Absolutely based. We definitely could use more LGBTQIA friendly adult games

Absolutely based. We definitely could use more LGBTQIA friendly adult games


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Other urls found in this thread:


if you don't use QUILTBAG (Queer, Undecided, Intersex, Lesbian, Trans, Bisexual, Asexual, Gay) then you are a bigot

whoa a porn company is degenerate? no way!

>no funding for the most oppressed sexuality - peosexuality

We could have some truly amazing games made from a pedosexual perspective right now.

literally no good hentai games come out from this shovelware shit site

We could also use more pedo games

>Making yaoi and yuri games for the heterosexual audience

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it will just be nothing but yuri, yaoi and futa.

/pol/ shitposting aside, what does this even mean?
Drawn porn of both eastern and western variety is full of gay, lesbian, crossdressing, hermaphrodite, shota, loli, etc sex, and there’s even shit like sentient inanimate object sex, personification sex, vore, inflation, gore, and I don’t even know what else.
What is this supposed to result in exactly?

Do they even allow shota and loli games?

>Asexual "adult" games

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iirc they “localised” some jap games to not feature rape by making it all consensual, so probably not

That's a bad investment there's not enough gays for them to have their own section of games

If a porn game forces you to partake in sex, it is not only bigoted, but literal rape.

They've flip flopped. But English Taimanin Asagi Battle Arena has some loli and shota scenes and as far as I can tell is totally uncensored/scene context dialogue wise so no "gnome" bullshit.

They do not. Loli gets ''localized'' there was a big shitstorm a few years back with a bunch of games getting changes regarding loli. It doesnt really matter as noone really cares about nutaku.

get this alphabet soup looking shit away from my vidya.

reluctant twink crossdressing hentai’s audience is 90% straight male just like everything else

that’s not even the full acronym

>I'm really horny and I want to fuck you, but you're asexual so I'm going to go into the shower and jerk off
What a thrilling game.

>Have an American hentai company
>Ban/censor loli/shota because "muh pedophilia"
>American media and companies and LGBT community normalize actual pedophilia
Typical Jewish hypocrites

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we need to invest in more cute and funny videogames
we need to protect pedophiles from discrimination

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What do you think the + is for?

Reminder im the cute short haired red head on the bed!!!

You can like porn and still be asexual. Actually having sex just doesn't interest you. Only your hand does.

Why do all the pedo goons popout whenever LGBT stuff popups, do you try to justify yourselves or something cause a handful of non existent dragkids so you think you have free reign to be a pedo?

>women and homosexuals make their way into a company
>oh but let's ban rape, underage girls and "make breasts more realistic"
Every time


That's the dumbest shit I have ever read. Fucking narcissists, man.

is there anything worth playing there? as in, even if i invested infinite dollars in the website, is any game fun or rewarding?

Gee, I don't know. Maybe because LGBT community is full with pedos?

Making a gay homo sex game where your goal is to accumulate and spread as much AIDS as possible.
Please don't steal my idea.

Why do people feel they need to make "X friendly" games? I'm pretty sure people who are LGB are happy playing regular games and don't feel they need to catered to.

Otherwise known as volcels.


Honestly just go take a look at the site, It's full of really shitty hentai games. It's funded by chinese or something and they just pump out trashy games or try hard to nab licenses for good hentai games but that doesnt happen much anymore. I suppose one of the taimanin games is on there so that is worth it.

If they didn't want to be catered to, they wouldn't have made it so they had a whole month dedicated to their feishes

>game takes place in the 80s
>goal is to transmit GRIDS to as many people as possible before it's discovered

I like the sounds of it tbqh

Yaoi is typically made for women.
Bara on the other hand

Games like Dream Daddy that are aimed at the hetero audience is what he meant, I'm sure

The LGBTQIAPBP community needs more representation

Most yaoi fans are heterosexual girls. Aka yaoi fangirls.

Soros must' ve had some money to spend.

But what can you say? Shit attracts flies.

>seeing harmless fun as sexualizing
Says a lot more about Carl "I Don't even know WHO Sargon of Akkad is!" Benjamin than ze homosexuals.

>I'm pretty sure people who are LGB are happy playing regular games and don't feel they need to catered to
A flagrant minority are extremely obnoxious about being gay and demand representation in everything

That's some grotesque horror show shit right there.

Why is queer in there? What exactly separates queer from being gay/lesbian?

Shut up bigot.

It's not like they're pissing on each other in the middle of the street.

An official diagnosis

I would consider dehumanizing someone to be worse than pissing on the street.

Did they really?

>half-dressed boy dancing for money at a faggot bar at 2 in the morning is "harmless fun"

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LGB - recognized sexualities, could just be summarized as not straight
T, I, A - conditions that have nothing to do with sexual preferences, and are more akin to minor mental issues like dyslexia or deafness
Q - "I want to be even specialer than the other special people in here look at me!!!" / "I'm actually straight but I want social justice points"

>We definitely could use more LGBTQIA friendly adult games?
Wtf? We could "use" them? What for? Fires? No we don't. That's what wood is for. What do fags in games have to offer except pro-homosexual propaganda?

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Pretty sure being gay is also a mental disorder if we're not being pc about it. Our only purpose as an organism is to propagate and propel our species forward. In that sense being gay is a greater failure than the likes of autism, as at least they'll still want/try to breed.

>more yuri games
Well, if they won't be shit, I'll play them. Also, where's the P?

I know what you're saying, I'm going off this definition:
"A mental disorder, also called a mental illness[2] or psychiatric disorder, is a behavioral or mental pattern that causes significant distress or impairment of personal functioning"

think of it like this: every human variation is a mutation of some sort, so what classification could you come up with to separate what is a benign mutation versus what is a disorder? well, it impairing your ability to function how you would like is a definition that seems fair to me.
If you're born without a nail on your left pinky finger, is that a disorder? well, even if our primate ancestors had uses for finger nails, it doesn't really impair anything for you, so that wouldn't be a disorder/illness, it would just be a weird mutation.

In the same vein, if you're gay and you don't want to have kids, it isn't really impairing you in any way. If you're a gay person who wants to have kids then you could consider it an impairment, but even then we have ways to get around that in modern times.

Lay it to me Yea Forums. Are homogays born or made?

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Why can't they be both?


how can you be made gay if you're were born one?

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Does this keep getting longer?

Why can't some people be born and some other start liking it after? I mean, it's not like fetishes don't exist.

Nice, hopefully there’s a “waiting while they genotype my HIV strain” portion in the game

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Born and it’s 100% natural to subvert your normal biological mating process and it’s totally not a mental illness at all you bigot.

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I'm gay but I can't actually imagine getting off to a video game. At most I can vaguely appreciate a male character's design. What is the point of this?

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I've been a fag since at least first grade but I know for sure there are prison gays or guys who "choose" to be gay after puberty.

Games with hot lesbian porn?
Literally no one should oppose gay games.

made, speaking from experience

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T should be totally insane because that's what it is. Not akin to dyslexia at all, it's like anorexia in the way that their own self-image leads them to suffer.
I stands for irrelevant because lumping together a range of birth/developmental defects is not only uselessly vague but doesn't necessarily have anything in common with the others.
A pretty much just means autism. It at least says something about your sexual preferences but it's not the kind of information other people actually care about.

ITT nostalgic anime tranny faps

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Investing... where, exactly?

isn't it .com? pretty sure they wouldn't have 5mil to throw around. so i assume this shit is fake

Surprisingly not that rare of a fetish amount women.

sweet, more hentai. investors investing in hentai is what people have been dreaming of for years.

why are you angry manchildren sperging out about hentai lmfao.

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it's literally being so addicted to orgasm dopamine and being imprinted from traumatic or even non traumatic events to be overly sexual or even obsessed

You mean to tell me that maturbators and the industry that exploits them are filled with degeneracy and creepy behavior?

because gays make up most of the pedo population

The site should used as a honey pot for all pedos.

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eh, fair enough on the T, anorexia is actually a much better comparison

What is it called when you think fantasy beats the shit out of reality and sex is a lackluster waste of time, money and effort? Also vaginas are fucking vile. Do I get a special name to lower my privilege?

The term is: "Incel". It does indeed lower your privilege. Now back to with ye.

Having failed to capture any meaningful audience for the overpriced trash they peddle, Nutaku pivots to the "underrepresented" demographic who are willing to pay money solely to signal their relevance.

sounds more like volcel

>doing runs yesterday as a deliverer
>ACTUALLY and unironically hear on the radio how the LGBT community bitch about there being 100+ genders
God I never knew I could hate a community I'm unfortunately bound to so fucking much.

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The actual term is " realist "

are manlets born or made? science says both

Made by a traumatic altering experience most usually molestation related at early stages of development, but can happen later in life such as prison. So many gays were raped or had horrible sexual experiences when they were kids. Then theres ones that kinda just get forced and/or reinforced into the lifestyle usually by themselves or by the parents, for example that user who replied to you saying "I knew since the first grade" is fucking stupid. First grade kids dont know what the fuck they want to fuck, and they have no desire or knowledge of anything sexual or romantic. Picking flowers for a girl or your mom at the age of 6 is as innocent and ignorant as the concept of love can get.

It's not normal, acceptable, brave, or any of the other peddled crap they try to spin, and I think most people know this but they're too afraid of being the mean, unaccepting person in CURRENT YEAR

If it in any way is a "at birth" phenomenon, itd have to be a mental defect.

>First grade kids dont know what the fuck they want to fuck, and they have no desire or knowledge of anything sexual or romantic
I did. Where's your argument for that?

>vaginas are fucking vile
If you believe this while still being attracted to women, you're mentally 13 years old. Maybe you're even a chaser.

That you are fucking retarded

>I have no argument

I'm the grouchy one in the striped purple socks who wishes all these stupid sluts, who she has no memory inviting over, would get the fuck out of her house so she can eat scrambled eggs and watch Joe Bob Briggs all day.

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I mean, those that mean femboy fap material? I can get into that.

>that picture
Imagine if this was one of your childhood memories.

You were abused as a child or exposed to things you should have not been exposed to by people who should have known better than to allow it to happen.

Most first graders barely understand why they 'like' a teacher or girl in their class, sex is beyond them.

Yuri department is pretty under-staffed at the moment.

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>I DID!!!
Unconfirmable anecdotal evidence isnt evidence

>You were abused as a child or exposed to things you should have not been exposed to by people who should have known better than to allow it to happen.
I wasn't.

>Most first graders barely understand why they 'like' a teacher or girl in their class, sex is beyond them.
As was the case for me, only with boys.

If you're not going to accept testimony from an actual gay guy what are you going to accept? It's not like anyone's around to prove it other than the other boys I kissed at the time who are long gone now.

You would think that this is some kind of joke,

But we live in 2019 and people think gay games are needed

Vaginas are absolutely disgusting pits of filth infested with bacteria and mucus. They smell like rotting fish and don't taste any better.

Lesbian: Women who hate men. Nothing two women can do together counts as sex. If no one has to duck walk to the toilet when its over it wasn't sex.

Gay: I can understand these guys. Guys who need cock. I can wrap my head around that. They get a pass

Bisexual: Women who want attention in college

Trans: A mental illness that shouldn't be treated with surgery

Intersex: A birth defect that should be treated with surgery.

Asexual: either has the worst case of sour grapes on earth or is a typical woman.

And 80% of them look like a mangled axe wound

Stop dating eurolards who don't know how to use soap and water.

I'm a gay guy and it is just a fetish. I like plowing girly twink boy butts. I have no romantic interest in males of the species whatsoever and think women are worthless creatures who exist to drain my bank account. At least the girly twinks that share my contact info have a shred of intellectual honesty when they message me on snapchat.
>whats up
>heard from noah you were a pretty nice guy
>whatd he say
>he said your wallet is half as thick as your dickkkkkkk
>looking for a side job?
>you of legal age to work in the United States?
>lol wat im 18? i guess?
There's your testimony from a dude who fucks dudes. It's just as valid. I say it's nothing but a fetish that is not at all different from getting off via necrophiliac watersports. A child has no knowledge of sexual fetishes unless said child has been abused in some way or exposed to things prior to being developed enough to process them, which is at a different age for every human as not all humans are created with the same capacity for intellectual thought.

EXCUSE ME HOMOPHOBE, are you SUPPRESSING THESE CHILDREN'S HOMOSEXUAL FEELINGS? We need to ENCOURAGE this young boys to suck cock like they were made to do and if you don't you're HITLER.

I’m bisexual but only because my dick says so.

Because why would I take the words of someone who is verifiably mentally fucked as truth? Even if you weren't gay, your words still wouldnt be as trustworthy as you think you are, or as automatically believable to others as you'd probably wish.

Theres a reason why courts and scientific studies take anecdotes with a grain of salt. It's not even that they think the person is always lying, it's that human memory is very inconsistent, spacey and impressionable. Also 6 year old kids do not know the shit you're claiming to have seen so clearly and wisely at the age of 6.

I await the day this hysteria over praising and propagating mental illness dies.

So basically just funding Yuri games specifically? Weird but okay

I want to have sex with each and every one of these tykes.

What an incredibly stupid situation.
There's no way all those cute and funny girls will be able to sleep on that bed! It's too small.

I don't like girly boys, I like masculine muscular hairy men. And I've never felt anything for women in the slightest. Then what's that?

>mentally fucked
How am I mentally fucked if I'm demonstrably coherent enough to be having this conversation?

>Also 6 year old kids do not know the shit you're claiming to have seen so clearly and wisely at the age of 6.
I was 7-8 at the time. I literally kissed a boy on the lips, got another kid to show me his dick, and had crushes on other boys. When I finally found porn it was gay porn from the get go. How the fuck am I inventing those things?

Fetishes don't define the gender you want to fuck, just the features and activities you want from them. You don't get any gayer than girly twink boys.

Honestly intersex probably shouldn't be interfered with if the specific kind (there are many, all rare) doesn't pose any health risks to the child. I'm pretty sure true hermaphrodites don't occur in humans even with intersex conditions, so there's usually an obvious-enough gender, for want of a better phrase, to assimilate into.

Theyre all jokes, but this is literally the biggest meme. 90% of them are women who almost always end up marrying, fucking or dating a guy long term, but they think cause they find boobs hot or that they made out with a girl one time that they can call themselves an LGB member for attention.

There was no A in there. Just LGBTQ+. Doesn't make it any less ridiculous, but at least they're aware that marketing sexual games to asexuals is kinda silly.

And you dont think that behavior is clearly fucked?

It's so stupid, basically the idea of a pride parade initially was for gay people to show they exist and aren't going to be silenced but of course they treat it like a furcon. So all the straights who want to feel inclusive join as a family affair because they think it represents being gay or being inclusive but in the end it's more like a big street party with a generic "flaming homosexual" theme, and thus excessively sexual.

>no MAP

>for attention
That's the name of the game. Why do you think it's primarily women and effeminate faggots that spearhead this tripe?

So what, give em their porn.
As long as they don’t go into Slaaneshi territory and get everyone else dragged down with them they are allowed to get their jollies too as utterly degenerate as I think some of them are.

God's Word forbids it!

>And you dont think that behavior is clearly fucked?
Other kids kiss girls when they're that age, and "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" is an expression for a reason. Nice goalpost moving though.

Doesn't stop straight people from engaging in oral sex (sodomy). Anyone who has ever gotten their cock sucked is going to HELL.

Yurishit is made for japanese lesbians.

hhhhmmm.... I wonder if the owner/funder happen to be jewish... that would be weird and unexpected.

It's gonna be western graphics cgay porn though. Not actually good yaoi games.

It's already been done. It's called Pandemic. Replace the word AIDS with whatever else you want to call your disease, and the execution would be the same.

If you mean "should a kid be doing that" then yes it's fucked, but if you mean "should a kid feel like doing that" then no it's not. I remember trying to look up girl's skirts when I was like 9 and there's no reason a gay kid wouldn't want to do gay shit around that age either.

Nutaku are absolutely a pretty shitty bunch of fucks.

>To Antoon's credit, some games that make it onto Steam don't even make the cut for Nutaku. Even though the characters are fictional, they must be and look 18 or older, though I think the majority of games on the service sit right on the edge of that line. No depiction of incest is allowed, no animals can be present, even incidentally, in a sex scene. And no sexual violence, blood, or death is allowed. Most importantly, every game that makes it onto the platform is reviewed by compliance team, which is a point in Nutaku's favor compared to Steam's oversightless publishing, which allowed games like House Party.

Also I know for a fact that incest line is wrong unless having a girl fist her own mother does not count (pussy saga).

Where was your father, and what was your relationship with him?

That's most adult game consumers alright

>he doesn't know
Nutaku literally has a game where you can fuck a loli furry.

Not at the age of 7, and it's out of harmless curiosity or imitation of grown ups, not "yup, this is me, I'm fucking ready to start plowing ass cheeks till I die" this kind of revelation doesnt come till your early teens, around puberty.

Again I can really just cite the fact that biologically you're a dead end and that's evidence enough of your defect, but whatever

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Actually now they allow lolis.

asexual means you're not attracted to other people retard or else you'd just be volcel

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>Where was your father
Home with my mom and my brothers? Where else would he be?

>and what was your relationship with him?
I was closer to him than my mom. My brothers say he spoiled me since I was the youngest.

So this mean they will make futa games now?

Anything else than LGBA - Lesbian, gay, bisexual, asexual is literally a mental disease being thrown into the same bin as sexual preferences. Might as well add split personality or pedophilia into the mix.

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I'm just happy being a bigot as long as I'm not a part of you crazies.

>I'm fucking ready to start plowing ass cheeks till I die
I didn't know what "sex" was and didn't want to HAVE sex. I was just attracted to the "thought" of boys.

>Again I can really just cite the fact that biologically you're a dead end and that's evidence enough of your defect, but whatever
>implying I can't have a surrogate child
>implying adopting isn't a great thing and saves kids from shit lives

Look it up. Asexual can also just mean a complete lack of interest in having sex. You can be straight, gay, whatever, and still be asexual.

Biology doesn't give a shit about an individual's chances of breeding as long as his species continues to exist. In fact "gay" is identifiable in the DNA and is linked to high emotional and mental intelligence.

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You guys screaming asuf they ban lolis.
Pic related is from a Nutaku game.


>In fact "gay" is identifiable in the DNA
No it isn't.

So in other words you depend entirely on modern science like most other people with defects today
Also if you do believe gayness can be learned, you should be against gay adoption as it creates an unhealthy, confusing environment for kids to develop in.

>Also if you do believe gayness can be learned
I think people can choose to become gay out of desperation. And I wouldn't teach nor expect my kids to be gay.


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>I'm not a biological dead end cause other people (not me) still reproduce
>being gay is to be smart though!
This is the dumbest post I've read today and I dont think it will be topped.

There is no scientific proof of a gay "gene". Considering I'm gay and my cousin from my dad's identical twin brother is too I wouldn't be surprised, but as it stands there are no definitive answers.

Bro, it's ok. Just own and move on.

But humans learn through the actions of other humans. Anyone with a kid knows they mimic behavior and are almost scarily impressionable.

Huh. Props to them.
I still remember them butchering a shitload of lolis, but I guess they eased up.

And sinners shall burn in eternal hellfire for their transgressions! That doesn't change the fact that God has forbidden the homogay.

Look up statistics for sexuality and IQ :^)

I don't have the proper links on me but there's confirmed chains in the DNA that when activated have about a 70% chance to make the person who has it gay. The article I posted was from a two second google search and is 5 years old.

bros I accidentally wore a 50% cotton 50% wool shirt the other day how do I repent

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Sexuality cannot fucking be learned. No one has ever "decided" to be straight. I sure as hell didn't decide to be gay. Even if my kid did try mimicking me, he'd more than likely snap out of it during puberty. And even if he didn't, who cares?

Yes. Sadly the game is dying.

25 Hail Marys will cleanse you, my son.

>To be fair, you have to have an insanely high IQ to want to gobble a dick
Lmao, that must be why most women and gays like Carlos Maza are geniuses right?

Who did you steal the kid from?

But it can be, weve already established that through traumatic experience or reinforcement of behavior can make one develop into a gay person, among other things.
>and even if he didnt, who cares?
Normal people who actually care about the mental stability and environment of a child. Or at the very least people that dont want the child to be groomed into a life of exploitation and degeneracy?

At what point does sexual attraction go from genetic to being derived from your experiences and environment? If you can be genetically gay can you be genetically into fat chicks, muscle girls, flat for fat chests etc?

it wasnt a tranny, he really turned into a woman with magic

>I FEEL like that's not true so it's NOT TRUE!
Reminder that the greatest minds in all of human history did not reproduce and had odd fixations on the male penis.

user, let the child go.

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Tumor.

>If you can be genetically gay can you be genetically into fat chicks, muscle girls, flat for fat chests etc
Technically yes. Some people are just inherently attracted to people who are different from the norm which is a biological tactic to keep the gene pool diverse.

>I FEEL like its true so its TRUE!
>reminder to believe my bogus interpretation of shit that never happened

Nobody chooses which sex they're attracted to. You can't be taught to be gay anymore than you can be taught to be straight. Anyone who thinks you can is either clueless or lying to themselves.
What may make matters more confusing is many people are actually bi to a degree (anywhere from 1% to 99%). That's why so many religious people are truly unnerved by homosexuality. They know deep down that those times they fantasized about Brad Pitt or found their eyes lingering on a man says more about them than they'd ever care to admit. And that's not even getting into the full blown self-loathing homos.

>But it can be, weve already established that through traumatic experience or reinforcement of behavior can make one develop into a gay person, among other things.
Why don't you cite a scientific, peer-reviewed article affirming your postulation then?

>Normal people who actually care about the mental stability and environment of a child.
"Thus, evidence is presented from three different sources... that suggests intergenerational transfer of sexual orientation can occur at statistically significant and substantial rates, especially for female parents or female children. In some analyses for sons, intergenerational transfer was not significant."
>In some analyses for sons, intergenerational transfer was not significant


>stuck with a kink I don't like having because nature just decided I should have it
god damn it

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[Citation Needed]

Every time I see that word more letters have been added. Soon it will be LGBTQIAGREWEERFNKLWOQGJIOEQNJH

If it's innate then it can be sterilized out.

>Some people are just inherently attracted to people who are different from the norm
Being a contrarian isn't genetic.

Every time.

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It demonstrably isn't.

Then it can be solved with medication

I unironically think this is a good idea

It actually is.

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what is the difference between queer and gay???
sorry i only have a bachelor in physics not gender studies plz explain

No it literally can't be.

All mental illnesses should be solved with medication

>All mental illnesses should be solved with euthanasia

>5 million
Nutaku has that ammount of funds to squander? damn

So its genetic, but it cant be treated, altered or eradicated in any way like most genetic things? What EXACTLY are we dealing with here, Dr. Fruit?

If you're genuinely bothered by gay people, you need to seriously ask yourself why. I'm not talking about the flamboyant fags who shove it in your face, I'm talking about simply being gay and minding their own business. If seeing men being intimate unnerves you, why is that?
I'm straight and I don't give a fuck who wants to fuck who, as long as they aren't obnoxious about it. Why should anyone else?

I don't think it's genetic, but I do think it can be present from birth due to hormonal shit or whatever in-utero. Which would explain why I'm gay seeing as how I'm the youngest of four boys. And high sibling count is statistically correlatable to homosexuality.

You're still implying that not liking something secretly equals liking something.

If its truly genetic then the future will be very interesting. The time will come when all the genetic conditions that are objectively terrible are cured such as the physical problems obviously then stuff like downs, autism and so on. At that point people could then also be "cured" of their non standard sexual preferences and someone is going to have to decide where to draw the line.

Im gonna give up speculating here before I turn into a crappy dystopian sci-fi novel.

Gays should get the same treatment as convicted felons. Not the jail time, just no voting rights, no firearms, no adoption.

>4.9 million goes into lesbian and futa
>one token homo game

>tfw hebefag
We rarely ever get pandered to. It's always one or the other extreme

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I think they're worried they might like it and that they'll be at odds with their religion or the people in their lives because of it. They might not know if they truly like it because they're unwilling to so much as entertain the notion for even a second.

What about bisexual guys

>At that point people could then also be "cured" of their non standard sexual preferences
At that point we'd probably get rid of standard sex practices all together. Why even bother with the whole process if you can just create the ultimate life form in a test tube?

Fags that want to keep a foot on both boats. If you like dick, you're gay.

Don't exist. If you suck dicks, you're a faggot. If you also fuck chicks, you're just pretending not to be.

This picture is supposed to to be a strawman, but I would fuck an anime spider

I hope you realizing how nonsensical you sound for suggesting everyone who hates gays is a suppressed gay.

I feel you.
Why are there so few nip artists who can draw budding breasts well? Too often they're just circle boobs or normal boobs shrunken down to a quarter the size.

Reread that post

Bisexual guys don't exist because there's no reason for a guy to tell people he's bi unless he's looking to cheat or sleep with multiple people at once. Simply put, if he wants some dick he says he's a homo, if he wants pussy he tells them he's straight. Telling someone that wants one on one sex or a monogomous relationship that you are a bi guy only gives them things to start assuming and worrying about.

Not him, but also statistically speaking, an overwhelming number of pedos are gay

Honestly a smart idea, there's probably tons of free advertisement from sex-positive progressives that's just waiting to be snatched up under the mantle of diversity. Probably the only way for them to market themselves to the mainstream, as it would clean up their public image

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I'm not suggesting everybody who hates gay people is secretly gay. There are plenty who hate gay people simply because there are a fair amount of them that are ridiculously annoying. But those kinds of people aren't what I'm talking about.

I'm so sick of having this conversation. OL conversations are fucking meaningless.

I'd rather not reread your post because it was a dumb post.

OK but what if you're a kissless, hugless virgin, who just wants everyone to know that he's open to anyone, lest a potentially interested guy/girl think you're not available.

>find both genders attractive
>can't be bi if you settle with one or the other
So do bi's have to constantly be eiffel towered by both to maintain their status? That's the stupidest shit I've ever heard.

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Then why bother responding without an argument