The Outer Worlds is shi--

The Outer Worlds is shi--

Attached: D9AUKJ7VAAAbHrZ.jpg (1024x1024, 179K)

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I'll play it when it comes out on Game Pass

Attached: 1561682823118.jpg (768x1024, 196K)

I still don't trust nuObsidian

Attached: obsidian.png (2256x1368, 2.92M)

>playing shut in player games

What's wrong with women?

he's a memer

>team members from Age of Tranny and Deadfire
>Epic Exclusive
M$ might cancel the project they've given to Obsidian on the spot, knowing M$ and how badly this is gonna flop

If it was good the publisher would make more money selling it on as many stores as possible. They took the insurance because they had no confidence in the product.

No matter how good the game is, it doesn't change the fact that it's a linear, single player, role playing game and not some bombastic live-service looter shooter. Of coure they needed the insurance.

Why are whiny Steam rats so annoying? You weren't even going to buy the game anyway.

>deadfire writers
lmao dropped