What is Yea Forums's opinion on Yordles?
What is Yea Forums's opinion on Yordles?
why aren't they real
I'd fuck all female yordles.
But then again I'm a horny motherfucker so I'll fuck anything that looks humanish with a pussy.
Pretty based
cute and funny
I've never played nor will I ever play league but I would berry my dick so far in one that whoever could pull me out would be crowned King Arthur.
Miracle of the universe.
They almost make me want to start fucking little people but i havent found any without midget face.
My neighboor is a midget and i keep having this thought when i see her.
Cringe like all shortfags
>that slight hair
>tuft of hair
must be a fucking mop down there
Love 'em.
They'd either be lynched by humans or experimented on by G-men. We'd never get to fuck one.
i want to pick poppy up and use her as a living fleshlight
Let me answer that with another question, does it make anyone who likes yordles a furry?
Do you see any fur on her?
Boys good
Girls bad
Yes? Are you blind?
So Yordles are spirits now? How does that work? You can't fuck spirits.
Every time I try a MOBA I get fucking bored as all fuck. It feels like competitive grinding t b h
>Merge two different races into one
Absolute retard
They're meme leprechauns
I want to be turned into one
They all have fur, with the exception of Fizz because riot doesn't know what to do with their Bandle lore.
Stop making obvious off-topic porn threads on Yea Forums and take this shit to /c/, /e/, /h/ or any of the other boards made for that explicit purpose
Sure doesn't look like it most of the time. Just blue skin and tufts on the ears.
Artists never draw the fur on her. Female yordles have less fur than male ones but are still furry nonetheless.
>Fizz is now yordle
They are cute and sexy, but LoL (including TFT) suck balls.
sneed yourself and have sex riot shill
epitome of soul
She's got fur tufts on her in that pic and her whole body is furry in the official design
If it means that it doesn't associate me with furries to a degree then I want Tristana to lap up my load
every man should have atleast 10 of them for breeding
Suck my dick. Porn threads are Yea Forums culture
Im still mad about his rework and I haven't even played that stupid game in fucking years.
I hate LoL but I still want to fuck them
>Rework ONLY Trist n Poppy
Why not just rework every yordle or just give them new models
All my fetishes on a small package
>have sex
Yes, sex with a Yordle!
If another game had off-brand yordles would it it kill the fantasy, like a race just close enough or more traits than just blue/purple skinned shortstacks .
>Yorick rework
womanlets give birth to manlets
>Tfw fell for the shortstack meme
>Recently got a female co-worker at my job who I've talked to
>She's around my age
>Co-workers commented that they always see me with her
>We're the only two young people in the warehouse
>She's short as hell
>Literally 3foot8
>Her fucking hips
Well I can't describe her hips well enough so I'll have to show you.
Brehs... She doesn't even have a boyfriend.
try plunging attack
So whats it like working in the redletter media warehouse?
this is jessi from red letter media you cuck
Just fuck her then faggot
they suck in teamfight tactics
Trist's old voice made me diamonds.
user you fucking better hit that bitch with your dick harder than Thor sundered the heavens with his fucking thunder.
holy fucc
If you fuck it up we'll never forgive you
granted. youre kennen
I forgot the name of that one yordle who made other players big with her ult but she made my pp hard.
What did they do to him anyway? I haven't played in over five years but I remember I like playing him, it was funny seeing people think they could take you while you slowly started to melt their hp faster and faster
He does the same shit now when he isn't nerfed to six feet under which isn't often. His design just got a lot more generic like almost every rework so far.
they are sexy as shit but also cute, would like to have one as a friend.
>thread reminder that yordles apperences are fake and they're actually demonic abominations
I like them. A lot.
way too fucking short. that's like fucking a toddler, man.
>tfw you're starting to have dreams about shortstacks
>still have no clue how to meet new people beyond work, which is a retail nightmare
Please god deliver me from this personal hell, and bless me with a short, thick cutie.
kill yourself modern Yea Forums user
Gnar is the cutest.
You'll never find a midget girlfriend. Just go for an average girl. Better something than nothing.
Sableye tho.