Cast him in

Cast him in.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Elder God (RIP Tony Jay)

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Every fucking Kain thread on this god forsaken board are Always fucking Kino

Ariel (why change it?)

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was there over a better story in vidya than these games?


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the best thing about the story was that they shaped the whole story on the bad ending of blood omen which was made by a completely different team

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Janos Audron

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>prose so purple it makes the rainbow look bad


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>tfw we're NEVER EVER getting a graphics+gameplay remaster of the games
it hurts
the atmosphere and story is timeless but the gameplay (and some of the music) really aged

Could it be Crystal Dynamic's project after Avengers? There's still hope r-right?

y-yeah i'm sure it is

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The script was written by a woman so it's pretty funny.

This will never happen. But it would be amazing to hear classic LOK voice acting in new engine with good fighting system.


Plot is full of holes and busted characters breh

Why does Kain bother walking when he can fly and teleport?

Because he knows he looks chad as fuck while strolling about.

The bad ending was made by a different team?

What plot holes?

Propably because it is more exhausting than walking.

A) Story has no place in video games.
B) The story was pretty shit anyway.


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I can't believe how much of this story was predicated on them not finishing Soul Reaver.
The idea of Raziel being in the Soul Reaver was just too fucking good . How do you retcon to such insane degrees and make it work?

You now remember the multiplayer LOK game

There are no plot holes only happy little coin flips.

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Second best game in the series only behind Blood Omen

can you lads post your Legacy of Kain memes,trying to start a folder here

i made this one literally 8 mins ago but here's the rest of my folder

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i prefer this one honestly

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>implying Kain isn't a faggot who refused the sacrifice

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>t. Ariel
don't you have some pillars to haunt or a sword to inhabit?

Shut up Auriel


>Phrase not found

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that's all i got

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Blood omen was made by silicon knights, soul reaver made by crystal dynamics used the bad ending of blood omen to get the amazing story we have now

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Is it possible to get SR2 and Defiance to emulate nicely?

What if Kain's death does not restore the pillars? Consider that it may simply be too late, that this world may be beyond redemption and that you may be bound here eternally.

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Meant for this miserable soul

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The bad ending was the good ending. The good ending was the hidden bad ending

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Soul Reaver 1 might be meh gameplay-wise but it has one of the best settings I've ever seen in a bideo game.
>post-apocalyptic fantasy
>no elves and other generic shit, only humans and vampire mutants
>no-world ending cataclysms, everything was just slowly fucked by vampires over the course of centuries
>last remaining filthy peasants hiding in massive crude steampunk fortress

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How come Kain looks grey and has normal hands in Blood Omen 1 and 2, but by Soul Reaver he's yellow, craggly, and has claw hands, along with other vampires?

don't they mutate over time?

There was a time skip

>when you realize LOK is just Dark Souls with pillars instead of First Flame

There are tons. You can start right at the beginning of Blood Omen with Kain himself who is a major plothole that makes basically every major character collapse:
>Ariel dies.
>Her soul is shackled to the pillars.
>Kain is literally immediately born the second she dies and designated Balance Guardian at birth.
>Dies 30 years later in Coorhagen, assassinated by Mortanius' men.
>For some reason during Kain's formative years, Moebius doesn't do anything to him; the man that would eventually lead to his downfall twice.
>When Kain dies, no heir to the pillar is born completely undoing the canon of how Guardian designation works.
>Instead, Mortanius drags him to some hellscape to turn him into a vampire. Where's the Elder God at this point when Kain's soul is vulnerable? Nowhere to be seen.
>Mortanius does this even though he could have easily brought back Ariel (as demonstrated with his punishment of Malek). He soul was readily available at the pillars.
>Mortanius does this even though he's literally haunted with Hylden spirits, spirits that view Kain as their ultimate foe.

the 'bad' ending was not the good ending, not really, because then there would be nobody who could act against the elder god, which would just absorb all of nosgoth's life energy over time

kain refusing the sacrifice does doom nosgoth but it would eventually fall anyway, but kain's path also allows him&raziel to take the elder god down in the future

raziel says that he has served kain for over millenia in the intro.

Why? Just play the pc versions and the Dreamcast version for SR1

Mutation. Kain undergoes a change every now and then, with his lieutenants following sometime thereafter. Soul Reaver is about 600 years after Blood Omen 2, which is a lot of time for those changes to happen.

>Kain is literally immediately born the second she dies and designated Balance Guardian at birth.
>When Kain dies, no heir to the pillar is born completely undoing the canon of how Guardian designation works.
Minor point: Kain isn't the Guardian of Balance, he's the Scion of Balance, which is a higher status. I don't know if that explains any plot holes, though.

The whole point is he’s aware of time repeating, there was a timeline where he accepted the sacrifice and it did nothing, the outcome we got was because it was the only way kain could escape the elder gods cog

I know this. It's what Hennig uses to """explain""" why Kain can survive getting his heart ripped out in Defiance. Basically, he's a Gary Stu.

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these aren't plot holes. kain is born immediately because pillar guardians are born as the former guardian is gone from the world. kain's time in nosgoth wasn't over the moment he died as a human, it will be over when he's truly perished.

mobius doesn't do anything to him because he KNOWS, he has knowledge of the fact, that kain will kill him one day. how do you propose moebius stops/kills kain without damaging the timeline? moebius does fuck with kayn anyway, he manipulates him into triggering the sarafan crusades, but he cannot directly kill him.

as for ariel getting revived as malek, you remember it wrong. ariel died. malek did not, he was just defeated by vorador. malek got turned into armor as punishment for it.

and yes, mortanius does those things because he still retains a degree of free will despite the hylden control

idk man it seems more of a case of your misunderstanding, LoK has a lot of loose ends that are left because dark prophecy didn't come out, but not a lot of plotholes

Blood omen 2 is not canon, it’s an alternate timeline

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Kain is a Balance Guardian. The Scion of Balance is also a Balance Guardian.

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accepting the sacrifice would do nothing. vampires were being exterminated as a result of mobius's machinations, and they would die out soon. humans would become the only pillar guardians over time, but they aren't competent enough for it, the vampires were MEANT to serve the pillars. they decay over time if served by humans.

the pillars were doomed either way. kain's refusal allowed him to find out the truth and attack the responsible parties.

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People might not agree with me but i love how the series goes from medieval fantasy full of magic to more reliance on technology as the land dies over time

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>tfw i still remember the location of dark forge, light forge, air forge and fire forge from SR2 and can place it on the map without looking at reference points

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>kain's time in nosgoth wasn't over the moment he died as a human, it will be over when he's truly perished.
That's handwaving. Ariel's time in Nosgoth wasn't over either: she's in the bloody games.
>mobius doesn't do anything to him because he KNOWS, he has knowledge of the fact, that kain will kill him one day.
Mobius gives literally zero shits about the timeline. In fact, nobody knows Mobius' intent beyond hating vampires and serving EG because the character is incomplete. There was also no reason for Moebius to die ever: he had the staff that could fuck Kain (which was of course hilariously missing from Blood Omen) and he is decribed as "omnipotent" in writings about the game and by Hennig herself.
>as for ariel getting revived as malek, you remember it wrong. ariel died. malek did not, he was just defeated by vorador. malek got turned into armor as punishment for it.
You're remembering it wrong: Malek's soul was bound to armor--he wasn't "turned into armor." Mortanius easily could have done the same with Ariel's soul.
>and yes, mortanius does those things because he still retains a degree of free will despite the hylden control
Please. Mortanius couldn't even talk in Defiance which takes place during Blood Omen. He had little free will.

>tfw 8:10

nostalgia overload

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I just fucking heard "Raziel, what have they done to you?" in his voice what the fuck

You can’t use blood omen for plot holes because Amy Hennig didn’t write it, she tried to write around it

Raziel... You are worthy.

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Fucker didn't do Melchia and Turel

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Nobody cares about Turel.

Here is your Turel, bro

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Would buy a Nintendo console for the first time in 15 years

There's a LOK thread every other day why won't Squenix milk this cow?

>He STILL thinks there are only two sides to Kain's coin

>Nintendo 65
>Remind me boy with uncle from USA who had game console who turn every VHS to videogame.
Raziel deserved it.

Except LOK have good story but bad gameplay. Opposite of Dark Souls.

They should give it to Platinum to remaster levels and just add better fights. They would do it cheap. They even managed to save Rising from bin.

>bad gameplay
>he doesn't like puzzle games

well. fighting sucks in all 3 games. i am big fan of LOK. but fighting system was always weak part of it.

She wrote in the plot holes with Souls Reaver and the consequent games.

Hennig wrote in most of these plotholes herself. A lot of them work in Blood Omen alone.

I always considered the games to be like the original Tomb Raider games. Combat is there but is more to break the mold while the real focus is exploring and using spirit and physical realm to solve puzzles and traverse rooms.

Scratch everything, Nicolas Cage can play all of them
