That "friend" messages you on steam

>that "friend" messages you on steam

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Other urls found in this thread:

>that friend who only messages you when he's drunk

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>muh """""friends"""""
stop being such girls

>that friend messages you for some good video game times and hearty laughs

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How can I find a friend who will not ghost me?

remove him then you fuck

friends are for loosers

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>having friends

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no one uses steam to message anymore except unironic 32+ year old boomers

>that friend that keeps saying my voice is cute
>that friend that keeps trying to play with me
>that friend that keeps sending me dick pics

He might be gay

>that friend who waits for me to go online on steam everyday and talk to me about dumb shit I don’t care about
>that friend who always bothers me when I’m working or playing
>that friend who expects me to be interested in what he says but he clearly isn’t by what I’m saying
Guess I’ll block him

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I’ll be your friend user

>that friend who expects me to be interested in what he says but he clearly isn’t by what I’m saying
That is the worst. Fuck those guys. They're like narcissistic youTubers who think every thought they shit out of their mouth is worth listening to.

They are the worst people. The kind that just can't WAIT to tell you what happened to them over what you said.

>So today I went to work and the boss was being a dick-

I ghosted on literally everyone to avoid this shit

ussually it will already be like 5 months old by the time I get around to reading it


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I find it extremely difficult to being conversations with other people. Basically you either talk to me or I will never talk to you. My brain instantly goes into "if this person isn't talking to me, he/she's just not interested in me". How the FUCK do I fix this?

>that friend who STILL messages you on Steam about shit you don't care about despite the fact you stopped using Steam to talk to people for over 4 years now

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show feet faggot

>greet him back
>doesn't say anything else
>expects me to carry the conversation he initiated
They're always in Yea Forums steam groups too

>experience first big breakup years ago
>have no real friends
>message one of my steam friends about it
>they say something like "why would you message me about this" and remove me

You could stop being a fucking fag and learn how to initiate conversations by trying it on random people online

I'm confused. How do these people remain on your friend lists? I remove everyone who is a fucking faggot.

Be attractive

I have a really bad habit of ghosting all my friends. I feel like once I leave a certain part of my life behind I lose the desire to talk to them, or they lose interest in talking to me. The result is I never get any close friends


Me too. I don't know why but when things start getting too close for comfort I just ghost them. I feel bad but it gets to the point where it would just be too awkward to suddenly contact them again.

be yourself
or Get diagnosed with bpd and hope they have magic medicine that fixes you

I have the same problem, user. It's a bad habit to have.

How do you even find a group of friends to regularly play a game you enjoy nowadays? I had this as a kid/teen and now as an adult i don't.

what's your steam id?

>he fell for the girlfriend meme

WoW guilds force people to repeatedly play at same time and interact with you so you may meet them there
Also wow doesn't require fast reflexes so lots of boomers and women play it

That's rough. Sorry man.

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How the FUCK do we fix this, bro? I invited this person to a thing and rejected me, but ended the conversation with "please do invite me again!". How the fuck am I supposed to interpret this?

people like you are so fucking annoying. if you dont like talking to someone dont engage them and make them think you like talking with them because that is so cruel. be honest and remove them from your friends list or if you need to block them.

>that beta that won't just simply remove him


I promise trying to be always a friend to you and even listen to your in real life drama and play with you stuff like Rocket League and even teach you how to not suck at Quake but only if you really, really like dragons

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I dunno. It's just something you have to tough it out. I learned how to deal with it a little better after I dated a girl that was an even worse social shut-in than I am in regards of not starting conversations. Even if it seems repetitive you just have to keep starting conversations in "hey man what's up" kind of way.

Are you obsessed over them?

Not that guy, but that sounds like a pretty good deal. What's the catch?

I actually did that a week or so ago. Hell, I just cleaned most of my Steam friends list because I really don't use it to talk to people anymore.

kill yourself sad little faggot

>you just have to keep starting conversations in "hey man what's up" kind of way
God, I just don't want to become that "annoying, persistent weirdo" to people. I don't enjoy when people try to pointlessly talk to me like that, why would they enjoy when I do the same to them?

i'll be your friend but you have to play racing games with me

I don’t use steam anymore

>Found another neet irl whos similair enough to me but also different enough that we can talk about all sorts of random topics
>Msg each other daily about the games we play and shows to watch, all the while recommending stuff each to other
its pretty comfy. Hopefully when I get better internet we'll be able to play games together as well.

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Quite so.

Nothing, you just have to prove you actually like them.

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Make yourself care about their response. If you show genuine interest in how they are and what's happening with them, you won't seem like a weirdo.


>you have to
No, I don't, fuck off.

What's the best racing game on steam


>tfw used to have tons of steam friends and played games all the time
>as the years went on and I became more of a shut in NEET it became too painful to play with them
>removed all friends except a few
>don't even play with the few that are left
>too scared

Fuck I need to sort my life out.

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I came dangerously close this year but then I ghosted her. I couldn't possibly fit a relationship in between work, vidya and Yea Forums.

And how can one prove that? eRP with you everyday as dragons?

Don't do this and don't ask for or accept friend requests in this thread or threads like it. This is not how you make friends. You're just talking to each other out of obligation or the theme of the thread. You have nothing in common except the desire for a friend. It will be artificial and forced and both of you will find it easier to ghost than to carry garbage conversations like that. No one likes answering "hey what's up" kinds of openers because you're essentially asking the other person to entertain you while providing nothing yourself first. Real friends are the ones you want to tell things just for the sake of entertaining or knowing about THEM, not so you can increase your friend or daily conversation quota.

The final redpill is getting over that mindset only to discover 99% of the people you meet were never worth talking to in the first place.

the good ones aren't on steam apart from midnight club 2 and flatout 2

Assetto Corsa for feeling like driving a real car.

Delete them then?

Wow why harshness? aren't you sad little man yourself? what a faggot

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>tfw im still not fully over my breakup from a few months ago

I think it's easier for people who have redeeming qualities to get over it. I don't know what she saw in me, and I don't think anyone else will either.

too add to this:
This is part of my problem, the other half is just being a complete fucking loser.

Someone hit the sweet spot!

Obviously you have to follow what's up with something, user. I don't mean "hey dude entertain me :)" I meant "hey what's up wanna do x" or "you busy user?" kind of openers.

neck it faggot, i know youve been considering it for a long time

>">that friend who waits for me to go online on steam everyday and talk to me about dumb shit I don’t care about"

Fuck. I was that friend. Only I've gotten to the point where I can't even bring myself to talk bullshit with anyone anymore. I'm too scared.

We do it because we're fucking losers. You're probably one of those only friends/people those guys get to talk to.

I think I know why you don't have friends

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> eRP with you everyday as dragons?
Who has time for that shit? I just like friends who appreciate and share dragon arts with me or like talking about them, even better if you are some drawfag who does cool stuff about them. My intentions are pure.

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The REAL final redpill is realizing it was YOU all along who isn't worth it talking to.

don't do this it would make you look fake. just start with "nigger" and you should be good trust me bro.

Aren't you talking about yourself? You sound a little bit frustrated

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There should be a Yea Forums hook-up general where you list your favorite games and what you want to do with people

having trouble with starting conversations has been a thing for many people for many years

>you will never live in a world of good and interesting people worth befriending
>everyone here are two-faced, boring narcissists that cope with reality by abusing substances or latching onto a meme philosophy and parading it around
>there is no escape- you're expected to think this is normal and live with it

Depends on close you are to the person or their personality to begin with
You can't start with a "nigger" to anyone you want to play something with

You'll find only sorrow with this attitude when you treat a friendship as a trade with high expectations and obligations, quit doing this, nerd.

Meh, I couldn't care less hearing about your latest adventures in substance abuse and STD chasing. I'm good.

i feel bad about ghosting but most people i meet again seem to always have fond memories of me despite being an amoral little shit

how could you even be sure

>tfw have two friends who we almost never play games together
>one's grown out of vidya
>the other's a consoletard

Then i have nothing to talk with you, i'm not in need of more "normal" friends.

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And yet i did it countless times and i have ton of people wanting to play games with me.

Poor, delusional lost soul.

>steam friend messaged me today because I was in tf2
>said "I'm from gv"
>no idea what gv is
>only friend in common is my little brother


I have a friend who already likes lizards and dragons and shit, nigga, I guess I can have more because fuck you

You seek not friends but cultists who worship strange things just like you. It's actually other people have nothing to talk with you in the first place.

At least he has one. I've spent countless hours around normalfags and they absolutely do not have souls in any sense of the word.

I may not be interesting, but I’m a good person and I think deep down inside you’re a good person too

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>having friends
>being a loser and everyone is ditching you
>asking yourself why live
Some friends kek


>Tfw I used to be friends on Steam with an even bigger NEET than myself.
>this kid was shy as fuck and barely ever said anything
>used to play Arma II Wasteland and DayZ Mod with him
>invite him into my friend group and we have the time of our lives for a short period
>he stops logging into Steam
>5 years go by
>assume he committed suicide, but think he maybe just ghosted me
>he logs in one day
>he messages me
>tells me he got PUBG
>he wants to play
>I'm too awkward and too far gone now socially
>I ghost him

what the FUCK is my problem

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Haven't talked to any irl friends in years. I'm just an antisocial and awkward guy who likes his alone time much more than I ever enjoyed hanging out. I know I'm lonely but that's probably just how it's gotta be when you have trouble relating to people to kind of an extreme degree. At least it lets me focus on any personal projects I've got going on.

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poast a selfie faggot. all of you niggers replying too

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He just lost his mind and see the world in dark/white only colors it's not about souls or normalfags, he is lost because he thinks that 99% of people are shit etc meanwhile he thinks he is a superior, center of this galaxy in all means

message him, say "sorry I missed ur message earlier, but I'm down to game sometime, hmu" he won't mind and you're not making a big commitment anyways. it's the right thing to do


He stopped logging in again.

I bet he did it this time. He killed himself because I didn't play with him. I killed my fucking friend.

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>cultists who worship strange things just like you
I seek those because i'm already stacked with friends that don't give a shit about my appreciation for such things and i'm tired of that, I have my gaming and quake buddies which i can always have a talk with about any other stuff. Is it really wrong to seek a friend i can share my passion for different things for once?

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I don't treat friendship as trading, you retard.
He expects me to do things only he likes, to amuse him, like that dragon cultist, but they both have nothing in return, a hollow conception of being friends, they don't care about other people and their interests at all. This is not how friendships work, this is not how you make friends.


It's wrong because you are in the wrong place for searching, you have chances close to zero to find same lunatic as you. Try maybe /trash/ and other places where furries and scalies dwell

he likes dragons, so what? why are you making it so weird, you're already on a board for people who obsess over a specific hobby

I don't even have any friends who message me anymore so this isn't a problem for me

Post id.

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Steambus or Dicksword?

FUCK, meant for

>that autistic german guy who messaged you every day saying aliens were coming

>Try maybe /trash/ and other places where furries and scalies dwell
All those people want is to sex them not really the kind of friends i want. But think what you want, i don't care. In my eyes you are just another normie norman so this willl be my last reply to you, have a good day.

Because sperging out "I will do this if ONLY you do that and this, if you are just like me hurr durr, I be your friend" is fucking retarded

added some dude from Yea Forums because he said he would get me a bunch of doom wads and hexen, heretic, etc. he turned out to be some fag who only wanted someone to whine about their boyfriend to, but at least he delivered on the wads kek

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I wish I had "friends". Just having someone put the effort into pretending to like me would be something.


I like you

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Epic game store id

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>Hopefully when I get better internet we'll be able to play games together as well.
user, thats when shit stats going down hill.
Talking about games with someone is one thing, their playstyle is something else. I have lost online fwends over how different our playstyles was.

>that good friend that slowly stops answering to messages
>after a few years of this you discover they unfriended you
fuck me

your autism scared him off

wtf is a wad

the thing is im pretty sure most people are like this

might have triggerd his ptsd or something

I deleted all my friends because I hadn't talked to a huge majority of them in months, if not years. no one bothered adding me back. Feels nice to not have to worry about some annoying faggot constantly bothering me to play some shit f2p game I hate, or having to deal with a clingy cunt trying to tell me about his problems.

What did I do to you user?
I only asked for someone who shares the hobbies that I do. As few people as there are, there has to be at least one other user out there who wants to play Midnight Club 2 together. And I won't stop until I find him.


>tfw Sam Hyde won't shut the fuck up about his shooter looter autismgrind on Destiny 2
Oh well, what else do you expect from that animal of a mass shooter, aside from having that 15 year old concubine.

The solution to this is to be more detailed with your story

>that friend from basic training who just wants to talk about a long day

Semper fi, god i miss you private Harcur

I have one friend, we talked so much in DM's that we just decided to make an entire server for just the two of us, and it's been going good for the past 8 or so months.

>Delete people from friends list
>Only true friends would add me back
What kind of faggot mentality is this?
Also who the fuck got people they dont know in real life on their friends list? Thats fucking sad, internet friends are for neets and cucks.


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>not being on the same page with your friends
feels like we're telepathic, don't even need to communicate to work together

How do you even make friendships that last longer than a month?

format for doom files

So does looking at the tip of a person's nose substitute eye contact?

>only true friends would add me back
where did I say that? I said no one added me back. It makes no difference to me.
I had them added because I did assloads of trading for tf2 and cs:go back in the day, and most of them just stuck around, and a few were people I played matches with in those games. But I haven't played either in years.

>tfw love being /out/ and going innawoods as much as possible
>tfw no friends to take on deep hikes into the vast Canadian boreal forest and camp under the stars
>tfw I actually enjoy solo camping more

Pic related

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How do you deal with skinwalkers

thats me!

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Never use "you have to" again, learn English. No one is obligated to do things just in sake of being friends, it's a behavior of a tyrant not a friend.

holy shit add me bro


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>someone I used to ERP with messages me for the first time in 5 years
>Wanna fuck?
>tfw hot futa ERP for 3 hours

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You sound like a faggot and I wouldn't want to race with you anyway.

people notice the smallest things, so some will certainly see that you aren't looking directly at them. I went to a fast food place a couple days ago and the person working the register had a wonky eye. I did my absolute best to make it seem like I wasn't looking exactly at that point on their face, but instantly the person was aware of my glance and made it seem like they had something in their eye. maybe not the best example but the point still stands

>adds friend on steam
>ghosts them immediately after
Why do I do this?

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Because you still are a child who scared of this world?

>tfw ERP playbook with former ERP friend always the same - oral, doggy, cowgirl, nakadashi
To be fair, we were constrained with the setting being in the Aliens universe or some other bullshit knockoff.

Not gonna lie, it was pretty fun and the last session was pretty great because it was a FFM group chat.

How do you tell people you hate playing games with them but like talking in discord with them. Is there any way to say that without sounding fucking weird or like a asshole.

Then what makes you friends? The line is commitment, and even if it was just sharing hobbies, that can't happen when you refuse to engage in them. What the fuck even is your definition of "friend?" People who act nice toward each other? Normal people do that to everyone. People who help each other? Anyone with a smidgen of empathy is capable of that. People who do things together? Clearly not, when you act like such an antisocial, self-destructively individual faggot. You should want to do things with your friends, because a friend can make something you don't normally like into a great experience. If you view doing things with friends as a punishment, you need serious fucking help, far beyond what any no-names here can offer.

I fuck em

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Aren't you scared a bear will come up and eat your face?

That looks comfy af though.

>two brothers save me on dayz
>we add each other on steam and have a good time
>stop talking eventually
>clicked on one of their profiles by accident and see they sent me a message asking if I wanted to join a game months ago
Still feel kind of bad for not replying.

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You can't, but you still can make some excuses to look less a bad guy, like, tell them you always only play with your other friends without any details why, etc etc

Like deer/doe?



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I've only ever added two people from Yea Forums and one I've never spoken to and one I spoke with for a bit and he seemed like a fine guy, but we quickly had nothing to talk about and never spoke again.

Just get in there user and talk whatever.
Even if by the end they hate your guts for talking too much, at least you can break the habit little by little

don't be a fucking sperg

So do you want to fuck the lizards or not?

If you can't directly look people in the eye, look between their eyes.

The difference is it being voluntary and not compulsory. When you say “I’ll be your friend if you do x” you sound like a grade school kid trying to use a friendship as an ends to a means. Let it happen more naturally my friend

I would want to do things with friends which they like and want me to do with them if they really are friends to me, not some fucking 4chin faggots who make commitments in the threads.
Only manchildren talk like this, about what you have and not to do with them, and sperg out if you don't want to engage in their activities or don't fit in their view of this world. I tell you what, I had one exact child who used to think others "have to do" things with him no mater what, and actually artistically counted what you or he did together, like you owe him more amusement because he let you spend some time with him in some fucking small shit game you just asked him to play for fun for a little bit, but after that he thinks that you are his slave and must do anything he says. This attitude is same for that racing retard and a delusional dragon cultist. Next thing you find about them that they unfriended you out of nowhere after sperging out to you and shit in your face because you couldn't match their expectations and were obligated to be ideal, because this exact shit already happened to me.

Or maybe he’s decided that video games aren’t a good outlet for him and is trying other things

I live in Saskatchewan so we dont get grizzlies in my regular areas, and black bears are just big old babbies. There's a good amount of wolves, cyotes, and moose however and occasionally a mountain lion sighting so I come prepared

>pic related

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> want to fuck the lizards or not
That Is not required... I keep those things for myself and i appreciate when others do the same for me.

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>that friend you can have spent 5 months not talking to and on a random day discuss about anything on the same witty level as you always did
Love you LF

I bet you wanna FUCK those lizards, NIGGA

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Well then be off with you.

>"friend" keeps sending me quotes from books he's reading and analyzes them
>i dont respond
>30 min later i have 20 unread messages

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>honestly dude i dont have any interest in literature

Noice. Any gun grabbers or tards in that part of Canada that thinks that you're packing an AR15?

Lmao you could just say that politely. Use your words and people might actually understand you, who would’ve thought?

he's very sensitive he also started following mr metokur and other anti sjws and keeps telling me how the people are fucked and npcs are real

Adding friends from here almost never works out because so many people here are actually autistic
>in a steam friends thread a couple years back
>see someone talking about how they'd like to stream/make gaming videos, but think it would be easier to do it with friends, but they don't have any
>think it might be fun and add them
>they talk about how they've never streamed or made videos before, and are thinking about starting a patreon before they even make any videos as a way to motivate themselves
>remove them


I knew you weren't the one...

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Why would you remove someone over such a small thing? It seems more like you just don't value anybody you add as a friend very much.

Maybe you should stop being a normalfag bitch and start handling some dragon dicks.

I am that friend

I had this Christian larper dude that added me once playing chivalry and i used to send him deus vult memes when I was drunk lol

If no one spoke to me honestly for fear of offending me I’d start to believe in NPC’s too

Because I was only talking to them for 5 minutes and they wanted to start a patreon together?
>you don't value anybody you add as a friend very much
I don't value people as friends until we actually become friends. Chatting for a few minutes doesn't make you friends

Thanks user, ive been absolutely loving it. So far ive had no issues, despite their usual reputation as a whole the park and wildlife officers in my area are really laid-back. I also stick to Crown Land or property owned by family friends, and I tend to head fairly deep in, so it's not like im running into too many folks

>That friend who cares about you

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Steam friend threads are always hilarious watching autists attempt to be friendly and make friends in their pathetic way
>o-okay w-w-what's your steam ID uwu
fucking sad

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Try putting vital information like the fact you only added them for 5 minutes in your greentexts next time

First off, who reads "you have to play racing games with me" and thinks "this is a binding agreement, a contract that must be avoided at all costs?" If the offer is to become friends, it is assumed by the very nature of friendship that I described already that it isn't compulsory. If someone with literally no authority over you says "you have to do x," it's a figure of speech. The dragon retard is in huge violation of this, and I think we can agree that discarding people like nothing if they don't have enough lizard porn is fucking stupid. The problem is that friends do things they don't always want to for each other. They aren't being forced against their will, they do it willingly to enjoy each other's time.

Sounds like one of the million AIM convos I've had as a kid

have sex

why yes I haven't had a close friend my entire life how did you know

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>be yourself
he didn't ask to keep being shit.

Dodged a bullet there m8
virginity lvl up

I feel the same, chad.

18 year old boomer here


>The dragon retard is in huge violation of this, and I think we can agree that discarding people like nothing if they don't have enough lizard porn is fucking stupid.

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i actually told him a few times, he then stops but keeps going a few hours later and the fact that i keep ignoring him should tell him that i dont care about his gay books and twitter drama

>add someone on steam
>he seems cool at first
>eventually it starts
>"waaaah, why cant I find a bf younger than me"
>"my roommates are fighting again"
>and then one day
>"hey btw I'm a furry"
>cant bring myself to delete him because I'm too nice

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Yes, they do, once they’re already friends. See the difference? Its not something you say at the preface, it happens during the friendship.

To give it to you another way, it would be like saying at the outset of a romantic relationship all of the things you expect to do with the other person. It’s just kind of awkward and not organic, it’s not how human relationships develop. They’re bottom up, not top down, you spontaneously find out what you have in common as you go along

You can stop trying to look like an intellectual. He said "you have to" exactly as a binding agreement, you can fuck yourself too with your figures of speech or whatever you think is a reality for only you, don't try to teach others how things should be about friendships because you clearly have no understanding.

Suicide Note is one of the best Pantera songs

I've only met one friend on this site who I like and stay in touch with. The rest are all memelords or ERPfags

Whiney faggots are always furrys.


PA area?

I want to fuck a futa desu.


Me and you both user. Me and you both...

Pussy lmao

Imagine drinking their pee too.

Fair enough, it is awkward and should be said only once there's a connection. It's not hard to separate the intended meaning from the literal meaning, however, and somehow equating a non-intentional slight to being forced into something against your will is hyperbolic and/or exceedingly autistic.
See above, thinking "you have to" is an invitation to partake in slave labor doesn't make you right, it just makes you insufferable. Besides, the intellectual here is clearly you, what with your discerning my entire understanding of human interaction from me calling you autistic in a roundabout way.

It was already implied since it was the line after I added them that he talked about the patreon you spazz

You’re getting stuck on someone making a bit of a joke. “Slave labor”? Come off it man, you just sounded kind of demanding, that was the impression that came across. No one is seriously calling you mr slave master, don’t take it so seriously

I rather drink their hot cum, while I’m gagging on their cock while cum seeps out from my mouth and slowly drips off my chin

That's just my sense of humor mixed with some of the same old hyperbole to show how retarded "He said 'you have to' exactly as a binding agreement" is of an interpretation. My entire point is that it's neither that nor anything worse.

>that friend who presses enter after every 4th word

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Dragonfag here again, who are you to say that from a common interest such as dragons can't a friendship be born? This is why i'm not looking for porn addicts, i'm just looking for people who really likes them, from here we can have a nice chat that doesn't even involve them or play a game, i genuinely care about people who likes them and i believe those who do should look out for eachoter, like a brotherhood, so i wouldn't be faking shit.

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>that female friend who only snapchats you when she's drunk

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Holy shit thread is gold.

the brotherhood? more like a cult tbqhdesusenpaifamalam

Why would you spontaneously get into conversation with someone? Your rite of thought is true, however it is the only way for one to become interested.

Fair enough, that wasn't the impression I had at first, but I admittedly didn't read a whole lot of your posts. As for what I said in that one post, it was a theoretical example based on a strawman for an argument that you shouldn't really have been mentioned in at all. Thanks for clearing things up though. Good on you for not being an inept robot like that other guy, and sorry you got tied up in this, dragonlad.

Not so easy when you know them in real life. Fuck those retards.

>Log in
>Friend messages me asking where the fuck I've been for the last three months
>mfw they all though I killed myself
I just had my steam friends set to invisible and was fapping to skyrim porn mods and other Hgames

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>Go online
>Only steam friend just keep sending me pleddit links, metal songs and anti anime anti-weeb shit
>I hate pleddit
>I hate metal
>I don't care about anime but i like Jap stuff
>Go invisible for about a week
>Come back
"i wonder if i can infiltrate the anime rp servers and slowly kill every one of their characters"
How do i handle this? I don't really want to unfriend them because we used to be good friends until he kept switching opinions every month and flip flopping on interests. Lad's become more autistic than I am

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Tell him you don't like his shit. It has a 50/50 chance of making him realize his autism and cool it down. Better than just leaving him out of nowhere and make the 'tism potentially even worse.

>he has a steam account
>he doesn't play video games, or if he does only ever plays the same gacha grind shit
>he has an anime avatar
>his profile description consists of quotes from his friends (or himself, god forbird) and rules on whether or not you can add him
>he pours out his life story to anyone who will listen (or who won't) within five minutes
>he expects people to care and takes it as a slight if they don't devote all of their free time to listening to his bitching
>he suicide-baits regularly because of muh depression
>has an ego the size of the moon despite supposedly being depressed
>he changes his profile name and persona regularly
>50% chance of being or becoming a tranny down the line
>25% of having a history of online drama
Imagine. Oh, imagine.

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>have one friend who I always pester with the most obnoxious shit - weird fujo fanfiction, political idiocy, pictures of trans front holes, alternate reality games, scenarios ala "what if all hindus suddenly started looking like sans undertale"
>he is annoyed but always responds, sends freaky shit back
>have a friend (girl) who I discuss conspiracy theories with
>had a chance to fuck her but was ignoring her due to a very specific reason, then moved
>randomly add myself to sfw discord chats whenever I feel lonely
>often exaggerate my gestures and voice when talking to people for no fucking reason but to look lulrandumb
I know for a fact that I'm the most annoying retard among people I know, but idgaf
Once you go clown, you can't back down

what the fuck do you even mean, who DOESN'T like dragons?
There's clearly some suspicious shit going on here

>self loathing

lmao, I remember when I was in college too
grow the fuck up

>Used to act like a spastic because I had low self esteem and making people laugh made me feel better.
>Stopped putting on the act and decided to just be myself.
>People like me more.
>I'm not always the one initiating conversations.
>People ask if I want to play MP with them.
>End up with friends instead of just people who tolerated my bullshit because they where to polite to just tell me to fuck off.

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Still waiting on that invite, buddeh

>married chick on some video game group develops some sort of crush on me
>sent me a pic one time
>haven't sent her any, she just "likes my voice" or "finds me charming"
>wants to be all flirty with me but I don't engage and reject her advances for many reasons, primary one being that she is married
>gets upset, cries, leaves the call immediately
>this has literally happened several times with other women
>sometimes I'm an asshole to them just to avoid this happening or because I don't like their personality and they still find me endearing
I'm not even kidding, I don't know what it is. I cannot count the number of times girls have "fallen in love" with me over the internet, and they weren't 'ugly' for lack of a better term or anything.

How do you just be yourself?

The curse of Chad voice. I know it, user.

This is literally me

Have confidence in yourself, and if your a sperg make sure it's in an endearingly awkward sort of way instead of an offputting sort of way.

>ywn have a chad voice

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>have a steam friend for years and play games everyday
>one day get really drunk on vc and assume I act like an obnoxious faggot
>he never messages me again

I don't drink anymore.

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My friend sends me very sexually suggestive messages when he is drunk
He won't answer my messages next day so that makes me sad

>tfw I have a tranny furfag in the friends list but I'm too lazy to remove it

>that friend that messages you once or twice a year to vaguely talk about old times and make sexually suggestive comments whenever he has marriage or career trouble

>that friend who only messages you to boast about something


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>I find it extremely difficult to being conversations with other people. Basically you either talk to me or I will never talk to you.
You're an introvert, it's not uncommon.
>My brain instantly goes into "if this person isn't talking to me, he/she's just not interested in me".
Your brain is correct.

This thread is doing bad things to me

Post a screenshot of their profile for a laugh

>Your brain is correct.

just because someone doesn't talk to you doesn't mean they cant become a friend. it also does not automatically mean they are not interested they could just be waiting for you to talk to them first.

don't come to hard onto them with your bullshit at first
built trust slowly, sometimes over the years, then start showing your power level little by little

>that guy now tries to convince you every day that aliens and occult magic are real
please give me back my friend

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Had some nigga on my friend's list in the past few years just randomly start sending me porn images that were probably the result of google image searching, the only few I remember being girls tanning. Don't think I ever sent them a message before and probably only just added them after playing on a multiplayer server for a while. Shit was weird.

D-did they take him?

>That friend who buys you games on every sale
>Doesn't want you to repay him by giving him anything
>He just wants you to enjoy the games
Love you dude

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Why not tell him this and get shit together both?

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Feeling there is a chance that you are that an obnoxious faggot, punk?

>34 year old asocial curmudgeon
>Meet gorgeous 20 something student at my work (she's doing university work placement thing)
>I already (somehow) have a gf
>Want to be friends anyway and can only approach her in the same way I would if I was single because autism
>My brain: "What the fuck are you doing? Abort! Abort!"
>Lead her on but stop myself in time to tell her about my partner and that I just want to be friends
>Turns out females don't like getting friend zoned either
>Starts insisting that she'll come over when my gf isn't home
>*sweating profusely*
>One night she catches me off guard, I'm drunk off cheap box wine and we watch Devilman Crybaby on Netflix
>Next thing I know I'm giving her a full body massage on my bed
>Still lie down next to her, she's now fully nude, and cuddle her coz I'm still somehow trying to be a good boy, drunk as I am
>She realises I'm not gonna make a move as I'm intentionally cuddling her anywhere except directly on her breasts or pussy
>"You really ARE a tease!" (referencing a story about a girl calling me a pussy tease once)
>*sigh* "Fine"
>Rolled around for the rest of the night doing everything but fuck (I knew that would be a waste of time to try coz she said she wasn't a virgin but anything bigger than a finger really hurt)
>Next morning, indescribable feelings of guilt and self loathing
>Still horny enough (didn't bust a nut all night) to grab her head and fuck her mouth for a few more minutes before she left
>Finally learned my lesson and just made it clear, friends only from that point on
>I still fucked her around though and hurt her and so, lost the friend that I wanted all along
It's fine. I'm okay.

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>that you are that an obnoxious faggot, punk?

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It's nice being "female" isn't it user

well, faggots from 4chin use to add each other then behave like retards, and try to find any mentions about themselves in thread since both visit Yea Forums

I'm a male and he knows it

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I had a highschool buddy who did this. He gave me a red pocket gameboy and pokemon red just so I could trade with him playing blue. Him and all my other mates had PS1s but he loved Pokemon so much he just randomly bought me Pokemon Snap one day and just wanted to know if it was good. Looking back now, he obviously wanted to come to my house and play it with me too but I didn't know then because of my immense power level and I was embarrassed by my family/house (I was kind of the Kenny McCormack/poorfag of our group). I wish I could go back and be better to those dudes. Only real friends I ever had and the only ones I'd really want back.

I'm neither a tranny or furfag, I just like reading their profiles.

Racing retard here
This but for user who wants to play racing games
I lost my last racing game kyodai and haven't had a friend who shares my interests for years.

Not videogames but i have this friend who was super cool to talk to in hs, though we unfortunately went to different unis

I want to keep talking to him amd be closer friends but i have no idea if he likes me, worst part is that they answer some off my messages and then it's back to ghosting. Is he just too busy with his own shit or am i the problem?

sounds pretty gay if you ask me

>friends never message you

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>be me
>23 year old virgin
>bring girl back to house after a party
>fingering her a bit
>she says "fuck me"
>tell her I can't be bothered because I didn't want to say I was a virgin
>this is the fourth girl I've turned down sex from because I don't want to lose my virginity to some drunk slut
>just want a normal gf

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Always assume they're busy. It's a tennis game. If you sent a text or two, they definitely read are probably too busy to reply. If you text and they don't reply a few days later just move on and find new friends.

Everytime he breaks the ghosting he says he didn't see the messages before, is he just trying to be nice by not telling me to fuck off directly?

ugh bro so today i was
at the store
there was
next to
and like

discord is the worst place for those faggots aswell

Normal women are drunk sluts.

Same guy you replied to. I know how you feel bro. I waited until 22 because I didn't really know who I wanted to sleep with or how to even be a boyfriend. The whole thing just seemed kinda perplexing to me so it held little interest. The only thing that consistently turned me on through my teens into my early 20s was the thought of eating pussy.
Then I met someone and I just knew. I probably had no right to think I'd get that girl but she ended up being my first. We were together for about a year and then she moved on. That was 2007 but we're still buds and chat sometimes on whatsapp (she moved back to Europe). So I endorse your autistic plan of waiting but also, if you're emotionally capable of it (maybe I wasn't) don't rule out the possibility of just slamming some thots to get some practice but hopefully no STIs.

>The only thing that consistently turned me on through my teens into my early 20s was the thought of eating pussy
I fucking hate the idea of eating pussy. I've gone down on a girl once and it was weird. I'd legit rather eat ass.

>that 'friend' who reveal his power level upon being comfortable around you
>their 'power' is being an easily upset faggot who throw banter at you but can't take receiving bantz
>they're an overly conceited cunt that needs to one-up you every time but they can't do it at all
I fucking hate this kind of snowball when making friends, the sunk cost fallacy hits hard.

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I had a friend like that and I just ended up abandoning him on a night out once because he was such a tremendous faggot. Hasn't spoken to me since and judging by what others have said he's pretty much the same now.

I did build it up to be this huge thing. The first time I did it, lucky she had a nice, pretty pussy but I tried to do it like I'd seen in porn. Where the dude has to show that he's licking it by sticking out his tongue and flicking it back and forth from a distance for the visual aspect of porn.
After a couple of minutes my jaw hurt like shit and I thought 'oh no, I've built this up for years but it's just painful, difficult trash'. But then I thought about it for a while then the next day when we did it again I clamped my mouth down on her like I was french kissing her pussy and figured it out, even came up with a few techniques that probably already existed but which to me were totally original.
Made her cum just the second time I went down on someone. In two weeks... sh-she said I was the best she'd ever had (I was her 5th) and I think my adoration of pussy eating helped that more than a bit.
But eating ass is also nice if you know she's a clean, classy girl that's fresh out of the shower.

>they're an overly conceited cunt that needs to one-up you every time but they can't do it at all
Did you ever feel like you had to pretend they got you even when they didn't? And also hold back on roasting them because you were just trying to spare them the asshurt?

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>"You can talk to me about it :)"
>Talk to them about it
>No reply

Honestly there's only been one girl that I've done sexual stuff with that I've actually enjoyed. She was also my first when I was 16. I think the rest of the time has just been out of loneliness because I don't have a girlfriend, and the last girlfriend I did have ended in a way that ruined me for a solid year.

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My nigga. The loneliness seems bad, until you're reminded how it feels to be around people. At least we have the internet.

>getting messaged at all
100% of my """friends""" only ever respond to me and will never, ever initiate a chat. It's at the point where I don't even bother to sign into steam friends anymore.

>that "friend" who keeps insisting you reveal power level and that nothing will bother him
>your power level is too high and he unfriends you
Why keep asking if you don't want to know?

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>Have asian female friend for the past decade
>Come to each other's homes all the time
>Good looking and great person but have no desire to be her boyfriend
>She understands and doesn't pursue me sexually in return
>Good friends with no sexual tension
>Physical contact doesn't make me explode
Feels good to be normal

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You bet, Meadow Lake to be specific

>That friend who is his own person, often wishes you a good day without any further conversational strings attached, always fun to talk to, respects your boundaries, isn't clingy, isn't depressed, will tell you his opinions straight, doesn't get overly political, listens to you earnestly and doesn't give you shit for declining to play games with him.

Of the hundreds of people I've interacted with online I've only ever met one person like this and I treasure his friendship dearly. So many faggots have brain problems and don't understand basic social courtesies.

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Heh, yeah I could probably change. I just don't want to.

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Online friends aren't real friends

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>She understands and doesn't pursue me sexually in return
Poor girl. Must be a daily struggle to compose herself around you.

This almost sounds like me except I don't wait for him to go online, I just kinda see he's online and just send him a message asking if he wants to call. And I do care about the stuff he talks about

I should fix my shitty behaviour honestly.

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You retards talk about friends like it's something new. Are you by any chance underage?

being a pedo isn't that high or special, buddy

>that "friend" who's actually your second account so you don't look like a friendless loser.
>that "friend" is the only person who'll ever send you steam gifts
