>literally copypaste another game
>become succesful
what the fuck did he do?
>literally copypaste another game
>become succesful
what the fuck did he do?
Other urls found in this thread:
Made a game and became successful
a good strategy if pulled off right
>Literally release the best version of a game that has been badly mishandled by it's developer for over a decade
Mods help
It's on PC and the game he was ripping off had been an soulless annual cash grab for like 15 years at the point he released it
What he really did was take a series that has been throttled by its devs for quite a while, and then made a game that lives up to the standards of the earlier games in that series. Not hard to understand.
For waifus, the game is a complete failure.
But as a game, it's way better than Harvest Moon. RF3 and 4 are better but I'm a weeb so that could just be the bias talking.
its --------------------------------fun
As someone who hates weebshit I couldn't stand how anime the characters in RF were and I prefer Stardew. I do wish Stardew ripped off RF's dungeons and combat though.
For me the combat and adventuring aspects of RF are so shallow that it actually takes away from the Harvest Moon formula rather than improves it. Also the town area is extremely cramped and doesn't feel very immersive
They built a custom engine for the game even though they didn’t have to. Personally, for me I think the game has too much realism and too much tedious shit to do. I don’t find it fun or comfy, and almost impossible to come back to after a couple month break
He released it on PC and it was picked up by YouTubers and trendsetters. That is it.
People will gush about how it is better than HM/Story of Seasons, but it isn't. SoS provides the better farming focus, with a great variety of animals, crops and systems. Rune Factory provides the better adventure farming game.
Stardew tried to do both and fall short of both, add that to a lack of charm with the tumblrlite characters with forced "flaws and issues" and it's an inferior product all around, only liked by PC only fags who don't know better.
Harvest Moon SNES, N61 and BtN(PS1/GBA) are better than Stardew but Stardew is better than every other HM/SoS game
Let me fix that for you OP
>a game is released
>people really really enjoy the series
>each one an improvement over it's predecessor
>suddenly for no reason the games severely lack quality
>constant shit being released, devs don't give a fuck
>bombs in sales and reviews
>a decade later a fan decided to make his own game highlighting the fun aspects that everyone fell in love with in the first place and adding his own touch
>not anime waifus
>responds to criticism and fans constantly
>become successful
Wow it's almost as if products thrive where there's a niche for them.
A dash of basic combat and spelunking here, some deepest lore(tm) there, a nice big spoonfull of waifus to draw in degenerates, and plenty of options for how to run your farm and what to focus on to add replayability value
good mods?
Besides portrait replacements.
It's a fucking farming game with no crop variety. It focuses too much on the adventuring. Take cooking got example, it's natural and organic in HM but in SV it feels like you are just making fancier potions. There is only thought put on in wether things are useful or not, not if they are fun or fitting.
Also fuck off. The worst of HM like Grand Baazar is still better than SV. Dude should just go make a RPG, he could never make something as unique as AWL, that while a bit flawed, is still a one of a kind game with reasoning and ideals, not a souless grinding machine for normies.
No. Absolutely not. I like the original game but it doesn't hold a candle to SV or the better HM games.
Too much creativity is the new too big open world
>I think the game has too much realism
I think this too but it because he never found a balance between fantasy and realism in the game in one side you have friendly apple like spirits that bounce around and the other a guy with extremely depression and a whore that cheated on his husband.
Made it better than what it was based on.
Some powerful nostalgia faggotry in here
Okay, so which Harvest Moon should I play for the better experience?
Back to r*ddit
So you never played a Rune Factory game then.
I really tried to like this game but it was so ugly and boring, cant wait for RF5
Just bought it a second time, this time for PC though, alongside with starbound.
Have yet to install them though, let alone play them
>"cozy" looking world
Stardew Valley is basically the perfect bait for nostalgiafags and people who are more interested in the hype than the game, SV is fucking boring, specially the characters.
>absence of supply for HM games (the recent ones by Natsume are utter dogshit)
>copypaste most/all the good stuff about HM
>add some of its own mechanics
It's not hard to see why.
Now I'm just waiting for somebody to do the same with Advance Wars and FF Tactics
>years later and still no good complete portrait pack
The harvest moon style one is pretty good.
Except Haley looks like shit and Leah had a weird head.
Stardew wishes it was as good as FoMT
it exceeds it in some areas, get out from under the rock dude
Marvelous and Natsume left a gap and that nigger filled it
SV is a mediocre farming sim
>the only attractive female is married to a black guy
What did he mean by this?
It's not the best version ever, but it's the best version in a decade. I'm hoping my game is better than Stardew Valley at this - there are a lot of places where it's still garbage even if it's the only game in town ...
But Haley is single.
post it
>fatoso's pack
my nigga, I used to use that all the time
Now I use some cobbled together monstrosity from naver pages
Not yet. I've got a lot of work to do yet.
okay, I've seen a lot of emerging HM clones on twitter lately
I mean, I've seen them too. No promises about my game, but it's an HM clone that has nothing to do with farming. Hopefully one day you'll know it when I finally go public. I'm a year+ in and still going strong at least.
Not him but I dropped mine
Too much work desu
Good luck the game, user! Finish it!!
Should I try Stardew Valley, or another run through Friends of Mineral Town?
Lots of people are hoping on the hype train of SV without knowing what made it work
And then theres that Of Rice and Ruin. Dude’s been making the game for like 8 years and is extremely passionate with full autist mode with rice planting, and people keep saying its japanese SV
It sucks
Emulate Rune Factory 3 if you want to play a cozy jrpg farming game with actually attractive females.
If you like farming game, sure. SV has lots of QoL and a cool collection/progression system. The social system suck ass tho
really? what aspect/s made you drop it?
Give Stardew Valley a try with a few mods to see how you get on.
Then play More Friends of Mineral Town, because we all know that's the best version.
What's wrong with Sakuna? The Treehouse shit looked interesting.
my nigga
I would if there was an option to marry Elli
See, and that's what I don't understand about most of these other SV/HM clones that are being made. Somehow people seem to think that what makes these games special is getting super into autistic farm building, but what really separates early-era HM games from the pack is everything surrounding the farm - namely the town, countryside, and your interactions with it. Sure, the dogs are cute and it's rewarding to harvest a crop. But they're completely soulless if you think making a cute cow sprite and 30 steps to make your cows happy is what makes these games have longevity.
Mostly my code being a fucking mess and hating having to constantly improve the inventory system and getting burnt out on adding shop buy/sell support.
>next update will add a whole new map
Awesome. I hope they add new girls too.
Theres a few of these including wargroove or do they not add enough new mechanics to fit your criteria?
Friendly reminder that the whole reason "weeaboo" even exists as a slur now because of the wordfilter to wapanese, as there was an extensive dislike of overly japanese obsessed faggots on this website.
Telling someone to go back to "reddit" or anywhere else because they don't like "weebshit" only out you as new.
oh I see, coding can be a hurdle for some, just gotta keep at it
Theres nothing wrong. Its looking mighty fine
But people keep “dismissing” him by calling it a “SV clone”. Its infuriating how its like CA invented the genre
I dont have any beef with CA (the dev) tho. Hes passionate as fuck, just the fans are retarded
He looked at a idle, fallowed genre that has been completelly devastated by medicore Harvest Moon-titles and decided "Let's make a good farm game".
And he did, so his fame and wealth is well deserved.
You've added nothing to this thread.
>people keep saying its japanese SV
If anything it looks more like Muramasa with the combat, but then I don't really understand how they integrate those sections with the WELCOME TO THE RICEFIELDS MOTHERFUCKER sections.
It's the town aspect that really adds to the replayability, since your time management means you'll never be able to see or do everything in a single run.
That and I was always a sucker for the competitions. Having the best farm is never enough, I have to be the best cook and leave every opponent broken and beaten. Also, the idea that someone else is vying for the affections of your chosen waifu and you need to crush their dreams and force them out of the village in complete failure.
So there's something for everyone.
Well yeah, socializing has always been fun in the OG games, and no modern clone really capture it aside from RF
and sometimes heart breaking too. A wonderful life comes to mind
Oh boy then you’ll like RF2 then
Exactly right. And that's what I hope to remedy with my game. So I'm really ok knowing there are like 10 other clones in development focusing on making a farm / trying to make combat more viable / just adding Japanese aesthetics. I think they're largely down the wrong path. They may still sell and have a lot of heart, but I don't think they'll capitalize on the actual strength of the formula.
Just play the undub if you're going to play 2. The only voice that's better (or even comparable) in english is the big titty witch.
And here comes the jealous harvest moon faggots.
yeah, hate how you have to clean up your animal's shit in the new SoS
It's mostly competent and on Steam, a platform that it's competitors didn't really touch
Would FoMT be the undisputible farming sim king if it didn't have the awful inventory system?
>Tons of grinding to even start raising animals
>by the time you get them your first year is almost over
>doesn't even payoff more than just farming basic crops
All that time I wasted collecting logs for fucking nothing
>no Flora, or Flora clone
Into the trash it goes.
Animals are kind of shit, yeah. Who would've thought that farming is the best way to make money in a farming gaming.
>raised animals just for the bundles
>razed the buildings afterwards and made my money back with 40 tons of turnips
Holy crap, who is this goddess? Is this really Harvest moon? I have never played it.
She's stuck in the worst game (HMDS) and the most controversial game (A Wonderful Life)
Ranching is a part of farming you fucking retard.
>farmers don't raise animals
sauce on those portraits
Ranching is a part of ranching you fucking retard.
I've devoted my life to freeing her from her digital prison, soon we will be together.
That's right, ranchers raise animals
They're on naver, so I hope you live in south korea or are willing to send a photo of your drivers license to south korea.
looks like she just released noe for penny, too
>there has never once been an instance where farming and ranching was done at the same time under the same group of people on the same land
user, if Jojamart had there way, ranches and farms would be exclusive. But that's only how things work on a massive scale, smaller scale groups mix the two.
That would be why I put the :^) in spoilers, dummy
>playing HM
>claim my waifu
>spend the next few in game months doing everyone else's rival events because you just want the town residents to be happy
>give your romantic rival the finger though
Am I alone in this?
I usually go for the special bachelor/ettes just so nobody is left out.
Besides, they're usually better anyway.
Nope, fuck rick, his sister is getting blacked and I'm keeping Karen on every playthrough of mine
but kai is from okinawa
Definitely one of the few game series that let's you mating press, with results, a literal goddess.
Anyway, how fun is Stardew actually? Seems interesting
It's very subjective
Viva Pinata is a better game.
>fuck a goddess
>doesn't show up ever
>ditches you with a kid
You cucked yourself
I'm about to play this. Anything I should do first? I've heard there's a "beauty" mod that replaces SJW sprites with actual beauty sprites, so what's it called?
It's a good time sink. Has the fun of Harvest Moon's gameplay, but is lacking in the overall town interactions, or at least that was my experience.
I found it disappointing that dialogue doesn't seem to change based on friendship level, surely Penny would have more to say with me as her boyfriend then talking about how she hates living in a trailer day after day.
I think I get the good end of the bargain here. I don't have to listen to nagging or bitching, my kid is fucking magic, and the once a year sex is out of this world
But does the original has Elliot? I don't think so.
I recommend looking through a lot of mods before playing. At the very least get some QoL and graphics mods that fix the ugly vanilla portraits.
Here you go yo ufucking weeb
is my time at portia good?
Romance Jas mod
You stop that.
Saw this.
Pretty long list of mods to install, Jesus.
Didn't this fucker make Stardew while working partime as a cinema. He must have been living on cup noodles man. Guy has earned this success and money.
Guys I know nothing about HM or SV, can I just farm and sell stuff? Like have my own store and grow or help the town thrive without having to fight? I want a comfy game where I can just chill without having to dungeon crawl.
SV had some combat and dungeon crawling but I don’t recall FoMT having that just the mines for resources
>still no mod that lets you steal away Jodi from Kent while he's away for the first year in the army
Shit game
He makes free DLC/content updates after he's patched the game so that makes him a cool guy in my book. Just wished he released mod tools
>Not going for Caroline the better milf and cucking Pierre
In SV you can either dump your shit in a box that is auto-sold, or bring it to a store and sell it for the same amount. Also it's pretty damn hard to avoid mining/fighting but I think it can be done if you want to complete the "story"
the community has better mod tools already, trust me.
>both Pierre's and the The Wizard's used goods
No thanks.
Thanks anos, guess SV isn't for me, I just want to see my store/town/farm thrive, fuck dungeon crawlin
What's it called? I haven't kept up with the behind the scenes part of SDV modding
Aesthetic/setting is comfy. Gameplay is solid. Adds a few new things to the formula like the fishing minigame. Mods can be nice.
Only issue is there's not much reason to keep playing or replay after you've beaten the story and tricked out your farm a bit.
Depends on what you want to change, but there's enough shit to make a total conversion mod
well theres a farm map that almost rid you of the need to dungeon crawl, but yeah
bruh its been in SoS/HM games since ages
and even if its rather medicore as awhole, Hero of leaf valley's minigames are topnotch
>mining puzzle
>ocarina playing for commands
I would argue that yes stardew has areas that beat FOMT considerably more so. I love this series but you cannot tell me with a straight face that the control scheme doesn't need an upgrade.
With that being said I would say FOMT had a better focus and also had better village/town experience. I also think it's focus on farming and mining helped it rather then hindered it and if combat was entirely removed from Stardew it would be a better game.
Seriously the combat is atrocious and should be removed entirely. I also feel like FOMT did a better job on the grinding aspects. You don't have to grind nearly as much to upgrade but it's not so barebones it gives n64 a run for it's money.
That being said fucking no I don't like rune factory as much as HM for whole other reasons but I do enjoy the series as well. Finna play story of seasons.
Of course fishing has been a thing, but the way it's done is different.
SV is much more modern and has quite a few QoL upgrade yes, thats cant be denied. I enjoy SV for that
But yeah, everything else feel tacked on, esp socializing part
and if you like a more concise and condensed farming sim, RF definitely isnt for you. I love variety, so i love the series tho
Definitely try SoS trio of towns tho. The start is painfully slow, but once it pick up, man it blow SV out of the window
All of it just to see this man smile. No romance, the guy just needs a good break in his life.
How comfy is the game though? Are there any spooks?
I think there's only one token black guy, and his mulatto daughter.
Its not even as good to be considered a copy.
People just played it because it came out on PC up on Steam, and Harvest Moon/Rune Factory didnt.
I haven't played a farming simulator in ages, but from what I remember Stardew Valley and Trio of Towns are the only farming sims that didn't feel tedious and annoying to play for extended periods of time.
you're just sayimg that cause you can't fuck jas in vanilla you sad fat fuck
Just get a bunch of pigs and make truffle oil with the rancher profession and you won't need any other animals.
FoMT wishes it was as good as Back to Nature.
Because whites have more soul than gooks, thus their art does too.
>Harvest Moon devolves into mobile trash
>Someone makes a good spiritual successor and everyone jumps ship
>EA completely drops the ball and destroys the Sims City Franchise
>Someone makes a much better city builder and everyone jumps ship
>RCT owners can't into 3D
>Someone makes a solid 3D park designing game and everyone enjoys it
Why won't someone do this with the fucking Sims already?