Continued. Name a character and they're out. Last character to be named is the winner.
Continued. Name a character and they're out. Last character to be named is the winner
Michael Wilson
Evan Rogers
Bye bye TipTop
Nathaniel White
Sayonara, Fawful.
Noah Cook
Angel Lee
Aaawwww what a cute shy guy
Asher Foster
Mona fuck waifu fags
Andrew Green
Fuck outta here Wario
Michael Martinez
Kill Daisy
Hudson Cook
die toadette
Jack Lewis
king bob omb bye bye
Landon Jenkins
Conker is bad remove him
Jacob Davis
Au revoir Baby Sun
Ian Rivera
John Wood
Fuck Dry Bones
Asher Howard
Jaxon Bailey
Fuck outta here dpirate chick from wario
Lucas Watson
Birdo's gotta go
Cooper Reyes
Booster can go boost himself off a cliff
Samuel Kelly
Later, Lakilester
Evan Fisher
fuck funky
Blake Hall
E Gadd outta here