Can we get a thread on when vidya reviewers were completely wrong?
Pic very related. I don't understand how anyone with an IQ above 70 could think Anthem would be good.
Can we get a thread on when vidya reviewers were completely wrong?
Pic very related. I don't understand how anyone with an IQ above 70 could think Anthem would be good.
Other urls found in this thread:
nigger you have a reading comprehension, what do you think he meant by "drones assemble"?
Metal Gear Survive is a decent survival game. It would have avoided a lot of the criticism if it wasn't shoehorned into the Metal Gear universe.
Literally no one defends Anthem though
These are the top reviewed games from every major journalist outlet.
>hear about anthem
>oh cool
>instantly lose hope/interest
Thankyou for reading my video games blog
Keep saying it
MG Shurfife is actually a good game though.
>what do you think he meant by "drones assemble"?
That people who hate Anthem and MGSS are drones who will lambaste him for defending those games you fucking retard
Damn, everyone has a hard on for Zelda.
To be honest your blog is better than most game news sites out there.
Swallow your food before you talk, user.
dunno bout anthem but he shat on metal gear survive
>tfw never played a Zelda game in my entire life
survive is fine, totally playable and just a generic 7/10 survival game. At least it doesn't fucking crash. Retards like him complained about totally irrelevant things like the hunger/thirst meter which you can freeze by just eating and drinking, when he could have complained about how every single story mission ends in the same tower defense, how every online mission IS the same tower defense (though nowadays they also have hostage rescue), how there were microtransactions
but I never heard anything but absolute bare level nothingness about "MUH MAP" and "I CANT MANAGE RESOURCES WHAT IS THIS THIS IS TOO HARD". Fucking shameful I tell you what.
But this faggot used to play league of legends so of course he's braindead.
GameSpot gave Link’s Awakening a 10/10, so it should be on there as well
Funny story. Guy I know has turned into a drone, and he doesn't realise it and actively tries to fight against anyone who mentions it.
It's crazy how much I've watched his brain rot over the past year or two.
Yes, he bought Anthem and also Metal Gear Survive. We tried Anthem and straight up told him it's a shit game which didn't make him happy. We're not going to buy MG Survive and he constantly drones on about how awesome it is and how we should buy it.
Infact, every week or two, he'll drone on about some crappy AAA game and how shit hot it is and how we should all buy it to play with him. He never gives any reason about why it's good or why we should buy it, just vague things like "right good game" or "they've really turned it around".
I didn't think brainwashing could be this effective or complete, but apparently it can.
>twitter screencaps
You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
Mods have stickied Twitter screencaps and e-celeb news. Ergo, both are allowed on Yea Forums.
Don't like it? Then keep scrolling bitch
The only time mods cracked down on e-celeb news was that week with the ProJared thing going on.
I have never done a somersault in Uncharted 3, To this day I still have no idea what he was talking about. Uncharted 3 was a step down from the second, but it definitely didn't deserve the 50 it got from that review.
forgot pic
If your own IQ was above 70 you would be able to tell he's not actually praising either of these games in this tweet
Yea Forums has had AVGN, Spoony, and other e-celeb threads since the beginning you disgusting underage newfag
Anyone that unironically defends Kojima is a drone, ironic
>t. drone
>ah ah dude if you don't think like me you are a drone! here's a meme picture!!
Zoomer's way of discussing is pathetic.
>imagine actually defending mgs survive of all things
>Ocarina of Time
It's incredibly mediocre game compared to the hype.
Literally no idea why you even bother, he's an overrated and egotistical designer that hasn't evolved in his craft, he's gotten worse
Only drones still blindly support him
Imagine not trying a game because someone who didn't play it shit talks it. Imagine not trying a game because some braindead ASSFAGGOTS player told you not to. kek.
Nigger i played maybe 2 or 3 hours of mgs survive and its hot garbage. Idk how people can defend this shit.
What were your problems? There's glaring ones (that I pointed out in my post, which is why I don't know why you think i'm defending it), but I'm curious why you didn't like it.
Dunkey did a complete disservice to Survive and parroted the same brainlet shit everyone else did. Of course if you play a wave defense game in the most boring, safe manner, using spears behind fences, i't going to be boring as shit since you're ignoring the rest of the action game mechanics that let you launch yourselves into crowds to rip & tear. No surprise his room temperature IQ also hates turn-based games, and loves entry level platformers like Mario and adores Overwatch.
Are you mentally ill?
He's calling those who keep praising Anthem and survive drones.
Zero reading comprehension retard
>literally the same gameplay as MGSV but expanded
>yet someone one is game of the century the othr is "trash" with terrible gameplay
Kojimadrones, not even once
Never thought i'd see the day where people called other people drones for not subscribing to twitteral who eceleb drama