What would this look like if it was done in 2018-2019?

What would this look like if it was done in 2018-2019?

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Nintendo would go way deeper in the bracket.

Epic Games would steamroll.

Let's do it now.
1st bracket: strawpoll.me/18248745

Nintendo would win for sure, and half the franchises on this chart are too dead and irrelevant now to be there.

2nd bracket: strawpoll.me/18248753

Same result.

Since 75% of Yea Forums threads are nintendo threads, I'd have to vote for nintendo.


How do we fix the current state of Yea Forums?

What kind of game is Playstation? I haven't played it.

Probably the same. PlayStation would still be the clear winner, at least.

Ban everyone who started using the site after 2015

Exiling Nincels to a new containment board would be a good start.

> 1. Make a 24/7 Sticky general thread for Smash
> 2. Ban all Smash discussion outside of the sticky, aside from when a new character is revealed
> 3. Filter all buzzwords like “Tendie, Have Sex, Waifufag, Weeb, Dilate, Cope, Seething”
> 4. PermaBan all Wojaks & Pepes
> 5. Ban Twitter screencaps & Resetera posts unless they come from mainstream journalists like IGN or actual developers

It's actually a series of movies but certain scenes are inreractive

>Valve worse than Nintendo
>Sonic worse than Dark Souls babies
>Blizzard drones better than Sony
Worst fanbase is definitely Nintendo then Blizzard/Dark Souls.


Literally proving OP’s point that Sonyfags are the worst by far

3rd bracket: strawpoll.me/18248758
4th bracket: strawpoll.me/18248762
5th bracket: strawpoll.me/18248764
6th bracket: strawpoll.me/18248765
7th bracket: strawpoll.me/18248767
8th bracket: strawpoll.me/18248768

Should there be more fanbases added which are not in the OP pic?

Valve/Steam fanbase is incredibly obnoxious.

why does smash brothers make people seethe so hard? you have filters, utilize them. With filters you can easily manage what threads you do and don't want to see without having to resort to blanket bans of ON-TOPIC threads that you happen to dislike.

Epic games has a fanbase?

Ban me, I've been here since 04.

Scorched earth.

hello Yea Forumsiscord tranny

some sort of false flagger representation would be needed on there and then end up sweeping everything it went up against

No such luck, you're here forever after all.

I love all the seething the last two rounds of this caused. All their bitching about how it's rigged literally proved it right. That said, if Smash or Epic were included on this today, they'd take first prize.

None of that is Yea Forums culture.

This would certainly be a start in improving

>putting dark souls against sonic right at the beggining

it sure is summer

Pretty sure theres no worse plague on earth than smashpedos.

probably the same

this is a bad bracket
the first round should be even matchups

petition the admin to make a /smash/ board like they did with pokemon.

Yea Forums culture is not worth keeping if that is what it actually is


Finals would probably be Nintendo vs Playstation, maybe Smash vs Playstation or depending on the seeding, possibly even Nintendo vs Smash.
Couldn't really tell which would win these matchups though honestly
E-celeb, screencaps from any other place that isn't some developer interview or some actual important stuff, wojakposters and buzzwords are much worse plagues than these 3 Vidya fanbases combined though

>halo beat out fire emblem
>valve beat out nintendo

Attached: 1557404763202.png (586x464, 267K)

Smash, Nintendo, or KH worse fanbase for me dog

S󠀀onyggers still win.

Attached: SONYGGERFANTASIES.jpg (2167x1619, 348K)

This chart is mad retarded, you can’t mix massive first party companies with Something like uncharted.

Epic games
Smash Bros


i honestly think there should be a containement board for smash instead of a 24/7 sticky

Attached: 1547341524128.png (840x630, 730K)

Attached: 1245134651.png (730x541, 245K)

That's a Jew.