What went wrong?
you making this thread for the nth time.
Scrapping every single individual race backstory and just keeping the human intro, there being no reason to actually settle down and make a base on any planet, lack of difficulty and the fact that a porn mod is more fleshed out than the actual game.
Would you have prefered another smash thread or pokemon thread?
How would you fix the abominable story Yea Forums?
>updates your game
Bro's wtf I thought this game was dead?
It was never dead it's just deflated. I enjoy a lot about Starbound, more than most here, but it falls short in so many places. I wish it reached it's potential because I enjoy it's vibe more than terraria.
>tfw all the shilling actually makes me want to buy and play the game
It's working, but I'm still skeptic because of As well as content since apparently I heard it's a sandbox game as opposed to a combat one like Terraria.
If you want to make Starbound porn threads I suggest moving to /trash/
I would remove Molly's shitty self-insert granny and everything else that came with it.
Don't get it. It's boring, empty, bare-bones and runs extremely poorly. The game fucking lags in single player the same way Terraria only does when you visit a server on the other side of the planet.
tranny programmer and tranny artist
We're talking about what went wrong with the game not posting porn you dumb idiot.
I got a bit further than the mining facility boss and then lost interest, why the fuck couldnt they make a game like that one level, it would have been actually interesting but they fell for the open world crafting sandbox meme
Go back to the original ideas
Fuck the friendly ass NPCs
I want to feel alone in space, with incentives to settle down somewhere and start my own galactic empire
Then let me choose to become a power hungry tyrant and enslave the other races, while rebel NPC or player factions pop up to oppose me
They tried to generate a shitload of hype for a game that was nowhere near an acceptable playstate and ended up hurting their image in doing so.
You can stop pretending, dummy, I've seen this same thread posted twice or thrice per week and it always ends with anons posting suggestive Florans
First I'd remove the boring and overdone Movie Starship Trooper, Alien Marine and Cadian Imperial Guard look humans and have and replace it with something more modern with T visors and segmented armor pieces. Then I'd get rid of the pointless random generated nonsense and instead create points of interest around the galaxy that's all handcrafted but has different spawned structure locations.
I could write an in-depth, autistic design document on all they ways I could fix this fucking game.
Do it then pussy.
Do you have any proof to back up this dubious claim?
don't do it, chucklefuck would steal your ideas and implement them wrong anyway
Just browse any archive that archives Yea Forums, search for "What went wrong?" like in the OP, since every thread started the same way. Dumb falseflagger.
Proof is the burden of the accuser you dumb quadruple nigger. Right now your falling in the "dude trust me" catagory.
I'm gonna need some examples here
>make crazy Taahl looking tundra aliens into llamas
What is it with sòyboys and cutsifying everything? Sometimes I wonder if we should have let all of Europe be swallowed up by Communism because when the break up of the Soviets in1992 all the faggots would have died of starvation or in the gilags leaving only the men.
What ever happened to the chucklepup?
Dead. Labradors don't magically change into Terriers.
>nonstop bitching from early buyers.
>devs refusing to stand their ground on literally any descision.
>devs paying too much attention to community input.
>guys why does the game seem so aimless, unpolished, and lacking on content??
gee, I just don't know
So the most logical sense it to tear literally everything out and replace it with something worse?
Like this?
That was because the initial team only had one coder who refused to comment his unoptimized shitty code, and then left, leaving the people they brought in to work on it to try and make heads or tails of his "work"
just mod it faggots. that way you can get something good
What's the story about this? Can I have a quick rundown?
So they just killed the dog?
This. They went and butchered the uniqueness from biomes and presets when the game like most proc gen suffered from "it all looks samey". They managed to make it worse by lowering the randomness and shoehorning a dumb plot.
just get a mod.
frakin universe adds a shit ton of autismo and a ton of random generated biomes and planets.
>What went wrong?
the launch i guess? the game is super fun now especially more so with mods.
The team got an office dog, posted that pic of it laying next to it's bed, both of which were right next to the electrical outlet, and then never posted about it again. Until a twitter account was set up for the dog, but the dog it showed was a different breed from the one that they initially photographed next to the box & outlet.
what the fuck
>Putting a Puppy near an electrical outlet with plugs on them
These people should not be allowed near dogs ever again.
Chucklefish is guilty of a number of crimes
No dummy like this!
>all of this dog love shit
I didn't know so many women played starbound.
>hating dogs
Fuck off Mohommed.
You have no idea, you incel
tits or gtfo
>one coder...
How big was the initial team?
Only tit you dune coon ass will get iss off the drone that will bomb your sandnigger dwelling.
I think it's trying to communicate with me...
Can I watch the next time you fuck your dog?
I love it when Arabs post on Yea Forums. It means I can post this image.
not big at all my dude.
a few people, you can shit on chucklefish all you want but they really know how to jew. from forming as a small indie dev studio where everyone worked from home, to becoming a full fledged publisher for good indie games (some of them are also shit) with their own offices in london.
the guy in charge is a master jew.
One coder, Tiy, Molly (the community manager), and like 6 pixel artist.
It was ways shitty how they have a bunch of unique looking trees, but cutting them down would (almost?) always yield the same wood, instead of anything resembling what you got it from.
bad controls
boring missions
abysmal story
lack of meaningful variation between planets