Why did the gamer mentality stay the same for over twenty years?

Why did the gamer mentality stay the same for over twenty years?

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To be honest PS1 games have aged a lot better than N64 games.

>this post is older than a large fraction of people on this board

He didn’t say nigger or retard in the original post, stop fucking with OG console wars. Stupid fucking Redditoors

> 9 7

Nothing litteraly changed, i bet this dude invented the GayStation insult before everyone else on this board. This is... ankward.

the 2D ones. The 3D ones aged worse. And no, emulators smoothing over the shitton of pixels don't count.

That’s not the point here. The man in the picture, a gamer, is behaving like everyone on this board, who are also gamers.
even the few old enough people, aka the “boomers”, behave just as infantile as the majority, if not more.

Because it's human nature to bicker with rival tribes whether a game console or sports team

>i bet this dude invented the GayStation insult before everyone else on this board
Yeah, that's how inventing stuff works. If you "invent" something, you've done it before everyone else, genius.

Because Sony has been fucking gay for the whole time.

>gamer mentality stay the same

Avengers vs Avatar

Based Mifflin Devin

Fake as fuck, the language is all wrong.


autists are resistant to change

>play with toys for children
>have the mind of a child
Who would have thought.

My point was people on this board who try to be edgelord by claiming they invented ( well not directly but like "ah ah fuckin nintendards, ah ah look at you nintendards ah ah" ) some originals insults and gimmicks or whatever, to X "clan" while this has always been there since the beginning of consoles competition.

>if not more
I can guarantee you that the board is going to shit as younger people come on here. The board was bad before but it's waaaaaaay worse now. There is next to zero discussion for any game that is remotely popular

>Why did the gamer mentality stay the same for over twenty years?
Because it's unironically the same posters as 20 years ago.

There are a fucking scary amount of 35-45 year olds on Yea Forums who would have been prime shitposting age 20 years ago.

No, the board will stay shit because nobody here matured past the age of 12, nothing would change even if everyone under 20 was magically collectively barred from coming to this site.

Because people who spend money on purchases want to justify their purchases. The wider the gap between their disposable income and the purchase the greater the need to justify becomes, which is to say that when people can only afford one console they become a console warrior.

You're not wrong but the culture with younger people is leading to less discussion. At least we had autists before that would discuss more obscure games. When new games came out we actually had some many threads some of us got moved to /vg/ where we had more discussion. e.g. Legend of Grimrock 2's release. Now it's just rampant shit posting. Hollow Knight comes out and its metroidvania people screaming how their favorite metroid game is better

All the mentally-underage boomers care to do is whine about boob sizes and calling anything that came out after 2000 literally dogshit. Gamers are horrible, juvenile people no matter the age, and the OP post and this entire board proves that.

Then why is it getting worse over time

The late 90's edgy "battle" between consolefags was funny at least. Now its just retarded wojak edits.

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Ya know if you think about it the internet isn’t that old.

Because a lot of modern Nintendo fans are the very same ones that never grew up.

It's basic tribalism, every human is susceptible to it, it's in our blood


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>And if you don't believe me, you're either a retard or a NIGGER
saving this

this is just proof that only newfags complain about le console wars
go join reddit if you want a safespace for your favorite mega corp

the cartoon?

because gaming got popular enough for women to get involved. Unironically. The same thing happened to the internet. inb4 incel, have sex, etc.

my bad, wrong thread

Because the zoomers take the behavior of the juvenile virgin boomers, amplify it because they want to belong here, and the boomers take offense and do everything they can to one-up them in cancerousness.

Eh, it still kinda applies.

Not really.

>over two decades have passed and sonybros STILL haven't recovered from this roasting

You can find the post yourself you mentally ill shitter.

Attached: Old video game post 1.png (360x253, 153K)

Oh boy, can’t wait for the Fortnite circlejerk that’ll surface when the next popular videogame comes out a handful of years from now.

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