How come there isn't a single videogame set in Chechnya?
How come there isn't a single videogame set in Chechnya?
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cause russia
Because nobody cares about slavs killing other slavs.
>isn't a single videogame set in chechnya
First, it's closed shithole.
Second, even favela would be much more interesting to explore than chechnya because if you seen Russia, then you've seen chechnya.
BTW, there is HL mod Paranoia that's takes place in Chechnya if i remember correctly.
Based retard.
>tfw Chechnyan colleagues thought I'm Chechnian cause I got the looks
feels good somehow
Doesn't Metro:Exodus take you to Chechnya or am I imagining things?
No game can capture the shit that happened there. Imagine recieving a VHS tape in the mail with your son/father's finger or ear and a video of him beaten almost to death begging you to send him money so he can return home
>Can't prove me wrong so he just spouts buzzwords
Yeah, must be a slav.
In fact, Chechnya is one of the richest regions in Russia. The federal authorities give them large official and unofficial subsidies, in addition they receive a lot of money from the Chechen diaspora throughout the country.
On the other hand, it is rather a totalitarian Islamic state in vassal dependence to Moscow than a real part of Russia. Chechens (unofficially, but unironically) call the local leader Padishah.