>new oculus quest VR headset
>doesn't need a computer to play
>the computer is already in the headset
u wot?
I thought VR took mad processing power, how can you play anything worthwhile on something small enough to strap to your face?
New oculus quest VR headset
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You can't. You're welcome.
I dunno but they pulled it off, the quest runs fantastic and looks pretty great. Inb4 some guy posts some shitty still of robo recall or something, it looks great when you're in VR and you can do it literally anywhere, walk around real life and enter matrix bubbles that take half a second to paint.
the Quest is fantastic.
>how can you play anything worthwhile on something small enough to strap to your face?
You can't.
>giving money to facebook
Can I watch porn on it?
its not for full-fledged games, just "experiences" aka movies where you can look around a little
I only give my money to Steam as well.. fellow gamers rise up
I'm wanting to get a vr headset. What exactly are the downsides of going with an oculus? I know facebook is shit, but what about them and vr is shit?
Also thinking of a rift s because that's the only decently priced headset I can get