuck roastes especially those "independent" onejavascript:;s.

The way how R* tried to avoid anything sexual is literally a cringe. I'd like to know who fucked whom in the camp.

Right? i just want to go to saint dennis and beat up the black workers with a friend be it either Bill Uncle or Javier, i really hope they giant left over files in the code so when the P.C port hit and modding is possible they could restore the romance option and maybe add in the option of hanging with your fellow gang members

I just want an Uncle skin

>bro tier sean dies after like 5 minutes
>bro tier javier does a complete 180 and becomes a huge prick out of nowhere in chapter 6
fuck this

Karen bangs Sean at the party in John's tent you can antagonize them

Javier had to turn into a villain because he's a bounty in rdr 1, he was doomed from the start

i get that, but i was hoping to see more of a descent into madness kinda thing, but instead they just make him an asshole the second beaver hollow camp gets set up
also he was severely underused along with bill given how important they were in rdr

>bro tier
That squirrely little mick would have stabbed Arthur in the back too.

>when he starts singing in spanish in the middle of the night next to the bonfire and the squad just stares into the flames
Alternate universe rdr when

His head injury from the trolley crash is what fucks him up he has a deer in the headlights look after that

Javier doesn't change at all, he just gets butthurt when John and Arthur start questioning Dutch and stops trusting them.


Haven't played yet, but do you get to fuck the titcow or what?

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You don't get to fuck anyone.

Let me have a hammer and a nail and I'll nail it

What? Not even whores at the saloon?

Not even them. Your two dialogue options are "Decline" and "Reject"
Not even kidding. There's sort of a story reason for it, but it's dumb. Closest you can get is getting washed by a girl in the bath, but nothing really lewd happens.

MC was once married and had a child, but they both died so he got so depressed he became a volcel, also it's current year so it's wrong to fuck women

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Micah turns everyone left against Arthur and John except Charles and the women saying they were the rats

What the fuck man? It made sense for John since he was actively married, but come on.

Can you fuck whores online like you can in GTA or has Rockstar gone completely soft?

I like Sean but he was defending Dutch's bad calls back in chapter 3, he would have ended up like Javier and sided with Dutch and Micah.
Arthur's hung up over his ex you run into a few times in the story. Plus there's another thing that doesn't come up till later, and might not even come up depending.

You can't fuck anything, rockstar went full incel

>Not even them. Your two dialogue options are "Decline" and "Reject"
This will sound petty, but this made me so mad. If it was just the normal NPC options, that would be one thing, but Rockstar went out of their way to actually include a Decline and Reject option. It's like they put in the extra work just to let you know you can't get with them.

Sean did not like Micah they don't get along in any interaction they have he likely would've sided with Arthur

>rockstar being an asshole
Nothing new there

Theres a interaction where Micah will tell Javier to fuck off to spicland and yet in chapter 6 you can see Javier call him over and they start whispering to each other and laughing, before one walks off patting the other on the back. Thing's change user.

personally i think he would've noticed micah was starting to pull dutch's strings and would've lost the FAITH. he calls micah an oily turd and tells arthur not to compare the two.

Oh, and I forgot to mention in that first interaction that Javier also punches him and knocks him on his ass before walking off. They clearly didn't like each other then yet they're seemingly good with each other by chapter 6.

Rockstar has gone soft. I find it hard to believe GTA VI will include nudity or hookers, like GTAV did.

Javier almost kills bill and hit micah in the face but he had to become a villain so it didn't matter, Sean was an OC so anything could've happened

You can find them getting drunk together at night in chapter 3 Micah was already buttering him up early

Nah, I can't see it. He'd be too loyal to Dutch. Lenny would go with Arthur but Lenny already seems to not buy that much into Dutch's bullshit as is, his main problem being he's too eager to prove his worth which leads to his fuck up with the coach robbery that he tried to do solo and getting himself killed running ahead.

well, it's a shame we'll never know for sure. liked him a lot. though i'd rather him dead over you being right. and i agree that lenny would've gone with arthur.

>tfw no scalp hunter Charles dlc
He was a good friend

>tfw no single player dlc from rockstar ever again

I want to play as a young uncle aka the one shot kidd i want to sleep with housewives and get chase outta town by their husbands i want to get into drunken bar fights and pass out in the grass

I want a DLC with Sadie where you take bounties in New Austin. And maybe instead of having "bath girls" (because Sadie is straight) they could have something like handsome "ranch boys"

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what an overrated character

arthur's too autistic to get some slash

I'm not Sadie is cut out to massacre 30 guys by herself she takes Arthur and John on the really heavy fights

Arthur had a wife and child but they were murdered. He then had another relationship with that other girl but she rejected his lifestyle.
Arthur is tired and depressed. He isn't interested in sleeping around.

This isn't GTA where the protag is a psychopath with no soul or heart. However they really should have added that option to online.

I want to play as Javier and Bill during their fallout with Dutch and them leaving the gang, with them regretting not siding with Arthur and John because they were right, and then game starts us off by letting us play as Bill starting up our own gang and then playing as Javier where he returns to Mexico to see what remnants of his life still remained

You never know user, have some goddamn faith

she is so hot

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Susan Grimshaw is where it's at

More like
>bro tier Javier is a cool dude for the first couple chapters that you do things with
>Javier does a 180 in the latter half of the game and besides Guarma you never deal with him again
>Javier is a 2 cutscene one mission character in RDR1
Javier was a shit character.

>This isn't GTA where the protag is a psychopath with no soul or heart.
*shoots up a town massacring 50 policemen to break psycho killer "friend" out of jail in a main story mission*
I agree with you, but the actual gameplay fucks with the narrative they're trying to portray because they're hacks.

It makes no sense that Sadie is a bounty hunter. There's no way she could lift dead weight onto a horse.

Oh Arthur... hit it from the back, make my asshole clap

Why the hell does New Austin even exist. It's so empty and made me miss RDR1, which I think is a better game with more memorable characters but with a less interesting story than RDR2.

Oh Arthur.. Why is our game so fucking boring?

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Mary-beth is for hand holding in missionary position with the purspose of procreation

What, you expected player freedom in a Rockstar game?

Oh Arthur... dick me down babyboy, pull on my hair

Oh arthur...

My Dear Arthur,
You never showed up, and now, after looking at the newspapers I understand why. I don't imagine you will receive this letter but I nonetheless must send it. Arthur, oh, Arthur. I was just starting to dream the silliest and softest of dreams. I miss you, and I will always miss you but I cannot live like that, and it seems you cannot live any other way.

When I am with you, the world makes sense but when we are apart, I see clearly that your world is not a world from which one can escape. I am so sorry, for everything, for everything long ago and for starting up that business again. There's a good man within you, Arthur but he is wrestling with a giant. And the giant, wins, time and again. You've broken my heart, again, and I fear I have broken yours.

For that, I will never forgive myself but you must let me go now. I enclose a ring you gave me many years ago, when we were both young, not because I don't like it, but because I care for it far too much and it reminds me too much of you. I hope, one day you will find some people in love who can use this, for it kept me thinking of you all these years, and I hope by returning to you I can finally be free.


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Gibe Mary Beth gf

playing the epilogue missions there unironically made me feel sick, it was like i teleported 10 years back in time and was playing the same game again.

I hate this bitch so fucking much

So is this game going to get a RDR1 DLC or what?

We all know the real reason its not in this game is because modern Rockstar doesnt want to offend anyone.

Who else rejected helping her for both of her missions?

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how does it fuck with the narrative? Arthur clearly disapproves of that and it's the entire reason friction between him, Dutch and Micah starts building.

why? she's one of the only people that truly loved arthur.

Ahem, I believe the accepted term is "Brap Hog" my good man.

Probably not. Buy some RDR2 Online gold.

>Tfw you will never have a sidemission where you help Mary-Beth wright her book which happen to be a Erotic love story and she needs your help by Reacting the scenes with her which includes a dinner date follow by a evening a theater then star glazing in the wilderness and talk about each other's deepest darkest thoughts and finally ending the night In each other's embrace passionately making love in the cover darkness and stars and for a moment... this one moment you could forget each other's troubles and be in a total bliss with the one you loved just you,her,and the stars

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Vro I'll just take her to eat at a saloon then quickly get in and out of her guts while pulling on her hair, and book her a taxi ride home while I draw what happened in my diary.


Some handsome ram ranch cowboys?

top lel

Well that could work feller lol imagine her limping back to camp and every at camp is asking if she okay and why is she limping then she makes to camp and her making up a story

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It's their for online.

>best girl
>almost no fanart
Evry tiem

>Uncle singing songs about fucking women again
I don't want to hear about your fucking AUGER.

What does Dutch have again?

but he literally saved his life

because its trying to be an immersive poignant gritty story yet has you running around slaughtering entire towns throughout solely because its a rockstar game and their formula stagnated a decade ago so every mission defaults to follow man and shoot peoples

Oh Orthur

its sad but there still some cute ones out there
>tfw you wont play as uncle and using his auger to conquer countless women married and non married

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t. incels

>but nothing really lewd happens
Looks like she's tugging on his dick at one point in the animation.

Well yeah, i want to fuck in vidya at least


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Based mary-bros

that's not even true but ok

That isn't Mary Beth

Mary Beth? More like Mary Sue.


thanks fren

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Fun fact. That's Roger Clarke (Arthur) standing in for Mary in that scene

except it is, every other mission is you going to some place and killing armies of people, not only that you end up fighting in a civil war, yeah its all epic spectacle because its a computer game but it partly taints the quality of the story which is all i played it for because the gameplay is worn out boring trash

How COULD they implement an option like the bath girls, but with men, without it being totally ridiculous?

>I wish the romance option wasn't cut

I actually had no idea Arthur was supposed to have multiple love interests at one point. Apparently there were entire story missions they had completed that they cut.

Dragthur Mortrap

Heres hoping the files is still in tact and the game is modifiable

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nothing funnier to me than modern day liberals rewriting history to make men of the past into women respecting feminists

surely a sign of a strong ideology lmao

heres one more for ya

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repeating it won't make it true m8 dont bother

aww snowflake

I've heard Roger say they had to do stuff like that sometimes but where did he say he did the final Mary Linton scene?

You're okay boah

thanks partner have a good one

He and Ben did a panel at Momocon 2019, they talked about it

Mary Beth was very pure and she deserved better, I'm glad she escaped all this
I'd like to know more about her joining the gang, and also I would have loved more interactions with her
those times were you sit down with her and she comforts Arthur saying he's a good man, and he's not evil, well that was kind of a turning point during my playthrought because I stopped being a reckless bandit and started helping people

also, not banging one of those bath girls is just retarded

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>that story Ben told about his nephew
I can't take Dutch seriuosly anymore, he is too wholesome

and repeating small brain "um, no, just no" posts doesnt make an argument

must've missed it. I heard that panel as well.

There's a coach robbery with Sean and her in chapter 3 where Arthur talks about her joining, she pickpocketed a bunch of guys and they were chasing her she had a bag of jewels on her

i don't need to make an argument or prove anything, my proof is the game.

Arthur brings up several times that Dutch was just showing his true colors, and that he never changed. Is this true? Was Dutch always a piece of shit? Did he give John and Arthur a better life, or was he the very reason they died the way they did?

the game? which is full of shitty copy paste rockstar missions? alright u got me

>those times were you sit down with her and she comforts Arthur saying he's a good man, and he's not evil
Imagine if a girl told you that in real life, wouldn't that be funny haha

Would people get pissed if I completely avoided the singleplayer and just did multiplayer in RDR2?

Don't worry about what people think dumbass, but you should play all of it

I mean the whole point of the gang was that they were kicked out of everywhere else and didn't have anywhere else to turn. All they had were each other. Also, at least in the case of the gang they all had a role to play and were considered important members of the team. They're a bunch of weirdos in the 1890s with an old man, black people, women, Hispanic, an Irishman, a drunk priest, and even a banker.

"Uncles Tall Tales"
Would be a top tier DLC.
Make it young Uncle doing the most crazy riding mine carts using a lasso to swing from beams Indiana Jones shit ever. Make all of Uncles stories turn out to be true.

And then, in a scene similar to the TB reveal he gets fucking Lumbago and has to stop doing anything too exciting.

Most of the effort wemt into the single player that's the main attraction

Online. It's practically empty for SP outside of a few treasures.


Dutch just wanted the gang to inflate his own ego. He never intended for anyone to settle down ever, because he needed them to fuel his ego.

Back then it was dangerous to sleep with a whore Arthur has enough health problems without having his dick fall off from some 1800s STD

I wonder how strong was prime Uncle

What was his problem again?

Yeah, the quote is
>We all had Arthur

Why are Cougars so cute bros?

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Like a bear. Tear a mans arm clean off if he wanted.

Terminal Lumbago.

Did you know? Sean FUCKS Karen during his return party!

Charles is the only true bro

>that one night when he baited miss grimshaw into thinking he had a thing for her and she believed him
He was too based for this world

Oh Elden Ring...

Is there anyway to hold up a stage coach on your own? The driver always starts shooting. Would be so much better if you could bring a second gun along to ensure cooperation, like in all those story missions where you do the exact same thing

Makes it all the more tragic really knowing his fate in RDR1 and enjoying his sheer wonder in RDR2.

he has some great fun at camp.
The scene where he sets himself on fire lighting a fart.

>tfw i played rdr 2 first and then rdr
All is good
Lmao i never saw this kek


Now shoot it in the head and take its pelt

It's the Swamphouse, he jumps in the water.
Then shits himself because Arthurs yells about Alligators.