Is bumplocking actually a thing now for real on 4channel? No longer meme legend

Is bumplocking actually a thing now for real on 4channel? No longer meme legend..

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Sage has always been here newfag

Not even memeing, it does exist. I've seen a thread experience it before.


Yep, is locked for instance, try to bump it not memeing

The fuck are you talking about? You mean autosage? That's been a thing forever.

can confirm, just tried its still on page 10 lmao

now the thread is archive i posted "test" and it didnt bump it. lmao fuck this shit.

is this how its done now? rules arent even needed anymore if there is a literal censorship gestapo with no accountability.

fucks sake, delete a thread, prune it, ban someone.. but bumplocking is literal reddit shit.

So.. that was actually bumplocked wtf i posted that dumb faggot comment and it archived right after


inb4 this one is bumplocked



reddit has become better i think, i think it has finally won. i will now go back !

>tfw it was bumplocked and they turned it off after you said that.. i was watching too.

>12 / 0 / 6 / 2

well, this was eye opening



look at that is literal proof of a bumplocked thread. i am the cuck always defending the jannies but this is cant get behind

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you are the newfag, and you're fooling no one.

>newfags don't know about autosage

>implying anyone but bootlickers or actual jannies would side with gestapo tactics of bumplocking and being forced to adhere to rules that dont matter anymore if you can be put on an unpersoned list

go back to youtube/twitter

>19 / 1 / 9 / 1

im curious where in the FAQ/rules it mentions your thread being arbitrarily removed of bump privileges..

or is this something that can happen when you break no rules and there is no actual accountability from staff?

once again, im the cuck always defending you guys.. but this is kinda making me feel like a real cuck now for doing that. you guys are better than this.

you HAVE to go back

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im not the guy who made that thread dude, im an ACTUAL oldfag who has seen better days, this is reddit shit right here.

>comparing jannies to the beyond based gestapo
>being a reddit electionfag and thinking this place is a democracy and rules mean anything
>not using mod/janny asshurt as fuel to compel yourself to shitpost EVEN HARDER

>an ACTUAL oldfag
Post the oldest pic in your Yea Forums folder

yea, you guys really know how to alienate the last few people who stick up for you, ive been here since the beginning, i was the mastermind behind dial soap.. and you have just convinced me that i should spend less time here.

stickdeath.jpeg. go fuck yourself newfaggot.

you can't bump your own thread you fucking retard

29 / 2 / 11 / 5

that wasnt my thread, so my post should have bumped it, not to mention other people tried too. you cant pretend this didnt happen, you know it did and you know you are in the wrong for bullying decade long members of this shithole for pointing out the fact that it has actually become reddit this time, actual reddit.

sad day, actually kinda is.

Retards all of you

you think you can fool me? or are you just trying to crack consensus for others reading the thread who might actually think you aren't a janitor?

well cant say it matters, this thread will sink to the bottom of the ocean of piss, and im tired. learned a lot today.

sorry it had to happen this way, but i have no control over it. bound to happen eventually i guess.

holy shit fucking kill yourself you inbred mouth breathing knuckling dragging faggot

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