That kid who noclipped into the backrooms of the school and was missing for a week before ever seeing him again...

>that kid who noclipped into the backrooms of the school and was missing for a week before ever seeing him again, and acted like nothing happened

Attached: 1942143-ajtdeu9r-v4.jpg (900x510, 65K)

>that kid who raped other students and then reset their behavior script so they'd forget

Attached: john origami.jpg (175x188, 42K)

>that who zero summed

Attached: banned-image.png (150x150, 6K)

His name was Luigi

Attached: void_64DS.webm (466x354, 660K)

>that teacher who couldn't control the class so they noclipped into a placeholder room and teleported everyone there

>that kid who got locked in school and disappeared for weeks

Attached: fuuka-yamagishi-shin-megami-tensei-persona-3-portable-2.53.jpg (210x240, 16K)

What is this backroom thing about?

>that kid who got anal-vore'd by the other kid who's parents bought him a PS3 at launch

Attached: 1540024757167.png (172x91, 16K)

>that kid who solved the mystery of what was following you in the backrooms

Attached: 1560220361954.jpg (1536x2048, 358K)

someone played the Stanley parable sourcemod and thought that the repeated office rooms with florescent light hum was kinda creepy

Attached: 1559190268007.png (640x480, 503K)


>That kid who tried walljumping
>It actually worked

>that kid who sat at the back of class and tried to masturbate stealthily but every knew what he was doing
>mfw that kid was me

Attached: 10f3f79ff287a444efa2da03a78bf4ca.jpg (236x236, 9K)

>that kid who stacked up 23 chairs so he could clip out of the gym hall and wrongwarp his way to graduation

Attached: 1556484042720.jpg (400x267, 34K)

thats a cow

>not being that kid who sat at the back of class and masturbated without anyone knowing
Step up, shitter.

It's a painting

>that one time the weird kid at our lunch table bragged about cumming all over his stomach after masturbating in spanish class to the hot girl sitting across from him
none of us knew what to say. how do you even respond to that?

>that kid who charged people to see the nodraw in the boy's bathroom before the teachers patched it

Tell him, "Prove it" and see where it goes.

>that kid who wasnt retarded enough for the sped classes but was still clearly special and pissed himself in 8th grade science class

I remember my friend handing me his DS, and I instantly did that cause I thought "What if the whole castle is back there, but in reverse?"

>that kid who started jumping backwards and graduated 5 years before everyone else
How did he do it?


>that kid who always did stupid shit in school and one day manage to get himself in gay baby jail by being retarded

I knew a kid who masturbated into a condom in the class and then he and a few other kids got his girl classmate into some "private" location is school and slapped her face with a semen filed condom
I was there and saw it happen twice i think, she probably enjoyed it

>that kid who kept spawning barrels slowing the shit out of the school up until pic related eventually happened and everyone would teleport home and need to come back

Attached: gmod_disconnect.gif (166x32, 187K)

>that kid who entered the infinite lives cheat and pantsed the school bully in the cafeteria

Backrooms were ruined by adding monsters.

>he typed it in wrong
>in fact activated the infinite hives cheat

We miss you kevin, but we don't miss all these fucking bees you left us with.

>that mormon kid's dad who used the infinite wives cheat

>that kid who stuck his finger in his butt and sniffed it but someone saw them and yelled it out to everyone


>That kid who enabled god mode when the teacher specifically told the class that is was a instant fail if you did.

Probs never see him here again

Attached: 1514204628066.jpg (547x692, 75K)

>that kid who figured out how to change his system time settings and kept changing what grade he was in
>Eventually set it like 30 years in the future and was a teacher at the school

>those two kids who were beating the shit out of each other with their fists
>gym teacher had to noclip over and take them away with his physgun to detention
>noclipped back into class like nothing happened
>never saw those kids again

Attached: JPEG_20190118_063600.jpg (300x168, 8K)

>that kid who toggled autofire to do pullups in gym
>gym teacher said he would know if he did
>he kept making him do pullups till his health bar was drained

>that kid who did a reverse accelerated bhop off of a lunch tray and clipped through the wall
>then airstrafed home
>that kid was DeSync

Attached: 54.png (351x277, 140K)


trying to recreate this in minecraft

Attached: theres.png (1920x1080, 1.88M)

happened to my buddy trying to noclip into the girls changing room walls, had to reset back to kindergarten

Attached: rc.png (1280x720, 814K)


>that one autistic kid that built up speed for 12 hours a

>that kid who would clone his pencil until the framerate tanked during exams so the mission timer would slow down and he would get more time
Fuck you Frank, we got stuck in that room for like 30 hours you dick.

>that rich kid who bought hundreds of school loot boxes and would change between the legendary school uniforms multiple times a day

Attached: 1504574102753.png (476x477, 256K)

>that kid who got stuck on level geometry on the playground and forced a whole server reset

>That one kid who grinded exp by stomping ants during recess every day
>Killed the school bully with one punch on the last day of school.

>that kid who spawned in a gun and tried to shoot up the school
>principal noclipped into the library after one death and phsygunned him to detention.
>reason: rdm

>that kid that used accelerated backhops to finish track in under a minute

>the gym teacher who got caught erp'ing with the girls in the locker room
>got away with it cause he was a donator.

Attached: 1559672011587.png (289x441, 275K)

>bruh it's so scary to think about how if you performed an impossible meme action how you might accidentally wind up in the ebul rooms lol just think about it bro

Nice try room lurker, you won't trick me

>His parents didn't take him to noclip school

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why is zoomer horror so cringe?

Attached: 1559754165747.jpg (306x306, 20K)

is this big chungus 2.0? I bet youre screencapping this shitty thread on reddit right now as well.

>that kid who vanished in the back of the bus and was thought to have been killed by a monster or some shit but actually turned out to have actually been trapped there for 20 years in the same clothes and surviving by eating scraps of rotten food with his horrifying toenails and probably drinking his own piss

Attached: billy_bloomberg.png (1065x790, 654K)

It's more akin to underwater threads or king of the hill online threads but you're too fucking new to remember either of those.

>that kid who rocketed out of another kid's body after building up speed for 12 hours

Underwater threads are old. But KOTH online is some incredibly zoomer shit that only gained traction 2-3 years ago. I think you should totally off yourself if your prideful over shit like that.

Attached: okuu shiggy.png (4079x5000, 3.27M)

>But KOTH online is some incredibly zoomer shit that only gained traction 2-3 years ago.
I haven't even fucking seen them for 2-3 years, mate. Either your new is showing or you really need to look at the calendar.

Attached: 1526902025279.jpg (349x413, 28K)

I always found the very few Bikini Bottom online threads to be better. Last time there was one, managed to get people discussing the IJLoSA expansion.

Do zoomers really think these threads are funny?

Only stupid zoomers don't like these threads

>Asshole finds the RCON password for the whole school and forces everyone into the mandrill maze
There's only seven of us left hundreds are dead and we're nearly out of food please help we've been in here for months

>That kid who got a mew from his uncle who works at Nintendo

Attached: 1557428162809.gif (300x200, 1.33M)

haha epic

nigger faggot retard

>tfw school glitched and I got admin powers somehow
>press reset and the school crashed and everyone had to wait 3 days for it to open back up
>to this day no one knows it was me

What ressource pack/shader do you use to get a game like that ?

post the nocturne edit

>he thinks that's the same kid

Attached: DJQqLKJXcAADYId.jpg (389x315, 11K)


Zoomers suck at jokes

you gotta be Bull Shitting me

pretty sure thats the seus ptgi ray tracing shader everyone is crazy about

>that nerdy kid who pulled off a combo breaker on the school bully and juggled him for his whole bar like it was fucking nothing

Looks like some kind of ray tracing shader. Try seus ptgi.

>those twins that everyone knew had sex with each other that wobbled the school bully for 3 hours

>that kid who bribed the principal for admin privileges so he could bring his waifu to class
>she every time she spoke moonrunes there were subtitles

Attached: F093CEBB-483F-4309-AAEB-DCB28CB21DB5.jpg (750x390, 150K)

>that poor kid whose family couldn't afford a decent rig
>All classes were on minimum settings

I could barely see the blackboard!