Mojave. Home

Mojave. Home.

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Least it was before the NCR fucked everything up


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Die, you shitskin larvae.

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Least it was after I modded everything up.

Why is Mojave pronounced Mo Ha Vei

Where we dropping, boys?


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

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What was the worst quest in your opinion?

We won't go quietly; the legion can count on that.

who cares, assert your dominance, call it moe-jayve

Beyond the Beef.

i fucking hate this area but my autism won't let me leave any areas unexplored

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hard luck blues, it's barely even a quest

The mao guai hand quest.

Come Fly With Me. It's not terrible, but I've done it so many times that I can go the rest of my life without touching it ever again and I'd be cool with that.

Can't stand be shelled constantly eh? It takes time and patience to be one of the Boomers you autistic Zoomer.

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fuck the cazadores in that area

The entire Brotherhood questline.

Act like a literal slave going around the map doing menial tasks for zero rewards other than a meaningless rank in a society that will never accept you

what was that, gramps?

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I got an ant problem for you to solve. Also, you need to go retrieve some solar panel parts from a solar plant. Then you just need to come back and attach some ballasts to a plane in the bottom of lake mead. After that, you will have earned the right to become an honorary boomer and the right to shell zoomer savages with ordinances.

I love how this "courier" is just Boone with a wig

>No one mentions Legend of the Star

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What are some interesting locations in places that most people didn't visit?

Legend of the Star is kino but it's one of those things that loses it's luster after you know how it plays out.

It was a good quest though, maybe you were overhyped

the quests are mostly shit compred to any real rpg.

>that 8 year old boomer who thinks the B-17 was better than the B-29

Come fly with me is an amazing quest for the first time, but all the backtracking is such a goddamn slog that i never want to do it again
yet it earns you so much exp for that early game
And anything to do with the great khans. I really want to like them but every quest involving them is just real annoying

Not everything is about speed zoomer. It's about chilling in your flying fortress while dropping ordinance on unsuspecting zoomer savages while sipping Sarsaparilla.

*runs towards you with three other guys*

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Greetings, fellow legionnaires. I see the mission was successful?

Degenerates like you belong on a cross.

Bye Bye Love
Just a loading screen after loading screen

speaking of the khans
>do that one quest were you got to convince papa khan to side against the Legion
>get to the part where you need to talk to the woman in the quarry
>I never once realized that there was an entrance on the other side that led straight to her and I ended up fighting my way past all those fucking deathclaws
This is why quest markers are the worst

IIRC if you have enough explosives and repair then you can pretty much skip most of the Boomer quests


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least it was before I realized how fucking shitty this game really is.

I cant stop doing all the quests the ncr gives you, too much xp and cool shit to miss

>tfw the Mojave actually is my home.

Sucks Obsidian decided to focus on them since the Legion is way more interesting as a faction.

I get there were time constraints but one of the dlc's could have been set in Legion territory or something

most people have never bothered to visit deathclaw promontory

Come fly with me, by far. Fuck ghouls, they make me puke, fuck their religious mumbo-jumbo, fuck Chris, that delusional sack of shit, fuck nightkins. When I bothered with that quest I always sabotaged the rockets. I hate that there is no option to just fuck them all up without failing the quest. The favor was to just remove them from Repconn right? But, no, you are forced to become some sort of errand boy for Haversome after he's been nothing but a complete assclown. You can still kill them manualy and that gay sniper still shares the info on khans, but you don't get any xp though.

When I was visiting US in 2015 I was actually at Nipton. People were super nice there. They have heard that their town was featured in a video game but didn't know the specifics. Most just said "Well, I am glad our town was used in a video game. Hope it was represented somewhat nice and all".

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pfft haha

They gave some hand wave lore explanation that legion doesn't atcually need any help from Curier, unlike NCR who are in deep shit and constantly need help. But NCR to Legion quest ratio is like 50/1, yeah.

It's worth it for the Enclave armour there so you don't have to mess with Arcade's mystery Good Boy Points system

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Why does it look so much smaller than Fallout 3?

half the map is empty/can't even be explored

Cause it is. It's way more dense than FO3 but like 20% of the map isn't even accessible. FO3 lets you go pretty much all the way to the corners.

or, you know, the map is just more zoomed out

Is Fallout 4 any good? I own it but haven't played it yet. If so, any must-have mods I should get first?


Pretty sure FO3's game world is still bigger. Still, I suppose the only reason they did zoom it out so much is just so the Pip-Boy map would be square.

>patroling the divide almost makes you wish for 30 extra missiles to launch

so many bugs >:-(

everytime i try to get into new vegas I spend literally 40 hours installing 100+ mods and then i dont play the game at all

can i still enjoy the game w/o any major mods?

I would at the very least get reshade to remove the piss filter

Any essential mods for this bad boy? Only ever played vanilla for 140 hours.

*laughs in Dinner Bell and Shotgun Surgeon*

>Play JSawyer rebalance
Friendship ended with Jury Rigging, now Pack Rat is my new best friend

>tick fix
>Anti crash
If desired
>A texture replacer
>enb or NVGE


That's why I said if desired. I don't use enb anymore, a tint remover is good enough for me desu.

>Pretty sure FO3's game world is still bigger.

i saved a picture about this topic

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>What is power armour skill, gauss and Tesla weapons?

Well, shit. Always felt like FO3 was bigger, especially because of the city area. It was actually kind of confusing to navigate unlike New Vegas.

Tesla weapons are hot garbage though. If you're already going for energy you might as well just use the YCS.

The best Gauss and Tesla weapons are free, even if they're in an out of the way spot and guarded by a big gang of robots, respectively

>Well, shit. Always felt like FO3 was bigger, especially because of the city area. It was actually kind of confusing to navigate unlike New Vegas.

artificial confusion

>tfw the world looks huge on the map in FO3 but when you start walking you realize it was just over a hill and it's really well hidden map design

Not to mention that a majority of the downtown DC area in 3 is unexplorable and loaded with invisible walls

>literally just shit everywhere that if you could climb, could get over
>but no, take the stations instead
Thank goodness for fast travel.

its been a long time since i played fallout 3 but one thing i remember is exploring the downtown area being very tedious. im sure there are areas in it i never found out of a lack of patience. do you think the whole downtown area in 3 would fit into the boomer compound in nv or is it more spread out?

The big thing was that it was divided into chunks rather than being a fully explorable area so you had to go through a fuck load of subway tunnels

yeah. by that time i already had enough of subway tunnels after doing the quest with the vampires.

What does Karma actually affect?

Ending slides. And Cass won't follow you if you keep getting bad karma, but fuck her.

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>but fuck her
No he won't, some random soldier will.

>but fuck her

wish you could. she goes on about what a slut she is but wont fuck the courier.

>best girl isn't a companion
wtf obsidian?

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Fat harbor is amazing

You mean Point Lookout 2?

100% the boomers questline
>shell the shit out of you just for trying to approach them
>almost certainly will nuke your companions if they're following
>arrest you at the gate and take you captive. you have no choice to refuse this even though you could easily tear them all limb from limb right then and there
>meet their leader Pearl as a captive

I slaughter the shit out of these faggots every time.

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>want to play NVMP
>it's dead
>tes3mp is still only for morrowind
I just want to depopulate the Mojave with friends

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Why is Obsidian so bad at managing time?

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>dolan springs

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Hehe, Glory Hole

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nice world design


NV's world has a logical structure. It's infinitely superior to Bethesda's design philosophy of designing worlds as shitty shallow theme parks where the most important thing is coax plyrs' OCD by allowing them to just randomly walk in any direction in 360 degrees and stumble upon shit to waste their time.

damn thats actually so wholesome if true.

Technically Sandy Valley is where the Divide is. If you look behind you after entering the Canyon Wreckage, you can see the otherside of the buss you entered from, which borders that part of the map in the vanilla game.

Why do I remember the map upside down, maybe cause it's mixed up with the other Fallout maps? When I think about the strip I think southeast sector.

New Vegas was ruined for me when i picked the door leading into Houses room and opened his cryo chamber half way through the story.
His Robots were going ape shit and he started yelling at me, i panicked and killed him then ran out of the casino.

So Jim would be pronounced Him in Spanish? That's pretty stupid I'm glad there's no spics in Canada

>53 KB JPG
You really don't mean that user.

There should have been a "It was an accident" dialogue option for when he asks you why you've fucked up his plans

Why do people want to fuck that roastie Cass?

Because she's attractive and not annoying like veronica
Christine is best girl though

because she has a vagina and will talk to you. just like in real life

They were promised a deadline extension but never got it in writing. When they learned they wouldn't have as much time as they were told they had to back pedal.

Kill yourself.

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How Little We Know, simply because of how broken it is. Alternatively, Missing Laser Pistol.

I moved to canada a couple years ago and everytime I see a native I mistake them for a Mexican

But she's a used up old roastie with a drinking problem who cucks you.

I liked it. lack of cool looking armor was a minus tho


>tick fix
>lighting mod to remove piss

that's all you need. Everything except the lighting mod is pure functionality to get the game running consistent and smooth. JIP LN adds a few extra features that you can enable, but aren't functionally significant.

Stuff like reintroducing Big Guns as a separate skill, bringing back the FO3 repair system, and splitting head armor from body armor (so a headshot with no armor won't be absored by body armor's DT). All of them are optional, but most of them add some vaulable QOL improvements on top of the engine fixes that JIP brings.

NPCs you wish were companions

>Sunny Smiles (and Chyenne)
>Oliver Swanick
>Simon (The Van Graff guard)

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Pretty much all the DLC characters. Except Dean Domino and Daniel, fuck them.

I love benny so much I usually kill everyone in the legion camp to get him out; I just wish he stuck around.

I just wanted Christine to follow me out of the poison casino so I could take her back to her girlfriend

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But Dean Domino has that silky smooth voice.

Narcissistic shithead behavior aside....

Fallout 3's map was still better though

even with all the subway tunnels?

Fallout 3s map was empty and all the same. Plus the entire subway system in downtown guarantees you won't want to replay the game. All that aside I subjectively found the varied landscapes and natural flow of roads and hills to be better in new Vegas. The last thing I'll say is that when you're playing new vegas there is always something interesting within view that you can walk to, fallout 3 is very very barren.

and I can't get over the fact that DC is apparently so toxic that pic related is a desert 200 years later with no drinkable water as if China dropped so many bombs that the universe forgot what the concept of a half life is

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Pussy bitch, kill benny like a man.
That dlc is cancer and so is that dyke.

Fallout is basicaly post-apocalypse porn. There is no logic there. Same as why no one ever cleans up the houses they live in, or the NCR headquarters in NV has trash all over the floor. Every building looks like the bombs fell yesterday with skeletons everywhere.

There is logic to fallout's worlds just not the ones made by Bethesda.

The 3d Fallouts really are that. I could do some mental gymnastics and claim that the NCR has just recently occupied the embassy after finally being let in by House but I'm pretty sure it was just laziness and/or lack of resources. The original games have brand new post-war architecture.

The cannibal one in the casino because it's so convoluted

No it wasn't. the city was a joke, you were constantly climbing over rocks and piles of rubble because there's no discernible road system to use, nothing is placed logically and instead randomly scattered about the map, and the towns are all a fucking joke as well because most of them were like 3 buildings with 4 NPCs.

There was absolutely logic to FO1, 2, and NV. It's bethesda who thinks FO is supposed to be post-apoc theme park land.

that was the best quest in the game you absolute pleb. if it's too "convoluted" for you, go back to skyrim's fetch quests where you visit draugr dungeon #3082 and follow the line to the big ebin loot chest with the shortcut back.

Keep dreaming, faggot. Fallout was was silly before bethesda. I agree that even more so after.


There was supposed to be logic to New Vegas but Obsidian were too busy implementing new gameplay features and quest content to re-convert Bethesda's literal trash assets to sensible variants. It's basically a low to medium effort official Fallout mod to Todd's D-grade fanfiction.

What the fuck are you trying to say you illiterate sperg? You can have some dumb shit and still have farms growing food.

The lack of legion settlement really hit the Legion overall look. If only we could see them then we would get a least some visible reason to join them.

Exactly. Without that content the faction became irredeemable and only low INT characters could justify doing their bidding.

Did you tell them they were debased and corrupt.

What the fuck are you trying to say here you autistic piece of shit with buzzword tendecies? The only one illiterate and lacking comprehension here is you shit eater.

Shame his VA died a few years ago.

You can have silly aspects to the world and still present it with some degree of logic. Bethesda fails at this entirely.

Who she

My guess is the hardass ranger at the mountain pass checkpoint

I know, a real shame. He did a great job with the character.
So likeable and charming for such a colossal scumbag.

Sunny, Victor and Benny were gonna be companions but was cut due to time constraints

Except it takes the Courier three days to travel to the divide and it wouldn't make any sense if the Divide was literally right next to the Mojave.
