does anyone want to play anything on switch with me
Does anyone want to play anything on switch with me
sure do you have smash ? i can open a arena
Wanna play Girls Und Panzer?
Want to play Catan?
sure we can play switch user... the lewd kind
I don't have those games
I do but I'm not sure if that's what I want to play at the moment
smash is too stressful most of the time
how do I make friends on steam who actually play games
Always remember: behind every anime post, there’s a man looking for his next dose of semen. Nothing more, nothing less.
schizo homo
What do you want to play? I have Smash, Tennis & Kart available
>about to suggest mario party
>remember it doesn't have online
>Smash is just so stressful :(
Oh. So youre just a trap who wants to ERP
I thought it just had really a really shitty online mode
Uncomfortable truth
is mario tennis worth getting still?
seeing how OP stopped posting to this thread, it's safe to assume this user is right and OP already ejaculated.
to be perfectly honest I was playing mario kart when I made the thread and then lost at the last second to bullshit and quit and now I don't really want to play anymore
kek, I love mario kart 8, no switch though so can't play with you, played it to death with friends on the Wii u
I live in a world where its piss easy to find ERP partners, have a natural knack for it, but don't enjoy it and just want to talk lewd, share 2d boobies and cute girls, and fap but of the minority that is interested only want loli, gay, and outlandish fetishes or have horrific taste in lewds.
Video games.
Post feet then.
I don't know what to play
>tfw have a bunch of ERP friends added and available and none of them try to start anything
>tfw the one ERP friend that stayed active with me deleted their account
Just make your preferences clear to them and say that you don't like outlandish stuff. If they keep linking you outlandish stuff then stop talking to them.
I don't ERP but I talk to a few people about doujins and porn artists regularly. Some I only share pretty standard vanilla with, some I share big fucking hyper expanding titties with, some I share ballbusting femdom with.
>get erp friend
>get a crush on them
>not gay
>not gay
I don't believe you