Which moba is the best to pick up right now?

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Unironically HotS.

Why does every game have the same map?

3 lanes 2 jungles is the archetype, smites is different having all he lanes being parellel

Isn't that dead

HotS gets rid of a lot of the fake complexity and makes it more about mechanics. Lets be honest here; 99% of people just pick the exact same skills in the same order and buys the same items in the same order and levels up the same way every single time in DotA2 and LoL. The mechanics are worthless except for just having something you need to memorize and do every game like a chore. Yeah, you can change what you buy to deal with specific situations better but most people don't do that.

Meanwhile in HotS, it's purely just mechanical skill that matters. It does still have perks you need to pick on level up which you will pretty much 100% of the time always pick the same ones, but it's a lot less busy work and tedium.

Adding complexity that doesn't actually make the game better doesn't make it more hardcore. This is a trap that a lot of casuals that try to pretend they're hardcore fall for. Needing to memorize build orders also doesn't make a game hardcore.

creatively bankrupt

you're stupid in every game you mention here you're supposed to buy items/choose perks around what the enemy team is doing

i refuse to believe you're any good at all

supposed to, sure. Vast majority of people don't actually do that, though.

If you have like 2000 hours in dota2 then you're just getting queued up with the tiny minority of highly skilled players that use those mechanics

I really love the mechanic where the map comes to life at beats the shit out of your base used on every map

Get a copy of WC3 and play DoTA.

Have you ever played these games? You change what order you buy the items in depending on who your facing and the state of the game. Builds also change over time for each hero depending on nerfs, buffs and the understanding of how to play new champions. Something that is considered an experimental niche build or even a troll build can become the standard way to play a certain character.



Sort of true. All my friends are adaptive: they would Max arcane curse on silencer versus a bristleback and build ghost sceptre versus ad's with no magic damage like drow.

I've also seen underlords build guardian greaves when we had a pair 15 minutes ago so there goes 5k gold

Shouldn't you be dying in that heatwave, Pierre?

It's getting updates extremely slowly. My point in recommending it is so it will be very easy to dip out. It doesn't have nearly the learning requirements of other mobas while still having the core gameplay.
League will devour your existence. DotA 2 probably will too. HotS is just like play a couple games every once and a while, go "k that was fun" and leave with your sanity and life intact. The last thing you want to do to yourself is become a ranked-drone chasing pointless validation and success; being basically an NPC in someone else's videogame unless you're at the top percent of the top percent and not even then will you be good enough.
IMO, the balance and kit design is also pretty good in comparison. There's way less instances of being insta-deleted, good potential for comebacks if you're more skilled, but also matches end fast if it's a straight up loss, characters don't innately cover their own weaknesses so you have to play around your team, and there's some neat stuff that plays with the genre in general.

Except dota 2 has way more mechanics than HotS so your point is moot. It has more "fake" complexity and real complexity via hard to learn mechanics.

>tfw I have always liked Smite and after years of not playing still like it upon coming back to it
I just think its fun.

Played a game today. DK is tons of fun in lane with maxed passive, he can regen full health in under a minute! Got screwed by sniper/drow on other team though, ours couldn't initiate on them. Probably should've gone blink or even force/lance instead of AC

in comparison to league* I didn't have internet when WC3 was big and I don't like the idea of steam or having it on my computer so I've never played DotA.

BKB saves lives, it's amazing how much shit you can fuck when you build it

>He plays ranked

LOL 2k hours in Dota and I'm not touching that dumpster fire. Why would I give myself a reason to get mad over my team other then laughing at them then going into the next game.

>Why would I give myself a reason to get mad over my team

Why would you get mad over a digital number? Ranked is the only way to play Dota 2 unless you like playing with redditor niggers who don't even try.

Anyone else has that Dota problem when your screen fucking freezes but the game is still going?
no idea why, but as soon as the game starts and i have to pick a hero it freezes and i have to restart the fucking game again

What about smite


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I tried a few MOBAs but I just don't find them fun. They all play like shit.

I barely touched ranked in mobas actually. I got to gold then immediately quit for two seasons in League because I was expecting Victorious Orianna eventually and I would never dishonor her by not being there for it. I'm actually moreso speaking from experience getting to the highest ranks in Splatoon and getting absolutely dumpstered in online smash. I've full on retired from any sort of online ranking system, if I want to play a moba I just play QM in HotS with comfy music or a podcast. I haven't gotten fucked by rolling a bad team composition in a long time after they did some changes to that, the only stuff that gets really fucky is fighting Abathur + Dive or Sgt. Hammer with a shit team comp.

It sounds like a good option, I haven't seen any gameplay though but it's got QTs and 3rd person perspective seems neat.

That's good to hear, wholeheartedly.

The only MOBAs I like are Awesomenauts and HOTS, and maybe LoL but only for Udyr

I miss it so much.
Will any game ever have a hero as great as Lord Salforis?

Mobile Legends or Vainglory for Mobile.

>Mobile gaming
Don't make me laugh

OP here, I've decided on Smite

Good for you, OP.
I hope you have fun and do tell what you think of the game.

I'll make a thread on it after I've put in 3 hours

HotS is almost as dead in the water as artifact

If you're serious about putting time into it and watching replays and pros and learning all the mechanics than dota 2 will be the most rewarding.
Otherwise lol or smite can be played casual and still be enjoyable. HotS if you enjoy not thinking at all.

Dota 2. /thread

dont get into mobas, just play casually and know enough to get into watching pros play instead.

please kill me Yea Forums

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I want more 3D MOBAs. Like Super Monday Night Combat.
But not that one. Also Jesus Christ, user.

>Which moba is the best to pick up right now?
That's like asking which cancer to get right now. Stay the fuck away if you value your time and life.

3000 is rookie numbers. 11000 dota 2 chad here ama.

>playing hi-rez games
enjoy being dumped as they chase the next fotm genre

>playing a MOBA
>in 2019

i played it before it came to steam too

i have 6,400+ matches of smite in total played according to smite guru, and the bare minimum average time spent i'd be willing to guess for those is 13 minutes. you do the math

Why not? Minimal investment in learning and you get to stomp people. Don't tell me you take MOBAs seriously.

cucked and bluepilled

the answer always has been and always will be dota. its (actually) free, its in a launcher you almost certainly have and all the others just ripped it off but took out all the fun mechanics.

6400*13/60 is only 1386 hours.

i actually just added up my time per class and my averages come out to around 7 minutes on average per match

which is literally impossible, because the ability to surrender before 10 minutes was relatively recent

this stupid beta site doesn't properly track anything about the beta or season1 and 2 correctly. it only displays season 3-6 in detail, and i don't nearly play like i used to

>It's current year
It is indeed anom

league of legends
don't bother replying, no amount of seething dotards will change my mind or make my post any less true
>best to pick up
my answer is of course, league of legends

OP already picked

yeah i was answering the question, i dont care what op does

Good choice, it has more than just the MOBA aspect to it if you get bored as well. As someone who spends too much of their autism time on that game, it's a good pick up.
Nice, I have about 2700 total (main and alts).

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its okay at the end of the day youre still playing LoL (lol)


OP here
Yeah so far I love arena and joust, conquest seems daunting if imma be honest. I'm not level 15 so I can't play the other modes yet

it's a system that works, pretty much all other maptypes were dead pretty fast. It's also something people are used to so its easier for them to switch.

This is an interesting part of the game though, where you can lose a lead by failing to skill or build correctly for the situation.

Literally anything other than League. League requires you to grind or pay just for their shitty copy pasted and unbalanced characters. The only reason cucks still play it is because of sunk cost fallacy.

Dota 2 of course. You don't have to pay a single cent to enjoy the game to it's fullest. I haven't bought a battle pass in years and I still play every day.

hey schizo gopnik

HotS if you want to have fun.
LoL if you want a MOBA that will still be alive years to come.
Dota2 is stagnating.

Dont worry about hurr which is different theyre all the same. Smite makes things more interesting and dota 2 is the better community.

LoL devs pre-fabricate the meta so you're guaranteed to buy the new champs because they're so good until the inevitable nerf. cope

I don't think HoTS is some turbo high skill ceiling game but I do like that they drop a lot of the bullshit autism bait that other mobas have. Dota 2 feels like a job when you want to do well. Same with LoL but at least LoL's jungle is better and its not held back by purists who want no changes to the game. Games that take a thousand hours of your life aren't fun they're just draining your life force.

Fucking casual

>Saying facts is schizo

Forgive him. He's a paranoid schizo.

>Dota 2’s jungle
>held back by purists
Lmao. They’ve ruined the jungle with every update, and that’s a good thing desu. Fuck junglers.