Will Minecraft ever be as based as it used to be?

Will Minecraft ever be as based as it used to be?

Pic related

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what the fuck it's real

very nice

Based Notch

how would they remove it before the next update
do they know how stupid this is

who? what? I dont get it

We're falling for 6 year old shit now?

>as based as it USED to be

>It appears to have been the doing of an unruly Minecraft user who was among many people who worked on language translations of the popular game. Minecraft's developers at Mojang have apologised and pinned this on the player-translator. The screenshot above is from Kotaku's Mike Fahey's version of the game.
Cheap fucks.

7 years.


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Reddit please leave

Don't think just because you put .jpg at the end doesn't mean we know you wanted to r/woosh without being called reddit faggot

You're not fooling anyone you redditor faggot.

Not that guy but
Who's the real reddit? Me for not knowing what the fuck r/woosh is or you for being informed little cuckolds about r/woosh.

>Me for not knowing what the fuck r/woosh
Sure you don't you redditor faggot, sure you don't.

ehm, which one is the slur? joel or neat?

i only know what it is because of faggots on youtubes comment section. shit is everywhere

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>prankster's racial slur

r/whoosh'd this guy!

It's says nigger right there you idiot.



got his ass devastated

Wait what?

Weren't switches translated to "nigger penis" at one point?

His anus is going to be r/woosh'ing from now on.

The FBI, CIA, and IRS are behind all the "MUH RACIST" crap. Why do you think there's not a single company that can say anything against it?

There's literally not a single corporation/company/person that can say anything against it.

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>conspiracy theory faggot

Pretty sure it's the fact that society can't stomach any unfavorable views and won't give money to companies who are spouting racial slurs every 2 minutes. Most companies don't want that. Do you know how capitalism works?

Name a single company, person, any kind of entity that can openly say nigger. The left say there's tons of alt-right neonazis who don't care about that so there's a market for it so any arguments about it being bad for business is bullshit.

Because most people and the social mainstream deemed racial slurs as a no-no. There's a market for anything but trying to appeal to racist people by saying NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER every two seconds like a 13-year old on a Gmod server will alienate the rest of the people who think that's not ok. Not everything is a kike conspiracy you fucking lunatic.

Apparently you don't get how free speech works either. You can say whatever the fuck you want, but that gives anybody the right to say whatever the fuck they want back. Things like people getting banned online for saying slurs isn't because of a government ploy, it's because platforms would prefer to save face by not condoning racism (which looks pretty bad nowadays)

Yeah its totally just conspiracy theory. Only 6 year olds hate black people. Blacks never did anything wrong to anyone.

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>The IRS.
Oh shit nigga you threw in the whole pole.

>kikes are telling everyone to not hate niggers but im smart so i hate them!
Fuck off back to infowars you lunatic

Rappers. Checkmate.

>putting words in his mouth

Thanks for missing the point of what I was saying you retarded shitstain.

>whites cannot hate blacks
>meanwhile kikes can do vid related on israel
Daily reminder that many people was agaisnt this video, including black and all of them got censored and not single word from the media, leftism is a fucking lie

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Still can't name anyone


This. Niggers get to say whatever the fuck they want in public and not a single company or form of government goes after them.

>whiteoid has persecution syndome
Feels like a new thing but it's been going on for centuries

>totally not a shitposting retard

The point isn't naming anybody, you fucking retard. The point is that there's a reason society doesn't like non-niggers saying niggers

Because corporations and governments aren’t the ones going after people you retard. It’s angry social media lefties. The other groups are caving to the pressure. Why are you so dumb?

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There's a qt.30 jp minecraft streamer so


>society doesn't like non-niggers saying niggers
americans are truly fucking stupid to end evolving into this

>It’s angry social media lefties
You're still a paranoid fuck.

Yeah lets pretend these don't exist fellow shitposting retard

Yeah, let's do that. Let's play a game of pretend.